Critical race theory

Is this the nonsense that Obama taught his students? I think everyone needs to read this. Liberals, conservatives and libertarians.
If you are a believer of this stuff you need help. Imagine our president believing this BS...makes me sick.

What is Critical Race Theory? « UCLA School of Public Affairs | Critical Race Studies
As far as I can tell, CRT says racism can be institutionalized so you don't have to have a racist in power for people to suffer from racism. Sounds possible; not likely, not unlikely, just possible. For Pete's sake, look at the stats for death sentences and how black defendents are much more likely to get a death sentence than white defendents over the same crime.

So go ahead. Tell me why I need help.
It's the logical conclusion to extreme leftism in the US. It all comes down to that.
It's the logical conclusion to extreme leftism in the US. It all comes down to that.
I find it amazing you could type two sentences so utterly devoid of content. Bravo sir.

Please explain how fighting institutionalized racism is "extreme leftism". Or are you saying only the left fights racism?
It's the logical conclusion to extreme leftism in the US. It all comes down to that.
I find it amazing you could type two sentences so utterly devoid of content. Bravo sir.

Please explain how fighting institutionalized racism is "extreme leftism". Or are you saying only the left fights racism?

Based on the way the GOP has been acting lately, I'd say that only the left are the ones fighting racism.
Why does Papa Obama hate white people?

He feels that way about America....and since there are so many white folks in America, I can see the generalizations involved.

1. Barack Obama is backed by and deeply tied to an anti-American fringe nexus that was instrumental in his mentoring him, and in overthrowing the moderate wing of the Democratic Party, and continues to influence Obama’s White House strategy.

2. While many are aware of the years Obama spent at the feet of the racialist, anti-American minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright at the Trinity United Church of Christ, very few are cognizant of his earlier introduction to revolutionary-infused religion at the a far-left activist church that may have helped provide the president's initial political education.

a. “The Hawaii church where President Obama attended Sunday school as a boy has "always" been involved in political activism, the church's pastor told WND in an interview. "The Sunday school has always been and to this day still is involved in political activism," said Rev. Mike Young, pastor of First Unitarian Church of Honolulu.
Obama tied to Ayers … at age 11

b. First Unitarian, a member of the Unitarian Universalist denomination, served as a sanctuary for draft dodgers and was strongly tied to the Students for a Democratic Society, or SDS, during the time Weatherman radical Bill Ayers was a leader in that organization. The Weathermen was an offshoot of the SDS. Obama, however, likely learned values during his Sunday school days at the First Unitarian in the early 1970s. In his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father," Obama recounts on page 17 moving to Hawaii and being enrolled in the Unitarian church. When Obama's maternal grandmother died last November, the memorial service, attended by the then–presidential candidate, was held in Honolulu's Unitarian church. Obama tied to Ayers … at age 11

3. During Obama's attendance in the early 1970s, the church was a hotbed of far-leftist activism. The church notoriously granted sanctuary to U.S. military deserters recruited by the SDS. The deserters' exploits at the church were front page news for months in 1969, including articles in the New York Times. Eventually, the police raided the church as well as another nearby Honolulu worship house, Crossroads, that was also providing sanctuary to draft dodgers.

4. “"Activism for peace and human rights causes has characterized the congregation of the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu since it was organized 50 years ago. Members were instrumental in founding the League of Women Voters and activating a local branch of the American Civil Liberties Union. It offered sanctuary to servicemen who went AWOL to avoid being sent to Vietnam. It helped launch the Save Our Constitution effort to fight the constitutional amendment on same-sex marriages. And just recently, the church sponsored a Death with Dignity poll that collected a 72 percent response in favor of end-of-life legislation....” Honolulu Star-Bulletin Features

5. The Dunhams moved to Honolulu in 1960 after Ann graduated and quickly became friends with leftists such as now-Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) and Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis. Obama's mother-to-be enrolled at the University of Hawaii and soon met Barack Obama Sr. in a Russian language class. She would remain affiliated with the University for most of her life. Archived-Articles: The Unitarian Church and Obama's Religious Upbringing

Covered more fully in "The Manchurian President," by Aaron Klein
It's the logical conclusion to extreme leftism in the US. It all comes down to that.
I find it amazing you could type two sentences so utterly devoid of content. Bravo sir.

Please explain how fighting institutionalized racism is "extreme leftism". Or are you saying only the left fights racism?

Based on the way the GOP has been acting lately, I'd say that only the left are the ones fighting racism.

Based on this sentence, from the linked article, there's no "fighting" it:

CRT recognizes that racism is engrained in the fabric and system of the American society. The individual racist need not exist to note that institutional racism is pervasive in the dominant culture.

So, what to do???
It's the logical conclusion to extreme leftism in the US. It all comes down to that.
I find it amazing you could type two sentences so utterly devoid of content. Bravo sir.

Please explain how fighting institutionalized racism is "extreme leftism". Or are you saying only the left fights racism?

Based on the way the GOP has been acting lately, I'd say that only the left are the ones fighting racism.
The left is perpetuating 'race' issues precisely to keep those they've convinced "on the Statist Plantation"...

It's more partisan horseshit by a bunch of rascists.
Still waiting for proof that Obama either currently does, or has previously, supported the critical race theory.

See the partisans' plan here, kiddies?

Keep talking about RACE so that we never talk about the real divide in this nation ...CLASS.

And most of you clueless partisan dopes keep falling for it why?

Because you truly are useful tools for the MASTERS.

They hold up a bone for you idiots to squabble over and like the fools that you really are you're yelping at EACH OTHER like packs of dogs.

Meanwhile the MASTERS systematically strip US ALL of our rights and citizens and they bankrupt this nation, but you two groups of clueless dupes are so busy pissing on each other, you don't have time to LOOK at what is REALLY happening to our nation.

No wonder the MASTERS have such contempt for the masses.

You're nothing but dancing puppets on their string.
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Is this the nonsense that Obama taught his students? I think everyone needs to read this. Liberals, conservatives and libertarians.
If you are a believer of this stuff you need help. Imagine our president believing this BS...makes me sick.

What is Critical Race Theory? « UCLA School of Public Affairs | Critical Race Studies
As far as I can tell, CRT says racism can be institutionalized so you don't have to have a racist in power for people to suffer from racism. Sounds possible; not likely, not unlikely, just possible. For Pete's sake, look at the stats for death sentences and how black defendents are much more likely to get a death sentence than white defendents over the same crime.

So go ahead. Tell me why I need help.

Because you automatically see people in terms of their race, rather than in terms of their character and actions?

Tell me, why do you look automatically and only at people's race when it comes to sentencing? And how do you know blacks are "more likely" to get the death sentence, ie. how do you know it's because they're black? What were the other (if any) factors you looked at?

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