CRT and Whiteness for Elementary Students.

"Actually, its ignorant to claim that all slaves were unhappy as slaves. And there were positive aspects to being a slave---lower crime rate and no welfare pop to mind. Being a slave in america--was far far better than being a slave in south america, africa, or on the islands.

The slaves in america growing up as a slave on plantations knew nothing else. And hell even when given the chance to be free, many did not want to be----see my favorite over hyped story of slaves HARRIET TUBMAN---she went back to FREE her family as she was paid by the head by aboltionists to "free" slaves. Many of her own family refused to leave and opted to return to the plantation. Her daddy by the way, was given a house and lands by his owner and was a retirement package. Many who owned slaves did not wish to abuse their slaves and often treated them quit well (I know we aren't supposed to know this but it is historic fact, but you know the libs would have a melt down if the truth was posted.) MANY MANY slave owners released their slaves, while Many others felt slavery was evil but could not find a way to release the slaves and make it possible for them to support themselves if they were free. Slavery in America was like no other place and certainly not always as portrayed by the race pimps of now. There were very abusive slave owners--but there were many who didn't have malice--they just grew up with slavery as a way of life but held no malice against the slaves."

This woman is retarded.

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"Actually, its ignorant to claim that all slaves were unhappy as slaves. And there were positive aspects to being a slave---lower crime rate and no welfare pop to mind. Being a slave in america--was far far better than being a slave in south america, africa, or on the islands.

The slaves in america growing up as a slave on plantations knew nothing else. And hell even when given the chance to be free, many did not want to be----see my favorite over hyped story of slaves HARRIET TUBMAN---she went back to FREE her family as she was paid by the head by aboltionists to "free" slaves. Many of her own family refused to leave and opted to return to the plantation. Her daddy by the way, was given a house and lands by his owner and was a retirement package. Many who owned slaves did not wish to abuse their slaves and often treated them quit well (I know we aren't supposed to know this but it is historic fact, but you know the libs would have a melt down if the truth was posted.) MANY MANY slave owners released their slaves, while Many others felt slavery was evil but could not find a way to release the slaves and make it possible for them to support themselves if they were free. Slavery in America was like no other place and certainly not always as portrayed by the race pimps of now. There were very abusive slave owners--but there were many who didn't have malice--they just grew up with slavery as a way of life but held no malice against the slaves."

This woman is retarded.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I notice she doesn’t volunteer to give up her freedom and experience this happy life.
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Whose truth? Yours? Coward

What am I scared of? Some dumb ass jew who holds neo nazi beliefs? I wasted enough time with your mentally conflicted ass. You ask what truth. The answer is simple:

The truth that is documented.
"Not really. My issue is why am I not allowed to disagree with CRT when it’s literally a theory?"

The question here is do you know what you're disageeing with?
It was not uncommon for house slaves to express contentment with their lot and who wished to remain with the families thart owned them, but that was mostly because they had it better than the field slaves and they were fearful of the unknown. They were still slaves, though, and their slavery was an abomination.

This issue isn't about how to teach about slavery, however, even if extremely dishonest propagandists are erecting their straw man around it. This is about the teaching of a theory that defines people as members of racial tribes, and tries to claim that systematic racism permeates all aspects of society. It divides people into oppressors and oppresed SOLELY on their skin color.

Only racists assume innate perfidy based upon skin color. CRT is borhing less than racist indoctrinarion.
"Dumb ass Jew"

Seems to me that whining about imaginary racism while dealing out the real thing in such heaping quantities is self defeating.

I'm sure that all but two peiple in this thread are smart enough to see the glaring hypocrisy.
"Dumb ass Jew"

Seems to me that whining about imaginary racism while dealing out the real thing in such heaping quantities is self defeating.

I'm sure that all but two peiple in this thread are smart enough to see the glaring hypocrisy.
Why do you assume one is imaginary and the other real? They are both quite real.
"Dumb ass Jew"

Seems to me that whining about imaginary racism while dealing out the real thing in such heaping quantities is self defeating.

I'm sure that all but two peiple in this thread are smart enough to see the glaring hypocrisy.
Azog is a Jew. And he is dumb. Not all jews are dumb. I did not say all jews are dumb. Jews are not a race of people. Therefore the comment is not racist. If I called you a dumb baptist, it would be the same thing. I don't whine about anything and the only imaginary racism was what you claimed in your post. And since you are a poven bonafide racist, the racism I talk about can't be imaginary.
It was not uncommon for house slaves to express contentment with their lot and who wished to remain with the families thart owned them, but that was mostly because they had it better than the field slaves and they were fearful of the unknown. They were still slaves, though, and their slavery was an abomination.

This issue isn't about how to teach about slavery, however, even if extremely dishonest propagandists are erecting their straw man around it. This is about the teaching of a theory that defines people as members of racial tribes, and tries to claim that systematic racism permeates all aspects of society. It divides people into oppressors and oppresed SOLELY on their skin color.

Only racists assume innate perfidy based upon skin color. CRT is borhing less than racist indoctrinarion.
Another white racist assessment of slavery and ignorance to what CRT really is.
I am truly interested in your opinion. Why are white people so racist?

