Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.

Well that is what repubs do. They do not question why the video was posted on tweeter.
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.

They do not care as long as a 90 second video clip is proof of voter fraud and it spreads like bad perfume

There was a designated Republican observer in the room.
and they saw the same incident caught on tape.

It in itself is considered normal voter practices to people who do this type of work.

But they say people were told to go home , it is a conspiracy. Yet these same people are lurking around the center till 4 Am in the morning looking for that voter fraud.

A place with multiple cameras that observe everything.

Georgia's Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, has already looked into the claims, and found nothing unusual.

Yet I would imagine for repubs it is unusual for someone in a voting center to pull out a box of ballots.

The rest of the story

"What appears is reported as suitcases are actually the normal containers that ballots are put in," he continued. "That is not unusual, they say, for them."

If you look at the videotape, the work you see is the work you would expect, you place the ballots on the scanner in manageable batches and you scan them," Sterling said.

So if the video was longer than 90 seconds anyone could see that they stayed to finish the scanning portion of the work that was being done. Votes cannot be changed by scanning them. Probably shorten by the repubs to show what they want to show.

Frances Watson, the chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state office, confirmed that the containers seen in the video weren't suitcases, but rather the normal bins used for the ballot counting process.

"It was an empty bin and the ballots from it were actually out on the table when the media were still there, and then it was placed back into the box when the media were still there and placed next to the table."

She said that the ballots that had already been opened in front of the observers were the only ones scanned after the media and other observers left.

The desperation to make up stories shows the sad state of affairs of repubs who will pull smoke out of thin air and claim it was fraud.
Fraud claims are one thing, when Dems get the same generalized criticisms they always get. To me, it is much more worrisome that they are now targeting and destroying (presumably) innocent individuals, even when it has been explained to them what they are actually seeing. This needs to be stopped.

You do make a point and it is on both sides. As individuals get drawn in Trump's mad scheme to overturn the election. I was reading how Rudy is throwing people to the wolves during a meeting with republican legislators. Instead all they could talk about is I can find a job and the negative feedback because of getting caught up in this.

Trump is using them. If I was that lady in the video I would be calling my lawyer and suing all those right wing sites for defamation of character and online slander. It is the only way to make them responsible for the stories they put out without any fact checking.
I wish suing them would do it but it doesn't. It's just a cost of doing business. People are so hungry to read things that are too good or too bad to be true, that they provide a of lot income for these sites. The only thing that will stop them is for enough people to ignore them. In fact, ignoring this trash is the one thing they can't stand. I would say the same thing holds for Trump, he doesn't care what you say about him as long as you keep saying it. He can't stand being ignored. He learned this from his dad. Just keep them talking about Trumps.
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Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.
The film was taken after they shuffled off the other workers. The film has been explained of when it was taken. You crook the elections and get caught you suffer the consequences no matter who you are. Since it was a federal election she and her cohort conspirators will have to deal with the feds.
Nothing you said changes a thing I said. Talking to you folks is like putting a nickel in the nickelodian.
Then talk to "us" folks, Karen. You, who accused someone of being a "real live Nazi complete with heel clicking and heiling" posting here? lol
Maybe OldLady is good with the real nazi families and fascist taking over. Thankfully I believe we have more that are not good with that program than those who are.

The only fascists are Trump & Co.
Only in your opinion. Espionage, illegally spying on the opposing candidate, etc... are illegal. If you consider rebuffing all those okay even though they are illegal fascist you may be living in the wrong country.
Ray, read the article Toro put up on page 3. Then answer that question.

It's the same article as the OP. Don't you think if this was a real story a real news agency would have covered it? Lead Stories? I never heard of them. So I looked into the organization. They have no credibility as half of their staff were former employees of CNN, and another quarter of them are Democrat donors.
She has sand in her ears, a too tight hat that squishes her brain, and is blind in both eyes. Poor Karen.
So sez a woman who wants a link to a thread she was posting in less than 24 hours ago.
I post in quite a few threads well as other boards. the link or stfu, IDIOT.
Just thought I'd toss that in there for a pet name for ya. You seem to like it due to using it often when nobody agrees with ya.

Meanwhile...since you know it was supposedly "less than 24 hours ago", show the link where the Real Life Nazi did his schpeel. Or maybe you can't/won't because he/she did no such thing except in your Karened mind.
Because you can't.
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.

Well that is what repubs do. They do not question why the video was posted on tweeter.
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.

They do not care as long as a 90 second video clip is proof of voter fraud and it spreads like bad perfume

There was a designated Republican observer in the room.
and they saw the same incident caught on tape.

