Critic of Dowd-Frank Floated as Possible Treasury Secretary

Dodd Frank is DOA.....

Killing it will be a triumphant victory over liberal fascism.....


I thought Trump supporters hated Wall Street almost as much as they hated Washington, given that the financial industry is the biggest contributor to the sleaze and corruption of Washington.


They're playing both sides in a truly Orwellian way.

They tell people that the Dems and Hillary are in the pocket of Wall Street and [wait for it] they're crushing Wall Street.

The people to whom this message is directed may not know much about Wall Street. Meaning: the specifics of the message don't stick, but a deeper mistrust remains. This is the point of propaganda. To pepper the brain with manufactured scandals, half truths and fake stories, many contradictory in nature. It doesn't matter that Hillary was cleared by Comey, it only matters that the issue was strategically floated. The goal is to penetrate the deep, unconscious associative cortex: Dems = Bad.

If Trump starts imposing tariffs and disrupting the global system, the purchasing power of rust belt Americans will plummet. And we can assume his justice department will not pursue anti-trust legislation, so we will see collusion and mega-mergers go into overdrive. This will also drive up prices.

Here is the problem. When hard working rustbelt Americans start to get crushed by these policies, they will be distracted with the same barrage of manufactured stories and strategically inflated fears, from the Culture War to Terrorism. In 2006 people worried more about "Evil Doers" than the nuclear bomb that was slowly being detonated over the housing and financial markets. One can only imaging what this bulldozer of corruption and propaganda will destroy next.
Dodd Frank is DOA.....

Killing it will be a triumphant victory over liberal fascism.....


I thought Trump supporters hated Wall Street almost as much as they hated Washington, given that the financial industry is the biggest contributor to the sleaze and corruption of Washington.


They're playing both sides in a truly Orwellian way.

They tell people that the Dems and Hillary are in the pocket of Wall Street and [wait for it] they're crushing Wall Street.

The people to whom this message is directed may not know much about Wall Street. Meaning: the specifics of the message don't stick, but a deeper mistrust remains. This is the point of propaganda. To pepper the brain with manufactured scandals, half truths and fake stories, many contradictory in nature. It doesn't matter that Hillary was cleared by Comey, it only matters that the issue was strategically floated. The goal is to penetrate the deep, unconscious associative cortex: Dems = Bad.

If Trump starts imposing tariffs and disrupting the global system, the purchasing power of rust belt Americans will plummet. And we can assume his justice department will not pursue anti-trust legislation, so we will see collusion and mega-mergers go into overdrive. This will also drive up prices.

Here is the problem. When hard working rustbelt Americans start to get crushed by these policies, they will be distracted with the same barrage of manufactured stories and strategically inflated fears, from the Culture War to Terrorism. In 2006 people worried more about "Evil Doers" than the nuclear bomb that was slowly being detonated over the housing and financial markets. One can only imaging what this bulldozer of corruption and propaganda will destroy next.
So you admit you want to keep Americans down and allow all kind of foreign shit into our country and keep the trade imbalance. how democrat of you.
Dodd Frank is DOA.....

Killing it will be a triumphant victory over liberal fascism.....


I thought Trump supporters hated Wall Street almost as much as they hated Washington, given that the financial industry is the biggest contributor to the sleaze and corruption of Washington.
Proving that you do not have a clue how the government works. You you didn't.

I work in the financial industry and have worked in the government for many years.

So I understand.



Donald Trump’s transition team raced to form his cabinet on Thursday as more names were floated for some of the biggest jobs in the president-elect’s administration, including a foe of financial regulation for the powerful position of Treasury secretary.

U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, a Texas Republican known for his sharp criticism of the 2010 financial regulatory overhaul, is among a growing list of potential nominees for the cabinet as speculation increased about who would surround the new president in office, people familiar with the discussions said.​

Trump’s Transition Team Works to Form Cabinet

Will Wall Street get what they want from President Trump?

Dot Com
STILL better than Wall Street's favorite lap dog :up: hiLIARy (you should know, you're Ravi's lap dog)

Your welcome

What a rube.

Thanks dumbcon.

My bank account will continue to grow, while you will continue to whine.

Dot Com
So, they get rid of Dodd-Frank... how many years until we have another housing market crash?
Dodd Frank is DOA.....

Killing it will be a triumphant victory over liberal fascism.....


I thought Trump supporters hated Wall Street almost as much as they hated Washington, given that the financial industry is the biggest contributor to the sleaze and corruption of Washington.
Proving that you do not have a clue how the government works. You you didn't.

I work in the financial industry and have worked in the government for many years.

So I understand.


As a liberal....
Dodd Frank is DOA.....

Killing it will be a triumphant victory over liberal fascism.....


I thought Trump supporters hated Wall Street almost as much as they hated Washington, given that the financial industry is the biggest contributor to the sleaze and corruption of Washington.


They're playing both sides in a truly Orwellian way.

They tell people that the Dems and Hillary are in the pocket of Wall Street and [wait for it] they're crushing Wall Street.

