Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

What's Up, Ruby?... BREAKING: Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED (
3 Dec 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Earlier today Cristina Laila reported on the explosive video that was revealed during the Georgia ballot counting at the State Farm Arena where crooked Democrats pulled out suitcases full of ballots and began counting those ballots without election monitors in the room.
Trump’s legal team showed a video from the State Farm Arena tabulation center when poll workers were told to leave at 10:25 PM.
A few “workers” stayed behind and were seen pulling suitcases full of ballots out from under tables to be tabulated!
This was the most explosive video of the entire campaign season!

We now have identified one of these criminals who were caught on video counting illegal ballots from a suitcase stashed under a table!
As you can see from the video one woman in a purple top was filmed helping pull out the ballots and then sitting down to count the ballots.
That woman has now been identified.

Local 11 News covered the story from the State Farm Arena that a pipe had burst.
(This later was proven to be complete fraud and an excuse to kick out the GOP election observers!)
One woman in the video is wearing a purple top.
She later appeared in the suitcase video!
Her name is Ruby Freeman.
And she made the mistake of advertising her purse on her desk the same night she was involved in voter fraud on a MASSIVE SCALE.

Maybe the Georgia police or Bill Barr’s DOJ may want to pay Ruby Freeman a visit.

Ballots Do Not Come In Suit Cases....
Good Bye Ruby Tuesday Time to pin vote fraud on you When you change the vote count at night
We're not gonna miss her. “We are saddened to hear about her impending suicide.”

Maybe she should be Doxed. That is what Democrats do to Regular Americans.
Every election is filled with anomalies and if you look for them, you will find them. What is omitted from all these stories is actually evidence. There is much being said about vote swapping but exactly how is that accomplished when the machines are controlled by by an internal program and the machines are not connected to the internet? Weeks before every election, the latest updates to the software are installed. Multiple test runs are performed after any software change and before the election to certify the equipment. Neither the voting machines nor tabulating machines are connected to the internet so it would be impossible to alter counts externally.

In every state where the vote is being contested there are paper ballot produced when each vote is cast. These ballot record are a duplicate of data stored in the voting machine so the validity of the paper ballot can be compared to the stored data. There are many other safeguards such producing and checking batch totals in and out of every processing step. Mark sense machines time and date stamp every successfully processed ballot and they can not be processed more than once except in recount mode. Video cameras monitor vote counting centers plus observers from each party are allowed.

It's evident that you never watched Colonel Waldon't testimony where he explained all of this.
You would have to go back before the 1950s. By 1930, lever style voting machines which tabulating the number votes for each candidate or issue in every major city. These totals were combined to become precinct totals, then county totals, and then state totals. Fraud and inaccuracy was common throughout the country. By 1950, lever voting machines where in common use in all but the smallest towns in the US. In 1962, the first optical scan ballots were introduced which created a new era of accuracy and election integrity in voting.
With 160 million ballots in a presidential election and an average of 40 items per ballot, that would require 6.4 billion tabulations but there would have be a lot more tabulations because there would have to be totals by voting booth, precinct, county and state. I would guess using the current staff, it would take us many years to determine the election outcome and that would be without recounts.

Not at all. You just hire enough people that can handle it. Usually you can call a state when 3/4 of them are counted, at least the media can.
Supreme Court Rejects Biden To Overturn Biden's Win In Pennsylvania.

The Supreme Court has rejected a bid by a Republican member of Congress and other GOP activists to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s win in Pennsylvania.

In a one-sentence order on Tuesday afternoon, the justices turned down the emergency request from Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) and two other House candidates to decertify the results of last month’s election in the Keystone State.

SCOTUS ain't going anywhere near this. 45 is on the way out.
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There was nothing fair about this election. Software that could be manipulated even over the internet to switch votes, mail in voting opening up the doors to more fraud, not checking signatures of absentee ballots, Stop voting count when Trump was way in the lead, and when they returned the next day, all of a sudden most of the votes going to Biden, not allowing poll overseers close enough to see ballots, just too many things to name.
All these voting machines had access to the internet during the counting, the voting and the tallying.

