Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

SCOTUS Rejects Republican Bid To Overturn Biden's Pennsylvania Victory.


This is SCOTUS way of saying they ain't gonna touch 45's attempt to steal election in anyway, shape and/or form.

A little late... SCOTUS has agreed to review the Texas and 6 other states lawsuit applications 6 to 3.

It’s Not Over: SCOTUS Dockets Texas Lawsuit - NRN • New Right Network
BREAKING: Louisiana Joins Texas In Battleground State ... (
Washington Pundit © on Twitter: "The 6-3 SCOTUS RULING came to us as personal communication from a trusted source. Since we could not find an official declaration, we removed the post. Praying it will come to fruition." / Twitter
well he may believe it but it is still from an unnamed source who sent him an email I would bet that they did not have an alternative testimony of how hard something like that would be done. Also the informer said that it was a meeting which implies a few people join together to do this in the hopes of getting away with it. yet the informer was at the meeting. Hmm

I may be wrong, but I don't recall the Colonel stating he got his information from an email. He witnessed those machines hooked up to the internet himself. He also testified that vote swapping is not some tech secret, it's in the owners manual of the software on how to do it.

What I don't understand is the resistance of having these machines and software looked into by Waldron or any other tech team Trump chooses. If it happened in one location, it's likely to have happened in others. Unless this actually takes place, half of the country will always assume that the Biden victory is illegitimate, so the opposition should welcome any investigation IF they actually believe there was no nefarious activity going on behind the scenes.

Cybersecurity Expert: 35,000 Fraud Votes Embedded for Democrat Candidates in Arizona (

Yes an email from an unknown person was supposedly sent to a number of people.

Another person in the meeting says he saw one machine hooked up to the internet. If you saw something like that would you snap a picture with your cell phone? Hooking a cable would require a router or modem someplace in the building.

If it is to be investigated it must be done by the FBI or some other investigative team. Not by people appointed by Trump. They are biased. There has been a number of legal cases by Team Trump that have been thrown out of court. If you have deep pockets then they will try anything to see if will float.

this article and another one that I read say the same thing. I do not see it reported by any major network. I could be wrong

Still both sources I looked at says exactly what I posted. The guy who sent the email is an unknown person. He has to come forward into the spot light if he going to make such allegations. Yes he will have to prove what he said is true.

Still an unknown email is hard to swallow if your at least open to both sides of the argument.

Well you have tech guys who have to maintain the machine and check for any problems with the machines. There may be security checks. There is no logical reason for them to be hooked up to the internet. Data from the machine can be retrieved using a device and transported to where it needs to ultimately go as a record of the votes.

Also I believe that they will check these votes with the voter database to catch duplicates or unregistered names.

Well people believe in voter fraud. If you feed them misinformation then they will take it as proof especially if their guy lost. Just because they believe it does not mean it happen on such a scale that it cause Trump to lose.

Voter fraud has to be proven in a court of law. Not in the court of public opinion.
Yes an email from an unknown person was supposedly sent to a number of people.

Another person in the meeting says he saw one machine hooked up to the internet. If you saw something like that would you snap a picture with your cell phone? Hooking a cable would require a router or modem someplace in the building.

If it is to be investigated it must be done by the FBI or some other investigative team. Not by people appointed by Trump. They are biased. There has been a number of legal cases by Team Trump that have been thrown out of court. If you have deep pockets then they will try anything to see if will float.

this article and another one that I read say the same thing. I do not see it reported by any major network. I could be wrong

Still both sources I looked at says exactly what I posted. The guy who sent the email is an unknown person. He has to come forward into the spot light if he going to make such allegations. Yes he will have to prove what he said is true.

Still an unknown email is hard to swallow if your at least open to both sides of the argument.

Well you have tech guys who have to maintain the machine and check for any problems with the machines. There may be security checks. There is no logical reason for them to be hooked up to the internet. Data from the machine can be retrieved using a device and transported to where it needs to ultimately go as a record of the votes.

Also I believe that they will check these votes with the voter database to catch duplicates or unregistered names.

Well people believe in voter fraud. If you feed them misinformation then they will take it as proof especially if their guy lost. Just because they believe it does not mean it happen on such a scale that it cause Trump to lose.

