Critics Blast GOP Senator Directly Harming Military Readiness

That was what people said when the Military was Desegregated. There was some problems at first, but they were resolved and in a short time the Military was better than ever.

It was the claim that was made when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell became the policy. The military was fine. A handful of people left. A vast majority remained and served out their terms. Recruitment was the same before and after.

Openly gay serving members was another change that would see readiness destroyed. Yet. It wasn’t.

That’s the problem. People have made the claim too many times for it to be taken seriously by anyone who knows even flash card level history. And if they know the details, such claims are not just laughable. But obviously produced with the idea that everyone is as biased and intolerant as the speaker.
That’s incorrect about readiness.

So tell us about readiness as it applies to weight and fitness requirements.
For a while, it was a race between Tommy Tubs, Kennedy, and JD Vance to see who would take the mantle as most useless Senator.
That debate has been concluded. Tommy wins hands down. Honestly, 1 of a 100. Elite position in politics. To a former college football coach who couldn't string two coherent sentences together if he tried.

Sad what passes for GOP material nowadays! ")
At least he doesn't think islands tip over like the genius on your side.
I'd be willing to bet that you never served in the military or have seen the changes that have taken place in the military since Ford was president, like I have.
Clearly you have your head up your ass.

I was there when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell took place. I served from ‘88 to ‘97. The Army of ‘88 was Reagan’s. Then I went to war under Bush. I continued to serve under Clinton.

The Army didn’t run around secretly hunting Gays. A few did. But most just decided to pretend that nobody was Gay. I never cared if someone was Gay. I thought it was none of my business when I was a kid. Why should I care as an adult?

Then as I continued to learn I was surprised to learn the Spartans were Gay or Bisexual. They were even pedophiles by modern standards. Yet they were the baddest and most feared Soldiers in History.

Of course people like you assume that anyone who doesn’t think like you do must not really understand. I on the other hand know you are just a bigot who won’t accept he is in the minority. Just like the people who didn’t want Blacks serving alongside whites under Truman.
That’s incorrect about readiness.

So tell us about readiness as it applies to weight and fitness requirements.

Huh. I could be wrong. But the 82nd looks the same today as they did when I was jumping with them.

Oh they have different uniforms. Different parachutes. Different weapons. But they are still going knees to the breeze out of airplanes. Sure they were C-141 in my day and those are all retired in favor of C-17’s. Sure the pilots driving the planes were either babies babbling when I jumped or not born. But it sure looks the same.

The fellow Vets who have come along afterwards tell similar stories. A good friend at work is a retired First Sergeant. Odd that he didn’t complain about any of this. Another friend is a Retired Green Beret SFC. His main complaint is that Soldiers don’t look like soldiers with poor Uniform standards.

One guy I know is pretty upset about the modern military. He once talked to a Recruiter and hung out with some Soldiers at a bar a few times. Like many of you he doesn’t like Gays or Minorities.

Otherwise the Veterans I know who are Black, Brown, White, and whatever other color you want don’t seem to care.

But hey. I’m sure that there are a few who don’t like it. The problem is the vast majority don’t see it the extremist way.

Huh. I could be wrong. But the 82nd looks the same today as they did when I was jumping with them.

Oh they have different uniforms. Different parachutes. Different weapons. But they are still going knees to the breeze out of airplanes. Sure they were C-141 in my day and those are all retired in favor of C-17’s. Sure the pilots driving the planes were either babies babbling when I jumped or not born. But it sure looks the same.

The fellow Vets who have come along afterwards tell similar stories. A good friend at work is a retired First Sergeant. Odd that he didn’t complain about any of this. Another friend is a Retired Green Beret SFC. His main complaint is that Soldiers don’t look like soldiers with poor Uniform standards.

One guy I know is pretty upset about the modern military. He once talked to a Recruiter and hung out with some Soldiers at a bar a few times. Like many of you he doesn’t like Gays or Minorities.

