Crowd lines up at exit to leave before trump finishes his speech, but blocked by security

Nah. That is more deflectiin from you when confronted with the ugly truth of the pedo repub party.
You know you would show up at Paul Pelosi's house at 2:00 AM for some man on man action. Most of you Leftist are gender confused cross dressers anyways.
Rock on rainbow warrior.
Now I wish I voted for the brain dead fuck on the take from China, Ukraine, and Russia. The guy who finger rpaed Tara Reade, showered with his niece, and is on camera being inappropriate many times with young girls…as well as committing an impeachable offense by withholding funds from Ukraine unless they fired a prosecutor investigating the company his son worked for.

Oh, and he flew his son on Air Force 2 to do a private equity deal….and Joe Biden claims he never met these guys:


He fucking lied and said he never met with any of Hunter’s business partners.

He didn't know they were business partners.

Is the guy on the left the Saudi guy who gave Kushner 2 billion dollars or was that someone else?
You know you would show up at Paul Pelosi's house at 2:00 AM for some man on man action. Most of you Leftist are gender confused cross dressers anyways.
Rock on rainbow warrior.
Lol, you just described the Catholic church. No wonder Repubs like catholics, It is consistent with their beliefs on child groping.

Ok. Consider me owned.

I would rather be owned then see pics of Trump fondling his daughter.

You aren't on any certain "lists" are you?

Folks, this is how you own these losers. PM me if you want a list -- speaking of lists -- of the loser posters here who ALWAYS talk their bullshit but can never prove their stupid claims, who run away when you push on them.

Folks, this is how you own these losers. PM me if you want a list -- speaking of lists -- of the loser posters here who ALWAYS talk their bullshit but can never prove their stupid claims, who run away when you push on them.

And you want me to show you pedo porn.

No thanks. :meow:
Nah. That is more deflectiin from you when confronted with the ugly truth of the pedo repub party.
It's only The Democrat Party that legalizes Prostitution for 13 year old kids, and refers to Pedophiles as harmless minority attracted individuals. It is only The Democrat Party that teaches children about anal sex and oral sex in kindergarten and shows them porn in school. Democrats are groomers and rapists of children. First you rape their minds and then you rape their bodies. You support and applaud The Alphabet Pedo Hair Sniffing Grooming Lobby and it's King Hair Sniffing Pedo Peter Heil Biden, don't you rainbow warrior?
You want to talk about pedo porn.

You brought it up.

Are you suggesting something about me that you know you can be disciplined for?

Is there a mod anywhere near here?

Did you not ask me to post pics of Trump groping his daughter?

Try to keep up.
It's only The Democrat Party that legalizes Prostitution for 13 year old kids, and refers to Pedophiles as harmless minority attracted individuals. It is only The Democrat Party that teaches children about anal sex and oral sex in kindergarten and shows them porn in school. Democrats are groomers and rapists of children. First you rape their minds and then you rape their bodies. You support and applaud The Alphabet Pedo Hair Sniffing Grooming Lobby and it's King Hair Sniffing Pedo Peter Heil Biden, don't you rainbow warrior?
Good grief. All your hair on fire conspiracy nonsense just to cover up for your man love, Trump.

It's hard to watch. Maybe you can get Trump to adopt you and then you can be fondled too.

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