It in itself is considered normal voter practices to people who do this type of work.

But they say people were told to go home , it is a conspiracy. Yet these same people are lurking around the center till 4 Am in the morning looking for that voter fraud.

A place with multiple cameras that observe everything.

Georgia's Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, has already looked into the claims, and found nothing unusual.

Yet I would imagine for repubs it is unusual for someone in a voting center to pull out a box of ballots.

The rest of the story

"What appears is reported as suitcases are actually the normal containers that ballots are put in," he continued. "That is not unusual, they say, for them."

If you look at the videotape, the work you see is the work you would expect, you place the ballots on the scanner in manageable batches and you scan them," Sterling said.

So if the video was longer than 90 seconds anyone could see that they stayed to finish the scanning portion of the work that was being done. Votes cannot be changed by scanning them. Probably shorten by the repubs to show what they want to show.

Frances Watson, the chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state office, confirmed that the containers seen in the video weren't suitcases, but rather the normal bins used for the ballot counting process.

"It was an empty bin and the ballots from it were actually out on the table when the media were still there, and then it was placed back into the box when the media were still there and placed next to the table."

She said that the ballots that had already been opened in front of the observers were the only ones scanned after the media and other observers left.

The desperation to make up stories shows the sad state of affairs of repubs who will pull smoke out of thin air and claim it was fraud.
Fraud claims are one thing, when Dems get the same generalized criticisms they always get. To me, it is much more worrisome that they are now targeting and destroying (presumably) innocent individuals, even when it has been explained to them what they are actually seeing. This needs to be stopped.
Who’s being destroyed?
Media destroys non-democrats incessantly.
Ruby Freeman will be destroyed.

Most of these people being publically vilified are just election workers doing their jobs. They are getting death threats, their f@milies and children get is so wrong.
Y'all can argue til the cows come home but it all won't be solved until the electoral votes are in and SCOTUS rules. And even then, y'all will bicker on who is right, who is wrong, who stole what, who lied, yadda yadda.

The whole point, IN MY OPINION, of checking and rechecking is to protect voters rights and voters VOTES with no shenanigans on EITHER side for EITHER party.

For all I know, Hillary could have been potus and Trump cheated. Right? But until this shit is FIXED, there will always be doubt. Can we ALL at least agree on THAT???

Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.
The film was taken after they shuffled off the other workers. The film has been explained of when it was taken. You crook the elections and get caught you suffer the consequences no matter who you are. Since it was a federal election she and her cohort conspirators will have to deal with the feds.
Nothing you said changes a thing I said. Talking to you folks is like putting a nickel in the nickelodian.
Then talk to "us" folks, Karen. You, who accused someone of being a "real live Nazi complete with heel clicking and heiling" posting here? lol
Maybe OldLady is good with the real nazi families and fascist taking over. Thankfully I believe we have more that are not good with that program than those who are.

The only fascists are Trump & Co.
Well, there was this guy here last night....

I don't like calling these deluded people fascists. Not even Trump. But they're playing a very dangerous game of chicken. Their arguments are more like a three year old who is NOT going to share his Tonka truck, and it's about as impossible to reason with them.
To dems..we are all nazi's. To repubs, y'all are sheep.

And there it is.
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.
The film was taken after they shuffled off the other workers. The film has been explained of when it was taken. You crook the elections and get caught you suffer the consequences no matter who you are. Since it was a federal election she and her cohort conspirators will have to deal with the feds.
Nothing you said changes a thing I said. Talking to you folks is like putting a nickel in the nickelodian.
Then talk to "us" folks, Karen. You, who accused someone of being a "real live Nazi complete with heel clicking and heiling" posting here? lol
Maybe OldLady is good with the real nazi families and fascist taking over. Thankfully I believe we have more that are not good with that program than those who are.

The only fascists are Trump & Co.
Well, there was this guy here last night....

I don't like calling these deluded people fascists. Not even Trump. But they're playing a very dangerous game of chicken. Their arguments are more like a three year old who is NOT going to share his Tonka truck, and it's about as impossible to reason with them.
You are right, I shouldn’t have used fascist. But I will say this...I watched a documentary on the rise of fascism in was very disturbing on many levels.
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.

If she did anything wrong? You do know that counting ballots without opposition oversight is illegal in Georgia, don't you? Hiding ballots until everybody is gone the same.

BINGO! :clap: ^^^

The demonRats have no shame.
They've come up with an excuse, claim all has been recounted and no fraud.

Does anyone HONEST expect them to confess freely?

There is only ONE WAY to clear this up.......

