Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

You are a moron. You and your ilk IMPEACHED an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE and now you are trying to disavow a video that clearly shows malfeasance. How about the video of the poll worker who ran the SAME stack of ballots TWICE. Go back to your basement.
Yeah it really takes a Libtard to believe that one anonymous allegation of a nonspecified crime is worthy of impeachment, but over 2,000 sworn affidavits backed up with video is not worth investigating or cause in anyone to question the validity of an election.

It really take a libtard to believe such bullshit.

Your putting signed avidaviates
Nothing in the post above offers ANY proof that fraud did not occur
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: The dnc is really paying this shill major bucks to lie
Knowing how she engages in lies all the time and never looks at facts I have no doubt you are correct,I’m not about to read through that Bible length babble,I salute you for being able to read through that garbage Bible length babble,don’t know how you do it.

First she was pulling suitcases from under the table and right wingers claimed she was doing something fraudulent

when official says she was preparing votes to be scanned as was the rest of the people in the room which was what she was suppose to be doing. Wrong conclusion drawn by people looking for anything that will float on the internet.

Then there is a video which right wingers are saying shows a USB being passed to someone which to them indicates guilt and fraud.

Yet the video at best is inconclusive and you cannot see what was in her hand. 2nd explain how a USB could be used to commit fraud by her. Votes are check manually for completeness and validity. The vote is recorded manually. It is then boxed for later scanning into the main voting system. A scanning device is used to scan the votes Votes are counted manually and are scanned and the totals are compared. Any discrepancies has to be accounted for or recounted.

So explain how a USB in this process by a worker to commit fraud? Especially if a USB cannot even be verified that was in her hand.

Finally now the story shifts to something she did 10 years ago. You say she should not have been hired. Does the bible preach forgiveness? or is it more selective based on political rhetoric?

People make mistakes. They still need to make money in legitimate ways. Trump has pardon people who have committed murder but hey they must get on with their lives.

Still this is a country of laws. Innocent until proven guilty. If she committed fraud which is punishable then the court will determine guilt.
Your argument is laughable. Now you are calling for due process and less than a year ago you and your ilk impeached an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE. Where was your demand for due process then? HYPOCRITE.

Trump was impeached. He had is due process. He was just found not guilty in the Senate. I guess you can say the system works. 48/52 vote when 2/3 vote is required for removal from office. There was evidence but it is a political vote
It was a clear sham impeachment and everybody knows it.

Trump asked everyone to clear the room and only wanted to talk with Comey. Comey says that Trump asked him to go easy on one of his allies.

The only sham is that repubs put up with it.
You are a moron. You and your ilk IMPEACHED an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE and now you are trying to disavow a video that clearly shows malfeasance. How about the video of the poll worker who ran the SAME stack of ballots TWICE. Go back to your basement.
Yeah it really takes a Libtard to believe that one anonymous allegation of a nonspecified crime is worthy of impeachment, but over 2,000 sworn affidavits backed up with video is not worth investigating or cause in anyone to question the validity of an election.

It really take a libtard to believe such bullshit.

Your putting signed avidaviates
Nothing in the post above offers ANY proof that fraud did not occur
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: The dnc is really paying this shill major bucks to lie
Knowing how she engages in lies all the time and never looks at facts I have no doubt you are correct,I’m not about to read through that Bible length babble,I salute you for being able to read through that garbage Bible length babble,don’t know how you do it.

First she was pulling suitcases from under the table and right wingers claimed she was doing something fraudulent

when official says she was preparing votes to be scanned as was the rest of the people in the room which was what she was suppose to be doing. Wrong conclusion drawn by people looking for anything that will float on the internet.

Then there is a video which right wingers are saying shows a USB being passed to someone which to them indicates guilt and fraud.

Yet the video at best is inconclusive and you cannot see what was in her hand. 2nd explain how a USB could be used to commit fraud by her. Votes are check manually for completeness and validity. The vote is recorded manually. It is then boxed for later scanning into the main voting system. A scanning device is used to scan the votes Votes are counted manually and are scanned and the totals are compared. Any discrepancies has to be accounted for or recounted.

So explain how a USB in this process by a worker to commit fraud? Especially if a USB cannot even be verified that was in her hand.

Finally now the story shifts to something she did 10 years ago. You say she should not have been hired. Does the bible preach forgiveness? or is it more selective based on political rhetoric?

People make mistakes. They still need to make money in legitimate ways. Trump has pardon people who have committed murder but hey they must get on with their lives.

Still this is a country of laws. Innocent until proven guilty. If she committed fraud which is punishable then the court will determine guilt.
Your argument is laughable. Now you are calling for due process and less than a year ago you and your ilk impeached an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE. Where was your demand for due process then? HYPOCRITE.