Voter fraud has to be proven in a court of law. Not in the court of public opinion.

When I get time I'll have to watch the Colonel's video again. Most people, even on Trump's side stated it would be a rough sell to get the SC to hear the case. While it's pretty clear these state judges allowed violations of their state Constitution, the Supreme Court mainly deals with the US Constitution. They don't want to get involved in trying to interpret the Constitution of any particular state.

I agree the FBI should investigate, but along with Trump's tech people. The FBI in recent years has become political and part of the deep state, therefore cannot really be trusted. Speaking of which, as for reporting on it, if the shoe was on the other foot, that's all they'd be talking about.

Besides the voting allegations, the entire election just doesn't make any sense. Biden is as exciting as Bob Dole when he ran. Many voters in surveys believe that Biden does have dementia. So how did this frail and fragile old man not only get more votes than Obama, but the most votes in the history of the Untied States? Stopping the building of the wall, increasing taxes on our job producers when we need them the most, drastically increasing the cost of fuel in spite of people having the least money in a long time, increasing the national minimum wage to $15.00 an hour causing a domino effect which will bring us inflation like we haven't seen in a long time, just doesn't make any sense. Especially when he ran against a President who had the best economy in 50 years.
When SCOTUS declined to give Injunctive Relief to give the Pennsylvania Republicans wanted, there was no dissent.

The Whole and Entire SCOTUS agreed to NOT act.

SCOTUS will NOT involved itself. It will continue to refuse.

Plus, it now the day after Safe Harbor Day.

No way forward now.
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Arizona State Supreme Court Rejects GOP Chief's Lawsuit To Overturn Biden's Win.


The Arizona Supreme Court affirmed President-elect Joe Biden’s win in Arizona, unanimously rejecting state GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward’s attempt to overturn the election results and decree President Donald Trump as the winner of the state’s 11 electoral votes.

Ward claimed without evidence that mistakes in the verification of signatures on early ballots and in the duplication of ballots that couldn’t be read by Maricopa County’s tabulation machines cost Trump the election in Arizona. Biden won the state by about 10,500 votes.
And Just For Shits and Giggles.

45's SCOTUS Filing He (45) Cannot Prove Fraud...Therefore There Must Be Fraud.

Despite the chaos of election night and the days which followed, the media has consistently proclaimed that no widespread voter fraud has been proven. But this observation misses the point. The constitutional issue is not whether voters committed fraud but whether state officials violated the law by systematically loosening the measures for ballot integrity so that fraud becomes undetectable,” the filing said.

In order to prove fraud, one must first provide evidence of fraud. 45 has no such evidence.

Courts, especially the Supreme Court require EVIDENCE OF FRAUD!!!
And again, in this thread, we witness the birth of another conspiracy. Your facts will be duly ignored.
OMG, how gullible are your folks?

From the article:
Two high-level officials with the Georgia secretary of state's office and a state elections board monitor each told Lead Stories that their investigations revealed nothing suspicious in the video.
Yeah, because THIS is not suspicious, palming a thumbdrive?

roflmao, you Dems have to improve you lies better than that.

From the article:
The officials said the ballots seen in the video were in regular ballot containers -- not suitcases -- and they had been removed from their envelopes and processed while news media and election observers for the Republican Party and Trump campaign were present.

'Suitcases' is just a nickname from the people that work at these ballot counting centers, because the containers have an extendable handle like a suitcase. No one truly believes that these are literal suitcases, OMG.

From the article:
The media and party observers were never told to leave because counting was over for the night, but they apparently followed workers who left once their job of opening envelopes was completed, the chief investigator for the secretary of state told Lead Stories. The observers were free to return at anytime, she said.

Bullshit, they were told to leave due to the burst pipe, and the workers were not supposed to stay and count all night without an observer/minotor from both candidates campaign teams.