Otherwise the Veterans I know who are Black, Brown, White, and whatever other color you want don’t seem to care.

But hey. I’m sure that there are a few who don’t like it. The problem is the vast majority don’t see it the extremist way.

I don’t know if you were military or not. I come from a family with a long history of military service and without exception, my family members don’t see a military that looks like it did even 10 years ago. They see any number of dangers in a woke, tranny focused military that places gender ideology ahead of readiness.
I think there are some exceptions when it comes to woman, but most of them, I discovered, were pretty useless.
They almost always were at sick-call during PT and half of them got knocked up before deployments.

I once was on a flight from Newark to LA. There were six female soldiers in the lounge. One of them sat next to me on the flight to LA.
She told me they were returning from Afghanistan because they were pregnant. I asked how Afghanistan was and she described it as “Queen for a year”.
Soldiers were forbidden to fraternize with local women and they were the only game in town. No matter how unattractive you were, you still had six or seven guys flocking around you, doing your details and doing whatever you asked them to do.
I don’t know if you were military or not. I come from a family with a long history of military service and without exception, my family members don’t see a military that looks like it did even 10 years ago. They see any number of dangers in a woke, tranny focused military that places gender ideology ahead of readiness.

My Nephew just got out. He went 11B. He couldn’t get a Jump School slot or Ranger school slot. They were booked solid for his MOS.

If the military is so wrapped up why couldn’t he get slots to those schools? BUDS has tons of enlistees in the Navy. In fact they have so many kids signing up to get BUDS right out of Basic that the kids who fail are called BUDS Duds since they spent the rest of their enlistment in shit jobs. That is a minor scandal in the Navy right now. How those kids are being treated in the selection course and after a majority of them wash out.

When I went to Jump School at Benning which is called Moore now, about half of those in the school didn’t graduate. We had Air Force PJ’s, Marine Recon, Navy Seal’s, and of course all the Army MOS people. We even had a Navy Corpsman assigned to Fleet Marine Force Recon there. He was most put out that we lowly Soldiers dared to call him Doc. He informed us that we were not to call him Doc, we were not Marines. We were lowly Soldiers.

That funny aside. When President Clinton announced his intention to allow Gays to serve in the Military. There was some confusion. The Officers briefed us saying they couldn’t see how it would be done. Desperate facilities would be required and all that. Privately I thought that the Gays were already there. I didn’t care. Don’t Ask was implemented shortly after as a compromise.

Things settled down and everyone went back to training and all that.

As for your Battalion Commander concern. The average soldier never sees the Commander. Oh we will see them at Battalion Formations. The weekly Battalion Run on Friday. We might see him at the Mess Hall. Sorry Dining Facility. We saw a bit more of the Sergeant Major. We usually wanted to avoid the Sergeant Major.

The problem with your situation is that there are several levels of command between your fifteen year veteran enlisted and the Battalion Commander. Let’s say he is a Platoon Sergeant. A senior E-6 or E-7. Then there is a Lieutenant and First Sergeant as his next stop. The Executive Officer and Company Commander. The chances of this individual seeing the Commander on anything other than Payday is pretty slim.

Then of course. There is the E-4 Mafia. Specialists are everywhere. If you are a good officer the Specialists will take care of you. If you suck they’ll knife you in ways you wouldn’t believe. They are in supply, administration, the motor pool, and the list goes on. They’ll lose your shot records. They’ll lose your request forms. They’ll ship you stuff you don’t want but comes off your accounts. Stuff that will take an act of Congress to get unscrewed in the paperwork.

The reality is that the officers are judged on their actions and their accomplishments. If the soldiers like the officer they’ll try harder. If they don’t they’ll screw around just enough to ruin his or her chances of advancement.
I once was on a flight from Newark to LA. There were six female soldiers in the lounge. One of them sat next to me on the flight to LA.
She told me they were returning from Afghanistan because they were pregnant. I asked how Afghanistan was and she described it as “Queen for a year”.
Soldiers were forbidden to fraternize with local women and they were the only game in town. No matter how unattractive you were, you still had six or seven guys flocking around you, doing your details and doing whatever you asked them to do.
Tell me something I don't know.

