Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

trolls like her keep lying to themselves there was no vote fraud i

There is no vote fraud. 50 million Americans are nuts. I’m figuring 20 million of Trump’s voters are gonna get through this. But 50 million are now Irrelevant and can think whatever they want about the election that their cult master lost.

If DEMS can pick up just 10% lukewarm voters from Trump’s base, it will be difficult to for whackos put another ignorant asshole in the White House ever again.
Sure sure,the whole world is all wrong and your right,thinks for the comedy skit. :laughing0301: :lmao:
Why would poll workers lie about something like that? Why were the ballots hidden under tables? Their work was done? How could it be done if they told the poll workers they are still processing ballots? That doesn't even make sense. Observers do just that--observe, and not observe just part of the system, observe all of it.
No need to waste anymore time with these trolls Ray. Ruby has a record and her baby had a plan that Ruby was so proud of that she posted about it online.

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The shills can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they :lmao: :laughing0301: it’s priceless how the trolls like not fooled by w and these other paid shills have this Bible length babble when this pic here proves just that,their Bible length rants are babble the fact this pic Ruby proves a CRIMINAL oversaw the mail counting.evetpything else they post is babble the facts t they keep evading that acriminal with a past was overlooking the
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Arizona Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects GOP Case To Change The Orange Shit Stain's Loss.

The Orange Fucking Traitor has now lost 51 lawsuits attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Tuesday evening, Arizona’s state Supreme Court voted unanimously to reject the Republican Party’s attempt to change the result.

The GOP lawyer “fails to present any evidence of misconduct, illegal votes or that Biden Electors did not in fact receive the highest number of votes,” Reuters reporter Brad Heath tweeted with a screen capture of the decision.

1 - Win.

1- Set Aside.

51 - LOST









Do ya think the cultists are tired of winning yet?
How about enlighten us as how standalone machines are changed across internet when they are not connected to the internet. There is no reason to connect these machines to the internet during an election unless you want them to be hacked.

Or you want to insert algorithms into it while voting. Are you saying the good Colonel lied to the Michigan panel?

Yep, like I said, watch the entire testimony of Colonel Waldron.
^^^ another figment of another cultist's imagination.
How can you say that after watching her pull out suitcases full of hidden ballots after sending home the oversight? HOW?
Because they were ballots opened and verified under scrutiny from observers which were then put through the scanners. That you delight in drinking Kool Aid is amusing but inconsequential.

Then why did the observers complain to their supervisors that they were kicked out due to a water main problem?
Because there was a water main problem. :eusa_doh:
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.

Well that is what repubs do. They do not question why the video was posted on tweeter.
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.

They do not care as long as a 90 second video clip is proof of voter fraud and it spreads like bad perfume

There was a designated Republican observer in the room.
and they saw the same incident caught on tape.

It in itself is considered normal voter practices to people who do this type of work.

But they say people were told to go home , it is a conspiracy. Yet these same people are lurking around the center till 4 Am in the morning looking for that voter fraud.

A place with multiple cameras that observe everything.

Georgia's Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, has already looked into the claims, and found nothing unusual.

Yet I would imagine for repubs it is unusual for someone in a voting center to pull out a box of ballots.

The rest of the story

"What appears is reported as suitcases are actually the normal containers that ballots are put in," he continued. "That is not unusual, they say, for them."

If you look at the videotape, the work you see is the work you would expect, you place the ballots on the scanner in manageable batches and you scan them," Sterling said.

So if the video was longer than 90 seconds anyone could see that they stayed to finish the scanning portion of the work that was being done. Votes cannot be changed by scanning them. Probably shorten by the repubs to show what they want to show.

Frances Watson, the chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state office, confirmed that the containers seen in the video weren't suitcases, but rather the normal bins used for the ballot counting process.

"It was an empty bin and the ballots from it were actually out on the table when the media were still there, and then it was placed back into the box when the media were still there and placed next to the table."