From the article:
Georgia law allows observers, but does not require them to be there for ballots to be counted, she said.
At least three persons who are registrars, deputy registrars, poll workers, or absentee ballot clerks must be present before commencing; and three persons who are registrars, deputy registrars, or absentee ballot clerks shall be present at all times while the outer envelopes are being opened. After opening the outer envelopes, the ballots shall be safely and securely stored until the time for tabulating such ballots....
Such committee shall have the right to designate two persons and each independent and nonpartisan candidate whose name appears on the ballot for such election in such county shall have the right to designate one person to act as monitors for such process. ...
Why do you think monitors are required? To make sure everything is valid and not having votes secreted away and brought in for tally that have no chain of custody.
Why do you think these suitcases of ballots were hidden? How does that NOT break the chain of custody?

FIVE STATES all stopped counting in the night, and *POOF* Biden is ahead when they resume, overcoming a Trump lead of thousands of votes, but that is all 'normal' for Democrats? roflmaao

View attachment 425687

I have full confidence that when rational people with an IQ over room temperature sees this video that they will believe their own two eyes, not Democrat lies.

It was so much fun watching you educate the shillshanding their ass to them on a platter :up:
From the article:
Two high-level officials with the Georgia secretary of state's office and a state elections board monitor each told Lead Stories that their investigations revealed nothing suspicious in the video.
Yeah, because THIS is not suspicious, palming a thumbdrive?
You guys need to get your stories straight across all these fraud claims.
For example, in this one, where you claimed a Dominion technician was "caught" inserting a thumb drive into the computer and "manipulating votes".

*I* did not claim that, I am saying it is obviously suspicious activity and belies the claim that there was none.

The most likely explanation though is it isn't a thumb drive at all. You can't tell what the hell it is. It could be chapstick or a tampon, but you've created an entire conspiracy theory out of something that "looks suspicious" but you have no idea so you are willing to destroy lives without verifying anything.

Yeah, people look all around to make sure no one is watching, palm a chapstick and then slip it in someones pocket while they pretend to not notice all the time. Sure, go with that. ;)

The officials said the ballots seen in the video were in regular ballot containers -- not suitcases -- and they had been removed from their envelopes and processed while news media and election observers for the Republican Party and Trump campaign were present.
'Suitcases' is just a nickname from the people that work at these ballot counting centers, because the containers have an extendable handle like a suitcase. No one truly believes that these are literal suitcases, OMG.
I disagree with you here. It's not just a nickname. People making the claim were implying that they were brought in from somewhere else secretly in suitcases or totes. People really are that dumb.

Yeah, and some people believed that Davey Crocket could ride on lightning bolts too, but that does nto prove that any reliable source ever cclaimed it was true.

The media and party observers were never told to leave because counting was over for the night, but they apparently followed workers who left once their job of opening envelopes was completed, the chief investigator for the secretary of state told Lead Stories. The observers were free to return at anytime, she said.
Bullshit, they were told to leave due to the burst pipe, and the workers were not supposed to stay and count all night without an observer/minotor from both candidates campaign teams.
1. The Fulton County burst pipe occurred at 6am on Tuesday, delaying the start of the absentee ballot counting. This does not correspond to the time table of the supposed "suitcases of fake ballots being counted" when people were supposedly "told to leave".

Yes you are correct as to the time frame, but why lie about it and pretend to be fixing it for four hours? They wanted to push the vote into the wee hours of the morning where they could carry on their ballot bullshit.

2. No one was told to leave.
There are sworn affidavits from two poll watchers that say that they were told to leave. They made these statements under risk of perjury if proven false.
I'll take THEIR word for what happened.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Georgia law allows observers, but does not require them to be there for ballots to be counted, she said.
At least three persons who are registrars, deputy registrars, poll workers, or absentee ballot clerks must be present before commencing; and three persons who are registrars, deputy registrars, or absentee ballot clerks shall be Present at all times while the outer envelopes are being opened. After opening the outer envelopes, the ballots shall be safely and securely stored until the time for tabulating such ballots....
Such committee shall have the right to designate two persons and each independent and nonpartisan candidate whose name appears on the ballot for such election in such county shall have the right to designate one person to act as monitors for such process. ...
Why do you think monitors are required? To make sure everything is valid and not having votes secreted away and brought in for tally that have no chain of custody.
And at least three persons were present (see Sterling's statement). What's the point here?

Sorry, but I will believe my own two eyes and what they saw on the video before I believe some lying suit.