That makes the whole election BULLSHIT for the gitgo.

Except that voting machines are not connected to the internet.
Officials are not that stupid to connect them to the internet.

To tamper with a voting machine require tearing it apart and making changes to the machine. Then you would have to do it to every machine because they are not interconnected. They are stand alone machines. Also you would have to break into the location that they are kept and tamper with it the interior controls. Machines are kept in secure location and probably have security alarms and video surveillance in the building.
Actually, the machines you talk of REQUIRE updates done over the internet-----and btw, Dominion has blamed not doing these election day updates over the internet for flipping votes or should I say LEFT the trail of the votes being flipped.
Arizona Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects GOP Case To Change The Orange Shit Stain's Loss.

The Orange Fucking Traitor has now lost 51 lawsuits attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Tuesday evening, Arizona’s state Supreme Court voted unanimously to reject the Republican Party’s attempt to change the result.

The GOP lawyer “fails to present any evidence of misconduct, illegal votes or that Biden Electors did not in fact receive the highest number of votes,” Reuters reporter Brad Heath tweeted with a screen capture of the decision.

1 - Win.

1- Set Aside.

51 - LOST









Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

What's Up, Ruby?... BREAKING: Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED (
3 Dec 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Earlier today Cristina Laila reported on the explosive video that was revealed during the Georgia ballot counting at the State Farm Arena where crooked Democrats pulled out suitcases full of ballots and began counting those ballots without election monitors in the room.
Trump’s legal team showed a video from the State Farm Arena tabulation center when poll workers were told to leave at 10:25 PM.
A few “workers” stayed behind and were seen pulling suitcases full of ballots out from under tables to be tabulated!
This was the most explosive video of the entire campaign season!

We now have identified one of these criminals who were caught on video counting illegal ballots from a suitcase stashed under a table!
As you can see from the video one woman in a purple top was filmed helping pull out the ballots and then sitting down to count the ballots.
That woman has now been identified.

Local 11 News covered the story from the State Farm Arena that a pipe had burst.
(This later was proven to be complete fraud and an excuse to kick out the GOP election observers!)
One woman in the video is wearing a purple top.
She later appeared in the suitcase video!
Her name is Ruby Freeman.
And she made the mistake of advertising her purse on her desk the same night she was involved in voter fraud on a MASSIVE SCALE.

Maybe the Georgia police or Bill Barr’s DOJ may want to pay Ruby Freeman a visit.

Ballots Do Not Come In Suit Cases....
Good Bye Ruby Tuesday Time to pin vote fraud on you When you change the vote count at night
We're not gonna miss her. “We are saddened to hear about her impending suicide.”

Seriously... what’s wrong with you? No suitcases, nobody was asked to leave, this narrative you’re pushing is complete BS. The REPUBLICAN that voted for Trump who was in charge of the election cleared up this story over a week ago. Get a clue you’re embarrassing yourself

Third Suspect from State Farm Center 'Suitcase Scandal ... (

Where do you dig up all these crap sources? There is no "suspect" because there is no law enforcement action because the conspiracy theory you are building is just that.

Why does the truth bother you attack the source but you know the article is accurate.
And secondly, don't they still atleast teach basic word meaning in be a suspect does not require law enforcement. Only that one is thought to have committed a crime (like voter fraud). THE video and article that you hate clearly show this so yes----the four morons are suspect.

The article is not accurate. You and I both know if there was any merit to it, the Georgia Republicans would be all over it as would Barr.

Do you not read about the incidents you post. The georgia republicans are part of it. The Dominion lobbyist is their old aid..and in fact, didn't I read that the dominion lobbyist was donating to one that wasn't Kemp?

