CRT and Whiteness for Elementary Students.

No, they don't care about their children because their children aren't being taught critical race theory.

Of course they are teaching CRT in even elementary grades. INCLUDING THIS BOOK as a TEACHER RESOURCE.

I put up a bunch of links and proof just a few days ago HERE -- REFUTE IT -- If ya can..

Of course they are teaching CRT in even elementary grades. INCLUDING THIS BOOK as a TEACHER RESOURCE.

I put up a bunch of links and proof just a few days ago HERE -- REFUTE IT -- If ya can..

No flacaltenn they aren't. Now wrap your white head around the at you don'to knw wtf you're talking about. CRT is a legal theory, and teaching kids racial inclusion and acceptance is not critical race theory.

Nobody is teaching 4 year olds to hate whites, and nobody is teaching 4 year olds to point out racism. None of that would be CRT if it was done. Sorry that whites have done some shit as recorded in history that makes them look like assholes, but that's history and not CRT.

I find it rather ironic that you racists can teach your children about black crime but we must never show crimes whites have committed.
Last edited:
No flacaltenn they aren't. Now wrap your white head around the at you don'to knw wtf you're talking about. CRT is a legal theory, and teaching kids racial inclusion and acceptance is not critical race theory.

Who were the sources I quoted in those links? Which School systems were identified as TEACHING CRT to K -- 6th graders EVEN !!!!

You didn't read it did ya? You CANT because you hate the truth...

And the TRUTH is -- THEY ARE TEACHING little kids to BE RACIST. To JUDGE BY SKIN COLOR a person's character. EXACT OPPOSITE of what the WHOLE Civil Rights movement tried to accomplish.

AND NO AGAIN. Critical RACE Theory was BORN out of "Critical Theory" which was a legal model of systemic racism. But it's NOT one and the same.

Ever read "Not My Idea"??? THAT's a children's book on CRT used in MANY elementary systems.

lotz of dumb white people with PhDs pushing this shit. Like the NYTimes pushed the 1619 Project crap history revisions.
AND NO AGAIN. Critical RACE Theory was BORN out of "Critical Theory" which was a legal model of systemic racism. But it's NOT one and the same.

Ever read "Not My Idea"??? THAT's a children's book on CRT used in MANY elementary systems.

lotz of dumb white people with PhDs pushing this shit. Like the NYTimes pushed the 1619 Project crap history revisions.
Understand that I know what Critical Race Theory came from. I know this stuff better than you do.

Critical Race Theory is not taught to 6th graders. If it was, so fucking what. By that time kids have been filled with CWST which you don't seem to think causes division because your ass is white and you think that being white makes your opinion the only definitive American opinion and everybody must assimilate to your POV. Everything you say on this matter is incorrect and the fact that you are in opposition based on the crap Rufo calls CRT, is evidence of your white fragility.

Another thing, shut the fuck up trying to tell me what the civil rights movement was about. Because I know what it was about. It certainly was not about whites whining and reciting one sentence from a speech. It was about truth and empowerment Whites like you and others here are still judging blacks based on the color of our skin and you think that is fine. You need to understand that white parents are teaching their children racism in the home. That's what needs to stop. Then those white kids bring that shit to schools. On top of that, we see racist school teachers, administrators and staff.

Because of these things it has become imperative to teach diversity and racial inclusion and those two things are not CRT. Nor is teaching honest factual history. Thats the truth part of the civil rights movement and you don't want that.

Buy the book and read it.

Amazon product ASIN 1565842715
Of course there's only so much "theory" you can teach to 8 - 12 yr olds. But that won't stop some dedicated prejudicial black authors from condensing the elements of CRT and whiteness down to their basic elements and weaving a "storyline" into it..

From a listing at Barnes & Noble with the industry reviews ---
Not My Idea
Children's Book
60th in book sales for children

An honest explanation about how power and privilege factor into the lives of white children, at the expense of other groups, and how they can help seek justice. —THE NEW YORK TIMES


Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness is a picture book about racism and racial justice, inviting white children and parents to become curious about racism, accept that it's real, and cultivate justice.

