Critique of Intelligent Design

The core of religion is the demand that followers believe something they know cannot be true.
They call it "faith"
I call it blind obedience.
I haven't found anything in my Christian belief that isn't true.
Bullshit. Ha ha are staggeringly different. Just because you can’t read a chart of temperatures and don’t know what rate of change is, simply means you’re gullible to the very few charlatans on the right. Or, you’re just another greedy, ignorant sob who drives a Chrysler with fine Coryntian Leather. .
You think the earth is doomed and its all because we use fossil fuel

You are Chicken Little
I haven't found anything in my Christian belief that isn't true.
Of course not. You’re devote of facts. BTW, that statement is had to live with. All the major sects of Christianity other than evangelicals support global warming. It’s embarrassing to be a math illiterate, so most changed.
You never chose to be born. You're on drugs aren’t you ?
Of course I never choose to be born

But I am also not a self destructive quitter like you either

I am happy to be on this earth
Of course not. You’re devote of facts. BTW, that statement is had to live with. All the major sects of Christianity other than evangelicals support global warming. It’s embarrassing to be a math illiterate, so most changed.
I don't march to the drumbeat of others, even other Christians. There's no unified belief in any religion, regardless of the 'founding' documents.
You think the earth is doomed and its all because we use fossil fuel

You are Chicken Little
You are just a chicken shit. You in the habit of making up shit because you are losing a debate ? You’re really quite naive aren’t you ? The earth will survive, but our species will be in trouble. But,you’re too illiterate to see all the wars related to fossil fuels.
Of course I never choose to be born
But you said you would choose to never exist. It’s not your choice. As usual, the so called faithful have to introduce made up shit to survive a post on religion..
Of course I never choose to be born

But I am also not a self destructive quitter like you either

I am happy to be on this earth
Life has been on earth 3.5 billion years. Man only 5-7 million or 2% of the time. Our survival rate is low.
Quitter ? You’re a scared denier. You’ve quit facts decades ago.
And you probably don’t even know why. Nope, I’ll trust the 10s of thousands of smartest most dedicated researchers, you can trust the dumbasses at Fix News.
Lets see, MIT, Columbia and NASA or drop out fat ass Hannity..

You don't know why either ... go ahead and pick-and-choose the folks who'll say what you want to hear ...

MIT doesn't have a Meteorology Department ... they teach Atmospheric Science within their Earth Sciences Department ... you know, geology ... NASA is a space agency ... atmospheres are things they try and avoid ... appeal to authority much? ...

You don't know how to measure rate-of-change against dt ... so you won't understand anything these 10,000's of researchers say ... you trust them religiously, like a cult ... go ahead and use dt and see how wrong you are ... [giggle] ... you're going to pee your pants if I post F = m dv/dt ... see the dt there, 1,000,000's of scientists know exact what I mean, do you? ...
I don't march to the drumbeat of others, even other Christians. There's no unified belief in any religion, regardless of the 'founding' documents.
So you don’t been follow the teachings of your own religion ? You have your own version of god ? Why not just form your own and make up all the fake shit you want.,
You are just a chicken shit. You in the habit of making up shit because you are losing a debate ? You’re really quite naive aren’t you ? The earth will survive, but our species will be in trouble. But,you’re too illiterate to see all the wars related to fossil fuels.
Ok, you are Chicken Little who has occasional lucid moments

Maybe you dont drool over the craziest greenies such as greta thunberg

But most of your tribe does

And in the and you go where they go
So they made up shit

oh god - why always such stupidities? Ever heard the word epistemology?

about a god of fire, a god of each star in the heavens, the winds and the tides.

You have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about. Example: When Athens was founded Zeus did not like to define who is the god for Athens. So the collective of the gods choose with votes. The male gods voted for Posseidon, the female gods voted for Pallas Athena. She wan with one vote mayority.

Serios question: Do you really think you would live today in a republican democracy when the male gods had won and "our" Athens never had existed because 'Posseidonis' had been founded instead of Athens? Or even when Athens had been Athens because Zeus had decided to do so - would it be "our" Athens?

Do not try to tell me now that Zeus, Pallas Athena (his daughter) and Posseidon (his brother) do not exist - that's unimportant. You are not able to be what you are on your own if this not had happened - independent from the reality behind this process - because under our genes we are all Greeks.

Science helps explain how that occurs and all of a sudden we shift the god to things we don’t know, including molecules than sub atomic particles and THEIR RELATIONSHIP to the universe.

