Crooked Hillary is writing a book...LOL

Will it outsell Bills autobiography?

What will the title be?

Unfortunately, this one is already taken.

Simon & Shuster will end up warehousing the thousands of unsold copies while claiming it's a best-seller like they have her other books. Don't know what she has on them but it must be significant.

Who, in their right mind, will believe that the book will contain truth? It will be a shameless attempt to paint herself as a misunderstood victim.

And we're supposed to believe that she suddenly acquired the ability to actually remember something accurately? Her greatest talent is claiming during investigations that she can't remember shit. Her most-used response of all time is "I don't recall."

I doubt the book will explain the shady dealings of the Clinton Initiative, the foreign donors to Clinton Foundation who happened to receive favors, her speech to Wall Street where she told them she supports open borders and one world government, or the way she risked national security with her homebrew server. In reality, she can't discuss why she lost the election without mentioning those things as well as Obama's failed policies that got rejected.

No, she'll stick to talking about how she was a victim of some rightwing conspiracy or how too many people aren't ready for a woman prez. She'll repeat the lies about her health issues and probably won't mention her tour bus dumping shit on a city street, something that would get others in big trouble.

Poor, poor Hillary. Treated so unfairly.

It will be a great work of fiction. Wonder who the ghost writer will be.
Add in she's probably drunk on her ass and it's being ghost-written by Huma between screaming fits. :lol:

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