The people to whom this message is directed may not know much about Wall Street. Meaning: the specifics of the message don't stick, but a deeper mistrust remains. This is the point of propaganda. To pepper the brain with manufactured scandals, half truths and fake stories, many contradictory in nature. It doesn't matter that Hillary was cleared by Comey, it only matters that the issue was strategically floated. The goal is to penetrate the deep, unconscious associative cortex: Dems = Bad.

If Trump starts imposing tariffs and disrupting the global system, the purchasing power of rust belt Americans will plummet. And we can assume his justice department will not pursue anti-trust legislation, so we will see collusion and mega-mergers go into overdrive. This will also drive up prices.

Here is the problem. When hard working rustbelt Americans start to get crushed by these policies, they will be distracted with the same barrage of manufactured stories and strategically inflated fears, from the Culture War to Terrorism. In 2006 people worried more about "Evil Doers" than the nuclear bomb that was slowly being detonated over the housing and financial markets. One can only imaging what this bulldozer of corruption and propaganda will destroy next.

Also something to funny to sink your teeth into. One of Trump's top picks to be Sec. of the Treasury is a former big wig at Goldman Sachs... yeah the same Goldman Sachs that Trump made such a big deal about Hillary giving speeches to.
Dodd Frank is DOA.....

Killing it will be a triumphant victory over liberal fascism.....


I thought Trump supporters hated Wall Street almost as much as they hated Washington, given that the financial industry is the biggest contributor to the sleaze and corruption of Washington.


They're playing both sides in a truly Orwellian way.

They tell people that the Dems and Hillary are in the pocket of Wall Street and [wait for it] they're crushing Wall Street.

The people to whom this message is directed may not know much about Wall Street. Meaning: the specifics of the message don't stick, but a deeper mistrust remains. This is the point of propaganda. To pepper the brain with manufactured scandals, half truths and fake stories, many contradictory in nature. It doesn't matter that Hillary was cleared by Comey, it only matters that the issue was strategically floated. The goal is to penetrate the deep, unconscious associative cortex: Dems = Bad.

If Trump starts imposing tariffs and disrupting the global system, the purchasing power of rust belt Americans will plummet. And we can assume his justice department will not pursue anti-trust legislation, so we will see collusion and mega-mergers go into overdrive. This will also drive up prices.

Here is the problem. When hard working rustbelt Americans start to get crushed by these policies, they will be distracted with the same barrage of manufactured stories and strategically inflated fears, from the Culture War to Terrorism. In 2006 people worried more about "Evil Doers" than the nuclear bomb that was slowly being detonated over the housing and financial markets. One can only imaging what this bulldozer of corruption and propaganda will destroy next.

Also something to funny to sink your teeth into. One of Trump's top picks to be Sec. of the Treasury is a former big wig at Goldman Sachs... yeah the same Goldman Sachs that Trump made such a big deal about Hillary giving speeches to.
A liberal? :lol:

Donald Trump’s transition team raced to form his cabinet on Thursday as more names were floated for some of the biggest jobs in the president-elect’s administration, including a foe of financial regulation for the powerful position of Treasury secretary.

U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, a Texas Republican known for his sharp criticism of the 2010 financial regulatory overhaul, is among a growing list of potential nominees for the cabinet as speculation increased about who would surround the new president in office, people familiar with the discussions said.​

Trump’s Transition Team Works to Form Cabinet

Will Wall Street get what they want from President Trump?

Dot Com
STILL better than Wall Street's favorite lap dog :up: hiLIARy (you should know, you're Ravi's lap dog)

Your welcome

What a rube.

Thanks dumbcon.

My bank account will continue to grow, while you will continue to whine.

Dot Com
Says the guy whose candidate lost you moron. Only Toro pretzel logic can turn a defeat- his voting for the crony Ultimate Insider- hiLIARy into a win

You are REALLY dumb Toto :thup:

I'll say it real slow for you Dummy-


Donald Trump’s transition team raced to form his cabinet on Thursday as more names were floated for some of the biggest jobs in the president-elect’s administration, including a foe of financial regulation for the powerful position of Treasury secretary.

U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, a Texas Republican known for his sharp criticism of the 2010 financial regulatory overhaul, is among a growing list of potential nominees for the cabinet as speculation increased about who would surround the new president in office, people familiar with the discussions said.​

Trump’s Transition Team Works to Form Cabinet

Will Wall Street get what they want from President Trump?

Dot Com
STILL better than Wall Street's favorite lap dog :up: hiLIARy (you should know, you're Ravi's lap dog)

Your welcome

What a rube.

Thanks dumbcon.

My bank account will continue to grow, while you will continue to whine.

Dot Com
Says the guy whose candidate lost you moron. Only Toro pretzel logic can turn a defeat- his voting for the crony Ultimate Insider- hiLIARy into a win

You are REALLY dumb Toto :thup:

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

Have fun living in a third world country. fool.
Dodd Frank is DOA.....

Killing it will be a triumphant victory over liberal fascism.....


I thought Trump supporters hated Wall Street almost as much as they hated Washington, given that the financial industry is the biggest contributor to the sleaze and corruption of Washington.


They're playing both sides in a truly Orwellian way.