RE DO the whole damn election.......NO MAIL OUT BALLOTS.....NO DOMINION MACHINES

(They won't, trump would win 160 million votes to 2 million for Biden)

If they were honest ballots there would be no need for them to be counted with nobody around. They hid the ballots, didn't want anybody to watch what they were doing for a reason.

Second that too! :thup:
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.
The film was taken after they shuffled off the other workers. The film has been explained of when it was taken. You crook the elections and get caught you suffer the consequences no matter who you are. Since it was a federal election she and her cohort conspirators will have to deal with the feds.
Nothing you said changes a thing I said. Talking to you folks is like putting a nickel in the nickelodian.
Then talk to "us" folks, Karen. You, who accused someone of being a "real live Nazi complete with heel clicking and heiling" posting here? lol
Maybe OldLady is good with the real nazi families and fascist taking over. Thankfully I believe we have more that are not good with that program than those who are.

The only fascists are Trump & Co.

Now....that ^^^ is a Conspiracy.

It's unbelievable to me that you can say such a thing!
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.
The film was taken after they shuffled off the other workers. The film has been explained of when it was taken. You crook the elections and get caught you suffer the consequences no matter who you are. Since it was a federal election she and her cohort conspirators will have to deal with the feds.
Nothing you said changes a thing I said. Talking to you folks is like putting a nickel in the nickelodian.
Then talk to "us" folks, Karen. You, who accused someone of being a "real live Nazi complete with heel clicking and heiling" posting here? lol
Maybe OldLady is good with the real nazi families and fascist taking over. Thankfully I believe we have more that are not good with that program than those who are.

The only fascists are Trump & Co.
Well, there was this guy here last night....

I don't like calling these deluded people fascists. Not even Trump. But they're playing a very dangerous game of chicken. Their arguments are more like a three year old who is NOT going to share his Tonka truck, and it's about as impossible to reason with them.
Share? do you mean MOOCH....isn't that what libs do MOOCH and insist others who work give them all the freebies that they want?
Y'all can argue til the cows come home but it all won't be solved until the electoral votes are in and SCOTUS rules. And even then, y'all will bicker on who is right, who is wrong, who stole what, who lied, yadda yadda.

The whole point, IN MY OPINION, of checking and rechecking is to protect voters rights and voters VOTES with no shenanigans on EITHER side for EITHER party.

For all I know, Hillary could have been potus and Trump cheated. Right? But until this shit is FIXED, there will always be doubt. Can we ALL at least agree on THAT???

What makes you think the Supreme Court will hear these cases. The Supreme Court heard the Bush Gore case in 2000 because the issue was whether the Florida Supreme Court was overstepping it's constitutional authority in requiring the vote counting process to continue. To change the election results, the US Supreme would have to agree to hear cases from multiple states. some that have not even made it to the state supreme court and 2 of the 3 that have were dismissed with prejudice. Making if more difficult some of these states if not all will make the Dec 8th safe harbor deadline so the election can no longer be contested. All of the states in which Trump has contested the election have now certified their election. The only one in question is Georgia who is running their 3rd recount.

There is nothing wrong with contesting an election but there is a lot wrong with the President telling the people that our elections are fraudulent and rigged while offering no proof. The president is doing the job of the Chinese and the Russians who have been saying for years that democratic elections are fraudulent and can not be trusted. Thanks to Donald Trump, a lot of Americans are in agreement. Who would have ever believed that we would have a republican president joining with the communists to destroy the trust in our electoral system.
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Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.

Well that is what repubs do. They do not question why the video was posted on tweeter.
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.

They do not care as long as a 90 second video clip is proof of voter fraud and it spreads like bad perfume

There was a designated Republican observer in the room.
and they saw the same incident caught on tape.

It in itself is considered normal voter practices to people who do this type of work.

But they say people were told to go home , it is a conspiracy. Yet these same people are lurking around the center till 4 Am in the morning looking for that voter fraud.

A place with multiple cameras that observe everything.

Georgia's Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, has already looked into the claims, and found nothing unusual.

Yet I would imagine for repubs it is unusual for someone in a voting center to pull out a box of ballots.

The rest of the story

"What appears is reported as suitcases are actually the normal containers that ballots are put in," he continued. "That is not unusual, they say, for them."

If you look at the videotape, the work you see is the work you would expect, you place the ballots on the scanner in manageable batches and you scan them," Sterling said.

So if the video was longer than 90 seconds anyone could see that they stayed to finish the scanning portion of the work that was being done. Votes cannot be changed by scanning them. Probably shorten by the repubs to show what they want to show.

