Critique of Intelligent Design

The human beings who sat around a campfire some thousand years earlier and spoke about the creation of the world by god had not been able to know that our universe is expanding and that this expansion had to start. But they had been able to cloth this creation with the help of god in impressing words.
So they made up shit about a god of fire, a god of each star in the heavens, the winds and the tides. Science helps explain how that occurs and all of a sudden we shift the god to things we don’t know, including molecules than sub atomic particles and THEIR RELATIONSHIP to the universe.

You don’t understand something, you call it god’s creation. That allows those people to sit on their ass, not to wonder, not to question and not to explore. Nope, boring and unacceptable.
Now you’re lying. You’re a denier.. Anyone who thinks science is NON consensus which includes the evidence gathered by the vast majority of science institutions where active SCIENTIST NOW WORK, is a denier. 30k universities, every gov, every related corporation POST science. You are just bullshitting.
No, I am bursting you balloon

Libs need a religion, and for them the man-made global warming doomsday hoax is it
Ha ha
You can’t be serious. You must have never visited a cancer ward or even understand that 22,000 children suffer horrendous deaths everyday. Life is too perfect ? It’s a battle just to be born and stay alive and only medical science has saved as many lives as it has. Praying without modern medicine doesn’t cut it.
I would rather be born and suffer than never to have existed at all
No, I am bursting you balloon

Libs need a religion, and for them the man-made global warming doomsday hoax is it
When have they ever controlled climate? And that is what they tell us they want to do.
When have they ever controlled climate? And that is what they tell us they want to do.
Lib greenies have convinced themselves that they can control the climate

And in that pursuit they intend to control all of us living on the planet
Lib greenies have convinced themselves that they can control the climate

And in that pursuit they intend to control all of us living on the planet
Earth has hundreds, maybe thousands of climates. What a task they take on for themselves.
I would rather be born and suffer than never to have existed at all
You can say that only because, you’re afraid of the unknown. You‘re a perfect example of grabbing a fairy tail instead of the unknown.
You can’t speak for some one who is dying from ALS and chooses death with dignity instead spending the next three years breathing and eating through a tube, unable to speak while shitting and pissing into a bag.. All you want to do, is sleep, even if you never wake up.
Earth has hundreds, maybe thousands of climates. What a task they take on for themselves.
And you probably don’t even know why. Nope, I’ll trust the 10s of thousands of smartest most dedicated researchers, you can trust the dumbasses at Fix News.
Lets see, MIT, Columbia and NASA or drop out fat ass Hannity..
You can say that only because, you’re afraid of the unknown. Your a perfect example grabbing a fairy tail instead of the unknown.
You can’t speak for some one who is dying from ALS and chooses death with dignity instead spending the next three years breathing and eating through a tube, unable to speak while shifting and pissing into a bag.. All you want to do, is sleep, even if you never wake up.
I dont speak for anyone except myself

But choosing to never have existed is something I would never do

I leave that for the libs
The bigger question is, if evolution, as proposed by science, is true, why do so many people still not believe it?
The core of religion is the demand that followers believe something they know cannot be true.
They call it "faith"
I call it blind obedience.
And you probably don’t even know why. Nope, I’ll trust the 10s of thousands of smartest most dedicated researchers, you can trust the dumbasses at Fix News.
Lets see, MIT, Columbia and NASA or drop out fat ass Hannity..
There are smart scientists on both sides of the issue

But in most cases only the ones pushing doomsday get funded
The core of religion is the demand that followers believe something they know cannot be true.
They call it "faith"
I call it blind obedience.
Faith by its definition is the absents of evidence. The entire clan of the right wing has been requiring the
at for decades of their minions. Trickle down never works, but we’ll cut your taxes always does. These are the same people who live their SS and medicate and depend upon liberals to save it for them. No group is more wanting of something for nothing.
There are smart scientists on both sides of the issue
Bullshit. Ha ha are staggeringly different. Just because you can’t read a chart of temperatures and don’t know what rate of change is, simply means you’re gullible to the very few charlatans on the right. Or, you’re just another greedy, ignorant sob who drives a Chrysler with fine Coryntian Leather. .
Exactly how it works.

"There's nothing new under the sun" ... which is why we speak of "scientific discoveries" rather than "scientific creations" ... we leave man's creations to the engineers ...

The heathen hate themselves, they don't know how to love their brother ... they believe in television, where married people never have sex with each other, only with others ... in God's Kingdom, adultery is the death sentence ... the opposite of television ...

As I said before, science is far far easier to understand than God's Will ... so science is the lazy man's pathway, the one with the least resistance ...

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