CRT and Whiteness for Elementary Students.

Blacks are allowed to disagree now.

No they're not.. Where you stand on defunding the police? Dont think blacks have been called sell-outs and ex-communicated for asserting that?

We're asking you to STATE positions and EXPLAIN stuff and all we get is noise and flack.. If ya hate talking about race with white people -- this is the wrong place to be Dude..
OH DAMN.. You mean in the GOOD OLE DAYS blacks like Dubois and Booker T. were ALLOWED to disagree about what's good for Black folk?

Were you get calling only conservative black politicians "sell-outs"., Tell me EXACTLY what they promise the voters.. And why no "straight thinking" black person should choose them over Woken and slightly shaken Marxists nowadays..
"Racism" as defined IM2 and his supporters in this forum refers to any white person who objects to all the race hatred directed at them by IM2 and his ilk. It also involves disagreeing with anything he says if you are a white person, not supporting his attempts to intimidate in order to create privilege or stop short of complete abject sycophancy towards him and the anti-white agenda of his. As such, he will assail any of his fellow black people if they fall short of the seething race hatred he feels. Successful black people who get along with white people just fine are a threat to him because their success and amicability undermine the fantasies he spins about those white devils and their imaginary systemic racism keeping blacks from making something of themselves.

He may be able to fool those who aren't particularly intelligent to the point where they think any white who doesn't grovel before him is a racist , but it is an act that is VERY easy to see through.
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No they're not.. Where you stand on defunding the police? Dont think blacks have been called sell-outs and ex-communicated for asserting that?

We're asking you to STATE positions and EXPLAIN stuff and all we get is noise and flack.. If ya hate talking about race with white people -- this is the wrong place to be Dude..
I am black flacaltenn, I think I know what I am talking about here. You have been explained why blacks are called sellouts. You are stuck on slogans. You have been told that blacks want to see better public safety. Blacks who continue to defend the current method of law enforcement deserve the disdain they get. You are here giving me your white mans opinion on being black. It's an opinion that has no experience with it. Iam a black man, I am telling you how blacks see things. You don't know how we do so better than we do so shut the fuck up and listen.

Black right wingers are not working for the best interests of black people. They echo the beliefs, ideokogy and agenda of the anti black right. So then if you are black and choose to propose policies and ideas that will make things worse foyr blacks, we have no reason to support them and we have every right to denigrate, shame and purge them from political relevance.
I am black flacaltenn, I think I know what I am talking about here. You have been explained why blacks are called sellouts. You are stuck on slogans. You have been told that blacks want to see better public safety. Blacks who continue to defend the current method of law enforcement deserve the disdain they get. You are here giving me your white mans opinion on being black. It's an opinion that has no experience with it. Iam a black man, I am telling you how blacks see things. You don't know how we do so better than we do so shut the fuck up and listen.

Black right wingers are not working for the best interests of black people. They echo the beliefs, ideokogy and agenda of the anti black right. So then if you are black and choose to propose policies and ideas that will make things worse foyr blacks, we have no reason to support them and we have every right to denigrate, shame and purge them from political relevance.

What specific policies do black conservatives support that "are anti-black." and again...please be specific.
What the artcle says dumb ass, is the fact that whites like you vote for a black person who you support only because they will work against black interest does not prove that systemic racism doesn't exist. So lets get something straight here white man, the only race diciders in America today are right wing whites. And if you quit drink that racist kool aid, you'd understand that is a fact.

CRT IS race division.. Some bright marxists got the idea that you cannot get to EQUITY in a color blind society -- because DUHHH - the EQUITY has to be distributed amongst skin colors. A colorblind society CANT reach FORCED equity -- and amongst whatever else DIVIDES society like gender preference or sex.. So are theories about "whiteness" being a moral or character defect.

What your article said that white people only support black politicians because that only proves there is no racism. That's logically false. You cant destroy racism MERELY by voting for black politicians. Although it works BRILLIANTLY in the Dem party because they are delusional and believe that HAVING blacks in their stables PROVES they are not racist. Supporting black politicians only proves that racism is NOT SYSTEMIC. That's logical deduction and you dont roll with logic and reason, but that's a derived fact.

