Critique of Intelligent Design

Here's a happy thought.

You'd have to shuffle a random deck of cards 1.9*10^49 times EVERY SECOND SINCE THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE to have a mathematical chance of having them in perfect order as if they were straight from the deck

Evolution speaks not a bit about creation. It chats with us about change. Evolution can't discuss the eye creation nor the creation of arms or ears or hair.
Evolution speaks not a bit about creation. It chats with us about change. Evolution can't discuss the eye creation nor the creation of arms or ears or hair.
It’s not suppose to. It just doesn’t go there with no supporting evidence. You want to fallow something on faith because it makes you feel better, fine. But don’t try to shove it down the throats of people who live better lives because of science.
Why ? Because I refuse to play your little games ? Evolution theory is here to stay and accepted by some major Christian religions, even Catholics. It’s not made up shit. It saves lives. It’s not up to me to support anything in detail. It’s supported by every medical and related facility in the world….
Apparently to you this is a game. For me it is me enduring your taunts, your insults and shit like that. Evolution only means small changes over a sometimes short or other times longer spans of time. It does not explain creation at all. It can't do that. Abiogenesis however takes a crack at that. And you did not study abiogenesis. I have not read even one word from you about the very first life form or where it was first noted.
It’s not suppose to. It just doesn’t go there with no supporting evidence. You want to fallow something on faith because it makes you feel better, fine. But don’t try to shove it down the throats of people who live better lives because of science.
You are blowing hot air faking that I mean the things you accuse me of. Clearly you are not capable of paying attention.
The discussion involving GOD happens to be abiogenesis. And of course any 6th grader can see he or she and their siblings show changes from each other. Change is normal in fact.
It’s not suppose to. It just doesn’t go there with no supporting evidence. You want to fallow something on faith because it makes you feel better, fine. But don’t try to shove it down the throats of people who live better lives because of science.
Faith is the wrong term to use about me and my education and well, beliefs in general.
LOGIC and reasoning fits my form of thinking on various topics.
But let's start with the big picture. Not man nor even Earth. The entire universe. Amazing how violent the stars are, don't you agree. Notice that planets spin. And follow paths around the Sun and indeed other stars. Notice how the harmony of the universe, and yes including the violence there, seems to run like a fine tuned clock. Things like matter have formed.

So in the vast area we think of as space, comes elements known as ... well elements on our chart, that by golly make up what we all know of in the universe. Water, gold, uranium, mercury, iron and all that stuff could not have always existed. This would not make a bit of sense to claim it all was always where it is. That would truly take faith in the perpetual universe. No such thing as a Big bang, juse perpetual things we call stars, moons, and other flying objects. nope, the faith is this was just a mighty thing that has no beginning and perhaps no end. It is logical that intelligence created all of this. OF course the next question is where did GOD come from. GOD is the perpetual existence.

I prefer I be treated more like that young 15 year old boy that has invented a system to detect Pancreatic cancer that is now being probed by scientists. Another example is the young girl from England who has music running in her head all the time. She has composed amazing music that is well known among the greats of music. I never created something for medicine nor even a composition of music. But like those I speak well of, have my own special talent for reasoning things like Creation out.

Let me give you a brief example to help you understand. As a 7th Grader, I thought of things like the properties of light. Was it true it was the absolute fastest thing in existence or could one exceed light speed. I came up with my idea involving moving through space and shoving waves in front of the ship and ultimately like folding a hankerchief, the space would bunch up and then one can simply travel enormous distance in a short time. Then one is light years ahead of where they came from. Bear in mind we just had jet planes by this time. We did not have missions to the moon and that took place many years later. A kid normally is not thinking of fast space travel not as a 7th grader.
So I am not arrogant at all. I like to spend my time dealing with things such as things to help mankind. I am not much of a political animal. My aim is to cause the political animals to stop to wake up to the thing they think is their ego and think forward and not backward. My way of thinking also helped me a lot when I was in the Army. Due to this, I was appointed a leader in Basic and AIt and in Germany was in a command infantry company where the senior officers were. I solved problems in the Army and the Col would give me tasks that others did not do well.