She said that the ballots that had already been opened in front of the observers were the only ones scanned after the media and other observers left.

The desperation to make up stories shows the sad state of affairs of repubs who will pull smoke out of thin air and claim it was fraud.
If the cameras catch everything you should have no problem showing us the Republican observer. I'll wait.
There is no way that by viewing video footage that you can spot the republican observer.

That is a circular argument that claiming the camera catches
everything so it must have call a view of the republican observer.

well it probably did but then again you must know who the observer was.

'The officials said the ballots seen in the video were in regular ballot containers -- not suitcases -- and they had been removed from their envelopes and processed while news media and election observers for the Republican Party and Trump campaign were present,' it found. 'The media and party observers were never told to leave because counting was over for the night, but they apparently followed workers who left once their job of opening envelopes was completed,' the chief investigator for the secretary of state told the blog. She said observers were free to return at any time, and state law allows, but does not require, they be present.

So it seems republicans were more interested in following people as they left the room because they believe themselves to be inspector Gadget.

No one told observers they had to leave, and both an independent monitor and an investigator oversaw the vote count, according to state and county officials.

looking at the video can you identify the independent monitor and investigator?
You ignored how he took you to school and handed your ass to you on a platter with babble after babble that did not debunk any of his
As the focus shifts on this lady who APPEARS to be passing a USB to someone whrn there is no computer on her desk. It does seem that people are counting on this flimsy evidence as the mother of "that ship has sailed " as she must be the mastermind of bring down Trump.

The real story today is Trump loses 6 court battles. Which Included condemning remarks by Trump court appointees. We are not amused but Judges like to sound more formal.

“Judicial acquiescence to such entreaties built on so flimsy a foundation would do indelible damage to every future election. "

First suitcases that do not exist and now passing something that was done so smoothly that the camera missed it. Lucky for us with have people who will fantasy about what they missed.

Trump is trying is manipulate the court system and public opinion as the granddaddy of all electoral fraud. All because he really wants to get on that ship by staying 4 more years. Unfortunately that ship is named titanic and is destined to sink. It's in the history books.
The shills are getting desperate in denial mode now of the overwhelming evidence as clockwork,so predictable. :laughing0301: :lmao:

everyone of you trolls keeps evading the mountains of evidence that they committed a criminal offense counting the ballots long after everybody was told to leave and go home,amazes me how you paid trolls have no conscience about lying all the time.

with that idiot lady being so careless to give her identity away,you can count on her spilling the beans to get a lesser sentence thst is IF they don’t ARKANSAW her first for knowing too much as the clintons always do with whistleblowers. :lmao: :laughing0301:

Like it said so well,we can expect Ruby to do an Epstein, officially die from a so called suicide while getting ARKANSAWED.. :lmao: :laughing0301: :abgg2q.jpg:

They could show you biden trolls video evidence of someone murdering a trump supporter and you trolls would STILL say where’s the evidence? :cuckoo: :cuckoo::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Mountain of evidence more like some need glasses as the opposition is so desperate for fraud that it see it in every movement made. Oh it looks like a USB in her hand but it was laying on the table in full view of anyone in that room.

There wasn't even a computer or laptop on the desk.

She pick up something in her hand and that is proof of voter fraud.

Conjecture is not evidence. It a self fulfilling fantasy.

That the proof they have of fraud. Well is it fraud to single out an incident as proof of fraud and guess that it is a USB and that she slipped it to someone in the room. What could be on a USB that would commit voter fraud. Where is the computer that reads the USB. A room full of people with monitors. This video is not a movie.
Trump met with a Russian lawyer.

Look what happened.

The left invented the rest.
Well said. :thup:
Biden made it quite clear before he was nominated that he would not run a typical campaign. He would abide by the CDC guidelines, no large gathering, masks, and social distancing required. Since Donald Trump's message was to ignore the virus and and his own CDC, Biden's lack of campaigning played well with voters who believed Trump's campaigning was just making the epidemic worse. Most people who voted for Biden were voting against Trump, the worst president in recent history. Biden didn't need to campaign to win. Trump was hated as much by the Left as Obama was hated by Right.