Why do you think these suitcases of ballots were hidden? How does that NOT break the chain of custody?
No votes were "secreted away" - no votes were "hidden".

Because putting ballots under a table that has a cloth all around it isnt really hiding them? :rolleyes:

FIVE STATES all stopped counting in the night, and *POOF* Biden is ahead when they resume, overcoming a Trump lead of thousands of votes, but that is all 'normal' for Democrats? roflmao
Everyone fully EXPECTED that Biden's lead would grow because the absentee votes were counted after the in person votes, and in many cases, absentee ballots were not allowed to be even PROCESSED (envelopes removed, signatures verified, etc etc) until after the polls closed. It's no surprise that Biden jumped ahead late, even the Republicans expected it based on how hard they tried to restrict the counting of absentee votes.

And I expected Biden to recover some ground as well, but not in 6 digit spikes that came faster than machines at locations could possible scan physically.
View attachment 425870

I have full confidence that when rational people with an IQ over room temperature sees this video that they will believe their own two eyes, not Democrat lies.
I have little confidence in your ability rate IQ's. :doubt:

Well there's an easy one, lol.

Seriously, people with book oriented intelligence are fairly gullible and reliant on authority figures to give them what they believe to be Truth and do not process the data for validity and conformity to the world around them. Your acceptance of the GA SoS's word that nothing is ammiss or suspicious in the things revealed on video tape is an example of this.
You accept the word of an unsworn authority figure over what is plainly shown by video that you can see with your own two eye's.

That is not low IQ, it is very high 'Gullibility Quotient'.
The people who refuse to see the evidence have been thoroughly indoctrinated by our public education system and lack ANY ability to think critically.
[/QUOTE]:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

man you took the words right out of my mouth,I could not have said it any better word for word.:thup:
The UNDERSTATEMENT of the year,they are so indoctrinated,they refuse to accept facts that out school system is corrupt and eveything they were taught in our history classes was all a lie,that they only heard the version of the government what THEy wanted us to hear and are so far gone brainwashed,they are incapable of critical thinking or thinking outside the box,they actually think the government has always been looking out for them and here to serve the people.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

which is asinine the fact millions have feared the government for decades now so you would think that would register with them they have been brainwashed,that this is not a free country,has not been for decades now,that we live in a police state and have one of the most corrupt governments in the world and certainly the most corrupt court system in the world. :cuckoo:
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From the article:
Two high-level officials with the Georgia secretary of state's office and a state elections board monitor each told Lead Stories that their investigations revealed nothing suspicious in the video.
Yeah, because THIS is not suspicious, palming a thumbdrive?
You guys need to get your stories straight across all these fraud claims.
For example, in this one, where you claimed a Dominion technician was "caught" inserting a thumb drive into the computer and "manipulating votes".

*I* did not claim that, I am saying it is obviously suspicious activity and belies the claim that there was none.

The most likely explanation though is it isn't a thumb drive at all. You can't tell what the hell it is. It could be chapstick or a tampon, but you've created an entire conspiracy theory out of something that "looks suspicious" but you have no idea so you are willing to destroy lives without verifying anything.

Yeah, people look all around to make sure no one is watching, palm a chapstick and then slip it in someones pocket while they pretend to not notice all the time. Sure, go with that. ;)

The officials said the ballots seen in the video were in regular ballot containers -- not suitcases -- and they had been removed from their envelopes and processed while news media and election observers for the Republican Party and Trump campaign were present.
'Suitcases' is just a nickname from the people that work at these ballot counting centers, because the containers have an extendable handle like a suitcase. No one truly believes that these are literal suitcases, OMG.
I disagree with you here. It's not just a nickname. People making the claim were implying that they were brought in from somewhere else secretly in suitcases or totes. People really are that dumb.

Yeah, and some people believed that Davey Crocket could ride on lightning bolts too, but that does nto prove that any reliable source ever cclaimed it was true.

