Critics Blast GOP Senator Directly Harming Military Readiness

They have an initiation process for all of the sucks that join the Deep State Club.

If you notice....many of them look like they got the shit beat out of them.

The excuse is they had an accident....but really what happened is they got initiated.

Anyone who gets a black-eye is a hard-core member or a made-man.
Both of Senators from Kentucky lend credence to your statement.
Between 2010 and 2013 Obama engaged in a purge of good military officers, a total of 197. officers who were loyal to the United States and its Constitution were fired or forced out. Biden is continuing that shameful legacy. What Obama, and now Biden want, are “woke” officers who believe that our military should have men in dresses, that our veterans are all “domestic terrorists” and racism against white people is good. The goofball Gen. Milley, who single handedly lost the Afghanistan War, left Americans behind to be held as hostages, and who incompetently bombed 10 civilians, including 7 children, exemplifies the Obama-Biden military leadership. Our troops on the frontline, indeed all Americans, deserve so much better.

The purge continues. Now they are after Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr, a Marine who spoke out against the Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. This hero spoke the truth in order to save lives in the future. Instead of calmly addressing and fixing the problems raised by Lt. Col. Scheller, he was relieved of his command and incarcerated this week for demanding that senior military officials be held accountable. I join Lt. Col. Scheller in demanding accountability:
Democrats still hold a narrow majority in the Senate. How can they blame a single republican for the apparent lack of promotions in the military why not blame idiot Fetterman?
Democrats still hold a narrow majority in the Senate. How can they blame a single republican for the apparent lack of promotions in the military why not blame idiot Fetterman?
Mitch had an accident after he made sure that the Senate stayed in the hands of Democrats.
He was initiated because he earned his stripes.

Republican Leader Mitch McConnell returned to the Senate floor on Monday, nearly six weeks after suffering a concussion and a fractured rib from a fall at a Washington hotel.

The Kentucky senator, who's 81, has been recovering at home upon release from a rehabilitation facility March 25, following a five-day in the hospital after falling at the Waldorf Astoria while attending a private dinner on March 8.
The rest of the Marine Corps is full of Americans ... and they're always ready ... one guy, one job, so what? ... Second-in-Command is just as good ...
The rest of the Marine Corps is full of Americans ... and they're always ready ... one guy, one job, so what? ... Second-in-Command is just as good ...

Lets try that with the President next, just go for a while without one.
I bet a composite picture with names of Senator and Representative like that would be interesting.
You won't find it on Google.
I saw it the other day on social media.
You have to weed thru the garbage, because there's a lot of fraud and fake BS on there, but it starts to make sense when you put it all together.
I remember Harry Reid and Jimmy Carter getting the same exact injuries.
They always say it's a fall.....but my wife did a face-plant into the front steps the other day and she didn't have a scratch on her. Somebody beat the shit out those guys. I've seen shiners way too many times not to recognize them. I've had a couple myself from fights.
Dude was accused of contempt. You support criminals like this loser, your Jan 6 buddies, and the "stand back and stand by "crew.
Sorry, bud,....but active-duty officers have a right, and an obligation under the UCMJ, to speak up when they see corruption and war crimes.
If your leaders are fucked up you go up the chain of command and report it.
Sorry, bud,....but active-duty officers have a right, and an obligation under the UCMJ, to speak up when they see corruption and war crimes.
If your leaders are fucked up you go up the chain of command and report it.
So you support insubordination when it suits you. Really military ready you are sir. Like there isnt a chain of command to report any issues. Criminal
You won't find it on Google.
I saw it the other day on social media.
You have to weed thru the garbage, because there's a lot of fraud and fake BS on there, but it starts to make sense when you put it all together.
I remember Harry Reid and Jimmy Carter getting the same exact injuries.
They always say it's a fall.....but my wife did a face-plant into the front steps the other day and she didn't have a scratch on her. Somebody beat the shit out those guys. I've seen shiners way too many times not to recognize them. I've had a couple myself from fights.
Democrats still hold a narrow majority in the Senate. How can they blame a single republican for the apparent lack of promotions in the military why not blame idiot Fetterman?

Because asshole Tubberville is abusing a Senatorial privilege and blocking all promotions

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