Critics Blast GOP Senator Directly Harming Military Readiness

And in this case, the Senate will not approve promotions so that the next guy can step up
Causes a bottleneck of “acting” positions
250 of them
What's more important in a leader, what's on his uniform, or what he did in his career to get in that position?
You folks on the left seem to think looks and skin color makes you qualified.
Putting the wrong person in charge is a good way to get people killed.
And in this case, the Senate will not approve promotions so that the next guy can step up
Causes a bottleneck of “acting” positions
250 of them

And people below the brigade level are oblivious and the folks above the brigade level could give a fuck. You need to get on a topic you know something about to play drama queen, you're not earning you pay here.

Best way to destroy a military is install diversity and inclusion in it's leadership.
It will totally ruin morale.

That was what people said when the Military was Desegregated. There was some problems at first, but they were resolved and in a short time the Military was better than ever.

It was the claim that was made when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell became the policy. The military was fine. A handful of people left. A vast majority remained and served out their terms. Recruitment was the same before and after.

Openly gay serving members was another change that would see readiness destroyed. Yet. It wasn’t.

That’s the problem. People have made the claim too many times for it to be taken seriously by anyone who knows even flash card level history. And if they know the details, such claims are not just laughable. But obviously produced with the idea that everyone is as biased and intolerant as the speaker.
Uh.....good God!!!

It takes time to fix all of the wrongs that Obama and Biden have done to this nation.
Never mind the simple fact that Trump had to prioritize what he could do while fighting off attacks from Swamp Creatures.

Obama got rid of hundreds of senior officers.
Biden has gotten rid of thousands of enlisted men who refused to take the clot shot.

Again, were I Trump, I would have had a whole list of Bush-ites and Obamaroids to be fired on Day 1 throughout the Government and reinstate the ones singled out by the Progressive Jihadists
Again, were I Trump, I would have had a whole list of Bush-ites and Obamaroids to be fired on Day 1 throughout the Government and reinstate the ones singled out by the Progressive Jihadists
I think Trump had no idea how low these people would go.
Most good people feel that others have the same good intentions that they have.
They sometimes have to discover the hard way just how rotten and despicable Washington insiders can be.
Trump had an inkling, but he probably wasn't prepared for the Shitshow Obama unleashed on him.
The Democrats preach about "Peaceful Transfer Of Power" at the same time they're laying landmines for the incoming administration.
The best thing Trump could have done is do as Saddam Heussien did when he took power.
Bring everyone into a theater, start calling out names, and having the people he calls out taken out back and shot.
That's the only way you can deal with the horrible and despicable people that have infiltrated every part of our government.

America is run by Satan worshipers who will stop at nothing to stay in power.
The CIA has installed former agents in every media outlet and are using the media to brainwash susceptible Americans.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are members here at USMB.
That was what people said when the Military was Desegregated. There was some problems at first, but they were resolved and in a short time the Military was better than ever.

It was the claim that was made when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell became the policy. The military was fine. A handful of people left. A vast majority remained and served out their terms. Recruitment was the same before and after.

Openly gay serving members was another change that would see readiness destroyed. Yet. It wasn’t.

That’s the problem. People have made the claim too many times for it to be taken seriously by anyone who knows even flash card level history. And if they know the details, such claims are not just laughable. But obviously produced with the idea that everyone is as biased and intolerant as the speaker.
I'd be willing to bet that you never served in the military or have seen the changes that have taken place in the military since Ford was president, like I have.
Clearly you have your head up your ass.
Sounds like something a Southern Senator would say in the late 40s when Truman integrated the military.
Same thing they sad when they expanded the roles of women and acknowledged they have gays in their ranks
Our military is weakened with lower standards for recruits.
When I was in they had weaken our military by putting people that had big mouths but couldn't back it up in important positions.
America thinks that the person who doesn't talk but just does it is a Neanderthal MAGA.
They booted a bunch of them out of the service over vaccine mandates.
Anyone who refused to take the Clot-Shot was probably somebody with some principles.....and all the libs do here is sneer at them.
Now that we're discovering some of the horrible side-effects of the Clot-Shot, I bet a lot of them are sweating bullets.
All it took was 2 shots of the mRNA for some of them to have life threatening illnesses.
Turns out everything "They said" was 100% correct.

Sorry if that fact isn't stylish enough for you Satan Worshipers.
History has proven otherwise
Todays military can’t function without women or minorities

You know……Woke
Women and minorities make up over half of todays military
Pretending you can do without them is ridiculous
I think there are some exceptions when it comes to woman, but most of them, I discovered, were pretty useless.
They almost always were at sick-call during PT and half of them got knocked up before deployments.
Another Republican who hates our military and wants it to fail

Tubberville is doing what Putin cannot
Destroy our chain of command
You somehow missed it but it’s not the Republicans who are destroying the military with trannies and DEI.

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