Trump was impeached. He had is due process. He was just found not guilty in the Senate. I guess you can say the system works. 48/52 vote when 2/3 vote is required for removal from office. There was evidence but it is a political vote
And Impeached Trump could still face criminal charges or that after he leaves office next month.

Let the good times roll
You are reading a hell of a lot into the video that is based entirely on your subjective opinion. The mother could have been handing the daughter a tampon, and you know...that's not exactly something you'd advertise.
How many times have you witnessed a woman handing her adult daughter a tampon in public?
Believing such nonsense is preferable to libtards than accepting Truth that hurts 'their side', which obviously is not America's side.
Ray, most Trump voters expected Trump to win this election. 3 out of 4 presidential incumbents do win. Trump was winning the election in many states on election night when most of the votes being counted were coming from the polls. I imagine many people went to bed election night expecting Trump to win. Then the election offices began the long process of counting mail-in ballots which were mostly Biden votes and Trump's lead began to shrink and continued to do so for days. I completely understand why Trump supporters would be so disappointed and look for a reason for the loss and that reason just had to be election fraud because as you said, Trump was our greatest president in may years, campaigned vigorously while his opponent hardly campaigned at all. He got a massive tax bill passed, dealt with illegal immigration more harshly than any recent president, reversed many of Obama initiates, etc, etc. There was just no way he could lose.

BUT.... what you are not considering is the opposition absolutely despised Trump. He was everything they hated in a national leader. He was arrogant, immoral, narcistic, racist, coarse, hateful, and totally lacking in all social graces. He was their abusive father or husband, their arrogant self serving boss, their racist neighbor. His tax cuts favored the rich. His manifest hatred for undocumented immigrant may have thrilled those on the right but did the opposite for those on the left. His cold disinterred approach to the virus that was killing tens of thousands was just too much. Most Biden voter's impression of Trump was that he just didn't give a damn about people that were suffering or as he said, "what will be, will be. How do you that made a son or daughter feel when their dad was dying alone in the hospital? Trump was just too involved in winning an election to notice.

Trump supporters never really understood just how much his opposition hated him. This is why Biden had a low key campaign. He didn't really have to do anything other than not be Trump.

The other side always hates their opposition. This is normal. As one statistician pointed out, every other state that were not border line states had a normal voting pattern. Only the flip states had this never seen before voting pattern. He further pointed out that Independents for some strange reason voted 80% for Biden, again, something that's never happened in our history. His analysis is that some states go for the Republican and others go Democrat, and this is normal; not flip states go heavily Democrat and all the others normal. How can you even conclude that this Trump hatred only took place in purple states? It makes no sense.

Trump lost not only keeping his base, but expanding it. The minority flip alone should have won this election for him hands down. Furthermore when people don't like a President, usually the rest of his party sinks with him. In this election, the Republicans gained seats in the House, again, something that doesn't normally happen. So there is not this nationwide hate that you speak of. This election was fixed by Big Brother hands down. If we didn't have mail in voting, Trump would have taken nearly every state because it would have blocked that avenue for cheating.
His manifest hatred for undocumented immigrant
This kind of statement mars an otherwise thoughtful post--however much I might disagree with some of it.

Donald Trump does not manifest even a mild dislike of illegal aliens, let alone "hate". But the Jewish left has been chanting this lie since the day he announced, and, apparently, you've swallowed it.

Donald Trump supports enforcing our immigration laws, yes, but that is hardly "hate". That is simply agreeing with the overwhelming majority of voters as well as the policy of every country from which those illegal aliens come.
All that is needed is real evidence of who did what, when, and where. Saying it does not it make it so. Claiming it could happen is not proof it did happen.

How does one obtain this evidence if the courts won't allow it? The very idea that "it could happen" is enough to investigate these multiple claims. This is 2020. How do we have an election system where fraud could even be possible?

If you have enough, data you can produce any kind of voting pattern required. This is an example of how evidence is created. You start with the premise that there is massive election fraud. Then find normal events surroundings the election and call it evidence. Then create an election fraud story that fits this evidence. Ballot carrying cases become suitcases of fake ballots. Out of state license plates at the polls become evidence of illegal out of state voters. A group of workers in an election center fixing ballots that the machines can't read become evidence of election fraud. There's a ton of this so called evidence on the internet.
Over 40 lawsuits, and not one piece of evidence proving our elections are fraudulent and rigged. If Waldron had any real evidence, wouldn't you think Giuliani would have use used him in court.

He does have evidence and I provided the video of him presenting it.

As for the evidence he didn't present, it's only because he doesn't have access to it which the courts could allow.