When it was clear that the election was lost, Hillary graciously conceded the election, In her concession speech, she said “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don’t just respect that. We cherish it. " Later she said, "If anyone is responsible for our lost, it is me." Instead of taking responsible for the lost of the election, she could have blamed the lost on a fraudulent and rigged election as Trump did.

Donald Trump was willing to sacrifice thousands of lives to an epidemic to win an election and and destroy our electoral system because he didn't have the courage to admit defeat, and you call this loser our greatest president.

Yes, that's exactly what Donald Trump is, our best President in a very long time. Greatly curbed the immigration problem we were having, fueled by the Democrats. His policies kept people out of this country. Tax reductions, getting rid of Commie Care fines, reduction of business regulations very much contributed to our economy. Lowest unemployment rate for women and every minority group since records began, we had the lowest unemployment for everybody in 50 years, the stock market setting several records, along with a new record in median household income, 1.5 million more jobs than Americans able to do them which hasn't happened in my entire life.

Hillary did concede, but she also had a recount in three states over a month after she conceded. Obviously empty words. Just like when she said it was her own fault, but went on shows blaming Russia collusion, third party candidates, James Comey, white women who were subservient to their husbands, Wikileaks, her television coverage compared to Trump, and yes, even the Democrat party.

You falsely try to blame Trump for thousands of deaths, when the only leaders who killed anybody were Democrats. Going to a Trump rally wrong. Going to protests and riots right.
Yeah you got to go back to over 40 years ago the last time we had a president who did not scream of corruption and a trait yer to America,the previous five administrations before corrupt just makes me sick thinking about how they all shit in America and the constitution and gave the middle class familys the middle finger Ray From Cleveland
There is nothing wrong with recounts. In almost every major election there are recounts, often they are automatic in close elections. However, what Trump did goes far beyond recounts or filling lawsuits. Republicans may have lost the election but they certainly won the battle to destroy faith in our election process. Trump has done what the communist couldn't do.

No, the Communists rigged their elections just like the Democrats have. A truck driver picks up a load of ballots at a postal facility in New York, drives that over to PA, they unload him, reload him with ballots, he takes it to Michigan, and somebody steals the trailer?

I drove tractor-trailer for nearly 30 years, and I can tell you there are rare instances where somebody would steal a trailer, especially at a postal facility. We get stopped randomly by the Department of Transportation for vehicle checks. They call in the license plate of the tractor, the trailer, your drivers license. In my state (and I'm sure others) they train the State Troopers to do these DOT checks. When you go to a scale house, that's where many of them are, and every truck has to enter the scale house. If you pass it, they will tear off after you.

So this is why trailers seldom get stolen; you can't do much with them without taking a huge risk.
As always flopper gets his ass embarrassed and owned by
I know you people are going off the deep end over President-Elect Biden's Victory.

There was NO Voter/Election Fraud. Not one the 50-Secretaries of State in this country have reported such fraud.

The score of losses for D-List Shysters working The Impeached Traitor 45 is now 40+. One case won and one case set aside by order of a high court.

Lawsuits based on second and third hear-say are being roundly and soundly rebuked. Attempting to force the Governor of Georgia to overturn that States Election is Sedition. The sheer Unconstitutionality of such an act should be discussed. Our Nation is Democracy, 45 wants to himself up as a dictator.

The OP is using a Far Right Wing Website story without real sourcing. Using one site, known for publishing conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality or fact.

Georgia has already certified its Election, as has Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania AND Wisconsin.

Attempting to force the Governor of Georgia to overturn the results of the Free Expression of the Will of The Voters of Georgia is NOT the act of a Patriot. It is the act of bully who more interested in staying in power than respecting the Right To Vote.

