Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

There was nothing fair about this election. Software that could be manipulated even over the internet to switch votes, mail in voting opening up the doors to more fraud, not checking signatures of absentee ballots, Stop voting count when Trump was way in the lead, and when they returned the next day, all of a sudden most of the votes going to Biden, not allowing poll overseers close enough to see ballots, just too many things to name.
All these voting machines had access to the internet during the counting, the voting and the tallying.

That makes the whole election BULLSHIT for the gitgo.

Except that voting machines are not connected to the internet.
Officials are not that stupid to connect them to the internet.

To tamper with a voting machine require tearing it apart and making changes to the machine. Then you would have to do it to every machine because they are not interconnected. They are stand alone machines. Also you would have to break into the location that they are kept and tamper with it the interior controls. Machines are kept in secure location and probably have security alarms and video surveillance in the building.
Except that voting machines are not connected to the internet.
Officials are not that stupid to connect them to the internet.

To tamper with a voting machine require tearing it apart and making changes to the machine. Then you would have to do it to every machine because they are not interconnected. They are stand alone machines. Also you would have to break into the location that they are kept and tamper with it the interior controls. Machines are kept in secure location and probably have security alarms and video surveillance in the building.

Colonel Waldron testified the exact opposite. He too was told the machines would not be connected to the internet. His findings is that they were.
The difference is Trump asked him to do something. Hillary did not ask him to do something. They investigated and came to a conclusion. Trump was clearly using the power of the presidency to hinder an investigation. If you believe he was wrong in how they handled Hillary's investigation that is your prerogative. You cannot find any evidence that Hillary or anyone else asked him to go easy on her. For a republican he seems to do his job in a non partisan way. Which is refreshing but Trump fired him anyway. I guess he really likes to say your fired.

And you think Comey, who is obviously a Trump hater, has words that are Gospel? He was only one of two there. Professional criminals are not professional because they leave evidence behind. Can you explain why Bill Clinton hopped on Lynch's plane, told reporters to get lost and not say anything, when busted, stated he and Lynch were talking about their grandchildren? When asked, Lynch never had any grandchildren.

Bill approached Lynch about the case. It's likely she told bill she was on the hook. The evidence of criminal activity on part of his wife was overwhelming. Bill told her not to worry, the fix was in. All she had to do is make a public announcement that she would act on the directors advice, which as we both know, never happened before in our FBI or AG.

That's exactly what Comey did. He listed all the crimes and misdoings of Hillary, and recommended that no charges be filed. Lynch was off the hook, Comey took the heat, and Hillary continued to run for President with no case or conviction against her.

Now ask yourself: how did Lynch know that Comey would give her any advice on how to do her job? It's never happened before. The investigation agency (the FBI) only brings forward the results of their investigation, and it's up to the AG to determine if charges are to be filed--not the FBI director nor any of his suggestions.
Closing the Signature loophole is key to having fair elections.

Anything that ignores signature verification is an invitation to mail-in ballot fraud.

At this point I think it's time we rid ourselves of technology in presidential elections. Like the 50's and 60's, hand count only with representatives of both parties verifying the count. This is getting too Fn ridiculous already. Yes, it may take much longer, but because of the apparent problems, look at how long it's taking now. I can wait four or five days after the election to find out who actually won.
Using block-chain to validate each unique vote and simultaneously verifying against databases of NO-LONGER eligible voters (dead, moved away, etc), while annually cleaning the voter registration rolls is a minimum.

The desire to be able to cheat is why Dimbocraps fight cleaning the voter registration lists.
The difference is Trump asked him to do something. Hillary did not ask him to do something. They investigated and came to a conclusion. Trump was clearly using the power of the presidency to hinder an investigation. If you believe he was wrong in how they handled Hillary's investigation that is your prerogative. You cannot find any evidence that Hillary or anyone else asked him to go easy on her. For a republican he seems to do his job in a non partisan way. Which is refreshing but Trump fired him anyway. I guess he really likes to say your fired.

And you think Comey, who is obviously a Trump hater, has words that are Gospel? He was only one of two there. Professional criminals are not professional because they leave evidence behind. Can you explain why Bill Clinton hopped on Lynch's plane, told reporters to get lost and not say anything, when busted, stated he and Lynch were talking about their grandchildren? When asked, Lynch never had any grandchildren.

