Critique of Intelligent Design

I only drink on days that end in "y".

"I only smoke one cigar at a time, and I never smoke while asleep. Not only to set an example for others, but to show that I'm not a slave to the habit." -Mark Twain
Hell yes man.
Your mistake can be defined as philosophical: "Intelligence always comes after, it's best when it does and only when it does."
(Gilles Deleuze)

Not at all! There is absolutely NO REASON WHATSOEVER for unaware molecules to seek to organize themselves

So what if they form 5% of a viable protein? There's nothing driving them to find the other 95%. The parts that don't work make no difference than the ones that do
I merely point out the commonality between all religions.
If you are a theist then you MUST believe what your mind tells you cannot be true or face the most deadly threat to all religions...DOUBT.
God's word contains supernatural stuff and practical stuff. I don't dwell much on the supernatural. The flesh is the workshop of the spirit, so I dwell on the here and now, not the hereafter.

Jesus walked on water, fed the mases with 1 fish, rose from the dead and walked around visiting with every doubting Thomas.
The mountain came to Mohammed.
When you die you become a demigod.

Good enough?
You brought up Islam. My question is why?
Suppose for this problem that upon death, you become a god.
Would you then deny being one?

Jesus to his credit is still recalled, thousands of years after he passed on, as a person that lived who millions will agree to worship, to follow his words and deeds and even defend him today. Who else can you think of that did that for the World?

Are you aware that the Muslims believe in Jesus?
After you boil down all the berries there are really only two explanations for the existence of the Universe.

1. It magically created itself out of nothing.

2. It is the product of some intelligent design that none of us Humans can comprehend.

Since I am an Engineer that has a working knowledge of the practical application of Science I tend to reject the idea of magic and something creating itself out of nothing. To me it just doesn't compute.

To me Intelligent Design is more logical.
Not at all! There is absolutely NO REASON WHATSOEVER for unaware molecules to seek to organize themselves

So what if they form 5% of a viable protein? There's nothing driving them to find the other 95%. The parts that don't work make no difference than the ones that do
That is too scientific for the Democrats.
After you boil down all the berries there are really only two explanations for the existence of the Universe.

1. It magically created itself out of nothing.

2. It is the product of some intelligent design that none of us Humans can comprehend.

Since I am an Engineer that has a working knowledge of the practical application of Science I tend to reject the idea of magic and something creating itself out of nothing. To me it just doesn't compute.

To me Intelligent Design is more logical.
Same here. I don't have to worship or refuse to, the party in question.

Jesus walked on water, fed the mases with 1 fish, rose from the dead and walked around visiting with every doubting Thomas.
The mountain came to Mohammed.
When you die you become a demigod.

Good enough?
Footnote to my earlier remarks. Can doubt free the human mind? Can the human perceive a nothing that magically created from a complete nothing at all all we observe in a universe so huge we probably will never see a day that all of it is seen. Yet despite doubt, it surely is in existence. Was it nothing making the universe? Well if you believe that, you believe in nothing at all.
Can an evolutionist please explain to me WHY unaware, inorganic molecules would organize themselves -- at all? What's the benefit?
Can an evolutionist please explain to me WHY unaware, inorganic molecules would organize themselves -- at all? What's the benefit?
I want them to explain the theory of theirs that this all happened due to the will of nothing at all. As to evolution, first they must explain Abiogenesis.

This is their original problem.

Earth lacks life in any form.
But to get where we are, something they never tell us what, originated bacteria, known today as Cyanobacteria. This is believed the original life form. What caused bacteria to move to the later stage, that included dinosaurs and later other animal life? What magic produced plants, mold and stuff others can discuss?
Not at all! There is absolutely NO REASON WHATSOEVER for unaware molecules to seek to organize themselves

So what if they form 5% of a viable protein? There's nothing driving them to find the other 95%. The parts that don't work make no difference than the ones that do

Well ... there's only three base atoms in a protein ... two carbons and a nitrogen ... what do you mean by viable? ... the key to understanding "how" is the enzyme ... these are the catalyses for these reactions and are returned whole ... to be used again ... ad nausium ...

A much much better example of the argument you present is the cell membrane ... a little harder to form and I believe much harder to organize ... especially with all the important chemical channels that have to exist in the membrane ... very very difficult to bring this about all at once ... makes daisy-chaining amino acids work for preteen girls ...
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You brought up Islam. My question is why?
Suppose for this problem that upon death, you become a god.
Would you then deny being one?

Jesus to his credit is still recalled, thousands of years after he passed on, as a person that lived who millions will agree to worship, to follow his words and deeds and even defend him today. Who else can you think of that did that for the World?

Are you aware that the Muslims believe in Jesus?
Remember this?
You do know that the Jews Bible is the same Bible a the Christian, Muslim, and Mormon bible don't you?
"You seem to have focused on the Jews Bible."

Beyond that your post is nonsense.
Footnote to my earlier remarks. Can doubt free the human mind? Can the human perceive a nothing that magically created from a complete nothing at all all we observe in a universe so huge we probably will never see a day that all of it is seen. Yet despite doubt, it surely is in existence. Was it nothing making the universe? Well if you believe that, you believe in nothing at all.
And a footnote to my earlier response...
Your remarks are nonsense.
Remember this?
You do know that the Jews Bible is the same Bible a the Christian, Muslim, and Mormon bible don't you?
"You seem to have focused on the Jews Bible."

Beyond that your post is nonsense.
The Jews Bible is not the same one. They use the Old Testament and other things they also use. Muslims do believe in Jesus and the Mormons do not call the Book of mormon a Bible at this time. It is cool that you bring nonsense. I expect it in fact. Mormons are devoted to Jesus and his reported history.
The Jews Bible is not the same one. They use the Old Testament and other things they also use. Muslims do believe in Jesus and the Mormons do not call the Book of mormon a Bible at this time. It is cool that you bring nonsense. I expect it in fact. Mormons are devoted to Jesus and his reported history.
Your knowledge of religions, including your own is clearly limited.

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