You added the stuff about the black "traitors" will harm black interests. Which is PURELY OPINION.. And if you CARED to support that claim (which you'll never do) -- you'd discuss HOW any elected black official is bound and determined to "harm black interests". But you WONT -- because THAT only leads to differences in POLITICAL VIEWS and has nothing to do with racism.. So I expect, you just want folks to accept your unsupported bias on that.

Whites are not the only "race dividers" in the country. Not a Joy Reid show episode on CNN where she and her guests are not "race dividing".. And building that racial division in the country.. Happens in Congress as well.. With WHITE leftists and woke marxists STOKING racial divisions in order to gain and retain POLITICAL power..
In the context of CRT it is highly racist whites who are the loudest and angriest, like the right wingers here at USMB. They are truly irredeemable. They are beyond help or reason.

So because I'm livid that CRT is using our Elementary kids , white and black, to MAGNIFY skin color and make it the DOMINANT HUMAN TRAIT -- I'm "highly racist" and irredeemable"?????

You're running the racist word into EXTINCTION here by over-use and over-reach...
I don't know why there are whites who are racists,

Oh yes you do.. We're racists because the ORIGIN of this country was born in the time of world-wide slavery.. And we're racist because of all the damage that whites have done to blacks SINCE then.. You've got 1000s of pages of "Listen Up White People" lectures on this forum.. And WE'VE been reading them. And we've all been called RACIST by you. Because we dont judge ANYONE by their ancestors removed by CENTURIES and you do..

You've explained why EVERYTHING racist IS OUR FAULT.. Dont run from that without apologies please..
Oh yes you do.. We're racists because the ORIGIN of this country was born in the time of world-wide slavery.. And we're racist because of all the damage that whites have done to blacks SINCE then.. You've got 1000s of pages of "Listen Up White People" lectures on this forum.. And WE'VE been reading them. And we've all been called RACIST by you. Because we dont judge ANYONE by their ancestors removed by CENTURIES and you do..

You've explained why EVERYTHING racist IS OUR FAULT.. Dont run from that without apologies please..
I find his profile page illuminating.

Evidently, some people welcome his ugly screed with open arms.
That's a lie. The right made an issue out of CRT and it's not even taught in K-12.

If CRT was just an ACADEMIC debate -- there would be no uproar.. But when a weak ill-conceived theory SKIPS rational ADULT debate and "peer review" and goes for OUR KIDS -- or shows up in DEI training courses or GETS FUCKING GLOWING ENDORSEMENTS from all the teacher's unions and govt ed groups and the media because they dont have the balls to CRITICIZE any black authors or academics without PUBLIC DEBATE -- we get angry.. Because romantically -- A LOT OF US have reconciled racial issues with the MLK and OLD civil rights movement and find EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, RACIAL RECONCILIATION, and colorblindness far preferable to forcing EQUAL OUTCOMES with a tyrannical govt capable of accomplishing that.
I notice she doesn’t volunteer to give up her freedom and experience this happy life.

Yet we sit here getting lectured about how we ALL are inherently racist and IGNORE the slavery and human trafficking right under our noses. I don't see the Congressional Black Caucus or the UN passing condemnations of present day slavery.. Nor the NBA who relies on CHINA for about 20% of their sports licensing revenue. When only ONE black NBA player has the balls to point out the slavery in China PICKING COTTON for god's sake, we're not fixing racism or slavery or anything else here except comparing the sins of our ancestors and and using RACISM as the ONLY explanation for current inequities in society. You have to understand shit in order to fix it.. Not TALKING about slavery -- fixes nothing.
I am black flacaltenn, I think I know what I am talking about here. You have been explained why blacks are called sellouts. You are stuck on slogans. You have been told that blacks want to see better public safety. Blacks who continue to defend the current method of law enforcement deserve the disdain they get. You are here giving me your white mans opinion on being black. It's an opinion that has no experience with it. Iam a black man, I am telling you how blacks see things. You don't know how we do so better than we do so shut the fuck up and listen.

OOOOHHWWW.. I like this.. You're black? But even better you realize that blacks are not FOND of ACTUAL criminals, just the ficticious ones in rap tunes. And ALL BLACKS see things your way? Do you get a kind of cultural sainthood or sumthin for that?