The chaos would violent and ugly. Losing an election is NOT excuse for Sedition. HRC lost and I sure as hell did see Democrats calling elections to overturned in favor. 45 does not have to like and you do not have to like the result of the November Election. But 45 lost. It is as simple as that. He is out, Joe Biden is in. That is how elections go in the United States.

Our country is NOT a Fascist State, we do not have Dictators. We have elected leaders. 45 was the ELECTED leader for 4-Years. He lost. He steps down.

There was no Voter Fraud.

No ballots being brought in from out of state or ballots being destroyed. Such things of myth of conspiracies.

No Voter Fraud.

No Election Fraud.

No amount lies and distortions will results of the November Election.

It not that you people do not understand that, it is fact you just so damn stupid to believe the conspiracies. You would rather believe the lies and accept the truth.

That is was being a Con though, because you people are too shit scared to accept the reality.
:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
If it was the other way around they’d be dead or in the hospital and buildings would be torched.
Save your phony outrage.
EVERYTHING the commiecrats do is fake, from their promises to their voting machines to their plastic surgery.

Piglosi finally admitted that her objections to passing COVID lockdown relief was all to keep Trump from getting credit, and now that the election is over she will agree to relief.

THAT is who evil, fake and fascist the Dimbocraps actually are.
Indeed,these stupid fuck Biden trolls just won’t accept facts that the dem party has been infiltrated by terrorists working for China,thst its nothing like the great democrat party they are living in the past on when the great jfk was our president who is rolling over in his grave now the way his party has become corrupt now in recent years.
Except that voting machines are not connected to the internet.
Officials are not that stupid to connect them to the internet.

To tamper with a voting machine require tearing it apart and making changes to the machine. Then you would have to do it to every machine because they are not interconnected. They are stand alone machines. Also you would have to break into the location that they are kept and tamper with it the interior controls. Machines are kept in secure location and probably have security alarms and video surveillance in the building.

Colonel Waldron testified the exact opposite. He too was told the machines would not be connected to the internet. His findings is that they were.

They are not hooked up to the internet

Your quoting a story

He presented an email sent on Nov. 10 from an anonymous individual claiming to have witnessed a detailed plan to embed 35,000 fraud votes to each Democrat candidate’s total votes while at a Pima County Democratic Party meeting in September. Someone would have to break into the building where they are stored. Open up the machine and embed this data in the machines. They crew do not say it happen using the internet. They just said the machines were magically embedded with this data. They do not have any proof of seeing it done but are relying on analysis of trends in the voting.

What that means I do not know. It would require someone to manually open up the machine to do such deeds. The machines are in a secure place.

the state legislature has been unable to identify the individual. He added that this allegation can potentially be proven through a full forensic audit of the machines used in Pima County.

So basically he received an email and is presenting this as evidence from an unnamed source who refuses to come forward and testify in court. Well then again this was testimony present to selected republican members of the legislation.

Still I do not see any proof under than they said it happen and show data that can't be explained other than it was fake.

I would imagine there would be others who could explain the fallacy of their analysis. Still it is all based on an unidentified source.
How about enlighten us as how standalone machines are changed across internet when they are not connected to the internet. There is no reason to connect these machines to the internet during an election unless you want them to be hacked.

Or you want to insert algorithms into it while voting. Are you saying the good Colonel lied to the Michigan panel?

well he may believe it but it is still from an unnamed source who sent him an email I would bet that they did not have an alternative testimony of how hard something like that would be done. Also the informer said that it was a meeting which implies a few people join together to do this in the hopes of getting away with it. yet the informer was at the meeting. Hmm
There was nothing fair about this election. Software that could be manipulated even over the internet to switch votes, mail in voting opening up the doors to more fraud, not checking signatures of absentee ballots, Stop voting count when Trump was way in the lead, and when they returned the next day, all of a sudden most of the votes going to Biden, not allowing poll overseers close enough to see ballots, just too many things to name.
All these voting machines had access to the internet during the counting, the voting and the tallying.