They tell people that the Dems and Hillary are in the pocket of Wall Street and [wait for it] they're crushing Wall Street.

The people to whom this message is directed may not know much about Wall Street. Meaning: the specifics of the message don't stick, but a deeper mistrust remains. This is the point of propaganda. To pepper the brain with manufactured scandals, half truths and fake stories, many contradictory in nature. It doesn't matter that Hillary was cleared by Comey, it only matters that the issue was strategically floated. The goal is to penetrate the deep, unconscious associative cortex: Dems = Bad.

If Trump starts imposing tariffs and disrupting the global system, the purchasing power of rust belt Americans will plummet. And we can assume his justice department will not pursue anti-trust legislation, so we will see collusion and mega-mergers go into overdrive. This will also drive up prices.

Here is the problem. When hard working rustbelt Americans start to get crushed by these policies, they will be distracted with the same barrage of manufactured stories and strategically inflated fears, from the Culture War to Terrorism. In 2006 people worried more about "Evil Doers" than the nuclear bomb that was slowly being detonated over the housing and financial markets. One can only imaging what this bulldozer of corruption and propaganda will destroy next.

Also something to funny to sink your teeth into. One of Trump's top picks to be Sec. of the Treasury is a former big wig at Goldman Sachs... yeah the same Goldman Sachs that Trump made such a big deal about Hillary giving speeches to.
A liberal? :lol:

A civilized human being...You're not much different then the isis or taliban...Just another savage.
Dodd Frank is DOA.....

Killing it will be a triumphant victory over liberal fascism.....


I thought Trump supporters hated Wall Street almost as much as they hated Washington, given that the financial industry is the biggest contributor to the sleaze and corruption of Washington.


They're playing both sides in a truly Orwellian way.

They tell people that the Dems and Hillary are in the pocket of Wall Street and [wait for it] they're crushing Wall Street.

The people to whom this message is directed may not know much about Wall Street. Meaning: the specifics of the message don't stick, but a deeper mistrust remains. This is the point of propaganda. To pepper the brain with manufactured scandals, half truths and fake stories, many contradictory in nature. It doesn't matter that Hillary was cleared by Comey, it only matters that the issue was strategically floated. The goal is to penetrate the deep, unconscious associative cortex: Dems = Bad.

If Trump starts imposing tariffs and disrupting the global system, the purchasing power of rust belt Americans will plummet. And we can assume his justice department will not pursue anti-trust legislation, so we will see collusion and mega-mergers go into overdrive. This will also drive up prices.

Here is the problem. When hard working rustbelt Americans start to get crushed by these policies, they will be distracted with the same barrage of manufactured stories and strategically inflated fears, from the Culture War to Terrorism. In 2006 people worried more about "Evil Doers" than the nuclear bomb that was slowly being detonated over the housing and financial markets. One can only imaging what this bulldozer of corruption and propaganda will destroy next.

Also something to funny to sink your teeth into. One of Trump's top picks to be Sec. of the Treasury is a former big wig at Goldman Sachs... yeah the same Goldman Sachs that Trump made such a big deal about Hillary giving speeches to.
A liberal? :lol:

He worked for Soros....

Mnuchin amassed a fortune estimated at over $40 million while working for Goldman Sachs, where his father had worked for three decades and had also made a fortune.[5][6]

In 2002, Mnuchin left Goldman and worked briefly for his Yale roommate Edward Lampert, chief executive of Sears. He also briefly worked for Soros Fund Management in their private equity division during the "Goldman" period with Jacob Goldfield and Mark Schwartz.

Steven Mnuchin - Wikipedia

Donald Trump’s transition team raced to form his cabinet on Thursday as more names were floated for some of the biggest jobs in the president-elect’s administration, including a foe of financial regulation for the powerful position of Treasury secretary.

U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, a Texas Republican known for his sharp criticism of the 2010 financial regulatory overhaul, is among a growing list of potential nominees for the cabinet as speculation increased about who would surround the new president in office, people familiar with the discussions said.​

Trump’s Transition Team Works to Form Cabinet

Will Wall Street get what they want from President Trump?

Dot Com
STILL better than Wall Street's favorite lap dog :up: hiLIARy (you should know, you're Ravi's lap dog)

Your welcome

What a rube.

Thanks dumbcon.

My bank account will continue to grow, while you will continue to whine.

Dot Com
Says the guy whose candidate lost you moron. Only Toro pretzel logic can turn a defeat- his voting for the crony Ultimate Insider- hiLIARy into a win

You are REALLY dumb Toto :thup:

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

Have fun living in a third world country. fool.
NEWSFLASH Jimmy!!! Theres a reason hiLIARy lost, people knew she was selling dopes like you down the river. 70% untrustworthy numbers. Unheard of.

IOW's buy a clue kid then tell Toro so he doesn't embarrass himself further
Dodd Frank is DOA.....

Killing it will be a triumphant victory over liberal fascism.....


I thought Trump supporters hated Wall Street almost as much as they hated Washington, given that the financial industry is the biggest contributor to the sleaze and corruption of Washington.
HEaring Glass Steagall will be reinstated

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