Okay. You are the interaction of up and down quarks. And now?

You don’t understand something, you call it god’s creation.

Not only I do not understand this - no one understands this. No time, no space, no energy - nothing - and "suddenly" a universe expands in time and space with a constant energy. First I thought I asked the following question on my own but later I found out Leibniz asked this question: "Why exists something at all but not only nothing?" From all questions which I have and from all things which I am able to believe and not able to believe: It is impossible for me to believe that this gigantic growing universe is a senseless mechanism.

That allows those people to sit on their ass, not to wonder, not to question and not to explore. Nope, boring and unacceptable.

Do you know how hard it is to do research and what a totally frustrating job this is? In the end you will often only know very little about a very little unimportant thing. It is by the way the Catholic church who founded indirectly all universities in our modern world. Without the middle age scholasticism no modern science. Thanks Anselm of Canterbury (Anselmus Cantuariensis, a Langobard)

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"There's nothing new under the sun" ... which is why we speak of "scientific discoveries" rather than "scientific creations" ... we leave man's creations to the engineers ...

The heathen hate themselves, they don't know how to love their brother ... they believe in television, where married people never have sex with each other, only with others ... in God's Kingdom, adultery is the death sentence ... the opposite of television ...

As I said before, science is far far easier to understand than God's Will ... so science is the lazy man's pathway, the one with the least resistance ...
I have had 2 wives. Frankly wife one committed adultery and confessed she did. She died a miserable death married to a cheating husband after we divorced. Wife 2 was religious and did not ever cheat nor have sex after we divorced. She took her own life.
oh god - why always such stupidities? Ever heard the word epistemlogy?

You have absolutelly not any idea whtas you8 try ort sopekl about. Example: When Athens was founded Zesu doid not like to defeins who is the god for Athens. So the collective of the gods choose with votes. The male gods voetd for Poisseidon the female gods voted for Pallas Athena. She wan with one vote mayorite. Serios question: Do you really think you would live today in a repaubicnand democrcay when the male gods had won and Athens never had eoxtetzd erbcaeu Posseidonis had been founded instead of Athens? Or Athens had been Athens because Zeus had decided to do so? Do not try to tell me now that Zeus, Athena and Possedodoin do not exist - that's unimportant. You are not able to be what you are on your own if this had not happenend - independent from the reality behind this process because under our genes we are all Greeks.

Okay. You are the interaction of up and down quarks. And now?

Not I donot d8ujnrtadnm thsi - nmopnoenudhnretadnds this. No time, no space, no energy - nothing - and "suddenly" a universe expands in time and spcae with energy. First I thought I asked this but then I found out Leibniz asked this: Whyx is something at all but not only nothing? From all quesiosns which I have and from al things which I am able to believe andjntzo to believe: It is imposiblel for me to believe that this gigantic geowing unoiverse is a senseless mechanism.

Youb ahavbe jot ajnmy .oighht vbidfea abobnt real science, isnöT oit>? iodid,ylu ever try top fvdion s0pmethgin aou8t wth scontif9oic methods? Do you know how hard this is and what a totally frustrating job? In the end you will often only know very little about a very little unimportant thing. It is by the way the Catholic church who founded indirectly all universities in our modern world. Without the middle age scholasticism no modern science.
You’re typing a foreign language. At least occasionally proof read it. We all make mistakes, but you only occasionally type something readable.
I have had 2 wives. Frankly wife one committed adultery and confessed she did. She died a miserable death married to a cheating husband after we divorced. Wife 2 was religious and did not ever cheat nor have sex after we divorced. She took her own life.
Geesus that’s scary….every ask yourself why number 2 wife gave up sex after being married to you ?
Faith by its definition is the absents of evidence. The entire clan of the right wing has been requiring the
at for decades of their minions. Trickle down never works, but we’ll cut your taxes always does. These are the same people who live their SS and medicate and depend upon liberals to save it for them. No group is more wanting of something for nothing.
You prove day in and day out that your faith is that nothing at all created all that exists. Funny you speak against your own faith.
Robert Wp
You prove day in and day out that your faith is that nothing at all created all that exists. Funny you speak against your own faith.
There you go. Making up shit I never posted. Why is it so hard for you to remember the phrase, “ I don’t know.“
Robert Wp

There you go. Making up shit I never posted. Why is it so hard for you to remember the phrase, “ I don’t know.“
Stop pretending you do know. And you talk all the time on things you are completely ignorant about as if you really do know your shit.

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