CROWD GOES SILENT AT RALLY (will make you cry)

Which candidate did you support in 2020?
I preferred Biden over Trump.

In the Democratic primaries, Biden was somewhere in the middle. I liked him because I figured he could beat Trump. But I would have chosen someone different if I could.
I preferred Biden over Trump.

In the Democratic primaries, Biden was closer to the bottom than the top for me.
Then you have no business attacking trump supporters

Because Biden is a policy and administration train wreck
Then you have no business attacking trump supporters

Because Biden is a policy and administration train wreck
Of course I have business attacking Trump supporters. Unlike you guys, I can actually think objectively and I don’t look at Biden like he’s perfect. I can criticize him.

Why can’t you criticize your own? Because you’re a mindless cultist. That’s the point.

All caught up now?
Of course I have business attacking Trump supporters. Unlike you guys, I can actually think objectively and I don’t look at Biden like he’s perfect. I can criticize him.

Why can’t you criticize your own? Because you’re a mindless cultist. That’s the point.

All caught up now?
I see you as someone sitting on the sidelines and grading history as it passes before your eyes

Its like Monday Night Football where your team is not playing and you just want to see a good game
I see you as someone sitting on the sidelines and grading history as it passes before your eyes
I voted for Biden. How am I someone who sits on the sidelines? That doesn’t make sense.

I’m someone who can think objectively and discuss the errors and imperfections of either side, including the people I vote for. As a mindless partisan cultist, I can see why this is a foreign concept to you. Because cult.
I bet you voted at least TWICE for that admitted serial sexual assaulter, didn't you?

In the primary I didn't vote for Trump but the general election I did. I voted for him in 2020 as well.

So why isn't Donald in prison for all these so-called assaults? Oh, that's right, because they didn't happen. Too bad we can't say the same thing about Ashley Biden, who put it in writing that her father Fd up her entire life, even leading her to drug addiction.
I voted for Biden. How am I someone who sits on the sidelines? That doesn’t make sense.

I’m someone who can think objectively and discuss the errors and imperfections of either side, including the people I vote for. As a mindless partisan cultist, I can see why this is a foreign concept to you. Because cult.
Yet all you do is attack trump
Trump is loved because of his racism and nothing else. I`ve never heard of a Trump supporter who supported him because they thought his plan for our healthcare was brilliant. Trump and Trump wannabes know that aiming low attracts the masses. They care nothing about him stealing Top Secret documents or who he`s selling them to. Who is it on the left that`s comparable to this hate mongering trash?

You have a lot of balls making claims of selling top secret information with no evidence whatsoever while your leaders son is selling his paint-by-numbers art work to anonymous buyers for up to a half-million dollars; minus 10% for the Big Guy of course.

No, we didn't vote for Trump because of healthcare. We voted for him to secure our border which he was very successful at. We voted for him to keep the economy going which he did. We voted for him to not have terrible stock market prices that we now have. We voted for him for energy independence and low fuel prices which we no longer have thanks to Dementia. We voted for him to keep inflation down which is also out the window because of this moron. We voted for him to rebuild our military instead of wasting hundreds of billions of dollars on farces like climate change, or tearing down perfectly good roads because even roads are now racist. We voted for him to help secure our constitutional rights to own and carry firearms.
I am going to stop you there because Trump has never been a Conservative and to even write he was a Conservative President shows you are a mindless individual that has no clue about Conservatism!

Trump is a former Democratic Party donor that ran against his best friend wife and won because of Jill Stein and the mere fact Hillary Clinton was a complete idiot in thinking she had the Electoral College in the bag.

Trump says what you want to hear but his actions show he has no Conservatism in his bones from fiscal to social, so you better know that Trump is as Conservative as Biden which neither are!

So who led more conservatively than President Trump? He lowered taxes on businesses and workers alike. He chose pro-life judges ultimately leading to the reversal of Roe vs Wade. His business policy was for every new business regulation made, two would be removed in it's place. He strongly supported our military and police. He supported fossil fuel production on federal lands. He created several border policies that kept unwanted people out of our country.

So what other conservative policies did you want him to make that he had full control over?
He incited a riot in an attempt to make himself president for life and he stole Top Secret documents to sell to whoever wants to buy them. Other than that he`s a great Ameriklan.

lol somebody broke a window, and you deviants are hoping to turn that into some stupid 'insurrection'. Meanwhile your 'party' bails out scum and vermin running around doing this crap and promoting assassinations of white police officers and assaults and murders of elderly white people.

You're nothing but a scumbag troll. Shut your piehole, you piece of shit. you and your pedo enablers got nothing anybody will believe. Even the racist blacks and latinos are having second and third thoughts about voting for your scummy organized crime syndicate.
Biden's not perfect but he won't try to overthrow our government like trump tried to do on January 6th. Trump's a treasonous piece of shit. A pretty good read is 'Demolition Agenda' where he intentionally tries to ruin our government to where eventually it's sold off to corporations. A for profit Government and to hell with we the people.

It's not that Biden isn't perfect, it's that Biden is an utter complete failure. So what did Trump do to sell our country to corporations?

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