This book does a phenomenal job of explaining how power and privilege affect us from birth, and how we can educate ourselves...Not My Idea is an incredibly important book, one that we should all be using as a catalyst for our anti-racist education. —THE TINY ACTIVIST

Quite frankly, the first book I’ve seen that provides an honest explanation for kids about the state of race in America today. —ELIZABETH BIRD, librarian

“It’s that exact mix of true-to-life humor and unflinching honesty that makes Higginbotham’s book work so well…”—PUBLISHERS WEEKLY (*Starred Review)
A much-needed title that provides a strong foundation for critical discussions of white people and racism, particularly for young audiences. Recommended for all collections. —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL (*Starred Review)

A necessary children's book about whiteness, white supremacy, and resistance… Important, accessible, needed. —KIRKUS REVIEWS

A timely story that addresses racism, civic responsibility, and the concept of whiteness. —FOREWORD REVIEWS

For white folks who aren’t sure how to talk to their kids about race, this book is the perfect beginning. —O MAGAZINE

About the Author
ANASTASIA HIGGINBOTHAM is the author and illustrator of Divorce Is the Worst, Death Is Stupid, and Tell Me About Sex, Grandma—all part of the Ordinary Terrible Things series. She lives in Brooklyn.
Librarians love her, but not as much as she loves them.
Best pages of this work.. The DEVIL makes a white kid sign the contract.

View attachment 560130


A private Manhattan elementary school which charges $55,000-a-year tuition is among dozens of schools across the US teaching from children's book that features a shadowy devil figure that offers the reader a 'whiteness contract.'

Rufo says the book, 'traffics in the noxious principles of race essentialism, collective guilt and anti-whiteness.'

Also according to the book: 'Skin color makes a difference in how the world sees you and in how you see the world,' and 'your skin color affects the most ordinary daily experiences.'

The suit alleges Illinois' Evanston-Skokie district was treating students and employees differently based on race.

In one instance, for example, suit says the district asked teachers to take part in racially segregated 'affinity groups' for an exercise.

It also alleges that teachers were forced to undergo 'antiracist training,' and uses the teaching of Not My Idea in the district as one of the examples of ways the district is discriminating against white people.

This is how I WISH this thread will go.. It's a debate covered in the Atlantic between the AUTHOR and a lefty staff writer for the Atlantic who disagrees with the author's way of introducing young children to the race issue.. It's CIVIL and CORDIAL and useful.. Just like the members of USMB are use to hearing.. I've heavily snipped it. Go READ IT before you comment..

Clearly we had deep disagreements over an issue families and educators all over America are grappling with: What exactly should we teach children about race, police killings, and the relationship between the two? I suggested to Higginbotham that we air our differences through an email exchange, and she agreed.

Read: How to talk to kids about racism and police

She argues that, at the earliest possible age, white kids should be taught to identify whiteness as the root of racial injustice so that they can reject the pervasive racism that they would otherwise embody. I think her account of what causes police killings is too monocausal and that her zeal for uprooting racism sometimes strays into overgeneralization based in racial stereotyping. Regardless, her message that kids can choose to reject racism is laudable, and many school districts find it valuable. What follows is an edited and condensed version of our discussion.

Higginbotham: The book I made teaches young children about whiteness—it is not about police brutality. The problem in the book is not that police kill innocent people; it’s that the child’s white family refuses to discuss the significance of these killings with the child, who is left alone in confusion and self-doubt. No matter the crisis, my focus is on growing up by knowing yourself and your world. My books guide a child toward the resources of their own instincts and imagination, as well as family members who can offer support. In Not My Idea, white family members turn away from the child’s pain in the face of racist violence, and so my book points them to the library.

You call my assertion that violent white supremacy is embedded into all of our systems too “complex” for children to evaluate. But racism is not complex; the human beings who perpetuate it are. I have perpetuated racism without believing in it—that is complicated. Racism itself is ridiculous. Elevating a people’s worthiness, morality, intelligence, cleanliness, aptitude, and dignity based on skin tone—that is a terrible idea, it was not my idea, and I will spend my life revealing and unlearning that nonsense and making sure kids can, too, as young as possible.

You write, “Many systems in America are clearly neither violent nor white supremacist.” But that’s not how whiteness works. Any place where there are white people has violent white supremacy embedded into it because it is embedded in us. Do I kill people? No. Does my call to 911? It might. So long as we give the lies and distortions of whiteness space inside our bodies and minds, we are its hosts. We bring it into every room, interaction, classroom, and child we raise unprepared to question it.

You write, “Many systems in America are clearly neither violent nor white supremacist.” But that’s not how whiteness works. Any place where there are white people has violent white supremacy embedded into it because it is embedded in us. Do I kill people? No. Does my call to 911? It might. So long as we give the lies and distortions of whiteness space inside our bodies and minds, we are its hosts. We bring it into every room, interaction, classroom, and child we raise unprepared to question it.