Who's not looking for BETTER law enforcement techniques and protocols? Name them..

I'm shutting the fuck up and listening..
Black right wingers are not working for the best interests of black people. They echo the beliefs, ideokogy and agenda of the anti black right. So then if you are black and choose to propose policies and ideas that will make things worse foyr blacks, we have no reason to support them and we have every right to denigrate, shame and purge them from political relevance.

OK let's work with that. Couple questions..

1) How BIG is the "anti-black" right? Or is it like I've told just that they ARE "politically right" or at least not signed up for reparations or CRT or a MARXIST take-over of their country?

2) Please tell me who the LEADERS ARE... I wouldn't accidentally want to VOTE for any of them..

3) Was Trump on the anti-black right? (Careful Bro -- trick question) :auiqs.jpg:

4) How many seats in Congress does the anti-black right hold? And would you welcome the elected black Republicans into the CBlackCaucus for deprogramming and their own safety?

5) Most importantly WHAT "beliefs, ideology, and agenda:" do they support that endangers American blacks? Be specific.. the more the better.

I'm gonna be bummed if I was right and this all turns out NOT TO BE RACIST -- and it's only a POLITICAL dispute... That's why I want to talk about REAL RACIST things like CRT in Elementary Schools being a GREAT THING according to the NY Times..
CRT is garbage. It has no business being taught in schools along with forced acceptance of Trans allowing male kids in with the young females. That worked so well in Virginia didn't it?

And when the father protested and called out the school board over what happened to his daughter they called out the FBI to investigate him as a terrorist. Insanity on steroids.

The left OFFENDED THE MAMMA don't stand between Mamma Bear and her Cubs.......that is why they got their butts handed to them in Virginia.

These same parents don't like the bathroom policy or their kids being taught CRT. Covid lockdowns HELPED SHOW parents what their kids are being taught.

THEY AREN'T HAPPY..............GOOD.

Hi guys.........been a year since I lost my bet.......I'm back lol
Child trafficking from our Southern border has escalated under Biden. And we are in here talking about CRT BS...........


“They are held in apartments in Queens against their will and driven from appointment to appointment to have sex with men,” said Conlon, assistant special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New York. “They see 15, 20 men in an evening and all money is handed over to the trafficker.”
I have seen this with my own eyes in the Middle East. When I was younger and it still goes on today. REAL SLAVERY that is ignored by the whole planet while posters like IM2 ramble on about how oppressed they are today.

Nothing but fantasy bred by brainwashing our country while we ignore what is happening all over the world right now.

"What the media do not tell you is that America is the best place on the planet to be black, female, gay, trans or what have you. We have our problems and we need to address those. But our society and our systems are far from racist". — Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Twitter, June 9, 2020.

"The new anti-racism is racism disguised as humanism (...) It implies that every white person is bad... and that every black person is a victim". — Abnousse Shalmani, born in Tehran, now living in Paris, to Le Figaro, June 12, 2020.

Today slavery still exists in many parts of Africa and Middle East, but the self-flagellating Western public is obsessively focused only on the Western past of African slavery rather than on real, ongoing slavery, which is alive and well -- and ignored. For today's slaves, there are no demonstrations in the streets, no international political pressure, and virtually no articles in the media.
Of course there's only so much "theory" you can teach to 8 - 12 yr olds. But that won't stop some dedicated prejudicial black authors from condensing the elements of CRT and whiteness down to their basic elements and weaving a "storyline" into it..

From a listing at Barnes & Noble with the industry reviews ---
Not My Idea
Children's Book
60th in book sales for children

An honest explanation about how power and privilege factor into the lives of white children, at the expense of other groups, and how they can help seek justice. —THE NEW YORK TIMES


Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness is a picture book about racism and racial justice, inviting white children and parents to become curious about racism, accept that it's real, and cultivate justice.

