Critique of Intelligent Design

How did you get such silly ideas? I have spent time in many churches, including my own church and it's beliefs. I never heard anybody in any church that is Christian saying the things you say here. I am not clear either that you represent Atheism. As I understand them, they simply do not know a thing about God. However in your daily dialogue on this topic, you constantly discuss gods. But why that is I have no clue.
So you think, Exodus 20-3

So, “You shall,put no other god before me “means nothing….you‘re hilarious.”
They deny all other gods for religious fanatics.
So you don’t even read your Bible either ? You don’t listen to your church heads ?
So you think, Exodus 20-3

So, “You shall,put no other god before me “means nothing….you‘re hilarious.”
They deny all other gods for religious fanatics.
So you don’t even read your Bible either ? You don’t listen to your church heads ?
That comes from some Jews. I am not one of them.
The wisdom of made up shit is never priceless. It’s worthless.
I suppose to you the speed of light is also worthless? There are things made up about the speed of light.
That’s typical of religious fanatics. All religions has have contradictory teachings so they can appease both sides.
You are a fanatic. So what sort of fanatic are you?
It promotes the idea that humans are actually able to control climate. What a stupid idea.
Yes bozo, we affect the climate…we dId, we are, we can. We help close the ozone layer dufus, through legislation. We can SLOW DOWN the rate of change in the warming trend. You having no idea what AGW means, that’s over your head. Your ignorance is astounding…another science illiterate.
No Bible illiterate. That’s the New Testament. Though didn’t you did say you believed everything in the old…?
Exodus is in the Old Jews Testament. Nope, I did not say that.
I want them to explain the theory of theirs that this all happened due to the will of nothing at all. As to evolution, first they must explain Abiogenesis.

This is their original problem.

Earth lacks life in any form.
But to get where we are, something they never tell us what, originated bacteria, known today as Cyanobacteria. This is believed the original life form. What caused bacteria to move to the later stage, that included dinosaurs and later other animal life? What magic produced plants, mold and stuff others can discuss?
No bozo. That’s not our job. Evolution theory is taught in every biology class in every accredited school in the US and the world. Go read a book on it. Your comments are stunningly ignorant. Essentially, you have no conception of TIME that evolution requires. You obviously slept through science classes.
Yes bozo, we affect the climate…we dId, we are, we can. We help close the ozone layer dufus, through legislation. We can SLOW DOWN the rate of change in the warming trend. You having no idea what AGW means, that’s over your head. Your ignorance is astounding…another science illiterate.
You just admitted you believe humans control climate. And of course I understand climate. Warming is not climate. Climate is weather over a span of 30 years. And Climate at Antarctic is vastly colder than at say Peru. There are thousands of climates. So which of them can humans control?
No bozo. That’s not our job. Evolution theory is taught in every biology class in every accredited school in the US and the world. Go read a book on it. Your comments are stunningly ignorant. Essentially, you have no conception of TIME that evolution requires. You obviously slept through science classes.
I excelled in science courses. I mean straight As and led classes as the top student.

Evolution is microscopic. But I know you did not understand that. You have a habit of bigotry. Will you admit that to the forum?

Clearly you know nothing at all about Abiogenesis. I can help you but no doubt you plan to keep playing games.
You say I made a statement, you can’t post it….you lied.
Say what? What statement are you claiming I made? I will wait before calling you a liar. I am more prudent than you are.
You just admitted you believe humans control climate. And of course I understand climate. Warming is not climate. Climate is weather over a span of 30 years. And Climate at Antarctic is vastly colder than at say Peru. There are thousands of climates. So which of them can humans control?
What simpleton response. Humans affect weather. We have altered the rate of change in the overall warming trend during this interglacial period from our industrial revolution on with the use of FOSSIL fuels…you speak like an 8 year old. You are a confused little puppy.

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