That makes the whole election BULLSHIT for the gitgo.

Except that voting machines are not connected to the internet.
Officials are not that stupid to connect them to the internet.

To tamper with a voting machine require tearing it apart and making changes to the machine. Then you would have to do it to every machine because they are not interconnected. They are stand alone machines. Also you would have to break into the location that they are kept and tamper with it the interior controls. Machines are kept in secure location and probably have security alarms and video surveillance in the building.
Actually, the machines you talk of REQUIRE updates done over the internet-----and btw, Dominion has blamed not doing these election day updates over the internet for flipping votes or should I say LEFT the trail of the votes being flipped.

This is the same guy who also says

Speaking during a public hearing in Arizona on Monday, Waldron, the first of lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s witnesses to give testimony, stated on record that he personally knows how to “get in and corrupt” Dominion machines. Waldron also knows for a fact that Dominion machines were communicating with the covert CIA facility in Frankfurt when fake votes suddenly appeared out of nowhere for Joe Biden.

There was nothing fair about this election. Software that could be manipulated even over the internet to switch votes, mail in voting opening up the doors to more fraud, not checking signatures of absentee ballots, Stop voting count when Trump was way in the lead, and when they returned the next day, all of a sudden most of the votes going to Biden, not allowing poll overseers close enough to see ballots, just too many things to name.
All these voting machines had access to the internet during the counting, the voting and the tallying.

That makes the whole election BULLSHIT for the gitgo.

Except that voting machines are not connected to the internet.
Officials are not that stupid to connect them to the internet.

To tamper with a voting machine require tearing it apart and making changes to the machine. Then you would have to do it to every machine because they are not interconnected. They are stand alone machines. Also you would have to break into the location that they are kept and tamper with it the interior controls. Machines are kept in secure location and probably have security alarms and video surveillance in the building.
Actually, the machines you talk of REQUIRE updates done over the internet-----and btw, Dominion has blamed not doing these election day updates over the internet for flipping votes or should I say LEFT the trail of the votes being flipped.

Well they do require servicing but I believe it nothing more than serial ports and you have to physically stand next to the machine to transfer data from the voting machine to another device much like a USB.

Key system features include: Multi-factor authentication, role-based access, lockable hardware ports, the latest encryption techniques and full auditing capabilities for every action. So they are secure. Could they be compromised, well if you hooked it up to the internet yet that would be kinda of stupid for the company to allow and Government officials who certified the product for it's security features and how it is to be used.
If it was the other way around they’d be dead or in the hospital and buildings would be torched.
Save your phony outrage.
EVERYTHING the commiecrats do is fake, from their promises to their voting machines to their plastic surgery.

Piglosi finally admitted that her objections to passing COVID lockdown relief was all to keep Trump from getting credit, and now that the election is over she will agree to relief.

THAT is who evil, fake and fascist the Dimbocraps actually are.
Indeed,these stupid fuck Biden trolls just won’t accept facts that the dem party has been infiltrated by terrorists working for China,thst its nothing like the great democrat party they are living in the past on when the great jfk was our president who is rolling over in his grave now the way his party has become corrupt now in recent years.

Thank YOU for playing Grasping For Straws.
Nevada State Supreme Court Rejects The Orange Shit Stain's Appeal To Overturn Election Results.

We also are not convinced that the district court erred in applying a burden of proof by clear and convincing evidence, as supported by the cases cited in the district court’s order,” Nevada’s Supreme Court said in its judgement.
well he may believe it but it is still from an unnamed source who sent him an email I would bet that they did not have an alternative testimony of how hard something like that would be done. Also the informer said that it was a meeting which implies a few people join together to do this in the hopes of getting away with it. yet the informer was at the meeting. Hmm

I may be wrong, but I don't recall the Colonel stating he got his information from an email. He witnessed those machines hooked up to the internet himself. He also testified that vote swapping is not some tech secret, it's in the owners manual of the software on how to do it.