6th graders threatened at school by gang of furries

The parent said they have found other suspicious literature occasionally being distributed by the school, and their child has complained of being the target of harassment and intimidation by a group of 6th & 7th grade students who identify as “furries.” Furries are kids who believe they are animals.

According to the New York Times, furries are a myth. However teachers, students, and parents in central Pennsylvania tell a different story. Allegedly some of the furry kids wear costumes and outfits to dress as an animal for fun, including wearing tails to school.

However, some furries exhibit aggressive behavior and have been compared to holding an ideology similar to LGBT or antifa groups, but they instead choose to identify as animals.

According to the Cumberland Valley parent, their child came home from school and said, “Dad, the furries see me in the hallway and call me a dumb straight white boy,” but he can’t make sense of it because the furries are also white kids.

Geee I wonder where they get it from
6th graders threatened at school by gang of furries

The parent said they have found other suspicious literature occasionally being distributed by the school, and their child has complained of being the target of harassment and intimidation by a group of 6th & 7th grade students who identify as “furries.” Furries are kids who believe they are animals.

According to the New York Times, furries are a myth. However teachers, students, and parents in central Pennsylvania tell a different story. Allegedly some of the furry kids wear costumes and outfits to dress as an animal for fun, including wearing tails to school.

However, some furries exhibit aggressive behavior and have been compared to holding an ideology similar to LGBT or antifa groups, but they instead choose to identify as animals.

According to the Cumberland Valley parent, their child came home from school and said, “Dad, the furries see me in the hallway and call me a dumb straight white boy,” but he can’t make sense of it because the furries are also white kids.

Geee I wonder where they get it from
More white victimhood. None of this has anything to do with CRT, ANTIFA or anything else.
More white victimhood. None of this has anything to do with CRT, ANTIFA or anything else.

Sure it d9es
Lefties are simplistic retards's all a template and all interchangeable

From negroes
Furries lol
Fat people
And any other countless left wing social justice grievance groups

Switch one leftist group with another and they pretty much say and do the same exact things
No flacaltenn they aren't. Now wrap your white head around the at you don'to knw wtf you're talking about. CRT is a legal theory, and teaching kids racial inclusion and acceptance is not critical race theory.

Nobody is teaching 4 year olds to hate whites, and nobody is teaching 4 year olds to point out racism. None of that would be CRT if it was done. Sorry that whites have done some shit as recorded in history that makes them look like assholes, but that's history and not CRT.

I find it rather ironic that you racists can teach your children about black crime but we must never show crimes whites have committed.

Ya wont read the links and sources to the truth and expect me to CARE whatTF you think?

They are teaching tiny kids to be skin-color racists. DEBATE it. COUNTER the sources I gave you. Read "Not My Idea".. But ya wont because you HAVE no independent thought to protect yourself from yourself.

You can show all the white crime ya want. MOST of crime is white crime and it's on the news EVERY NIGHT - It's just statistics and racist math analysis that says the black communities SUFFER MORE of it and suffer more FROM crime.
Most white people are like the whites you encounter every day. If you actually had discussions with the ones you encounter like you do on here, you would call them racists.

He called me a racist because I don't support reparations and explained WHY that my family NEVER owned slaves or supported slavery and from New Hampshire where slavery didn't exist.

I always get along with people of all colors in my life because that is the way I am.
6th graders threatened at school by gang of furries

The parent said they have found other suspicious literature occasionally being distributed by the school, and their child has complained of being the target of harassment and intimidation by a group of 6th & 7th grade students who identify as “furries.” Furries are kids who believe they are animals.

According to the New York Times, furries are a myth. However teachers, students, and parents in central Pennsylvania tell a different story. Allegedly some of the furry kids wear costumes and outfits to dress as an animal for fun, including wearing tails to school.

However, some furries exhibit aggressive behavior and have been compared to holding an ideology similar to LGBT or antifa groups, but they instead choose to identify as animals.

According to the Cumberland Valley parent, their child came home from school and said, “Dad, the furries see me in the hallway and call me a dumb straight white boy,” but he can’t make sense of it because the furries are also white kids.

Geee I wonder where they get it from

I'd like to laugh. But it's not funny, We are getting sicker as a nation.
Ya wont read the links and sources to the truth and expect me to CARE whatTF you think?

They are teaching tiny kids to be skin-color racists. DEBATE it. COUNTER the sources I gave you. Read "Not My Idea".. But ya wont because you HAVE no independent thought to protect yourself from yourself.

