Crooked New York Judge Attempts To Destroy Trump's Businesses......Just Biden's Way Of Attacking His Political Opponent

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The best part?

Page 20, where the Trump team argues that the assets aren't overvalued, because they could always get the Saudis to pay that price.

Brilliant move there, a president admitting in a legal brief that he was allowing the Saudis to buy influence with the president. What else would you call a foreign nation vastly overpaying a president for something?

Needless to say, since it's corrupt and treasonous, Mudwhistle gives his full approval.

Also needless to say, another fine example of the "Every Republican accusation is a confession" rule. Trump took bribes from foreign nations, therefore Republicans have been instructed to lie big and accuse Biden of that, in order to deflect attention away from their own corruption.
I don't think you understand what that quote means.
I took Real Estate classes in 2 different state. Passed the Georgia State exam....and worked as a loan originator in Tennessee.
Suuuuuuuuure you did. :heehee: (just another one of your multiple imaginary careers)
Got it. You have no rebuttal. Trump can go to the tax man, tell them his property isn't worth jackshit, and then go to the bank and tell them it is worth billions. I mean how stupid can you be. Trump doesn't pay jackshit in taxes, and the end result, YOU PAY MORE. Hell, who is the fool here?

Their claims were that he overvalued his properties.

That is purely a matter of opinion, not fact.

The only person that gets to decide the value of property is the tax assessor.

If the state attempts to undervalue his property out of spite then they can be sued in federal court.
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Poor Trumpy

P01135809 committed fraud on a massive scale. He is now paying price for doing so.

The judge can order all LLC's held under P01135809 dissolved and sold at auction and proceeds from those sales can be used any outstands debt,fines or court judgments him.

In case P01135f809 had said that New York Trump Tower apartment was 30,000 square feet, when in reality it is 11,000 square feet. That is real estate fraud.

He is paying for his years grift, con jobs and in general being a first class asshole.
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P01135809 committed fraud on a massive scale. He is now paying price for doing so.

The judge can order all LLC's held under P01135809 dissolved and sold at auction and proceeds from those sales can be used any outstands debt,fines or court judgments him.

In case P01135f809 had said that New York Trump Tower apartment was 30,000 square feet, when in reality it is 11,000 square feet. That is real estate fraud.

He is paying for his years grift, con jobs and in general being a first class asshole.'s why it is all a this if you dare:

JUST IN - A New York judge ruled that Trump inflated his property values, including Mar-a-Lago, which the judge determined was worth $18-$27 million from 2011 to 2021.To put this into perspective, neighboring homes on 0.28-0.89 acres are listed for $18-40 million.Mar-a-Lago, the 20-acre property in the middle, is worth less despite being 20 to 70 times larger.
: "The real estate circles in Florida are laughing at this foolishness."
: "If Mar-a-Lago is worth $18 million… I’ll take 10 please!!!"

Got it. You have no rebuttal. Trump can go to the tax man, tell them his property isn't worth jackshit, and then go to the bank and tell them it is worth billions. I mean how stupid can you be. Trump doesn't pay jackshit in taxes, and the end result, YOU PAY MORE. Hell, who is the fool here?
That poster is running to help pay his sexual abuser god's tax bill, I'm sure. :heehee:
A judge in New York (LOL) is attempting to destroy Trump thru the courts by declaring that Trump's businesses are filled with fraud.

This is the result of a lawsuit, and even before the trial started this crooked judge has already attempted to shut Trump's businesses down.

In a highly biased ruling.....

No surprise here considering the fact that despite Trump being indicted 4 times by the Biden Adm and their crooked friends, he's currently leading Biden by almost 10 points.

This sort of mess was bound to start the moment that became public. It's all over Trump allegedly overvaluing his property. This is nonsense of course.

An example of the bias being exhibited by banks, Mar-A-Lago was only appraised at $18 million, yet a smaller less valuable property within walking distance from Trump's famous home was appraised at over $100 million.
What the heck is going on here?

Biden had nothing to do with Trump's business practices over the past 40 years. Use your brain.
I don't think you understand what that quote means.
I took Real Estate classes in 2 different states. Passed the Georgia State exam....and worked as a loan originator in Tennessee.
No, candycorn....that is not fake news. That is real. I have the certificates to prove all of it.'s why it is all a this if you dare:

No, bodie......that is genuine.

They're intentionally undervaluing his properties in New York and in Florida.

My guess is that DeSantis is in on it with them.
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