Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

Ruby Freeman admits aiding the plot to produce illegal ballots for Biden and she claims Trump's vote totals there forced her to commit a federal crime. Ruby Freeman: "Trump won Georgia if we didn't do what we did""
So when can we expect Georgia authorities to act?
You believe that??? Hope whoever wrote that gets their ass thrown in jail. It wasn't Ruby Freeman.
It never ceases to amaze me what these cultists will accept as fact without question for no reason other than it fits their agenda.
All that is needed is real evidence of who did what, when, and where. Saying it does not it make it so. Claiming it could happen is not proof it did happen.

How does one obtain this evidence if the courts won't allow it? The very idea that "it could happen" is enough to investigate these multiple claims. This is 2020. How do we have an election system where fraud could even be possible?

If you have enough, data you can produce any kind of voting pattern required. This is an example of how evidence is created. You start with the premise that there is massive election fraud. Then find normal events surroundings the election and call it evidence. Then create an election fraud story that fits this evidence. Ballot carrying cases become suitcases of fake ballots. Out of state license plates at the polls become evidence of illegal out of state voters. A group of workers in an election center fixing ballots that the machines can't read become evidence of election fraud. There's a ton of this so called evidence on the internet.
Over 40 lawsuits, and not one piece of evidence proving our elections are fraudulent and rigged. If Waldron had any real evidence, wouldn't you think Giuliani would have use used him in court.

He does have evidence and I provided the video of him presenting it.

As for the evidence he didn't present, it's only because he doesn't have access to it which the courts could allow.

I suspect what will happen after Trump vacates the White House, and republicans become concerned with attacking Biden rather claiming election fraud, states across the country will take a hard look at their election safe guards to see they can be improved it. Hopefully, the states will allocate some funds to educated voters about how election processing actually works because most of the so called evidence is based on a lack knowledge of election processing.

These matters need to be settled now, not after Biden fraudulently gets in. It's too late then.

It's not like we are talking about one situation, we are talking about dozens of apparent problems. I was watching Mark Levin tonight. He was pointing out the many things allowable in PA this last election were considered fraud just 14 months ago. In other words, with the expectation of Trump winning, they changed their voting laws even unconstitutionally to make sure the Democrat candidate stood a chance.

Besides what team Trump brings to the table, the entire election doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If Trump lost against Bill Clinton or DumBama, I wouldn't even question it. But when you expect me to believe that the oldest candidate for President won, the most frail and fragile candidate, the most confused candidate, a candidate associated with an FBI investigation, a candidate a good percentage of Americans believe has dementia, a candidate that spent a lifetime in federal politics and accomplished nothing in all that time, and he got the most votes in our history, something is obviously amiss.
You are a moron. You and your ilk IMPEACHED an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE and now you are trying to disavow a video that clearly shows malfeasance. How about the video of the poll worker who ran the SAME stack of ballots TWICE. Go back to your basement.
Yeah it really takes a Libtard to believe that one anonymous allegation of a nonspecified crime is worthy of impeachment, but over 2,000 sworn affidavits backed up with video is not worth investigating or cause in anyone to question the validity of an election.

It really take a libtard to believe such bullshit.

It is funny how Trump and Rudy have a number of affidavits and treats them like legal affidavits. It is a legal affidavit if it is presented in a court of law. If they are not presented in a court of law they are nothing more than opinions

The difference is that a judge can deem the affidavits as not creditable or inadmissible

By not submitting to a court then they hold them out as legal affidavits without having to bring it before a court. Big difference.

Yet the ones that he dares to bring before a court have been deemed inadmissible or not creditable.

So anyone can sign an affidavit but if it is not brought before a court of law it means nothing other that telling people that it can be presented in a legal case. It can and it can be found to be not creditable or inadmissible. Which could create legal problems for the signer.

The ones he did not submit well Rudy is not a complete idiot. He picks the one which seem creditable.

This thousands of affidavits are reduced to a dozen or so. Results are still the same

Case dismissed
My gawd where did you get your law decree?