The media and party observers were never told to leave because counting was over for the night, but they apparently followed workers who left once their job of opening envelopes was completed, the chief investigator for the secretary of state told Lead Stories. The observers were free to return at anytime, she said.
Bullshit, they were told to leave due to the burst pipe, and the workers were not supposed to stay and count all night without an observer/minotor from both candidates campaign teams.
1. The Fulton County burst pipe occurred at 6am on Tuesday, delaying the start of the absentee ballot counting. This does not correspond to the time table of the supposed "suitcases of fake ballots being counted" when people were supposedly "told to leave".

Yes you are correct as to the time frame, but why lie about it and pretend to be fixing it for four hours? They wanted to push the vote into the wee hours of the morning where they could carry on their ballot bullshit.

2. No one was told to leave.
There are sworn affidavits from two poll watchers that say that they were told to leave. They made these statements under risk of perjury if proven false.
I'll take THEIR word for what happened.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Georgia law allows observers, but does not require them to be there for ballots to be counted, she said.
At least three persons who are registrars, deputy registrars, poll workers, or absentee ballot clerks must be present before commencing; and three persons who are registrars, deputy registrars, or absentee ballot clerks shall be Present at all times while the outer envelopes are being opened. After opening the outer envelopes, the ballots shall be safely and securely stored until the time for tabulating such ballots....
Such committee shall have the right to designate two persons and each independent and nonpartisan candidate whose name appears on the ballot for such election in such county shall have the right to designate one person to act as monitors for such process. ...
Why do you think monitors are required? To make sure everything is valid and not having votes secreted away and brought in for tally that have no chain of custody.
And at least three persons were present (see Sterling's statement). What's the point here?

Sorry, but I will believe my own two eyes and what they saw on the video before I believe some lying suit.

Why do you think these suitcases of ballots were hidden? How does that NOT break the chain of custody?
No votes were "secreted away" - no votes were "hidden".

Because putting ballots under a table that has a cloth all around it isnt really hiding them? :rolleyes:

FIVE STATES all stopped counting in the night, and *POOF* Biden is ahead when they resume, overcoming a Trump lead of thousands of votes, but that is all 'normal' for Democrats? roflmao
Everyone fully EXPECTED that Biden's lead would grow because the absentee votes were counted after the in person votes, and in many cases, absentee ballots were not allowed to be even PROCESSED (envelopes removed, signatures verified, etc etc) until after the polls closed. It's no surprise that Biden jumped ahead late, even the Republicans expected it based on how hard they tried to restrict the counting of absentee votes.

And I expected Biden to recover some ground as well, but not in 6 digit spikes that came faster than machines at locations could possible scan physically.
View attachment 425870

I have full confidence that when rational people with an IQ over room temperature sees this video that they will believe their own two eyes, not Democrat lies.
I have little confidence in your ability rate IQ's. :doubt:

Well there's an easy one, lol.

Seriously, people with book oriented intelligence are fairly gullible and reliant on authority figures to give them what they believe to be Truth and do not process the data for validity and conformity to the world around them. Your acceptance of the GA SoS's word that nothing is ammiss or suspicious in the things revealed on video tape is an example of this.
You accept the word of an unsworn authority figure over what is plainly shown by video that you can see with your own two eye's.

That is not low IQ, it is very high 'Gullibility Quotient'.
The people who refuse to see the evidence have been thoroughly indoctrinated by our public education system and lack ANY ability to think critically.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

man you took the words right out of my mouth,I could not have said it any better word for word.:thup:
The UNDERSTATEMENT of the year,they are so indoctrinated,they refuse to accept facts that out school system is corrupt and eveything they were taught in our history classes was all a lie,that they only heard the version of the government what THEy wanted us to hear and are so far gone brainwashed,they are incapable of critical thinking or thinking outside the box,they actually think the government has always been looking out for them and here to serve the people.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Project much?
And Just For Shits and Giggles.

45's SCOTUS Filing He (45) Cannot Prove Fraud...Therefore There Must Be Fraud.

Despite the chaos of election night and the days which followed, the media has consistently proclaimed that no widespread voter fraud has been proven. But this observation misses the point. The constitutional issue is not whether voters committed fraud but whether state officials violated the law by systematically loosening the measures for ballot integrity so that fraud becomes undetectable,” the filing said.

In order to prove fraud, one must first provide evidence of fraud. 45 has no such evidence.

Courts, especially the Supreme Court require EVIDENCE OF FRAUD!!!