Bill approached Lynch about the case. It's likely she told bill she was on the hook. The evidence of criminal activity on part of his wife was overwhelming. Bill told her not to worry, the fix was in. All she had to do is make a public announcement that she would act on the directors advice, which as we both know, never happened before in our FBI or AG.

That's exactly what Comey did. He listed all the crimes and misdoings of Hillary, and recommended that no charges be filed. Lynch was off the hook, Comey took the heat, and Hillary continued to run for President with no case or conviction against her.

Now ask yourself: how did Lynch know that Comey would give her any advice on how to do her job? It's never happened before. The investigation agency (the FBI) only brings forward the results of their investigation, and it's up to the AG to determine if charges are to be filed--not the FBI director nor any of his suggestions.
Imagine that? The same folks who convinced themselves that Trump was re-elected are also sure Hillary got away with committing crimes.

Closing the Signature loophole is key to having fair elections.

Anything that ignores signature verification is an invitation to mail-in ballot fraud.

At this point I think it's time we rid ourselves of technology in presidential elections. Like the 50's and 60's, hand count only with representatives of both parties verifying the count. This is getting too Fn ridiculous already. Yes, it may take much longer, but because of the apparent problems, look at how long it's taking now. I can wait four or five days after the election to find out who actually won.
Using block-chain to validate each unique vote and simultaneously verifying against databases of NO-LONGER eligible voters (dead, moved away, etc), while annually cleaning the voter registration rolls is a minimum.

The desire to be able to cheat is why Dimbocraps fight cleaning the voter registration lists.
I like how you decide the election cheaters are always Democrats.

Using block-chain to validate each unique vote and simultaneously verifying against databases of NO-LONGER eligible voters (dead, moved away, etc), while annually cleaning the voter registration rolls is a minimum.

The desire to be able to cheat is why Dimbocraps fight cleaning the voter registration lists.

Easier said than done. Every time we do something to make things better in this country, the left takes it to court to have one of their commie judges rule in their favor. It took us a couple of years to clean up our voter roles for that reason. Like you said, they don't want them cleaned up. Now that we finally got a judge that allowed us to clean it up, we had zero problems with our election.
This was not a normal election. Trump was not a normal candidate. The condition under which the election was held was certainly not normal. Thus one would not expect normal results and voting patterns would not be what one expected.

I still maintain that mail-in voting is more secured than voting in person. Signature certification is certainly more secure than the current id checking at polls. Any voting fraud that occurs do to mail-in voting is offset by voter turnout. We had 17.2 million more more voters in 2020 than 2016. due primarily to mail in voting. Every single state had more voters which varied from a low +8.3% to +31,5%. Both the highest and lowest increase in voter turnout was in red states.

People don't come out in droves because they hate somebody. Yes, mail in had a lot to do with it. When you vote in person, you need to present an ID. You need to sign the book, your signature is checked on the spot. They reasonably know who you are. With mail in voting, some places didn't bother checking the signature. They had no photo ID to compare you to. One voting location used a computerized signature program, and they set it to 45% sensitivity.

There is a ballot rejection rate of 5 or 6% during any election. This year in some places, a fraction of 1%. Do people that hate Trump fill out their ballots more carefully? Now I want to present this to you. I'll just copy/paste some of what's contained. If you want to read the entire article, I'll post the link as well:

Trump grew his support among black voters by 50 percent over 2016. Nationally, Joe Biden’s black support fell well below 90 percent, the level below which Democratic presidential candidates usually lose.

Trump increased his share of the national Hispanic vote to 35 percent. With 60 percent or less of the national Hispanic vote, it is arithmetically impossible for a Democratic presidential candidate to win Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.

We are told that Biden won more votes nationally than any presidential candidate in history. But he won a record low of 17 percent of counties; he only won 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008. Yet, Biden somehow outdid Obama in total votes.

