Critique of Intelligent Design

No bozo. That’s not our job. Evolution theory is taught in every biology class in every accredited school in the US and the world. Go read a book on it. Your comments are stunningly ignorant. Essentially, you have no conception of TIME that evolution requires. You obviously slept through science classes.
Just in a group of 100 students, how many of them do you suppose studied biology?

My study of biology took place after college and I took an interest in Biology.

My first education in college did not require us to study biology. My aim was to be an engineer.
I excelled in science courses. I mean straight As and led classes as the top student.

Evolution is microscopic. But I know you did not understand that. You have a habit of bigotry. Will you admit that to the forum?

Clearly you know nothing at all about Abiogenesis. I can help you but no doubt you plan to keep playing games.
Another braggart whose posts make you science illiterate. We’re you home schooled by a drop out ?
Look up the definition of evolution. Does it have the term “ microscopic” in it ? Nope…so it’s more made up shit.
“the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.”
What simpleton response. Humans affect weather. We have altered the rate of change in the overall warming trend during this interglacial period from our industrial revolution on with the use of FOSSIL fuels…you speak like an 8 year old. You are a confused little puppy.
Again, you talk of weather. What weather did you affect? Where did this take place? Weather varies widely by seasons and locations. What location do you want to discuss? The Ozone hole was extremely high in our atmosphere. Ozone is not weather nor is it climate.
Another braggart whose posts make you science illiterate. We’re you home schooled by a drop out ?
Look up the definition of evolution. Does it have the term “ microscopic” in it ? Nope…so it’s more made up shit.
“the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.”
I believe you brag constantly. Sorry you won't admit it is your failing and not mine.

Are you now on record for supporting a very fast rate of evolution? I know much about evolution. When got interested, for a long time I made sure to get educated on it.

There is the case of fish in an African lake where the small fish changed pretty fast over a fairly short time. And that can be evidence of a faster rate of change. But you did not bring that up.
Just in a group of 100 students, how many of them do you suppose studied biology?

My study of biology took place after college and I took an interest in Biology.

My first education in college did not require us to study biology. My aim was to be an engineer.
That’s bullshit. Everyone in college prep takes HS biology in any accredited school that allows college acceptance to an accredited college.

ARE YOU NOW SAYING YOU NEVER TOOK A COURSE IN BIOLOGY ? So you’re just making up shit out of ignorance ? You never had a formal study in biology…just from Fox News and News Max. You miss use all the terms and your ideas are fraudulent.
What simpleton response. Humans affect weather. We have altered the rate of change in the overall warming trend during this interglacial period from our industrial revolution on with the use of FOSSIL fuels…you speak like an 8 year old. You are a confused little puppy.
Do you also believe the tennis player merely affects a tennis ball? When a QB tosses a touchdown, do you also see him as merely affecting the football?
That’s bullshit. Everyone in college prep takes HS biology in any accredited school that allows college acceptance to an accredited college.

ARE YOU NOW SAYING YOU NEVER TOOK A COURSE IN BIOLOGY ? So you’re just making up shit out of ignorance ? You never had a formal study in biology…just from Fox News and News Max. You miss use all the terms and your ideas are fraudulent.
Not when I was in high school. I studied all the maths in high school, General science, Physics and took Chemistry in college. Anda lot more physics. I own biology books. It was interesting so I paid for books. And read most of them. One can do as I did and study biology as I did all on my own. One of my books is used at many universities. A very good book about Biology. I am not aware that FOX News teaches biology. So that is how you learned about it?
Again, you talk of weather. What weather did you affect? Where did this take place? Weather varies widely by seasons and locations. What location do you want to discuss? The Ozone hole was extremely high in our atmosphere. Ozone is not weather nor is it climate.
That's a point of disagreement. The ozone hole does effect climate, as do a number of factors, from greenhouse gasses to upper atmosphere volcanic ash.

Now if you argue intelligent design, the part that needs to be discussed is if there is intelligent design, why did it occur in parallel with evolution. Or maybe the intelligent design was creating life capable of evolving?
Again, you talk of weather. What weather did you affect? Where did this take place? Weather varies widely by seasons and locations. What location do you want to discuss? The Ozone hole was extremely high in our atmosphere. Ozone is not weather nor is it climate.
Humans affect the CLIMATE which has affects on your weather patterns. THEY DON’T
DIRECTLY effect every single weather event. If you knew anything about gradient winds and pressure build ups you’d know local weather events can vary.
Again, you talk of weather. What weather did you affect? Where did this take place? Weather varies widely by seasons and locations. What location do you want to discuss? The Ozone hole was extremely high in our atmosphere. Ozone is not weather nor is it climate.
Here bubba..
Well ... there's only three base atoms in a protein ... two carbons and a nitrogen ... what do you mean by viable? ... the key to understanding "how" is the enzyme ... these are the catalyses for these reactions and are returned whole ... to be used again ... ad nausium ...