Quickest way out of a deployment is to let somebody knock you up.

After 6 months those chicks will fuck anyone to get sent home.

Women are extremely bad for morale.
I was there when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell took place. I served from ‘88 to ‘97. The Army of ‘88 was Reagan’s. Then I went to war under Bush. I continued to serve under Clinton.

The Army didn’t run around secretly hunting Gays. A few did. But most just decided to pretend that nobody was Gay. I never cared if someone was Gay. I thought it was none of my business when I was a kid. Why should I care as an adult?

Then as I continued to learn I was surprised to learn the Spartans were Gay or Bisexual. They were even pedophiles by modern standards. Yet they were the baddest and most feared Soldiers in History.

Of course people like you assume that anyone who doesn’t think like you do must not really understand. I on the other hand know you are just a bigot who won’t accept he is in the minority. Just like the people who didn’t want Blacks serving alongside whites under Truman.
Problem with you is you think everyone who doesn't buy into your bull shit is a racist.
I've been married to an African-American female for going on 50 years.

I joined in 74', and the changes in the military were drastic. 88' was post civil rights. All of the most drastic changes had already taken place years before that.
And the Spartans were Greeks, and they were badasses not because they were fags but because they trained harder than anyone in their age. They started training when they were children....and the training was so harsh that any Democrat would accuse them of being RACIST MAGA!!!!
For the first time in over a century, the U.S. Marine Corps will not have a permanent leader. Current Marine Corps Commandant David Berger is required to retire on Monday, but due to a hold on hundreds of military promotions by Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, there is no confirmed replacement,” PBS says.

Correction. Republicans have never been the party that supported the military.
Promoting Biden's choice would harm military readiness
Problem with you is you think everyone who doesn't buy into your bull shit is a racist.
I've been married to an African-American female for going on 50 years.

I joined in 74', and the changes in the military were drastic. 88' was post civil rights. All of the most drastic changes had already taken place years before that.
And the Spartans were Greeks, and they were badasses not because they were fags but because they trained harder than anyone in their age. They started training when they were children....and the training was so harsh that any Democrat would accuse them of being RACIST MAGA!!!!

I didn’t say you were a racist. I said bigot. Bigot does not mean racist. It means you have opinions you refuse to reconsider towards others. Your hatred of and intolerance towards Gays and anyone not exactly like you is the reason I called you a bigot.

Reading comprehension is another weakness of yours.
I didn’t say you were a racist. I said bigot. Bigot does not mean racist. It means you have opinions you refuse to reconsider towards others. Your hatred of and intolerance towards Gays and anyone not exactly like you is the reason I called you a bigot.

Reading comprehension is another weakness of yours.
Calling me a bigot means you're a bigot.

I don't have any problem with gays.
I have a problem with people who force their lifestyles down everyone else's throats.

I don't like people who fuck little boys.

And I don't have a reading comprehension problem because I always score high in that.
I do have a problem with math.
For the first time in over a century, the U.S. Marine Corps will not have a permanent leader. Current Marine Corps Commandant David Berger is required to retire on Monday, but due to a hold on hundreds of military promotions by Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, there is no confirmed replacement,” PBS says.

Correction. Republicans have never been the party that supported the military.
Don't need a woke general in command of anything it would be worse than not having one at all.
Calling me a bigot means you're a bigot.

I don't have any problem with gays.
I have a problem with people who force their lifestyles down everyone else's throats.

I don't like people who fuck little boys.

And I don't have a reading comprehension problem because I always score high in that.
I do have a problem with math.

