Crowder VS "Big Con"


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2019
This issue, "Crowder" VS "Big Con" has come to a head. Here's the deal.

Crowder planned this. The recording thing was bad.

Steve, take some time off. Look inward, pray. This is all in your head. Find peace. Give up this fight and take the L.

When you're ready, ask for forgiveness and you shall have it.

This is my judgement and let this thread be where those in the conservative movement weigh in.
This issue, "Crowder" VS "Big Con" has come to a head. Here's the deal.

Crowder planned this. The recording thing was bad.

Steve, take some time off. Look inward, pray. This is all in your head. Find peace. Give up this fight and take the L.

When you're ready, ask for forgiveness and you shall have it.

This is my judgement and let this thread be where those in the conservative movement weigh in.

I agree.

I love Crowder, and he is a major asset for the Right - but his conduct in this particular matter has been a misstep.
lol never heard of the guy, and have always assumed right wing talking heads are just as sleazy and morally bankrupt as left wing ones anyway. All of them are greedy attention whores. He probably deserves the money as much as Shapiro does. They want me to listen they can bring back The Savage Weener.
lol never heard of the guy, and have always assumed right wing talking heads are just as sleazy and morally bankrupt as left wing ones anyway. All of them are greedy attention whores. He probably deserves the money as much as Shapiro does.
The fact this shilbot/NPC mentions Shapiro in its hate spew is a badge of honor for him.

Go Ben
The fact this shilbot/NPC mentions Shapiro in its hate spew is a badge of honor for him.

Go Ben

Shapiro is boring, and we all know what he's going to say about anything before he does. It's a formula right wing thought police go by. I like some of is writing, but his talk show is dull and predictable. Shapiro is only mentioned because he owns the company and is lowballing the guy is all.
Shapiro is boring, and we all know what he's going to say about anything before he does. It's a formula right wing thought police go by. I like some of is writing, but his talk show is dull and predictable. Shapiro is only mentioned because he owns the company and is lowballing the guy is all.
We all know the truth so naturally we already know it when we hear it. What you like are story tellers.

Yes, they do seem to watch that one a lot, despite all their sniveling about it. I quit watching that one when they caved to those criminal illegal aliens and fired Dobbs. And we will see Republicans do nothing as usual about the border floods, and focus on lining their own pockets and their donors' for the next two years, then do some cosmetic rubbish right before the next election cycle, and the Shapiros and CRowders and Levins will all be right there selling it to the rubes..
This issue, "Crowder" VS "Big Con" has come to a head. Here's the deal.

Crowder planned this. The recording thing was bad.

Steve, take some time off. Look inward, pray. This is all in your head. Find peace. Give up this fight and take the L.

When you're ready, ask for forgiveness and you shall have it.

This is my judgement and let this thread be where those in the conservative movement weigh in.

Good for Crowder calling out these sleazy “conservatives“ at DW.

Ben Shapiro has always been an anti-Trumper. The DW are too cowardly to talk about election theft and vax injuries. While I agree with most of the things they do talk about, they are cowards for not addressing the bigger issues. For them to write in their contracts that your content has to be YouTube friendly is absurd. They are controlled opposition, much like Faux News.
Good for Crowder calling out these sleazy “conservatives“ at DW.

Ben Shapiro has always been an anti-Trumper. The DW are too cowardly to talk about election theft and vax injuries. While I agree with most of the things they do talk about, they are cowards for not addressing the bigger issues. For them to write in their contracts that your content has to be YouTube friendly is absurd. They are controlled opposition, much like Faux News.
This is lame. I don't care what rules DW plays by. They do them. If DW was the devil, why not call it out back in October?

I like both and I hope they make up.
lol never heard of the guy, and have always assumed right wing talking heads are just as sleazy and morally bankrupt as left wing ones anyway. All of them are greedy attention whores. He probably deserves the money as much as Shapiro does. They want me to listen they can bring back The Savage Weener.
I believe Savage still does a daily podcast, not that I’ve ever listened.
Good for Crowder calling out these sleazy “conservatives“ at DW.

Ben Shapiro has always been an anti-Trumper. The DW are too cowardly to talk about election theft and vax injuries. While I agree with most of the things they do talk about, they are cowards for not addressing the bigger issues. For them to write in their contracts that your content has to be YouTube friendly is absurd. They are controlled opposition, much like Faux News.
When Crowder mentioned that being banned will cost him money in the contract, i could see his point, but then i heard Ben's rebuttal and its kind of hard to refute.

A guy comes to you and wants guaranteed money rather than risking it out on his own. You decide to give him 10 million per year, but then he starts saying some wild shit that gets him banned on Youtube. Does Ben now have to keep paying him, even though Crowder is no longer bringing in profit? Why would Ben agree to that contract, knowing how ban happy these left wing companies are? What is in it for Daily Wire, other than becoming a charity for Crowder?
When Crowder mentioned that being banned will cost him money in the contract, i could see his point, but then i heard Ben's rebuttal and its kind of hard to refute.

A guy comes to you and wants guaranteed money rather than risking it out on his own. You decide to give him 10 million per year, but then he starts saying some wild shit that gets him banned on Youtube. Does Ben now have to keep paying him, even though Crowder is no longer bringing in profit? Why would Ben agree to that contract, knowing how ban happy these left wing companies are? What is in it for Daily Wire, other than becoming a charity for Crowder?

Shapiro wants to control his content, and then when that goes south he wants to leave Crowder no options to bail and get away from Shapiro's control. I wouldn't sign a deal like that either.
Shapiro wants to control his content, and then when that goes south he wants to leave Crowder no options to bail and get away from Shapiro's control. I wouldn't sign a deal like that either.
It was a first offer, which are always super low. All of those points could have been negotiated. Also, I think Crowder is too big to be hired by a company anyway. The only reason for Crowder to sign to someone is for guaranteed income, but the income he is looking for isnt profitable for a company like Daily Wire. The chances of them losing badly are pretty great. The only reason why Crowder was trying to get hired was because he was on the verge of being banned on Youtube in the first place. He wants Daily Wire to take all the risk.
When Crowder mentioned that being banned will cost him money in the contract, i could see his point, but then i heard Ben's rebuttal and its kind of hard to refute.

A guy comes to you and wants guaranteed money rather than risking it out on his own. You decide to give him 10 million per year, but then he starts saying some wild shit that gets him banned on Youtube. Does Ben now have to keep paying him, even though Crowder is no longer bringing in profit? Why would Ben agree to that contract, knowing how ban happy these left wing companies are? What is in it for Daily Wire, other than becoming a charity for Crowder?
The POINT crowder is making is why are we relying on YouTube when they could be building their own platform without the censorship. THAT is the point. Crowder said it is NOT about the money, it’s about them being so willing to bend to censorship rules of radical leftwing platforms. Crowder is ALREADY demonetized.
The POINT crowder is making is why are we relying on YouTube when they could be building their own platform without the censorship. THAT is the point. Crowder said it is NOT about the money, it’s about them being so willing to bend to censorship rules of radical leftwing platforms. Crowder is ALREADY demonetized.
If its not about money why did Steve ask for more?

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