I suspect what will happen after Trump vacates the White House, and republicans become concerned with attacking Biden rather claiming election fraud, states across the country will take a hard look at their election safe guards to see they can be improved it. Hopefully, the states will allocate some funds to educated voters about how election processing actually works because most of the so called evidence is based on a lack knowledge of election processing.

These matters need to be settled now, not after Biden fraudulently gets in. It's too late then.

It's not like we are talking about one situation, we are talking about dozens of apparent problems. I was watching Mark Levin tonight. He was pointing out the many things allowable in PA this last election were considered fraud just 14 months ago. In other words, with the expectation of Trump winning, they changed their voting laws even unconstitutionally to make sure the Democrat candidate stood a chance.

Besides what team Trump brings to the table, the entire election doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If Trump lost against Bill Clinton or DumBama, I wouldn't even question it. But when you expect me to believe that the oldest candidate for President won, the most frail and fragile candidate, the most confused candidate, a candidate associated with an FBI investigation, a candidate a good percentage of Americans believe has dementia, a candidate that spent a lifetime in federal politics and accomplished nothing in all that time, and he got the most votes in our history, something is obviously amiss.
Ray, most Trump voters expected Trump to win this election. 3 out of 4 presidential incumbents do win. Trump was winning the election in many states on election night when most of the votes being counted were coming from the polls. I imagine many people went to bed election night expecting Trump to win. Then the election offices began the long process of counting mail-in ballots which were mostly Biden votes and Trump's lead began to shrink and continued to do so for days. I completely understand why Trump supporters would be so disappointed and look for a reason for the loss and that reason just had to be election fraud because as you said, Trump was our greatest president in may years, campaigned vigorously while his opponent hardly campaigned at all. He got a massive tax bill passed, dealt with illegal immigration more harshly than any recent president, reversed many of Obama initiates, etc, etc. There was just no way he could lose.

BUT.... what you are not considering is the opposition absolutely despised Trump. He was everything they hated in a national leader. He was arrogant, immoral, narcistic, racist, coarse, hateful, and totally lacking in all social graces. He was their abusive father or husband, their arrogant self serving boss, their racist neighbor. His tax cuts favored the rich. His manifest hatred for undocumented immigrant may have thrilled those on the right but did the opposite for those on the left. His cold disinterred approach to the virus that was killing tens of thousands was just too much. Most Biden voter's impression of Trump was that he just didn't give a damn about people that were suffering or as he said, "what will be, will be. How do you that made a son or daughter feel when their dad was dying alone in the hospital? Trump was just too involved in winning an election to notice.

Trump supporters never really understood just how much his opposition hated him. This is why Biden had a low key campaign. He didn't really have to do anything other than not be Trump.

The opposition voters--hated trump less this year than last election year. The globalist chinese, billionaire crooks like soros and gates hated Trump more and spent more and did more to cheat the elections this year over last. So you are sorta right but not the way you intended.
You are a moron. You and your ilk IMPEACHED an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE and now you are trying to disavow a video that clearly shows malfeasance. How about the video of the poll worker who ran the SAME stack of ballots TWICE. Go back to your basement.
Yeah it really takes a Libtard to believe that one anonymous allegation of a nonspecified crime is worthy of impeachment, but over 2,000 sworn affidavits backed up with video is not worth investigating or cause in anyone to question the validity of an election.

It really take a libtard to believe such bullshit.

Your putting signed avidaviates
Nothing in the post above offers ANY proof that fraud did not occur
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: The dnc is really paying this shill major bucks to lie
Knowing how she engages in lies all the time and never looks at facts I have no doubt you are correct,I’m not about to read through that Bible length babble,I salute you for being able to read through that garbage Bible length babble,don’t know how you do it.

First she was pulling suitcases from under the table and right wingers claimed she was doing something fraudulent

when official says she was preparing votes to be scanned as was the rest of the people in the room which was what she was suppose to be doing. Wrong conclusion drawn by people looking for anything that will float on the internet.

Then there is a video which right wingers are saying shows a USB being passed to someone which to them indicates guilt and fraud.

Yet the video at best is inconclusive and you cannot see what was in her hand. 2nd explain how a USB could be used to commit fraud by her. Votes are check manually for completeness and validity. The vote is recorded manually. It is then boxed for later scanning into the main voting system. A scanning device is used to scan the votes Votes are counted manually and are scanned and the totals are compared. Any discrepancies has to be accounted for or recounted.

So explain how a USB in this process by a worker to commit fraud? Especially if a USB cannot even be verified that was in her hand.

Finally now the story shifts to something she did 10 years ago. You say she should not have been hired. Does the bible preach forgiveness? or is it more selective based on political rhetoric?

People make mistakes. They still need to make money in legitimate ways. Trump has pardon people who have committed murder but hey they must get on with their lives.