Victorious presidential candidates, especially challengers, usually have down-ballot coattails; Biden did not. The Republicans held the Senate and enjoyed a ‘red wave’ in the House, where they gained a large number of seats while winning all 27 toss-up contests. Trump’s party did not lose a single state legislature and actually made gains at the state level.

1. Late on election night, with Trump comfortably ahead, many swing states stopped counting ballots. In most cases, observers were removed from the counting facilities. Counting generally continued without the observers

2. Statistically abnormal vote counts were the new normal when counting resumed. They were unusually large in size (hundreds of thousands) and had an unusually high (90 percent and above) Biden-to-Trump ratio.

4. The failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots. The destruction of mail-in ballot envelopes, which must contain signatures

6. Missing votes. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 50,000 votes held on 47 USB cards are missing

7. Non-resident voters. Matt Braynard’s Voter Integrity Project estimates that 20,312 people who no longer met residency requirements cast ballots in Georgia. Biden’s margin is 12,670 votes

9. Statistical anomalies. In Georgia, Biden overtook Trump with 89 percent of the votes counted. For the next 53 batches of votes counted, Biden led Trump by the same exact 50.05 to 49.95 percent margin in every single batch. It is particularly perplexing that all statistical anomalies and tabulation abnormalities were in Biden’s favor. Whether the cause was simple human error or nefarious activity, or a combination, clearly something peculiar happened.

Anti-candidate voting in presidential elections is not uncommon. If was a major factor in this presidential election as well 1948, 1952. 1968, and 1980. In fact. this election was a referendum on Trump. In most voters mind, Trump was this issue.

The data you presented does not support your conclusion, in particular the Hispanic vote.

Their are many anomalies in this election. In fact the whole election is an anomaly. There were more people voting in this election than any election in American history. An astounding 2/3 of all votes were cast prior to election day. We have had more first time voters, more black voters, Hispanic voters, and more voters voting for just the president. Even the campaigning of the two candidates were radically different. So it is to be expected that we would have anomalies in voting patterns compared to previous elections because there has never been a presidential election like this one.
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Anti-candidate voting in presidential elections is not uncommon. If was a major factor in this presidential election as well 1948, 1952. 1968, and 1980. In fact. this election was a referendum on Trump. In most voters mind, Trump was this issue.

The data you presented does not support your conclusion, in particular the Hispanic vote.

Their are many anomalies in this election. In fact the whole election is an anomaly. There were more people voting in this election than any election in American history. An astounding 2/3 of all votes were cast prior to election day. We have had more first time voters, more black voters, Hispanic voters, and more voters voting for just the president. Even the campaigning of the two candidates were radically different. So it is to be expected that we would have anomalies in voting patterns compared to previous elections because there has never been a presidential election like this one.

An anomaly is one thing. Two anomalies is another, but not this many, and only in contested states.

Yes, we had more people voting in this election IF those were all legal votes, and IF the software in those Dominion machines didn't switch the votes as they have the ability to do according to Colonel Waldron and others.

Closing the Signature loophole is key to having fair elections.

Anything that ignores signature verification is an invitation to mail-in ballot fraud.

At this point I think it's time we rid ourselves of technology in presidential elections. Like the 50's and 60's, hand count only with representatives of both parties verifying the count. This is getting too Fn ridiculous already. Yes, it may take much longer, but because of the apparent problems, look at how long it's taking now. I can wait four or five days after the election to find out who actually won.
You would have to go back before the 1950s. By 1930, lever style voting machines which tabulating the number votes for each candidate or issue in every major city. These totals were combined to become precinct totals, then county totals, and then state totals. Fraud and inaccuracy was common throughout the country. By 1950, lever voting machines where in common use in all but the smallest towns in the US. In 1962, the first optical scan ballots were introduced which created a new era of accuracy and election integrity in voting.
With 160 million ballots in a presidential election and an average of 40 items per ballot, that would require 6.4 billion tabulations but there would have be a lot more tabulations because there would have to be totals by voting booth, precinct, county and state. I would guess using the current staff, it would take us many years to determine the election outcome and that would be without recounts.
Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

What's Up, Ruby?... BREAKING: Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED (
3 Dec 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Earlier today Cristina Laila reported on the explosive video that was revealed during the Georgia ballot counting at the State Farm Arena where crooked Democrats pulled out suitcases full of ballots and began counting those ballots without election monitors in the room.
Trump’s legal team showed a video from the State Farm Arena tabulation center when poll workers were told to leave at 10:25 PM.
A few “workers” stayed behind and were seen pulling suitcases full of ballots out from under tables to be tabulated!
This was the most explosive video of the entire campaign season!