I and one of my Calculus teachers would from time to time spend time talking of cases where Calculus was the way to take on problems. This is why in my library, i have very wide ranging topics treated by a lot of authors. I can pick out a book and go through one and know what it is all about. Fiction books do not interest me.
You are blowing hot air faking that I mean the things you accuse me of. Clearly you are not capable of paying attention.
The discussion involving GOD happens to be abiogenesis. And of course any 6th grader can see he or she and their siblings show changes from each other. Change is normal in fact.
This is where Derrida's spacing of time destroys the idea of a conscious entity called "god." This is where philosophy enters into the picture along with science. It's impossible to argue change while simultaneously arguing abiogenesis, without the spacing of time, pre-evolution. This means in other words, you now have a predicament: to excise a conscious "god" from an earth and Universe that is much more potent in exercising the gestures of creation.
We have now procured both the two books from the theologian and the physicist mentioned in the OP. It is time to fine-tune the critique.
LOGIC and reasoning fits my form of thinking on various topics.
The Logic is a word used by deniers. And, it’s all more made crappolla. It’s not logical to disregard science and the accumulated evidence. Logic is not making up shit because you have no evidence. Logic is saying, “ I don’t know.”
I and one of my Calculus teachers would from time to time spend time talking of cases where Calculus was the way to take on problems.
That’s hilarious….you’re a climate “change” denier, now you claim you took calculus and totally disregard that the rate of change illustrated by the slope of line representing this temperature change, is greater during the industrial revolution than at time man has been on earth.
You're a fraud. Go ahead, model all the other temperatures, represent them with an equation, then differentiate each equation, plug in any values during the time in question, then compare the results, You can’t can you !

Now let’s talk about evolution as a denier taking calculus . ,
Faith is the wrong term to use about me and my education and well, beliefs in general.
LOGIC and reasoning fits my form of thinking on various topics.
But let's start with the big picture. Not man nor even Earth. The entire universe. Amazing how violent the stars are, don't you agree. Notice that planets spin. And follow paths around the Sun and indeed other stars. Notice how the harmony of the universe, and yes including the violence there, seems to run like a fine tuned clock. Things like matter have formed.

So in the vast area we think of as space, comes elements known as ... well elements on our chart, that by golly make up what we all know of in the universe. Water, gold, uranium, mercury, iron and all that stuff could not have always existed. This would not make a bit of sense to claim it all was always where it is. That would truly take faith in the perpetual universe. No such thing as a Big bang, juse perpetual things we call stars, moons, and other flying objects. nope, the faith is this was just a mighty thing that has no beginning and perhaps no end. It is logical that intelligence created all of this. OF course the next question is where did GOD come from. GOD is the perpetual existence.

I prefer I be treated more like that young 15 year old boy that has invented a system to detect Pancreatic cancer that is now being probed by scientists. Another example is the young girl from England who has music running in her head all the time. She has composed amazing music that is well known among the greats of music. I never created something for medicine nor even a composition of music. But like those I speak well of, have my own special talent for reasoning things like Creation out.

Let me give you a brief example to help you understand. As a 7th Grader, I thought of things like the properties of light. Was it true it was the absolute fastest thing in existence or could one exceed light speed. I came up with my idea involving moving through space and shoving waves in front of the ship and ultimately like folding a hankerchief, the space would bunch up and then one can simply travel enormous distance in a short time. Then one is light years ahead of where they came from. Bear in mind we just had jet planes by this time. We did not have missions to the moon and that took place many years later. A kid normally is not thinking of fast space travel not as a 7th grader.
So I am not arrogant at all. I like to spend my time dealing with things such as things to help mankind. I am not much of a political animal. My aim is to cause the political animals to stop to wake up to the thing they think is their ego and think forward and not backward. My way of thinking also helped me a lot when I was in the Army. Due to this, I was appointed a leader in Basic and AIt and in Germany was in a command infantry company where the senior officers were. I solved problems in the Army and the Col would give me tasks that others did not do well.

I and one of my Calculus teachers would from time to time spend time talking of cases where Calculus was the way to take on problems. This is why in my library, i have very wide ranging topics treated by a lot of authors. I can pick out a book and go through one and know what it is all about. Fiction books do not interest me.
You know what woo woo is ? That’s trying to impress people with your science sounding words while making up shit.
You know what woo woo is ? That’s trying to impress people with your science sounding words while making up shit.
Funny how you picked a good description of yourself.
That’s hilarious….you’re a climate “change” denier, now you claim you took calculus and totally disregard that the rate of change illustrated by the slope of line representing this temperature change, is greater during the industrial revolution than at time man has been on earth.
You're a fraud. Go ahead, model all the other temperatures, represent them with an equation, then differentiate each equation, plug in any values during the time in question, then compare the results, You can’t can you !

Now let’s talk about evolution as a denier taking calculus . ,
What makes you allege I deny climate has changed and will keep changing?
I have not applied Calculus to climate. So what? And I suppose in your little mind, you think I do not understand slope!!!!

You allege Climate is rushing but earlier was a slow poke.
Well that is just bull shit.

You can't discuss climate at all. I am not surprised. To you, climate is a year or maybe 2. Climate really is a period spanning up to 30 years or more. Sure it changes. What a shock????

Do you think the Great Lakes would exist if not for climate change?

Grow the fuck up.

For some odd reason, you think Calculus is funny. A joke the way you talk about this math. It is definitely no joke at all.
The Logic is a word used by deniers. And, it’s all more made crappolla. It’s not logical to disregard science and the accumulated evidence. Logic is not making up shit because you have no evidence. Logic is saying, “ I don’t know.”
Say it then. Say Dagosa does not know. Stop making shit up.