The formal requirements of an affidavit usually are:

  • The identification of the place where the affidavit was taken (i.e., the venue);
  • The signature of the affiant or declarant (i.e., the person giving the affidavit); and
  • The certificate evidencing the fact that the affidavit was properly made before a duly authorized officer (i.e. the jurat), which includes the proper authentication by the authorized officer.
Ruby Freeman admits aiding the plot to produce illegal ballots for Biden and she claims Trump's vote totals there forced her to commit a federal crime. Ruby Freeman: "Trump won Georgia if we didn't do what we did""
So when can we expect Georgia authorities to act?
You believe that??? Hope whoever wrote that gets their ass thrown in jail. It wasn't Ruby Freeman.
It never ceases to amaze me what these cultists will accept as fact without question for no reason other than it fits their agenda.
Let's hope the vast majority of these maniacs aren't quite as gullible as Eric. But considering what else they're willing to believe, I'm not betting on it.
And Impeached Trump could still face criminal charges or that after he leaves office next month
I don't think so. The House avoided bringing criminal charges.
The House can't bring criminal charges against a sitting president. They can only impeach a sitting president. The two articles of impeachment for which they impeached Trump were for criminal misconduct. One was for soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national and the other was for obstructing Congress. Once Trump leaves office next month, he can be subject to indictment for those crimes.
The Dems will abuse their power of course-----------but that won't make Trump guilty. Trump needs to stay in office----------and we voters need to get our "pitchforks" out and start using them.
And Impeached Trump could still face criminal charges or that after he leaves office next month
I don't think so. The House avoided bringing criminal charges.
The House can't bring criminal charges against a sitting president. They can only impeach a sitting president. The two articles of impeachment for which they impeached Trump were for criminal misconduct. One was for soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national and the other was for obstructing Congress. Once Trump leaves office next month, he can be subject to indictment for those crimes.
The Dems will abuse their power of course-----------but that won't make Trump guilty. Trump needs to stay in office----------and we voters need to get our "pitchforks" out and start using them.
And Impeached Trump could still face criminal charges or that after he leaves office next month
I don't think so. The House avoided bringing criminal charges.
The House can't bring criminal charges against a sitting president. They can only impeach a sitting president. The two articles of impeachment for which they impeached Trump were for criminal misconduct. One was for soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national and the other was for obstructing Congress. Once Trump leaves office next month, he can be subject to indictment for those crimes.
The Dems will abuse their power of course-----------but that won't make Trump guilty. Trump needs to stay in office----------and we voters need to get our "pitchforks" out and start using them.

Funny thing is that you don't realize that Trump is winning. He won the election which I am sure even you realize even if you won't admit it-------but even he loses to bidens steal he will win the long run as well. People are getting woke to the dems cheating-----next year will be a recession more like depression with crooked JOe in and people are going to remember this as they get their "pitchforks" out---people's sentiment is changing, and next year people won't feel that they have that much to risk by going after our corrupt politicians. I don't think that you will like it when the the libertarians and then the republicans start playing by the dem rules given all the damage that the idiotic dems have done---people who plan and are slower act are usually far more efficient when they do finally act.
Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

What's Up, Ruby?... BREAKING: Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED (
3 Dec 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Earlier today Cristina Laila reported on the explosive video that was revealed during the Georgia ballot counting at the State Farm Arena where crooked Democrats pulled out suitcases full of ballots and began counting those ballots without election monitors in the room.
Trump’s legal team showed a video from the State Farm Arena tabulation center when poll workers were told to leave at 10:25 PM.
A few “workers” stayed behind and were seen pulling suitcases full of ballots out from under tables to be tabulated!
This was the most explosive video of the entire campaign season!

We now have identified one of these criminals who were caught on video counting illegal ballots from a suitcase stashed under a table!
As you can see from the video one woman in a purple top was filmed helping pull out the ballots and then sitting down to count the ballots.
That woman has now been identified.

Local 11 News covered the story from the State Farm Arena that a pipe had burst.
(This later was proven to be complete fraud and an excuse to kick out the GOP election observers!)
One woman in the video is wearing a purple top.
She later appeared in the suitcase video!
Her name is Ruby Freeman.
And she made the mistake of advertising her purse on her desk the same night she was involved in voter fraud on a MASSIVE SCALE.