We now have identified one of these criminals who were caught on video counting illegal ballots from a suitcase stashed under a table!
As you can see from the video one woman in a purple top was filmed helping pull out the ballots and then sitting down to count the ballots.
That woman has now been identified.

Local 11 News covered the story from the State Farm Arena that a pipe had burst.
(This later was proven to be complete fraud and an excuse to kick out the GOP election observers!)
One woman in the video is wearing a purple top.
She later appeared in the suitcase video!
Her name is Ruby Freeman.
And she made the mistake of advertising her purse on her desk the same night she was involved in voter fraud on a MASSIVE SCALE.

Maybe the Georgia police or Bill Barr’s DOJ may want to pay Ruby Freeman a visit.

Ballots Do Not Come In Suit Cases....
Good Bye Ruby Tuesday Time to pin vote fraud on you When you change the vote count at night
We're not gonna miss her. “We are saddened to hear about her impending suicide.”

Seriously... what’s wrong with you? No suitcases, nobody was asked to leave, this narrative you’re pushing is complete BS. The REPUBLICAN that voted for Trump who was in charge of the election cleared up this story over a week ago. Get a clue you’re embarrassing yourself

Third Suspect from State Farm Center 'Suitcase Scandal ... (

Where do you dig up all these crap sources? There is no "suspect" because there is no law enforcement action because the conspiracy theory you are building is just that.

Why does the truth bother you attack the source but you know the article is accurate.
And secondly, don't they still atleast teach basic word meaning in be a suspect does not require law enforcement. Only that one is thought to have committed a crime (like voter fraud). THE video and article that you hate clearly show this so yes----the four morons are suspect.

The article is not accurate. You and I both know if there was any merit to it, the Georgia Republicans would be all over it as would Barr.

Do you not read about the incidents you post. The georgia republicans are part of it. The Dominion lobbyist is their old aid..and in fact, didn't I read that the dominion lobbyist was donating to one that wasn't Kemp?

If this goes down as voter fraud----I think the republican taking bribes goes to prison--at the very least he will be pushed out of office. Kemp may lose his office over this nonsense as well-------
Anti-candidate voting in presidential elections is not uncommon. If was a major factor in this presidential election as well 1948, 1952. 1968, and 1980. In fact. this election was a referendum on Trump. In most voters mind, Trump was this issue.

The data you presented does not support your conclusion, in particular the Hispanic vote.

Their are many anomalies in this election. In fact the whole election is an anomaly. There were more people voting in this election than any election in American history. An astounding 2/3 of all votes were cast prior to election day. We have had more first time voters, more black voters, Hispanic voters, and more voters voting for just the president. Even the campaigning of the two candidates were radically different. So it is to be expected that we would have anomalies in voting patterns compared to previous elections because there has never been a presidential election like this one.

An anomaly is one thing. Two anomalies is another, but not this many, and only in contested states.

Yes, we had more people voting in this election IF those were all legal votes, and IF the software in those Dominion machines didn't switch the votes as they have the ability to do according to Colonel Waldron and others.

Every election is filled with anomalies and if you look for them, you will find them. What is omitted from all these stories is actually evidence. There is much being said about vote swapping but exactly how is that accomplished when the machines are controlled by by an internal program and the machines are not connected to the internet? Weeks before every election, the latest updates to the software are installed. Multiple test runs are performed after any software change and before the election to certify the equipment. Neither the voting machines nor tabulating machines are connected to the internet so it would be impossible to alter counts externally.

In every state where the vote is being contested there are paper ballot produced when each vote is cast. These ballot record are a duplicate of data stored in the voting machine so the validity of the paper ballot can be compared to the stored data. There are many other safeguards such producing and checking batch totals in and out of every processing step. Mark sense machines time and date stamp every successfully processed ballot and they can not be processed more than once except in recount mode. Video cameras monitor vote counting centers plus observers from each party are allowed.
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SCOTUS Rejects Republican Bid To Overturn Biden's Pennsylvania Victory.