If this goes down as voter fraud----I think the republican taking bribes goes to prison--at the very least he will be pushed out of office. Kemp may lose his office over this nonsense as well-------

Very good! So you've found a way to excise the Georgia Republicans from the party and wrap them into the Conspiracy Theory. This is getting very ridiculous. How about the Arizona Republicans?
How can you say that after watching her pull out suitcases full of hidden ballots after sending home the oversight? HOW?
Because they were ballots opened and verified under scrutiny from observers which were then put through the scanners. That you delight in drinking Kool Aid is amusing but inconsequential.
How about enlighten us as how standalone machines are changed across internet when they are not connected to the internet. There is no reason to connect these machines to the internet during an election unless you want them to be hacked.

Or you want to insert algorithms into it while voting. Are you saying the good Colonel lied to the Michigan panel?
How about enlighten us as how standalone machines are changed across internet when they are not connected to the internet. There is no reason to connect these machines to the internet during an election unless you want them to be hacked.

Or you want to insert algorithms into it while voting. Are you saying the good Colonel lied to the Michigan panel?

Yep, like I said, watch the entire testimony of Colonel Waldron.
How can you say that after watching her pull out suitcases full of hidden ballots after sending home the oversight? HOW?
Because they were ballots opened and verified under scrutiny from observers which were then put through the scanners. That you delight in drinking Kool Aid is amusing but inconsequential.

Then why did the observers complain to their supervisors that they were kicked out due to a water main problem?
How about enlighten us as how standalone machines are changed across internet when they are not connected to the internet. There is no reason to connect these machines to the internet during an election unless you want them to be hacked.

Or you want to insert algorithms into it while voting. Are you saying the good Colonel lied to the Michigan panel?

The algorithms that determine the votes needed to win? Not likely, for state or federal elections that algorithm would have to be running in a computer in multiple county vote counting center and the data would have to be transferred between other counties and since the voting centers would have no reason to be connected that would not happen. However the more significant problem is voting machines store all ballots. So it would be relatively simple to compare the votes in the voting machines against those transferred to the counting centers which is exactly what happens in an audit. The other problem is that prior to any major election, hundreds of thousands of test ballots with known markings are run through vote processing. This algorithm would alter the counts so they did not match the votes. Furthermore the algorithm would have to be altered for ever election.

It seems to me that what the Cornel is doing is telling us how vote counts might be altered, not that it was actually altered. Audit and safety protocols could easy stop this type of election fraud. What the good cornel fails to discuss is motive. A company like Dominion Voting Systems would be out of business in a heart beat if it incorporated these type of malevolent algorithms in their software, not to mention criminal charges.
The algorithms that determine the votes needed to win? Not likely, for state or federal elections that algorithm would have to be running in a computer in multiple county vote counting center and the data would have to be transferred between other counties and since the voting centers would have no reason to be connected that would not happen. However the more significant problem is voting machines store all ballots. So it would be relatively simple to compare the votes in the voting machines against those transferred to the counting centers which is exactly what happens in an audit. The other problem is that prior to any major election, hundreds of thousands of test ballots with known markings are run through vote processing. This algorithm would alter the counts so they did not match the votes. Furthermore the algorithm would have to be altered for ever election.

It seems to me that what the Cornel is doing is telling us how vote counts might be altered, not that it was actually altered. Audit and safety protocols could easy stop this type of election fraud. What the good cornel fails to discuss is motive. A company like Dominion Voting Systems would be out of business in a heart beat if it incorporated these type of malevolent algorithms in their software, not to mention criminal charges.

Correct. Then why not let him investigate this matter?
Safe Harbor Deadline Arrives, Locking In Biden's Electoral Victory.

45's long-shot bid to overturn the election became more far-fetched Tuesday after most states appeared to meet the deadline to guarantee that Congress must accept their electors.

Tuesday marked the "safe harbor" deadline. Federal law requires that Congress recognize the slates of electors chosen by states that have resolved legal fights, recounts and other election disputes by this date.

The deadline came after the Trump campaign lost a barrage of court challenges in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada – each battleground states President-elect Joe Biden won – seeking to overturn the Nov. 3 presidential election.