Maybe the Georgia police or Bill Barr’s DOJ may want to pay Ruby Freeman a visit.

Ballots Do Not Come In Suit Cases....
Good Bye Ruby Tuesday Time to pin vote fraud on you When you change the vote count at night
We're not gonna miss her. “We are saddened to hear about her impending suicide.”

View attachment 426005

Suitcases that are ballot containers commonly used by workers to carry ballots.

You can make that stounding statement with a straight face? Are you out of of gourd?
I've worked in the elections of Bush and Obama in elections during and between 2004 and 2010 both in the US Presidential, national and state elections. We never used suit cases, We used US postal trays and pushed things around with 4 wheeled trolleys. Don't give me any B.S.
BTW you can see them running the same voting ballots two and three times through the same machine. That is unless you are blind as well as mentally disabled.
Watch the video...

See Composite Video of the Many Criminal Acts that Took Place In the Atlanta Arena on Election Night - This Will Shock You (

If they ran ballots twice or more, then there would have been more votes counted than ballots returned. Good luck proving that happened.: cuckoo:

Each time a ballot is run through the machine and scanned it is date and time stamped. Ballots that can not be processed are kicked out. Election workers retrieve these ballots and try to fix them which is typically, darkening the voter selected bubbles, smoothing out creases and folds. In some cases ballot have been mutilated in processing, by the post office or by the voter and they have to be replaced. The way these ballots are handled depends on state regulations. Some states just mark can't be processed and file them. In other states elections workers do all they can to get a ballot to process and still other states attempt to inform the voter that their ballot needs to be redone to count it.

Most vote tallying machines will not process the same ballot twice unless it is set to recount mode. This makes it very difficult to accidently or purposefully run ballots twice without the approval of the election supervisor.
And Impeached Trump could still face criminal charges or that after he leaves office next month
I don't think so. The House avoided bringing criminal charges.
The House can't bring criminal charges against a sitting president. They can only impeach a sitting president. The two articles of impeachment for which they impeached Trump were for criminal misconduct. One was for soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national and the other was for obstructing Congress. Once Trump leaves office next month, he can be subject to indictment for those crimes.
The Dems will abuse their power of course-----------but that won't make Trump guilty. Trump needs to stay in office----------and we voters need to get our "pitchforks" out and start using them.

Funny thing is that you don't realize that Trump is winning. He won the election which I am sure even you realize even if you won't admit it-------but even he loses to bidens steal he will win the long run as well. People are getting woke to the dems cheating-----next year will be a recession more like depression with crooked JOe in and people are going to remember this as they get their "pitchforks" out---people's sentiment is changing, and next year people won't feel that they have that much to risk by going after our corrupt politicians. I don't think that you will like it when the the libertarians and then the republicans start playing by the dem rules given all the damage that the idiotic dems have done---people who plan and are slower act are usually far more efficient when they do finally act.
All that is needed is real evidence of who did what, when, and where. Saying it does not it make it so. Claiming it could happen is not proof it did happen.

How does one obtain this evidence if the courts won't allow it? The very idea that "it could happen" is enough to investigate these multiple claims. This is 2020. How do we have an election system where fraud could even be possible?

If you have enough, data you can produce any kind of voting pattern required. This is an example of how evidence is created. You start with the premise that there is massive election fraud. Then find normal events surroundings the election and call it evidence. Then create an election fraud story that fits this evidence. Ballot carrying cases become suitcases of fake ballots. Out of state license plates at the polls become evidence of illegal out of state voters. A group of workers in an election center fixing ballots that the machines can't read become evidence of election fraud. There's a ton of this so called evidence on the internet.
Over 40 lawsuits, and not one piece of evidence proving our elections are fraudulent and rigged. If Waldron had any real evidence, wouldn't you think Giuliani would have use used him in court.

He does have evidence and I provided the video of him presenting it.

As for the evidence he didn't present, it's only because he doesn't have access to it which the courts could allow.

I suspect what will happen after Trump vacates the White House, and republicans become concerned with attacking Biden rather claiming election fraud, states across the country will take a hard look at their election safe guards to see they can be improved it. Hopefully, the states will allocate some funds to educated voters about how election processing actually works because most of the so called evidence is based on a lack knowledge of election processing.