So now they are moving the goal posts....undetectable fraud.

Fact is Trump was fired by the people. End of story.
From the article:
Two high-level officials with the Georgia secretary of state's office and a state elections board monitor each told Lead Stories that their investigations revealed nothing suspicious in the video.
Yeah, because THIS is not suspicious, palming a thumbdrive?
You guys need to get your stories straight across all these fraud claims.
For example, in this one, where you claimed a Dominion technician was "caught" inserting a thumb drive into the computer and "manipulating votes".

*I* did not claim that, I am saying it is obviously suspicious activity and belies the claim that there was none.

The most likely explanation though is it isn't a thumb drive at all. You can't tell what the hell it is. It could be chapstick or a tampon, but you've created an entire conspiracy theory out of something that "looks suspicious" but you have no idea so you are willing to destroy lives without verifying anything.

Yeah, people look all around to make sure no one is watching, palm a chapstick and then slip it in someones pocket while they pretend to not notice all the time. Sure, go with that. ;)

The officials said the ballots seen in the video were in regular ballot containers -- not suitcases -- and they had been removed from their envelopes and processed while news media and election observers for the Republican Party and Trump campaign were present.
'Suitcases' is just a nickname from the people that work at these ballot counting centers, because the containers have an extendable handle like a suitcase. No one truly believes that these are literal suitcases, OMG.
I disagree with you here. It's not just a nickname. People making the claim were implying that they were brought in from somewhere else secretly in suitcases or totes. People really are that dumb.

Yeah, and some people believed that Davey Crocket could ride on lightning bolts too, but that does nto prove that any reliable source ever cclaimed it was true.

The media and party observers were never told to leave because counting was over for the night, but they apparently followed workers who left once their job of opening envelopes was completed, the chief investigator for the secretary of state told Lead Stories. The observers were free to return at anytime, she said.
Bullshit, they were told to leave due to the burst pipe, and the workers were not supposed to stay and count all night without an observer/minotor from both candidates campaign teams.
1. The Fulton County burst pipe occurred at 6am on Tuesday, delaying the start of the absentee ballot counting. This does not correspond to the time table of the supposed "suitcases of fake ballots being counted" when people were supposedly "told to leave".

Yes you are correct as to the time frame, but why lie about it and pretend to be fixing it for four hours? They wanted to push the vote into the wee hours of the morning where they could carry on their ballot bullshit.

2. No one was told to leave.
There are sworn affidavits from two poll watchers that say that they were told to leave. They made these statements under risk of perjury if proven false.
I'll take THEIR word for what happened.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Georgia law allows observers, but does not require them to be there for ballots to be counted, she said.
At least three persons who are registrars, deputy registrars, poll workers, or absentee ballot clerks must be present before commencing; and three persons who are registrars, deputy registrars, or absentee ballot clerks shall be Present at all times while the outer envelopes are being opened. After opening the outer envelopes, the ballots shall be safely and securely stored until the time for tabulating such ballots....
Such committee shall have the right to designate two persons and each independent and nonpartisan candidate whose name appears on the ballot for such election in such county shall have the right to designate one person to act as monitors for such process. ...
Why do you think monitors are required? To make sure everything is valid and not having votes secreted away and brought in for tally that have no chain of custody.
And at least three persons were present (see Sterling's statement). What's the point here?

Sorry, but I will believe my own two eyes and what they saw on the video before I believe some lying suit.

Why do you think these suitcases of ballots were hidden? How does that NOT break the chain of custody?
No votes were "secreted away" - no votes were "hidden".

Because putting ballots under a table that has a cloth all around it isnt really hiding them? :rolleyes:

FIVE STATES all stopped counting in the night, and *POOF* Biden is ahead when they resume, overcoming a Trump lead of thousands of votes, but that is all 'normal' for Democrats? roflmao
Everyone fully EXPECTED that Biden's lead would grow because the absentee votes were counted after the in person votes, and in many cases, absentee ballots were not allowed to be even PROCESSED (envelopes removed, signatures verified, etc etc) until after the polls closed. It's no surprise that Biden jumped ahead late, even the Republicans expected it based on how hard they tried to restrict the counting of absentee votes.