This book does a phenomenal job of explaining how power and privilege affect us from birth, and how we can educate ourselves...Not My Idea is an incredibly important book, one that we should all be using as a catalyst for our anti-racist education. —THE TINY ACTIVIST

Quite frankly, the first book I’ve seen that provides an honest explanation for kids about the state of race in America today. —ELIZABETH BIRD, librarian

“It’s that exact mix of true-to-life humor and unflinching honesty that makes Higginbotham’s book work so well…”—PUBLISHERS WEEKLY (*Starred Review)
A much-needed title that provides a strong foundation for critical discussions of white people and racism, particularly for young audiences. Recommended for all collections. —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL (*Starred Review)

A necessary children's book about whiteness, white supremacy, and resistance… Important, accessible, needed. —KIRKUS REVIEWS

A timely story that addresses racism, civic responsibility, and the concept of whiteness. —FOREWORD REVIEWS

For white folks who aren’t sure how to talk to their kids about race, this book is the perfect beginning. —O MAGAZINE

About the Author
ANASTASIA HIGGINBOTHAM is the author and illustrator of Divorce Is the Worst, Death Is Stupid, and Tell Me About Sex, Grandma—all part of the Ordinary Terrible Things series. She lives in Brooklyn.
Librarians love her, but not as much as she loves them.
Best pages of this work.. The DEVIL makes a white kid sign the contract.

View attachment 560130


A private Manhattan elementary school which charges $55,000-a-year tuition is among dozens of schools across the US teaching from children's book that features a shadowy devil figure that offers the reader a 'whiteness contract.'

Rufo says the book, 'traffics in the noxious principles of race essentialism, collective guilt and anti-whiteness.'

Also according to the book: 'Skin color makes a difference in how the world sees you and in how you see the world,' and 'your skin color affects the most ordinary daily experiences.'

The suit alleges Illinois' Evanston-Skokie district was treating students and employees differently based on race.

In one instance, for example, suit says the district asked teachers to take part in racially segregated 'affinity groups' for an exercise.

It also alleges that teachers were forced to undergo 'antiracist training,' and uses the teaching of Not My Idea in the district as one of the examples of ways the district is discriminating against white people.

This is how I WISH this thread will go.. It's a debate covered in the Atlantic between the AUTHOR and a lefty staff writer for the Atlantic who disagrees with the author's way of introducing young children to the race issue.. It's CIVIL and CORDIAL and useful.. Just like the members of USMB are use to hearing.. I've heavily snipped it. Go READ IT before you comment..

Clearly we had deep disagreements over an issue families and educators all over America are grappling with: What exactly should we teach children about race, police killings, and the relationship between the two? I suggested to Higginbotham that we air our differences through an email exchange, and she agreed.

Read: How to talk to kids about racism and police

She argues that, at the earliest possible age, white kids should be taught to identify whiteness as the root of racial injustice so that they can reject the pervasive racism that they would otherwise embody. I think her account of what causes police killings is too monocausal and that her zeal for uprooting racism sometimes strays into overgeneralization based in racial stereotyping. Regardless, her message that kids can choose to reject racism is laudable, and many school districts find it valuable. What follows is an edited and condensed version of our discussion.

Higginbotham: The book I made teaches young children about whiteness—it is not about police brutality. The problem in the book is not that police kill innocent people; it’s that the child’s white family refuses to discuss the significance of these killings with the child, who is left alone in confusion and self-doubt. No matter the crisis, my focus is on growing up by knowing yourself and your world. My books guide a child toward the resources of their own instincts and imagination, as well as family members who can offer support. In Not My Idea, white family members turn away from the child’s pain in the face of racist violence, and so my book points them to the library.

You call my assertion that violent white supremacy is embedded into all of our systems too “complex” for children to evaluate. But racism is not complex; the human beings who perpetuate it are. I have perpetuated racism without believing in it—that is complicated. Racism itself is ridiculous. Elevating a people’s worthiness, morality, intelligence, cleanliness, aptitude, and dignity based on skin tone—that is a terrible idea, it was not my idea, and I will spend my life revealing and unlearning that nonsense and making sure kids can, too, as young as possible.

You write, “Many systems in America are clearly neither violent nor white supremacist.” But that’s not how whiteness works. Any place where there are white people has violent white supremacy embedded into it because it is embedded in us. Do I kill people? No. Does my call to 911? It might. So long as we give the lies and distortions of whiteness space inside our bodies and minds, we are its hosts. We bring it into every room, interaction, classroom, and child we raise unprepared to question it.