Nothing the Supreme Court can't stop.
Maybe the you haven't seen the news. The Supreme Court on Tuesday refused a long-shot request from Pennsylvania Republicans to overturn the Biden victory in the state, delivering an unmistakable rebuke to President Trump in the forum on which he had pinned his hopes. The Supreme Court decision took all of 35 mins and said, "The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied" with no dissenting option. Even Trump's 3 judges would not go along with this garbage.

Trump and his Republican allies have lost about 50 challenges to the presidential election in the past five weeks, as judges, both republican and democrat appointees in at least eight states have repeatedly rejected a litany of unproven claims — that mail-in ballots were improperly sent out, that absentee ballots were counted wrongly, that poll observers were not given proper access to the vote count and that foreign powers hacked into and manipulated voting machines.

It's time for Trump to do what Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romeny, John McCain, John Kerry, and Al Gore all did, concede the election and take personal responsibility for the lost. However, we all know that won't happen because it takes real courage to admit defeat and take responsivity for failing, something Donald Trump has never done. He simple lacks the courage to admit failure and always blames his failures on others.
The algorithms that determine the votes needed to win? Not likely, for state or federal elections that algorithm would have to be running in a computer in multiple county vote counting center and the data would have to be transferred between other counties and since the voting centers would have no reason to be connected that would not happen. However the more significant problem is voting machines store all ballots. So it would be relatively simple to compare the votes in the voting machines against those transferred to the counting centers which is exactly what happens in an audit. The other problem is that prior to any major election, hundreds of thousands of test ballots with known markings are run through vote processing. This algorithm would alter the counts so they did not match the votes. Furthermore the algorithm would have to be altered for ever election.

It seems to me that what the Cornel is doing is telling us how vote counts might be altered, not that it was actually altered. Audit and safety protocols could easy stop this type of election fraud. What the good cornel fails to discuss is motive. A company like Dominion Voting Systems would be out of business in a heart beat if it incorporated these type of malevolent algorithms in their software, not to mention criminal charges.

Correct. Then why not let him investigate this matter?
I don't see anything wrong with that if there is something to investigate. In each state there's a State Election Commission whose job is to ensure every eligible citizen has the opportunity to register to vote and participate in fair and impartial elections. Also there is a Federal Election Commission who has a similar job in federal elections. These commission investigate these type of claims that are being made here. I'm sure Waldron could bring his claims to their attention. IMHO, Waldron is like so many cybersecurity investigators who are more interested in what could happen rather dealing with the nuts and bolts of what actual did happen simply because they are not involved in the security precautions taken in the counting centers. However, he is now working for the Trump Campaign attempting to convince Americans that their elections are rigged, not exactly an impartial investigator.
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Every election is filled with anomalies and if you look for them, you will find them. What is omitted from all these stories is actually evidence. There is much being said about vote swapping but exactly how is that accomplished when the machines are controlled by by an internal program and the machines are not connected to the internet? Weeks before every election, the latest updates to the software are installed. Multiple test runs are performed after any software change and before the election to certify the equipment. Neither the voting machines nor tabulating machines are connected to the internet so it would be impossible to alter counts externally.

In every state where the vote is being contested there are paper ballot produced when each vote is cast. These ballot record are a duplicate of data stored in the voting machine so the validity of the paper ballot can be compared to the stored data. There are many other safeguards such producing and checking batch totals in and out of every processing step. Mark sense machines time and date stamp every successfully processed ballot and they can not be processed more than once except in recount mode. Video cameras monitor vote counting centers plus observers from each party are allowed.

It's evident that you never watched Colonel Waldon' testimony where he explained all of this.
I certainly did watch the public meeting put on by the Trump campaign in Arizona where Giuliani and Waldron carried on a dialog about election fraud. An no, Waldon did not go into any detail about the algorithms he claimed where in the Dominion Software and he certainly did not mention the secure precautions in vote counting centers to prevent such fraud.

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