This is SCOTUS way of saying they ain't gonna touch 45's attempt to steal election in anyway, shape and/or form.
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There was nothing fair about this election. Software that could be manipulated even over the internet to switch votes, mail in voting opening up the doors to more fraud, not checking signatures of absentee ballots, Stop voting count when Trump was way in the lead, and when they returned the next day, all of a sudden most of the votes going to Biden, not allowing poll overseers close enough to see ballots, just too many things to name.
All these voting machines had access to the internet during the counting, the voting and the tallying.

That makes the whole election BULLSHIT for the gitgo.

Except that voting machines are not connected to the internet.
Officials are not that stupid to connect them to the internet.

To tamper with a voting machine require tearing it apart and making changes to the machine. Then you would have to do it to every machine because they are not interconnected. They are stand alone machines. Also you would have to break into the location that they are kept and tamper with it the interior controls. Machines are kept in secure location and probably have security alarms and video surveillance in the building.
Also to make a difference in this election and not be detected, 60,000 votes in multiple precincts and 3 states would have had to be flipped. The problem of course is before the election, you don't how many votes would have to be flipped nor in which states. It's easy to determine what is need to be done after the election but nearly impossible before the election.
Safe Harbor Deadline Arrives, Locking In Biden's Electoral Victory.

45's long-shot bid to overturn the election became more far-fetched Tuesday after most states appeared to meet the deadline to guarantee that Congress must accept their electors.

Tuesday marked the "safe harbor" deadline. Federal law requires that Congress recognize the slates of electors chosen by states that have resolved legal fights, recounts and other election disputes by this date.

The deadline came after the Trump campaign lost a barrage of court challenges in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada – each battleground states President-elect Joe Biden won – seeking to overturn the Nov. 3 presidential election.
Except that voting machines are not connected to the internet.
Officials are not that stupid to connect them to the internet.

To tamper with a voting machine require tearing it apart and making changes to the machine. Then you would have to do it to every machine because they are not interconnected. They are stand alone machines. Also you would have to break into the location that they are kept and tamper with it the interior controls. Machines are kept in secure location and probably have security alarms and video surveillance in the building.

Colonel Waldron testified the exact opposite. He too was told the machines would not be connected to the internet. His findings is that they were.
How about enlighten us as how standalone machines are changed across internet when they are not connected to the internet. There is no reason to connect these machines to the internet during an election unless you want them to be hacked.
Safe Harbor Deadline Arrives, Locking In Biden's Electoral Victory.

45's long-shot bid to overturn the election became more far-fetched Tuesday after most states appeared to meet the deadline to guarantee that Congress must accept their electors.

Tuesday marked the "safe harbor" deadline. Federal law requires that Congress recognize the slates of electors chosen by states that have resolved legal fights, recounts and other election disputes by this date.

The deadline came after the Trump campaign lost a barrage of court challenges in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada – each battleground states President-elect Joe Biden won – seeking to overturn the Nov. 3 presidential election.
The AP reported that every state except Wisconsin made the Safe Harbor deadline, another nail in the coffin of the 2020 Trump campaign.
How about enlighten us as how standalone machines are changed across internet when they are not connected to the internet. There is no reason to connect these machines to the internet during an election unless you want them to be hacked.

Or you want to insert algorithms into it while voting. Are you saying the good Colonel lied to the Michigan panel?
Safe Harbor Deadline Arrives, Locking In Biden's Electoral Victory.

45's long-shot bid to overturn the election became more far-fetched Tuesday after most states appeared to meet the deadline to guarantee that Congress must accept their electors.

Tuesday marked the "safe harbor" deadline. Federal law requires that Congress recognize the slates of electors chosen by states that have resolved legal fights, recounts and other election disputes by this date.

The deadline came after the Trump campaign lost a barrage of court challenges in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada – each battleground states President-elect Joe Biden won – seeking to overturn the Nov. 3 presidential election.

Nothing the Supreme Court can't stop.

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