You write, “Many systems in America are clearly neither violent nor white supremacist.” But that’s not how whiteness works. Any place where there are white people has violent white supremacy embedded into it because it is embedded in us. Do I kill people? No. Does my call to 911? It might. So long as we give the lies and distortions of whiteness space inside our bodies and minds, we are its hosts. We bring it into every room, interaction, classroom, and child we raise unprepared to question it.
From what I read it is not white people who are attacking Asian people in the large urban areas of our nation. It also seems blacks attack Hispanics even more than they attack Asians. I don’t read many stories about whites attacking blacks or Hispanics for no reason. Whites tend to attack whites.

It would seem the blacks need to read a book on their own racism.









Yet we sit here getting lectured about how we ALL are inherently racist and IGNORE the slavery and human trafficking right under our noses.
Who is “we” and who is ignoring human trafficking, or the horror of forced family seperation at the border that has hundreds of children in limbo without family, or the genocide in Myanmar and China? Not me. Maybe it’s the folks whining about ”white replacement” theory.

I don't see the Congressional Black Caucus or the UN passing condemnations of present day slavery.. Nor the NBA who relies on CHINA for about 20% of their sports licensing revenue. When only ONE black NBA player has the balls to point out the slavery in China PICKING COTTON for god's sake, we're not fixing racism or slavery or anything else here except comparing the sins of our ancestors and and using RACISM as the ONLY explanation for current inequities in society. You have to understand shit in order to fix it.. Not TALKING about slavery -- fixes nothing.
I don’t see a lot of caucuses out there doing a damn thing about any of tbe above….what has the so-called Freedom caucus done? When it comes to China you and I might agree. Why are we ALLOWING a foreign country to dictate our own citizen’s rights of free speech in our own country? Why no rightwing OUTRAGE? Any threads on it? How threads on CRT out there? But all that is really irrelevant to the issue hand which is:

How SHOULD the issue of race and racism be taught in K12?

Since the right conflates with DEI (even to the point of banning/removing books by black authors or featuring LGBQ charecters)…how should DEI be taught?

K12, most likely hasn’t changed much in years in that focuses most on American history and experience. I am sure world issues and current events get covered at an age appropriate level as well. I get the impression (and I could be wrong) that you want to go the Texas route and excise most of the black experience from our K12 curriculum, pretend the issue of race and racism has no bearing on anything today…if so I disagree.
I have seen this with my own eyes in the Middle East. When I was younger and it still goes on today. REAL SLAVERY that is ignored by the whole planet while posters like IM2 ramble on about how oppressed they are today.

Nothing but fantasy bred by brainwashing our country while we ignore what is happening all over the world right now.

"What the media do not tell you is that America is the best place on the planet to be black, female, gay, trans or what have you. We have our problems and we need to address those. But our society and our systems are far from racist". — Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Twitter, June 9, 2020.

"The new anti-racism is racism disguised as humanism (...) It implies that every white person is bad... and that every black person is a victim". — Abnousse Shalmani, born in Tehran, now living in Paris, to Le Figaro, June 12, 2020.

Today slavery still exists in many parts of Africa and Middle East, but the self-flagellating Western public is obsessively focused only on the Western past of African slavery rather than on real, ongoing slavery, which is alive and well -- and ignored. For today's slaves, there are no demonstrations in the streets, no international political pressure, and virtually no articles in the media.
How should the issue of race and racism in America be taught in K12?

By the way, no one is claiming they enslaved in America.
Child trafficking from our Southern border has escalated under Biden. And we are in here talking about CRT BS...........


“They are held in apartments in Queens against their will and driven from appointment to appointment to have sex with men,” said Conlon, assistant special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New York. “They see 15, 20 men in an evening and all money is handed over to the trafficker.”
It isn’t increasing so much as moving from the Mexico side to the American side of the Border. Remain in Mexico policy led to a huge increase of trafficking, kidnapping, rape and murder in what is largely a lawless part of Mexico. The only difference is no one cared then.

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