The idea that the presence of non traditional lifestyle people will cause some irreparable harm to the military is laughable. The long history of the Military says that just isn’t true. Oh there will be some issues. But the Chain of Command will handle it. They always have. They always will. That is what they do.

True story. I was in PLDC when “It’s a Black Thing” t shirts were common. One of my fellow students wore one during our down time. I talked to him about it.

He explained that it referenced how my Great Grandfather owned his Great Grandfather. I told him my Great Grandfather came to this nation through Ellis Island after the Civil War was long over. At the time the war was going on my ancestors were peasant reindeer herders in Norway.

After telling him and those around about my Family History. We all got a laugh and in time we became friendly.

The same attitude I had then I have now. I don’t care. I don’t care what two consenting adults do. It’s none of my business.

I noticed something. Perhaps you can help me out. I noticed you objected to anyone having sex with little boys. I assume you are talking about the Spartans, and their practices of enforced homosexuality and even pedophilia. However I’d argue that anyone who sleeps with children, male of female is a problem.

I know a few Gay couples with children. And I don’t have any reason to suspect they have done anything wrong to their kids. I don’t believe they are any more or less likely to abuse their children. Otherwise we could just as easily argue that Fathers are likely to have an unreasonable and unacceptable attraction towards their daughters.
The idea that the presence of non traditional lifestyle people will cause some irreparable harm to the military is laughable. The long history of the Military says that just isn’t true. Oh there will be some issues. But the Chain of Command will handle it. They always have. They always will. That is what they do.

True story. I was in PLDC when “It’s a Black Thing” t shirts were common. One of my fellow students wore one during our down time. I talked to him about it.

He explained that it referenced how my Great Grandfather owned his Great Grandfather. I told him my Great Grandfather came to this nation through Ellis Island after the Civil War was long over. At the time the war was going on my ancestors were peasant reindeer herders in Norway.

After telling him and those around about my Family History. We all got a laugh and in time we became friendly.

The same attitude I had then I have now. I don’t care. I don’t care what two consenting adults do. It’s none of my business.

I noticed something. Perhaps you can help me out. I noticed you objected to anyone having sex with little boys. I assume you are talking about the Spartans, and their practices of enforced homosexuality and even pedophilia. However I’d argue that anyone who sleeps with children, male of female is a problem.

I know a few Gay couples with children. And I don’t have any reason to suspect they have done anything wrong to their kids. I don’t believe they are any more or less likely to abuse their children. Otherwise we could just as easily argue that Fathers are likely to have an unreasonable and unacceptable attraction towards their daughters.
My sister is a lesbian. So you're barking up the wrong tree.

The problem with you Dummycraps is you assign characteristics to people that they don't deserve, mainly because you don't seem to think that your side ever does anything wrong. No matter how despicable it is. As long as your masters give you the talking-points, you're going to stick to them even if it's outright murder you're supporting.
My sister is a lesbian. So you're barking up the wrong tree.

The problem with you Dummycraps is you assign characteristics to people that they don't deserve, mainly because you don't seem to think that your side ever does anything wrong. No matter how despicable it is. As long as your masters give you the talking-points, you're going to stick to them even if it's outright murder you're supporting.

So just to understand. You object to these people being in the military but you are married to a Black and have a Lesbian for a sister. Why do you object to them being in the military?
So just to understand. You object to these people being in the military but you are married to a Black and have a Lesbian for a sister. Why do you object to them being in the military?
Again, you're trying to put words in my mouth.

You simply cannot shake those false-stereotypes your masters are teaching you.

I don't have a problem with gays. I just don't think they should be teaching our kids to be gay, and I don't think they should be put in charge because they like dudes.
For the first time in over a century, the U.S. Marine Corps will not have a permanent leader. Current Marine Corps Commandant David Berger is required to retire on Monday, but due to a hold on hundreds of military promotions by Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, there is no confirmed replacement,” PBS says.

Correction. Republicans have never been the party that supported the military.
Liar. Republicans serve in the military, skreweys just whine.

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