These matters need to be settled now, not after Biden fraudulently gets in. It's too late then.

It's not like we are talking about one situation, we are talking about dozens of apparent problems. I was watching Mark Levin tonight. He was pointing out the many things allowable in PA this last election were considered fraud just 14 months ago. In other words, with the expectation of Trump winning, they changed their voting laws even unconstitutionally to make sure the Democrat candidate stood a chance.

Besides what team Trump brings to the table, the entire election doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If Trump lost against Bill Clinton or DumBama, I wouldn't even question it. But when you expect me to believe that the oldest candidate for President won, the most frail and fragile candidate, the most confused candidate, a candidate associated with an FBI investigation, a candidate a good percentage of Americans believe has dementia, a candidate that spent a lifetime in federal politics and accomplished nothing in all that time, and he got the most votes in our history, something is obviously amiss.
Ray, most Trump voters expected Trump to win this election. 3 out of 4 presidential incumbents do win. Trump was winning the election in many states on election night when most of the votes being counted were coming from the polls. I imagine many people went to bed election night expecting Trump to win. Then the election offices began the long process of counting mail-in ballots which were mostly Biden votes and Trump's lead began to shrink and continued to do so for days. I completely understand why Trump supporters would be so disappointed and look for a reason for the loss and that reason just had to be election fraud because as you said, Trump was our greatest president in may years, campaigned vigorously while his opponent hardly campaigned at all. He got a massive tax bill passed, dealt with illegal immigration more harshly than any recent president, reversed many of Obama initiates, etc, etc. There was just no way he could lose.

BUT.... what you are not considering is the opposition absolutely despised Trump. He was everything they hated in a national leader. He was arrogant, immoral, narcistic, racist, coarse, hateful, and totally lacking in all social graces. He was their abusive father or husband, their arrogant self serving boss, their racist neighbor. His tax cuts favored the rich. His manifest hatred for undocumented immigrant may have thrilled those on the right but did the opposite for those on the left. His cold disinterred approach to the virus that was killing tens of thousands was just too much. Most Biden voter's impression of Trump was that he just didn't give a damn about people that were suffering or as he said, "what will be, will be. How do you that made a son or daughter feel when their dad was dying alone in the hospital? Trump was just too involved in winning an election to notice.

Trump supporters never really understood just how much his opposition hated him. This is why Biden had a low key campaign. He didn't really have to do anything other than not be Trump.
All that is needed is real evidence of who did what, when, and where. Saying it does not it make it so. Claiming it could happen is not proof it did happen.

How does one obtain this evidence if the courts won't allow it? The very idea that "it could happen" is enough to investigate these multiple claims. This is 2020. How do we have an election system where fraud could even be possible?

If you have enough, data you can produce any kind of voting pattern required. This is an example of how evidence is created. You start with the premise that there is massive election fraud. Then find normal events surroundings the election and call it evidence. Then create an election fraud story that fits this evidence. Ballot carrying cases become suitcases of fake ballots. Out of state license plates at the polls become evidence of illegal out of state voters. A group of workers in an election center fixing ballots that the machines can't read become evidence of election fraud. There's a ton of this so called evidence on the internet.
Over 40 lawsuits, and not one piece of evidence proving our elections are fraudulent and rigged. If Waldron had any real evidence, wouldn't you think Giuliani would have use used him in court.

He does have evidence and I provided the video of him presenting it.

As for the evidence he didn't present, it's only because he doesn't have access to it which the courts could allow.

I suspect what will happen after Trump vacates the White House, and republicans become concerned with attacking Biden rather claiming election fraud, states across the country will take a hard look at their election safe guards to see they can be improved it. Hopefully, the states will allocate some funds to educated voters about how election processing actually works because most of the so called evidence is based on a lack knowledge of election processing.

These matters need to be settled now, not after Biden fraudulently gets in. It's too late then.

It's not like we are talking about one situation, we are talking about dozens of apparent problems. I was watching Mark Levin tonight. He was pointing out the many things allowable in PA this last election were considered fraud just 14 months ago. In other words, with the expectation of Trump winning, they changed their voting laws even unconstitutionally to make sure the Democrat candidate stood a chance.