What I don't understand is the resistance of having these machines and software looked into by Waldron or any other tech team Trump chooses. If it happened in one location, it's likely to have happened in others. Unless this actually takes place, half of the country will always assume that the Biden victory is illegitimate, so the opposition should welcome any investigation IF they actually believe there was no nefarious activity going on behind the scenes.
I certainly did watch the public meeting put on by the Trump campaign in Arizona where Giuliani and Waldron carried on a dialog about election fraud. An no, Waldon did not go into any detail about the algorithms he claimed where in the Dominion Software and he certainly did not mention the secure precautions in vote counting centers to prevent such fraud.

He didn't get into detail because nobody there was a tech enough to understand it. What he did say is that these machines and software were developed for Chavez so he could take the election unchallenged. Chavez even bought 35% of the company for that reason. He said in one machine, he found evidence of malware which has the capability to steal passwords and codes from any administrator to gain access to theses machines and software.

Based on his claims, every machine should be examined in this swing states that had these miraculous results that other states didn't have. After this election, all these Dominion machines and Smartmatic and like software should be destroyed, and replaced with tamper proof units, or get rid of technology altogether.
I certainly did watch the public meeting put on by the Trump campaign in Arizona where Giuliani and Waldron carried on a dialog about election fraud. An no, Waldon did not go into any detail about the algorithms he claimed where in the Dominion Software and he certainly did not mention the secure precautions in vote counting centers to prevent such fraud.

He didn't get into detail because nobody there was a tech enough to understand it. What he did say is that these machines and software were developed for Chavez so he could take the election unchallenged. Chavez even bought 35% of the company for that reason. He said in one machine, he found evidence of malware which has the capability to steal passwords and codes from any administrator to gain access to theses machines and software.

Based on his claims, every machine should be examined in this swing states that had these miraculous results that other states didn't have. After this election, all these Dominion machines and Smartmatic and like software should be destroyed, and replaced with tamper proof units, or get rid of technology altogether.
You should have voted by mail like Democrats did.
Maybe the you haven't seen the news. The Supreme Court on Tuesday refused a long-shot request from Pennsylvania Republicans to overturn the Biden victory in the state, delivering an unmistakable rebuke to President Trump in the forum on which he had pinned his hopes. The Supreme Court decision took all of 35 mins and said, "The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied" with no dissenting option. Even Trump's 3 judges would not go along with this garbage.

Trump and his Republican allies have lost about 50 challenges to the presidential election in the past five weeks, as judges, both republican and democrat appointees in at least eight states have repeatedly rejected a litany of unproven claims — that mail-in ballots were improperly sent out, that absentee ballots were counted wrongly, that poll observers were not given proper access to the vote count and that foreign powers hacked into and manipulated voting machines.

It's time for Trump to do what Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romeny, John McCain, John Kerry, and Al Gore all did, concede the election and take personal responsibility for the lost. However, we all know that won't happen because it takes real courage to admit defeat and take responsivity for failing, something Donald Trump has never done. He simple lacks the courage to admit failure and always blames his failures on others.

I remember the words of the former coach Mike Ditka. You never really lose until you quit trying.

You may want to ignore all the evidence, the courts may ignore all the evidence, but we people will never forget the greatest assault to our election system in the history of our country. Most people outside of the left understand that this was no normal election where Biden simply won and Trump didn't. This historical turnout was as phony as a three dollar bill. Your side ran the most boring candidate since Bob Dole. Trump's turnout was understandable given the great economy before the virus, but unless Jesus comes back to earth and tells us Biden won fairly and squarely, this election was nothing but a scam, and yet another step towards communism which is the lefts ultimate goal. We the people no longer have a choice on our electors. If they are allowed to get away with this, Big Brother will always be able to decide our elections for us, just as they've done now.

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