Crowdfunding for Ferguson officer tops out at $235K


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
It seems like people are putting money where their mouth is.


FERGUSON, Mo. — As calm remained Friday on the streets where Michael Brown's death brought angry protests, fundraising for the officer who killed the teen ended after more than $235,000 was collected.

A crowdfunding page created for Darren Wilson raised $235,010 from 5,902 people before organizers stopped accepting donations Friday after reaching their goal in four days.

"We stand behind Officer Darren Wilson and his family during this trying time in their lives," the page on the gofundme site said. "All proceeds will be sent directly to Darren Wilson and his family for any financial needs they may have including legal fees."

On the streets of Ferguson, a collective anger that exploded into almost two weeks of protests and riots gave way to a more tranquil environment. On Friday morning, the town of 21,000 seemed to have some of its bustle back.

Traffic moved briskly along West Florissant Avenue, site of the protests that have unfolded here. Businesses opened and people patronized them. The police remained, but mostly keeping a low profile, sitting in patrol cars off the street.

City buses rolled along the busy corridor and commuters carrying shopping bags waited for them.

More than 300 faith leaders from across the country on Friday issued an open letter to the mayor, law enforcement officers and citizens of the community, condemning abusive police practices and calling for change.

"Ferguson resembles a repressed community, not a protected one," the letter says. "The killing of Michael and subsequent turmoil are not isolated incidents. Rather, they are especially glaring examples of the militarization of law enforcement, our culture of gun violence, and racial discrimination. FBI data shows that police killed two African Americans per week between 2005 and 2012. While law enforcement officers at times face threatening situations, surely this amount of bloodshed is indicative of failed strategies and systemic racism."

Crowdfunding for Ferguson officer tops out at 235K

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