And I expected Biden to recover some ground as well, but not in 6 digit spikes that came faster than machines at locations could possible scan physically.
View attachment 425870

I have full confidence that when rational people with an IQ over room temperature sees this video that they will believe their own two eyes, not Democrat lies.
I have little confidence in your ability rate IQ's. :doubt:

Well there's an easy one, lol.

Seriously, people with book oriented intelligence are fairly gullible and reliant on authority figures to give them what they believe to be Truth and do not process the data for validity and conformity to the world around them. Your acceptance of the GA SoS's word that nothing is ammiss or suspicious in the things revealed on video tape is an example of this.
You accept the word of an unsworn authority figure over what is plainly shown by video that you can see with your own two eye's.

That is not low IQ, it is very high 'Gullibility Quotient'.
The people who refuse to see the evidence have been thoroughly indoctrinated by our public education system and lack ANY ability to think critically.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

man you took the words right out of my mouth,I could not have said it any better word for word.:thup:
The UNDERSTATEMENT of the year,they are so indoctrinated,they refuse to accept facts that out school system is corrupt and eveything they were taught in our history classes was all a lie,that they only heard the version of the government what THEy wanted us to hear and are so far gone brainwashed,they are incapable of critical thinking or thinking outside the box,they actually think the government has always been looking out for them and here to serve the people.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

which is asinine the fact millions have feared the government for decades now so you would think that would register with them they have been brainwashed,that this is not a free country,has not been for decades now,that we live in a police state and have one of the most corrupt governments in the world and certainly the most corrupt court system in the world. :cuckoo:
Funny how the trolls always find these pesky facts how corrupt our government is to be funny,that is fucking sad and pathetic. :cuckoo:
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.
There are none so blind as those who will not see. WATCH THE VIDEO, MYOPIC OLD LADY!
Shouting at me isn't going to do a damned thing for ya, noob. Read Coyote's post 269 which indeed explains that they were doing their jobs. Nothing more.
:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
And Just For Shits and Giggles.

45's SCOTUS Filing He (45) Cannot Prove Fraud...Therefore There Must Be Fraud.

Despite the chaos of election night and the days which followed, the media has consistently proclaimed that no widespread voter fraud has been proven. But this observation misses the point. The constitutional issue is not whether voters committed fraud but whether state officials violated the law by systematically loosening the measures for ballot integrity so that fraud becomes undetectable,” the filing said.

In order to prove fraud, one must first provide evidence of fraud. 45 has no such evidence.

Courts, especially the Supreme Court require EVIDENCE OF FRAUD!!!

So now they are moving the goal posts....undetectable fraud.

Fact is Trump was fired by the people. End of story.
Anything to keep the donations pouring in.
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.
There are none so blind as those who will not see. WATCH THE VIDEO, MYOPIC OLD LADY!
Shouting at me isn't going to do a damned thing for ya, noob. Read Coyote's post 269 which indeed explains that they were doing their jobs. Nothing more.
You are a moron. You and your ilk IMPEACHED an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE and now you are trying to disavow a video that clearly shows malfeasance. How about the video of the poll worker who ran the SAME stack of ballots TWICE. Go back to your basement.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Nothing in the post above offers ANY proof that fraud did not occur
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: The dnc is really paying this shill major bucks to lie
Knowing how she engages in lies all the time and never looks at facts I have no doubt you are correct,I’m not about to read through that Bible length babble,I salute you for being able to read through that garbage Bible length babble,don’t know how you do it.

First she was pulling suitcases from under the table and right wingers claimed she was doing something fraudulent

when official says she was preparing votes to be scanned as was the rest of the people in the room which was what she was suppose to be doing. Wrong conclusion drawn by people looking for anything that will float on the internet.

Then there is a video which right wingers are saying shows a USB being passed to someone which to them indicates guilt and fraud.

Yet the video at best is inconclusive and you cannot see what was in her hand. 2nd explain how a USB could be used to commit fraud by her. Votes are check manually for completeness and validity. The vote is recorded manually. It is then boxed for later scanning into the main voting system. A scanning device is used to scan the votes Votes are counted manually and are scanned and the totals are compared. Any discrepancies has to be accounted for or recounted.