Besides what team Trump brings to the table, the entire election doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If Trump lost against Bill Clinton or DumBama, I wouldn't even question it. But when you expect me to believe that the oldest candidate for President won, the most frail and fragile candidate, the most confused candidate, a candidate associated with an FBI investigation, a candidate a good percentage of Americans believe has dementia, a candidate that spent a lifetime in federal politics and accomplished nothing in all that time, and he got the most votes in our history, something is obviously amiss.
Ray, most Trump voters expected Trump to win this election. 3 out of 4 presidential incumbents do win. Trump was winning the election in many states on election night when most of the votes being counted were coming from the polls. I imagine many people went to bed election night expecting Trump to win. Then the election offices began the long process of counting mail-in ballots which were mostly Biden votes and Trump's lead began to shrink and continued to do so for days. I completely understand why Trump supporters would be so disappointed and look for a reason for the loss and that reason just had to be election fraud because as you said, Trump was our greatest president in may years, campaigned vigorously while his opponent hardly campaigned at all. He got a massive tax bill passed, dealt with illegal immigration more harshly than any recent president, reversed many of Obama initiates, etc, etc. There was just no way he could lose.

BUT.... what you are not considering is the opposition absolutely despised Trump. He was everything they hated in a national leader. He was arrogant, immoral, narcistic, racist, coarse, hateful, and totally lacking in all social graces. He was their abusive father or husband, their arrogant self serving boss, their racist neighbor. His tax cuts favored the rich. His manifest hatred for undocumented immigrant may have thrilled those on the right but did the opposite for those on the left. His cold disinterred approach to the virus that was killing tens of thousands was just too much. Most Biden voter's impression of Trump was that he just didn't give a damn about people that were suffering or as he said, "what will be, will be. How do you that made a son or daughter feel when their dad was dying alone in the hospital? Trump was just too involved in winning an election to notice.

Trump supporters never really understood just how much his opposition hated him. This is why Biden had a low key campaign. He didn't really have to do anything other than not be Trump.
"3 out of 4 presidential incumbents do win."

Not Republican presidents. In the last 100 years, only 4 out of 10 were re-elected.
You are a moron. You and your ilk IMPEACHED an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE and now you are trying to disavow a video that clearly shows malfeasance. How about the video of the poll worker who ran the SAME stack of ballots TWICE. Go back to your basement.
Yeah it really takes a Libtard to believe that one anonymous allegation of a nonspecified crime is worthy of impeachment, but over 2,000 sworn affidavits backed up with video is not worth investigating or cause in anyone to question the validity of an election.

It really take a libtard to believe such bullshit.

It is funny how Trump and Rudy have a number of affidavits and treats them like legal affidavits. It is a legal affidavit if it is presented in a court of law. If they are not presented in a court of law they are nothing more than opinions

The difference is that a judge can deem the affidavits as not creditable or inadmissible

By not submitting to a court then they hold them out as legal affidavits without having to bring it before a court. Big difference.

Yet the ones that he dares to bring before a court have been deemed inadmissible or not creditable.

So anyone can sign an affidavit but if it is not brought before a court of law it means nothing other that telling people that it can be presented in a legal case. It can and it can be found to be not creditable or inadmissible. Which could create legal problems for the signer.

The ones he did not submit well Rudy is not a complete idiot. He picks the one which seem creditable.

This thousands of affidavits are reduced to a dozen or so. Results are still the same

Case dismissed
My gawd where did you get your law decree?

The formal requirements of an affidavit usually are:

  • The identification of the place where the affidavit was taken (i.e., the venue);
  • The signature of the affiant or declarant (i.e., the person giving the affidavit); and
  • The certificate evidencing the fact that the affidavit was properly made before a duly authorized officer (i.e. the jurat), which includes the proper authentication by the authorized officer.

He opened a box of Cracker Jacks and there it was....
The evidence is beyond 200 percent!!!
Yet the USSC does zero
They will be destroyed next year
I knew the USA was an oligarchy of plutocracy
I never knew this nation would ever fix a presidential election. ??
Unless this is fixed , I will never fight for , defend or aid this nation ever again

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