You can show all the white crime ya want. MOST of crime is white crime and it's on the news EVERY NIGHT - It's just statistics and racist math analysis that says the black communities SUFFER MORE of it and suffer more FROM crime.
I know what CRT is. I read the book in college. It's been taught for more than 40 years in law schools. Nothing you linked is CRT. Nobody is teaching tiny kids to be racists but white parents. Then when their kids go to school and meet children of color, children of color face that racism. CRT has nothing to do with this.
He called me a racist because I don't support reparations and explained WHY that my family NEVER owned slaves or supported slavery and from New Hampshire where slavery didn't exist.

I always get along with people of all colors in my life because that is the way I am.
You are called a racist for far more than that. You guys keep arguing like slavery is the only thing that happened. It wasn't.
“They [Locke, Rousseau, and Hobbes] brought the important news that by nature all men are free and equal and that they have rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of property. But the American colonists, having accepted these ideas while at the same time enslaving the Africans and dispossessing the Native Americans, found themselves in a dilemma wherein they wished to continue these ideas, to identify with key ideals, but at the same time to continue to profit from the anti-ideal, which the Lockean belief in self-interest led them to believe in equally. The result was the American ‘trick’: the surrender of morality and higher aspirations to self-interest… By ignoring the equal humanity of its minorities[sic], America began the long process of denying the reality of its history.”
Y.N. Kly, The Anti-Social Contract
CRT is racism and hate.
The term "White privilege" is racism.
The wealthiest Black people in the world are not in Africa, they are in America.
If White people were really holding Black people down, then wouldn't Black people in Africa be the most prosperous Black people in the world?
“They [Locke, Rousseau, and Hobbes] brought the important news that by nature all men are free and equal and that they have rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of property. But the American colonists, having accepted these ideas while at the same time enslaving the Africans and dispossessing the Native Americans, found themselves in a dilemma wherein they wished to continue these ideas, to identify with key ideals, but at the same time to continue to profit from the anti-ideal, which the Lockean belief in self-interest led them to believe in equally. The result was the American ‘trick’: the surrender of morality and higher aspirations to self-interest… By ignoring the equal humanity of its minorities[sic], America began the long process of denying the reality of its history.”
-Y.N. Kly, The Anti-Social Contract
Of course there's only so much "theory" you can teach to 8 - 12 yr olds. But that won't stop some dedicated prejudicial black authors from condensing the elements of CRT and whiteness down to their basic elements and weaving a "storyline" into it..

From a listing at Barnes & Noble with the industry reviews ---
Not My Idea
Children's Book
60th in book sales for children

An honest explanation about how power and privilege factor into the lives of white children, at the expense of other groups, and how they can help seek justice. —THE NEW YORK TIMES


Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness is a picture book about racism and racial justice, inviting white children and parents to become curious about racism, accept that it's real, and cultivate justice.

This book does a phenomenal job of explaining how power and privilege affect us from birth, and how we can educate ourselves...Not My Idea is an incredibly important book, one that we should all be using as a catalyst for our anti-racist education. —THE TINY ACTIVIST

Quite frankly, the first book I’ve seen that provides an honest explanation for kids about the state of race in America today. —ELIZABETH BIRD, librarian

“It’s that exact mix of true-to-life humor and unflinching honesty that makes Higginbotham’s book work so well…”—PUBLISHERS WEEKLY (*Starred Review)
A much-needed title that provides a strong foundation for critical discussions of white people and racism, particularly for young audiences. Recommended for all collections. —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL (*Starred Review)

A necessary children's book about whiteness, white supremacy, and resistance… Important, accessible, needed. —KIRKUS REVIEWS

A timely story that addresses racism, civic responsibility, and the concept of whiteness. —FOREWORD REVIEWS

For white folks who aren’t sure how to talk to their kids about race, this book is the perfect beginning. —O MAGAZINE

About the Author
ANASTASIA HIGGINBOTHAM is the author and illustrator of Divorce Is the Worst, Death Is Stupid, and Tell Me About Sex, Grandma—all part of the Ordinary Terrible Things series. She lives in Brooklyn.
Librarians love her, but not as much as she loves them.
Best pages of this work.. The DEVIL makes a white kid sign the contract.

View attachment 560130


A private Manhattan elementary school which charges $55,000-a-year tuition is among dozens of schools across the US teaching from children's book that features a shadowy devil figure that offers the reader a 'whiteness contract.'

Rufo says the book, 'traffics in the noxious principles of race essentialism, collective guilt and anti-whiteness.'

Also according to the book: 'Skin color makes a difference in how the world sees you and in how you see the world,' and 'your skin color affects the most ordinary daily experiences.'