I dont know if you're a Gutfeld fan, but the stand-off here reminds me of "the Angry White Male and the The Angry Black Male segments that are on that show.

So is racism a public health crisis? Let's ask the angry Black male.

Tyrus: Sorry Gutfeld, I won’t be in this week—really under the weather. I mean your oppression, white devil. I’m sorry I’ve got the racism really bad this week. The good news devil, is that it’s me personally, it’s an illness.

Maybe it's true. Racism is a public health crisis, if you're a racist. Seriously, if you think being a racist offers you any advantage in life, then you're worse than a racist, You're Joy Reid.

The quickest way to end your life -- be a racist. I would have added being caught whacking off on a work zoom call, but CNN proved me wrong. But the left maintains you can be guilty of racism without any proof at all.

It’s like dunking witches. If they float, they’re guilty, but if they’re innocent, they drown. And if they get hepatitis, the water is from Kat’s hot tub.

You can call it systemic, or unconscious racism – no matter what you call it, it's designed to get around your denial of being a bigot. Your blood runs red, white, and racist. Except for the accusers, who are somehow born without that evil gene.The quickest way to end your life -- be a racist. I would have added being caught whacking off on a work zoom call, but CNN proved me wrong. But the left maintains you can be guilty of racism without any proof at all.
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Nothing about the sellouts you guys promote is rational. Biden only said what blacks have said about the sellout those like you support since W.E.B. DuBois was blasting Booker T. Washington.

OH DAMN.. You mean in the GOOD OLE DAYS blacks like Dubois and Booker T. were ALLOWED to disagree about what's good for Black folk?

Were you get calling only conservative black politicians "sell-outs"., Tell me EXACTLY what they promise the voters.. And why no "straight thinking" black person should choose them over Woken and slightly shaken Marxists nowadays..
OH DAMN.. You mean in the GOOD OLE DAYS blacks like Dubois and Booker T. were ALLOWED to disagree about what's good for Black folk?

Were you get calling "straight thinking" black person should choose them over Woken and slightly shaken Marxists nowadays..
Blacks are allowed to disagree now. Whites like you seem to have a problem with that. Because Booer T was considered a sellout.

It's pretty easy to see why we call them sellouts. You can't see it because they're working on your agenda. We don't see a problem with people being woke and whites like you have always called blacks who have rejected the white supremacist plan Marxists and communists. If you can't see why blacks would reject someone like Larry Elder, then you can't be taken seriously.
It isn’t peripheral stuff because you felt it important enough to include it in order to illustrate the depth of depravity Dems have fallen to right? But it isn’t accurate is it? You posted an opinion piece with a link to the actual legislative bill. But what it says is on abortion is this:
28 Section 2599-aa. Policy and purpose.
29 2599-bb. Abortion.
30 § 2599-aa. Policy and purpose. The legislature finds that comprehen-
31 sive reproductive health care is a fundamental component of every indi-
32 vidual's health, privacy and equality. Therefore, it is the policy of
33 the state that:
34 1. Every individual has the fundamental right to choose or refuse
35 contraception or sterilization.
36 2. Every individual who becomes pregnant has the fundamental right to
37 choose to carry the pregnancy to term, to give birth to a child, or to
38 have an abortion, pursuant to this article.
39 3. The state shall not discriminate against, deny, or interfere with
40 the exercise of the rights set forth in this section in the regulation
41 or provision of benefits, facilities, services or information.
42 § 2599-bb. Abortion. 1. A health care practitioner licensed, certi-
43 fied, or authorized under title eight of the education law, acting with-
44 in his or her lawful scope of practice, may perform an abortion when,
45 according to the practitioner's reasonable and good faith professional
46 judgment based on the facts of the patient's case: the patient is within
47 twenty-four weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an
48 absence of fetal viability, or the abortion is necessary to protect the
49 patient's life or health.
50 2. This article shall be construed and applied consistent with and
51 subject to applicable laws and applicable and authorized regulations
52 governing health care procedures.

That isn’t infant euthanasia, not even close because it says up 24 weeks. So….if this has been blown way out proportion by rightists, then maybe some of this school stuff has been as well. You can always find extreme examples or isolated instances and folks on each side of the Great Divide like to magnify it as if it were the norm…

So questions…is all of it teaching racial division…or is some of it encouraging inclusion and an understanding of the other’s point of view? For centuries, minority narratives have been silenced by the dominant narratives. Allowing their voices to heard seems to be upsetting folks. Isn’t it just as divisive to pretend their experience don’t exist Or aren’t valid?

And it brings me back to the central qUestion…how SHOULD we teach children about race and racism In our country? Take Texas’ approach and erase it or go completely woke and make children sign white privelege contracts? There has to be some sane approach.

Coyote -- you just wasted a post.. It's not UP TO 24 weeks. It's allows abortions AFTER 24 weeks UP TO BIRTH - if the mother's life is in danger or the "health of the fetus is in question" . That LAST part is like the size of blimp hanger door.. THAT'S why they were cheering. Because they protected Roe v Wade from "the other side".. Have a down's baby and you just discover it at 8.95 months? No prrob..

Now it doesn't look good for 2 moderators to be a hijacking a thread. SO -- I'm out..

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