So explain how a USB in this process by a worker to commit fraud? Especially if a USB cannot even be verified that was in her hand.

Finally now the story shifts to something she did 10 years ago. You say she should not have been hired. Does the bible preach forgiveness? or is it more selective based on political rhetoric?

People make mistakes. They still need to make money in legitimate ways. Trump has pardon people who have committed murder but hey they must get on with their lives.

Still this is a country of laws. Innocent until proven guilty. If she committed fraud which is punishable then the court will determine guilt.
Wow you really love to hear yourself talk and pat yourself on the bat don’t you shill?:iyfyus.jpg: It’s even more comical you really thought I read your babble length babble.:lmao::laughing0301::lmao::laughing0301::lmao::laughing0301::lmao::laughing0301:

see I always follow this advise.:trolls: I always tell all the patriot Americans here concerned about the worst election fraud that took place in mankind history to follow my advise,ignorantly they don’t and they feed you guys though too dense to figure out you shills have paid to come here and troll these boards and lie at every turn to try and derail any truth discussion on this and sense so many here are dense and feed you trolls,you accomplish the job your boss pays you for.

Try some else to take your Bait and address your bible length babble,I don’t waste my time with shills like you especially Bible length babble and bs.
The people who refuse to see the evidence have been thoroughly indoctrinated by our public education system and lack ANY ability to think critically.
View attachment 425903
Logic and common sense never registers with these trolls no matter how many times you repeat stalins words that it does not matter how many people that vote,it’s WHO counts the votes that count.they don’t know anything about critical thinking. :cuckoo: :lmao: :laughing0301: :lmao: :laughing0301: :lmao: :laughing0301:
You are a moron. You and your ilk IMPEACHED an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE and now you are trying to disavow a video that clearly shows malfeasance. How about the video of the poll worker who ran the SAME stack of ballots TWICE. Go back to your basement.
Yeah it really takes a Libtard to believe that one anonymous allegation of a nonspecified crime is worthy of impeachment, but over 2,000 sworn affidavits backed up with video is not worth investigating or cause in anyone to question the validity of an election.

It really take a libtard to believe such bullshit.

Your putting signed avidaviates
Nothing in the post above offers ANY proof that fraud did not occur
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: The dnc is really paying this shill major bucks to lie
Knowing how she engages in lies all the time and never looks at facts I have no doubt you are correct,I’m not about to read through that Bible length babble,I salute you for being able to read through that garbage Bible length babble,don’t know how you do it.

First she was pulling suitcases from under the table and right wingers claimed she was doing something fraudulent

when official says she was preparing votes to be scanned as was the rest of the people in the room which was what she was suppose to be doing. Wrong conclusion drawn by people looking for anything that will float on the internet.

Then there is a video which right wingers are saying shows a USB being passed to someone which to them indicates guilt and fraud.

Yet the video at best is inconclusive and you cannot see what was in her hand. 2nd explain how a USB could be used to commit fraud by her. Votes are check manually for completeness and validity. The vote is recorded manually. It is then boxed for later scanning into the main voting system. A scanning device is used to scan the votes Votes are counted manually and are scanned and the totals are compared. Any discrepancies has to be accounted for or recounted.

So explain how a USB in this process by a worker to commit fraud? Especially if a USB cannot even be verified that was in her hand.

Finally now the story shifts to something she did 10 years ago. You say she should not have been hired. Does the bible preach forgiveness? or is it more selective based on political rhetoric?

People make mistakes. They still need to make money in legitimate ways. Trump has pardon people who have committed murder but hey they must get on with their lives.

Still this is a country of laws. Innocent until proven guilty. If she committed fraud which is punishable then the court will determine guilt.
Your argument is laughable. Now you are calling for due process and less than a year ago you and your ilk impeached an innocent man with NO EVIDENCE. Where was your demand for due process then? HYPOCRITE.

Trump was impeached. He had is due process. He was just found not guilty in the Senate. I guess you can say the system works. 48/52 vote when 2/3 vote is required for removal from office. There was evidence but it is a political vote
It was a clear sham impeachment and everybody knows it.
Only the ones smoking crack cannot see that. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

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