The suit alleges Illinois' Evanston-Skokie district was treating students and employees differently based on race.

In one instance, for example, suit says the district asked teachers to take part in racially segregated 'affinity groups' for an exercise.

It also alleges that teachers were forced to undergo 'antiracist training,' and uses the teaching of Not My Idea in the district as one of the examples of ways the district is discriminating against white people.

This is how I WISH this thread will go.. It's a debate covered in the Atlantic between the AUTHOR and a lefty staff writer for the Atlantic who disagrees with the author's way of introducing young children to the race issue.. It's CIVIL and CORDIAL and useful.. Just like the members of USMB are use to hearing.. I've heavily snipped it. Go READ IT before you comment..

Clearly we had deep disagreements over an issue families and educators all over America are grappling with: What exactly should we teach children about race, police killings, and the relationship between the two? I suggested to Higginbotham that we air our differences through an email exchange, and she agreed.

Read: How to talk to kids about racism and police

She argues that, at the earliest possible age, white kids should be taught to identify whiteness as the root of racial injustice so that they can reject the pervasive racism that they would otherwise embody. I think her account of what causes police killings is too monocausal and that her zeal for uprooting racism sometimes strays into overgeneralization based in racial stereotyping. Regardless, her message that kids can choose to reject racism is laudable, and many school districts find it valuable. What follows is an edited and condensed version of our discussion.

Higginbotham: The book I made teaches young children about whiteness—it is not about police brutality. The problem in the book is not that police kill innocent people; it’s that the child’s white family refuses to discuss the significance of these killings with the child, who is left alone in confusion and self-doubt. No matter the crisis, my focus is on growing up by knowing yourself and your world. My books guide a child toward the resources of their own instincts and imagination, as well as family members who can offer support. In Not My Idea, white family members turn away from the child’s pain in the face of racist violence, and so my book points them to the library.

You call my assertion that violent white supremacy is embedded into all of our systems too “complex” for children to evaluate. But racism is not complex; the human beings who perpetuate it are. I have perpetuated racism without believing in it—that is complicated. Racism itself is ridiculous. Elevating a people’s worthiness, morality, intelligence, cleanliness, aptitude, and dignity based on skin tone—that is a terrible idea, it was not my idea, and I will spend my life revealing and unlearning that nonsense and making sure kids can, too, as young as possible.

You write, “Many systems in America are clearly neither violent nor white supremacist.” But that’s not how whiteness works. Any place where there are white people has violent white supremacy embedded into it because it is embedded in us. Do I kill people? No. Does my call to 911? It might. So long as we give the lies and distortions of whiteness space inside our bodies and minds, we are its hosts. We bring it into every room, interaction, classroom, and child we raise unprepared to question it.

You write, “Many systems in America are clearly neither violent nor white supremacist.” But that’s not how whiteness works. Any place where there are white people has violent white supremacy embedded into it because it is embedded in us. Do I kill people? No. Does my call to 911? It might. So long as we give the lies and distortions of whiteness space inside our bodies and minds, we are its hosts. We bring it into every room, interaction, classroom, and child we raise unprepared to question it.
None of this is CRT.

The members of the white grievance population need to go read the book:


"Critical race theory originated in the mid-1970s in the writings of several American legal scholars including Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, Cheryl Harris, Charles R. Lawrence III, Mari Matsuda, and Patricia J. Williams."

A multi racial group of legal scholars wrote the opinions that frame the theory. It has been taught in universities for almost 50 years, and has not been taught in grade schools.

Before I break the OP off something for this long bit of absolute disinformation, let's create an understanding of what Critical Race Theory actually is, instead of the white race hustler version.

critical theory

a philosophical approach to culture, and especially to literature, that seeks to confront the social, historical, and ideological forces and structures that produce and constrain it.

Critical Race Theory is a look at the social, historical and ideological structures in this society as it pertains to race.

Now for all the whining white folks out there who caught a case of butthurt because these structures have historically oppressed people of color and whites were the ones controlling the decisions that created the problems, and today choose to maintain them, it's time to grow up.

I have no sympathy for this endless whining by people who then turn around and then brag about their superior culture. Furthermore, I went from K-12 and 2 years of college every year learning that blacks were slaves. The very whites in here whining about CRT are some of the whites blacks had to fight during recess during the teaching of slavery every freakin year. If I and millions of blacks, native Americans, Hispanics and Asians can endure going through school being taught that we were nothing, then whites just need to bowe their necks and face the whole truth of history.

We keep getting preached to about taking responsibility for our decisons. When will right wing whites practice what they preach?​


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