Clearly you do not actually understand logic at all.
Say it then. Say Dagosa does not know. Stop making shit up.

Clearly you do not actually understand logic at all.
It’s about time you got the effin idea. You have no principles. You’re making up shit. The definition of logic is HERE.
Logic-reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity:
Those strict principles of validity include the scientific method, evidence etc.
Say it then. Say Dagosa does not know. Stop making shit up.

Clearly you do not actually understand logic at all.
You are a Deepac Chopra woo woo bullshit artist.
Using scientific sounding words to make up shit.
Of course you could just refer to the actual science .
This is where Derrida's spacing of time destroys the idea of a conscious entity called "god." This is where philosophy enters into the picture along with science. It's impossible to argue change while simultaneously arguing abiogenesis, without the spacing of time, pre-evolution. This means in other words, you now have a predicament: to excise a conscious "god" from an earth and Universe that is much more potent in exercising the gestures of creation.
If GOD to you is pure religion, your thinking is easy to understand. And you and I may end up totally not agreeing. That is how things work. Two humans not in agreement need to decide. To argue for the hell of arguing or to just move forward in life never persuading the other of a different set of facts and even beliefs.
I move for the GOD exists, not to be religious at all. My belief is based on the essential set of facts that all that is matter did not always exist as it does today. Talk about matter changing. It puts climate to shame in making changes.

The argument that GOD is an intellect, seems to be logical. I marvel at the universe and it's organization. While to the casual eye, the universe may seem tumultuous. I see things like Stars as organized into various sizes as are Planets. Planets vary as do humans so one can distinguish a Saturn from say a Mars. It is visual.

Does anyone not believe in Stars? Do we refuse to believe in Planets? If not GOD, just what created stars and planets. And they vary a hell of a lot as you well know.
have not applied Calculus to climate. So what? And I suppose in your little mind, you think I do not understand slope!!!!
Because anyone who applies the science followed by climate science knows that the results of AGW DIRECTLY affects the evolution of affected species, the primary one, modern man. Biology speaks not only to species adaptation, but the effects of AGW and climate in all species. Calculus and rate of change are intrinsically involved in both. And you know calculus ? Bullshit.
It’s about time you got the effin idea. You have no principles. You’re making up shit. The definition of logic is HERE.
Logic-reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity:
Those strict principles of validity include the scientific method, evidence etc.
That is perhaps the first true statement you made today. That is true about logic. But you seem to not use logic. Explain why that is?

You want to hear my reason for detailing some of my past science thinking and even courses in science I studied in college as an example? But I did not stop being educated upon my college ending days. I still am in awe of glaciers, mountains and stars. And you think you know it all. I am willing to learn. But not from you, since you argue way to much using insults. That is a fools fashion of conversing with humans.

Why is your sole tactic the insult? Do you honestly get your way when this is your daily tactic?

You still have never tried to be scientific with me. You really get your jollies by the insult.

You flat about lie about my view of change. And you flat out lie about why I have this particular view of GOD that is not religious in nature at all.

1. Climate changes. As it has from the dawn of history.
2. Climate changed even when humans were not on earth.
3. Religion as practiced by many seems to traffic in delusion as I view things.
4. Politics is dirty. As you demonstrate.
5. Earth is not a sole climate. Earth has perhaps hundreds of climates. Each with it's own particulars. Such as the poles are not at all similar to the equator areas. Both change independent of each other.
You allege Climate is rushing but earlier was a slow poke.
Well that is just bull shit.
Geesus, you are a neophyte and shit thrower. At least talk like you pretend to know a little math.
…whether the rate of change appears to be STEEPER as the slope of a tangent line, is totally dependent on the scale of the chart of temperatures. Obviously, around 500 years, it will appear less so, but around 100,000 more so. Either way, this slope is Always GREATER during the industrial revolution on, than at any time man has been on earth. When that happens, it has a a greater effect on the evolution of the species that inhabit that environment.

That you really don’t know much calculus and can’t relate the two, means you’re throwing shit again. Look up
Because anyone who applies the science followed by climate science knows that the results of AGW DIRECTLY affects the evolution of affected species, the primary one, modern man. Biology speaks not only to species adaptation, but the effects of AGW and climate in all species. Calculus and rate of change are intrinsically involved in both. And you know calculus ? Bullshit.
So, what you tell me is man is capable of managing climate. Can you prove this? You wander off in the woods too much to be taken serious. To you calculus is for example a way to wage a war. Tell me why you talk this shit all the time? Do I present a threat to your ego? That is not my intent.
You are a Deepac Chopra woo woo bullshit artist.
Using scientific sounding words to make up shit.
Of course you could just refer to the actual science .
You own the tactic called insult. I do my best to talk in human terms and you resort to a daily dose of angry horsehit insults.

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