Frances Watson, the chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state office, confirmed that the containers seen in the video weren't suitcases, but rather the normal bins used for the ballot counting process.

"It was an empty bin and the ballots from it were actually out on the table when the media were still there, and then it was placed back into the box when the media were still there and placed next to the table."

She said that the ballots that had already been opened in front of the observers were the only ones scanned after the media and other observers left.

The desperation to make up stories shows the sad state of affairs of repubs who will pull smoke out of thin air and claim it was fraud.
Fraud claims are one thing, when Dems get the same generalized criticisms they always get. To me, it is much more worrisome that they are now targeting and destroying (presumably) innocent individuals, even when it has been explained to them what they are actually seeing. This needs to be stopped.
Who’s being destroyed?
Media destroys non-democrats incessantly.
Ruby Freeman will be destroyed.
If she actually did nothing wrong and the system is all good and full of integrity she should be fine, right? Did you get this emotional about what they did to general Flynn with all the bogus shit that was made up against him?
I hope she WILL be fine and that she won't be harassed.
I hope that she gets everything that she deserves for trying to steal the election for the Chinese puppet BIDEN...

Capital crime and all
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.

Well that is what repubs do. They do not question why the video was posted on tweeter.
Shame for her as it looks like she has had a nice little boutique business.
You're destroying people relying on totally unfounded evidence? Salem ring a bell? Just stoppit. The SoS is investigating this. If he finds she did anything wrong, she'll be arrested. But you've skipped the important step--seeing if she did anything wrong first. Watching an unexplained video of security footage without any explanation of what was going on is not how it's done.

They do not care as long as a 90 second video clip is proof of voter fraud and it spreads like bad perfume

There was a designated Republican observer in the room.
and they saw the same incident caught on tape.

It in itself is considered normal voter practices to people who do this type of work.

But they say people were told to go home , it is a conspiracy. Yet these same people are lurking around the center till 4 Am in the morning looking for that voter fraud.

A place with multiple cameras that observe everything.

Georgia's Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, has already looked into the claims, and found nothing unusual.

Yet I would imagine for repubs it is unusual for someone in a voting center to pull out a box of ballots.

The rest of the story

"What appears is reported as suitcases are actually the normal containers that ballots are put in," he continued. "That is not unusual, they say, for them."

If you look at the videotape, the work you see is the work you would expect, you place the ballots on the scanner in manageable batches and you scan them," Sterling said.

So if the video was longer than 90 seconds anyone could see that they stayed to finish the scanning portion of the work that was being done. Votes cannot be changed by scanning them. Probably shorten by the repubs to show what they want to show.

Frances Watson, the chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state office, confirmed that the containers seen in the video weren't suitcases, but rather the normal bins used for the ballot counting process.

"It was an empty bin and the ballots from it were actually out on the table when the media were still there, and then it was placed back into the box when the media were still there and placed next to the table."

She said that the ballots that had already been opened in front of the observers were the only ones scanned after the media and other observers left.

The desperation to make up stories shows the sad state of affairs of repubs who will pull smoke out of thin air and claim it was fraud.
Fraud claims are one thing, when Dems get the same generalized criticisms they always get. To me, it is much more worrisome that they are now targeting and destroying (presumably) innocent individuals, even when it has been explained to them what they are actually seeing. This needs to be stopped.
Who’s being destroyed?
Media destroys non-democrats incessantly.
Ruby Freeman will be destroyed.
If she actually did nothing wrong and the system is all good and full of integrity she should be fine, right? Did you get this emotional about what they did to general Flynn with all the bogus shit that was made up against him?
I hope she WILL be fine and that she won't be harassed.
I hope that she gets everything that she deserves for trying to steal the election for the Chinese puppet BIDEN...

Capital crime
She is just an election worker doing her job, legally.

You guys are absolute nuts!
Most of these people being publically vilified are just election workers doing their jobs. They are getting death threats, their f@milies and children get is so wrong.
So are the ones who have been reporting the fraud that they personally saw happening during the vote counts or refused to certify vote totals that were not correct.

The war plan of propaganda bullshit that put out by financially well healed fascist progressives claims that the constitutionally protected and proper electoral college system is dangerous.
Most of these people being publically vilified are just election workers doing their jobs. They are getting death threats, their f@milies and children get is so wrong.
So are the ones who have been reporting the fraud that they personally saw happening during the vote counts or refused to certify vote totals that were not correct.

The war plan of propaganda bullshit that put out by financially well healed fascist progressives claims that the constitutionally protected and proper electoral college system is dangerous.

No one should be getting threats. Oddly, it sounds as if you excuse your own side.

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