Critique of Intelligent Design

Take a deck of cards. Shuffle them. Then deal them into N piles of 5 cards.
What are the odds of a royal flush? Pretty small. But across the millions of card games happening, somebody is going to be dealt one. It's only a matter of time. Applied to biology that time scale can be millions or billions of years.
Cards don't shuffle and deal themselves.
“the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.”
Interesting "thought", likely arrived at after much navel gazing, and toking on some wacky weed.
I can only speak for New York reagents accredited education.
Biology was a 10th grade regents requirement. If you didn't take biology in high school, it can only be if you were in a non college bound curriculum.
I speak for the 1950s high school requirements in California. We had biology as a class offered in high school, however my aim was to be an engineer and they do not need to take Biology. I took only college prep.
Another braggart whose posts make you science illiterate. We’re you home schooled by a drop out ?
Look up the definition of evolution. Does it have the term “ microscopic” in it ? Nope…so it’s more made up shit.
“the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.”
“the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.”
Starting with bacteria. Now you see how silly it is to claim monkeys came from bacteria as did Dinosaurs.
I speak for the 1950s high school requirements in California. We had biology as a class offered in high school, however my aim was to be an engineer and they do not need to take Biology. I took only college prep.
I had biology in high school in the 50's. But I don't recall being introduced to the ToE at that time. Strange.
I can only speak for New York reagents accredited education.
Biology was a 10th grade regents requirement. If you didn't take biology in high school, it can only be if you were in a non college bound curriculum.

Why would a student bound to be an engineer need to study Biology? Would i drop my physics course? Or my 4 years of math courses? My year of science? My language courses? Stop taking English?
I had biology in high school in the 50's. But I don't recall being introduced to the ToE at that time. Strange.
My days were loaded with courses. But not biology. I recall in General Science the topic of evolution being mentioned by the teacher. He told us of a book called the Day Earth stood still and said it was worth studying. He said it was about the day of Venus passing Earth causing Earth to stop spinning and change the direction of the spin.
This thread will develop a critique of intelligent design, otherwise known as religious creationism.

One hardly needs a thread on intelligent design. That there is intelligence in the universe is not a question; intelligence is a function of mind X consciousness + time. And design is a function of intelligence. Either that or you must assume you are nothing more than random chance times ten million million million failed possibilities. I prefer the former.
God created everything in six days

And after your death you will wander 40 days back to god. If this days are as long as the seven days which are over now and the eight day of creation which just a moment ago had started then this 40 days will be a very long journey, I fear. But for us it is enough to help with our prayers for 40 days if someone dies who we love.

Noah put two of every animal on a boat

Two and more - and not of every animal. The rest of my answer would need a very long time now - but because you are anyway not interested in accuracy, what's typical for people who are also not interested in mathematics - I do not think whatever answer I will give you now will help you to get a better view to the world when you have to take the glasses "mathematics and physics" instead of the glasses "spirituality and faith".

God turned some lady into a pillar of salt

I'm sure if some people in my family had done the same what the wife of Lot had done when the Nazis had been behind them then I would not be alive now. To remember: The Jews follow since thousands of years the oldest traditions of the world. The very most of their enemies are meanwhile dead and only god knows why.

Science and reason says these things cannot be but to deny them is to deny the "word of God"

God is word = God is logos = God is reason.

Believe what you will.

Everyone - also you - is only able to believe what oneselve believes. So don't think hackneyed bullshit.

It doesn't change the truth of my observations.

Did you ever try to see a white flower with the eyes of a bee, allknower? Not to be able to change a perspective and to change a philosophical system - depending on all kinds of independent existing questions - is for sure nothing what makes your belief and perceptions in this world better than any other belief and perception.
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Cards don't shuffle and deal themselves.

Here's a happy thought.

You'd have to shuffle a random deck of cards 1.9*10^49 times EVERY SECOND SINCE THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE to have a mathematical chance of having them in perfect order as if they were straight from the deck

The cell membrane is an excellent example of a structure that would not “evolve” randomly from hundreds of amino twerking together.

A bunch of unaware, inorganic molecules come together— and so what? The form a membrane and meh, big deal

You seem to be having difficulty with this concept of "random" interactions ... you say "hundreds at once isn't possible" ... but we only have three choices ... carbon, nitrogen and oxygen ... and all the various stable molecules these three elements form ... including lipids and amino acids ...

Instead of looking at the most complex forms ... we need to look at the simplest functions first ... proteins as fuel, lipids as anti-oxidants ... just one amino acid burns well, maybe twenty or thirty simple lipids to surround an oil molecule so it can exist within the cytoplasm ... or open ocean ... some molecules are self-organizing that way ...

No matter how long the odds are of a positive trial per year ... when given enough years, the odds of at least one positive trial approaches certainty ... evolution assumes once is enough ... the win condition is rolling a 7, and you're given unlimited rolls, it is certain you will win; "once is enough" ...
Why would a student bound to be an engineer need to study Biology? Would i drop my physics course? Or my 4 years of math courses? My year of science? My language courses? Stop taking English?

Starting with bacteria. Now you see how silly it is to claim monkeys came from bacteria as did Dinosaurs.
You are silly. You’re all over the place. You make no sense at all. You want details, go on line with sources from AAAS or and accredited research facility or university. Get real, maybe you’re just trolling.…as usual.
You’re such a gem. A real beauty. Obviously illiterate.
Every medical facility in the world uses evolution theory for treatments, medications and evaluation. Cancer treatments are dependent upon genetics, one of the foundations of evolution. Obviously, you don’t know shit. Evolution theory is exemplified and is going on right before your eyes….ears, nose and throat. Obviously, you‘re an illiterate.
You got it, I am no native English speaker - indeed I am no English speaker at all. I never use the English language in my daily life.

Concrete example?
Sure. Hold your breath or reread your own posts.
Interesting "thought", likely arrived at after much navel gazing, and toking on some wacky weed.
And like all theories, subject to change or alteration as new evidence is presented/found and agreed upon. You’re slowly evolving from a make upper of shit to a scientist. Naw.
You are silly. You’re all over the place. You make no sense at all. You want details, go on line with sources from AAAS or and accredited research facility or university. Get real, maybe you’re just trolling.…as usual.
You are a whiney little P!!!!
You are a whiney little P!!!!
Why ? Because I refuse to play your little games ? Evolution theory is here to stay and accepted by some major Christian religions, even Catholics. It’s not made up shit. It saves lives. It’s not up to me to support anything in detail. It’s supported by every medical and related facility in the world….

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