A much much better example of the argument you present is the cell membrane ... a little harder to form and I believe much harder to organize ... especially with all the important chemical channels that have to exist in the membrane ... very very difficult to bring this about all at once ... makes daisy-chaining amino acids work for preteen girls ...
The cell membrane is an excellent example of a structure that would not “evolve” randomly from hundreds of amino twerking together.

A bunch of unaware, inorganic molecules come together— and so what? The form a membrane and meh, big deal
That's a point of disagreement. The ozone hole does effect climate, as do a number of factors, from greenhouse gasses to upper atmosphere volcanic ash.

Now if you argue intelligent design, the part that needs to be discussed is if there is intelligent design, why did it occur in parallel with evolution. Or maybe the intelligent design was creating life capable of evolving?
I would say Clouds are a major factor in Climate. Ozone was about something else. And where was it? It was over the antarctic. Explain why that is the spot it was at? Climate is so complex that the models range all over the place trying to make heads and tails of weather and climate. Models that do not agree are common.

Intelligence of whom or of what? It seems as if you are confused. Do you mean GOD? Study the universe and tell me this was all just a kind of accident.
Humans affect the CLIMATE which has affects on your weather patterns. THEY DON’T
DIRECTLY effect every single weather event. If you knew anything about gradient winds and pressure build ups you’d know local weather events can vary.

Here bubba..
Do you believe that clouds affect weather and climate. Do you think humans can impact on clouds? To the point they can stop what you fear the most?

Aha, you want to discuss my education to be a pilot where FAA requires all pilots to pass tests on climate. Sure, We all do study weather a lot. We even study things like clouds and even the Coriolis effect. Bet that surprised your ass.
I would say Clouds are a major factor in Climate. Ozone was about something else. And where was it? It was over the antarctic. Explain why that is the spot it was at? Climate is so complex that the models range all over the place trying to make heads and tails of weather and climate. Models that do not agree are common.

Intelligence of whom or of what? It seems as if you are confused. Do you mean GOD? Study the universe and tell me this was all just a kind of accident.
So, you claim you took engineering but never had any formal class in biology….now you’re trying to convince us your smart cause you wanted to be an engineer, but never took formal courses in biology…but you’re smart about it because you wanted to be an engineer. How clise are we to your bull shit.
Do you believe that clouds affect weather and climate. Do you think humans can impact on clouds? To the point they can stop what you fear the most?

Aha, you want to discuss my education to be a pilot where FAA requires all pilots to pass tests on climate. Sure, We all do study weather a lot. We even study things like clouds and even the Coriolis effect. Bet that surprised your ass.
Here you go…
Not when I was in high school. I studied all the maths in high school, General science, Physics and took Chemistry in college. Anda lot more physics. I own biology books. It was interesting so I paid for books. And read most of them. One can do as I did and study biology as I did all on my own. One of my books is used at many universities. A very good book about Biology. I am not aware that FOX News teaches biology. So that is how you learned about it?
There are lots of holes in your story. It’s very hard to get into a school of engineering in college, without a biology course.
You seem to think that engineers have no relationship to knowing biology. Even electrical, mechanical engineering need biology credit….this is a fallacy of people who didn’t attend college that they totally specialized in day one….history, English etc are all part if your program if you don’t test out if them.
Not when I was in high school. I studied all the maths in high school, General science, Physics and took Chemistry in college. Anda lot more physics. I own biology books. It was interesting so I paid for books. And read most of them. One can do as I did and study biology as I did all on my own. One of my books is used at many universities. A very good book about Biology. I am not aware that FOX News teaches biology. So that is how you learned about it?
I can only speak for New York reagents accredited education.
Biology was a 10th grade regents requirement. If you didn't take biology in high school, it can only be if you were in a non college bound curriculum.
The cell membrane is an excellent example of a structure that would not “evolve” randomly from hundreds of amino twerking together.

A bunch of unaware, inorganic molecules come together— and so what? The form a membrane and meh, big deal
Take a deck of cards. Shuffle them. Then deal them into N piles of 5 cards.
What are the odds of a royal flush? Pretty small. But across the millions of card games happening, somebody is going to be dealt one. It's only a matter of time. Applied to biology that time scale can be millions or billions of years.
Take a deck of cards. Shuffle them. Then deal them into N piles of 5 cards.
What are the odds of a royal flush? Pretty small. But across the millions of card games happening, somebody is going to be dealt one. It's only a matter of time. Applied to biology that time scale can be millions or billions of years.
That’s a great example! But a Royal Flush is just five cards. I gave an example before of shuffling 52 random cards into perfect order as if they just came out of the pack. That’s the level of accuracy needed for life to function. The odds of that are 52^ which is a numbers with 67 zeros. The total number of seconds in the life of the Universe has only 18 zeros. You have to shuffle , I can’t even do the math right now….times a second for 13.8 billion years to organize the deck of cards

To create a single functional cell you need literally Thousands of proteins to align PERFECTLY for it to function.

The odds of that preclude it from happening within the current lifetime of the Universe
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The wisdom of made up shit is never priceless. It’s worthless.
True. The foundation of man's 'made up' knowledge is what the Devil whispered into Eve's ear, and is not only worthless, but also dangerous.

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