Still this is a country of laws. Innocent until proven guilty. If she committed fraud which is punishable then the court will determine guilt.
Your argument is laughable. Now you are calling for due process and less than a year ago you and your ilk impeached an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE. Where was your demand for due process then? HYPOCRITE.

Trump was impeached. He had is due process. He was just found not guilty in the Senate. I guess you can say the system works. 48/52 vote when 2/3 vote is required for removal from office. There was evidence but it is a political vote
It was a clear sham impeachment and everybody knows it.

Trump asked everyone to clear the room and only wanted to talk with Comey. Comey says that Trump asked him to go easy on one of his allies.

The only sham is that repubs put up with it.
A lot of republicans put up with Trump because they are afraid of him. Saying Trump is vindictive is an understatement. Even in the final days of his presidency, they are still afraid of him.
A lot of republicans put up with Trump because they are afraid of him. Saying Trump is vindictive is an understatement. Even in the final days of his presidency, they are still afraid of him.
LOL! Incredibly ridiculous. Who is cowering from the vindictive Trump?
You have to stand in line if you want to publicly assault Donald Trump.
There are so many people in line ahead of you.
Get behind all the media, the late night hyenas, Hollywood morons, pundits, media figures etc.
Never Trumpers. Democrats. etc.

You are a moron. You and your ilk IMPEACHED an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE and now you are trying to disavow a video that clearly shows malfeasance. How about the video of the poll worker who ran the SAME stack of ballots TWICE. Go back to your basement.
Yeah it really takes a Libtard to believe that one anonymous allegation of a nonspecified crime is worthy of impeachment, but over 2,000 sworn affidavits backed up with video is not worth investigating or cause in anyone to question the validity of an election.

It really take a libtard to believe such bullshit.

Your putting signed avidaviates
Nothing in the post above offers ANY proof that fraud did not occur
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: The dnc is really paying this shill major bucks to lie
Knowing how she engages in lies all the time and never looks at facts I have no doubt you are correct,I’m not about to read through that Bible length babble,I salute you for being able to read through that garbage Bible length babble,don’t know how you do it.

First she was pulling suitcases from under the table and right wingers claimed she was doing something fraudulent

when official says she was preparing votes to be scanned as was the rest of the people in the room which was what she was suppose to be doing. Wrong conclusion drawn by people looking for anything that will float on the internet.

Then there is a video which right wingers are saying shows a USB being passed to someone which to them indicates guilt and fraud.

Yet the video at best is inconclusive and you cannot see what was in her hand. 2nd explain how a USB could be used to commit fraud by her. Votes are check manually for completeness and validity. The vote is recorded manually. It is then boxed for later scanning into the main voting system. A scanning device is used to scan the votes Votes are counted manually and are scanned and the totals are compared. Any discrepancies has to be accounted for or recounted.

So explain how a USB in this process by a worker to commit fraud? Especially if a USB cannot even be verified that was in her hand.

Finally now the story shifts to something she did 10 years ago. You say she should not have been hired. Does the bible preach forgiveness? or is it more selective based on political rhetoric?

People make mistakes. They still need to make money in legitimate ways. Trump has pardon people who have committed murder but hey they must get on with their lives.

Still this is a country of laws. Innocent until proven guilty. If she committed fraud which is punishable then the court will determine guilt.
Your argument is laughable. Now you are calling for due process and less than a year ago you and your ilk impeached an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE. Where was your demand for due process then? HYPOCRITE.

Trump was impeached. He had is due process. He was just found not guilty in the Senate. I guess you can say the system works. 48/52 vote when 2/3 vote is required for removal from office. There was evidence but it is a political vote
It was a clear sham impeachment and everybody knows it.

Trump asked everyone to clear the room and only wanted to talk with Comey. Comey says that Trump asked him to go easy on one of his allies.

The only sham is that repubs put up with it.
A lot of republicans put up with Trump because they are afraid of him. Saying Trump is vindictive is an understatement. Even in the final days of his presidency, they are still afraid of him.
They are idiots then---its the voting working populous that they should fear-----Trump can't hurt them much more now----the people are getting to hate the pols and craving blood as the pols think they are above the law and this will only get more exacerbated as the economy crashes next year.......the dems are already going for blood, the libertarians have started the join--------more conservative personalities who do more than just vote conservative will start acting out as's not about Trump btw, its the COVID lockdowns causing this Insurrection to Flare. The Winds are changing---and like throughout history--people would put up with a lot of abuse but then some small trigger that wasn't as bad would be the final straw that starts things in motion. The people are woke to the pols corruption and their belief that the people are serfs and trying to blame trump is no longer enough to hide it----------

The Winds have changed.........
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