CRT and Whiteness for Elementary Students.

I think CRT is partly at least hyper inflated by the right as their latest bogeyman replacing Antifa but liking sharing the spot under the bed with the regenerated red scare IMO.

I think there is a lot of different issues playing out here that are ignored. For example asking why the Congressional Black Caucus doesn’t anything about it….well why doesn’t the Egypt caucus…why doesn’t the Freedom caucus….well maybe because they aren’t the slavery caucus, they represent issues of Black Americans and each caucus specific. By the way if you want a chuckle there are some bizarre caucuse: List of caucuses in the United States Congress - Ballotpedia

Would everyone agree that these *might* be the REAL issues? From various sides?

How to teach issues of race, racism, gender, equality and inclusion in our schools? Or whether to teach them at all?

We are given examples of extremes…is that representative of all school systems? Are some doing it well and if so, how? Any actual data?

Is book banning an acceptable solution?

Teaching racial unity or racial division…there are racial tensions and there some racial inequities perpetrated by systems rather than racist individuals (and by the way I agree we shouldn’t be labeling people “racist” simply for disagreeing when are not espousing actual racist ideas. There has be open discussion with fear of being accused of something you aren’t ( that applies to being labeled commie too).

Systems that perpetuate unequal or racist outcomes DO exist, but if I understand what CRT is SUPPOSED to be, it isn’t individuals who are racist now or whites, it is the result of systems put in place under racist laws of the era that even now the laws are gone still continue. One example would be the criminal justice system. Another, the real estate system.

For example (this simplifying something I listened to on the radio)…real estate.

Claim: when blacks move into a neighborhood housing values go down.

By far the largest proportion of home owners, per capita are white. Housing values are based on where they live. Where they move, values go up, when they leave values down.

Historically black families were prevented from living in many areas, particularly white dominated areas through a system of real and hidden laws. Further limiting home buying for black people is the ability to get loans compared to white people with similar economic ability which further limits where they might. I think that is how a system can be racist without any person being racist and if anything, understanding it would make someone feel less guilty because it is nothing they did and maybe they can do something to try and fix it. But I’m not this sort of stuff is taught in K12…

If you want preach or teach racial unity then all forms of racial division should be countered like the misuse of crime statistics.
I think CRT is partly at least hyper inflated by the right as their latest bogeyman replacing Antifa but liking sharing the spot under the bed with the regenerated red scare IMO.

I think there is a lot of different issues playing out here that are ignored. For example asking why the Congressional Black Caucus doesn’t anything about it….well why doesn’t the Egypt caucus…why doesn’t the Freedom caucus….well maybe because they aren’t the slavery caucus, they represent issues of Black Americans and each caucus specific. By the way if you want a chuckle there are some bizarre caucuse: List of caucuses in the United States Congress - Ballotpedia

Would everyone agree that these *might* be the REAL issues? From various sides?

How to teach issues of race, racism, gender, equality and inclusion in our schools? Or whether to teach them at all?

We are given examples of extremes…is that representative of all school systems? Are some doing it well and if so, how? Any actual data?

Is book banning an acceptable solution?

Teaching racial unity or racial division…there are racial tensions and there some racial inequities perpetrated by systems rather than racist individuals (and by the way I agree we shouldn’t be labeling people “racist” simply for disagreeing when are not espousing actual racist ideas. There has be open discussion with fear of being accused of something you aren’t ( that applies to being labeled commie too).

Systems that perpetuate unequal or racist outcomes DO exist, but if I understand what CRT is SUPPOSED to be, it isn’t individuals who are racist now or whites, it is the result of systems put in place under racist laws of the era that even now the laws are gone still continue. One example would be the criminal justice system. Another, the real estate system.

For example (this simplifying something I listened to on the radio)…real estate.

Claim: when blacks move into a neighborhood housing values go down.

By far the largest proportion of home owners, per capita are white. Housing values are based on where they live. Where they move, values go up, when they leave values down.

Historically black families were prevented from living in many areas, particularly white dominated areas through a system of real and hidden laws. Further limiting home buying for black people is the ability to get loans compared to white people with similar economic ability which further limits where they might. I think that is how a system can be racist without any person being racist and if anything, understanding it would make someone feel less guilty because it is nothing they did and maybe they can do something to try and fix it. But I’m not this sort of stuff is taught in K12…

If you want preach or teach racial unity then all forms of racial division should be countered like the misuse of crime statistics.
At what point are we going to destroy the corrupted public school union? We have many years and decades of experience with the failure of the public schools in many areas. CRT is another excuse for those failures. We turned students into individuals and adults instead of treating them as children and teenagers. Facing the facts and removing the 10% or so that are pure troublemakers to get the rest educated is a hard pill to swallow. Massive resources are spent on this. And it affects another percentage of students to be below what they can be. But his upsets the apple cart of extreme feminism that has put massive amounts of women into the workforce reducing interactions with their children. It has increased single parenting which can happen normally with bad relationships into another massive statistics.
How should the issue of race and racism in America be taught in K12?

By the way, no one is claiming they enslaved in America.
Reading, writing, Math, Science, Computers, History.......NOT REVISED HISTORY should be taught in school to prepare them for the Work Force. It is NOT YOUR BUSINESS to teach others THEORY of the RELIGION OF THE LEFT.

That is for the parents to teach. Your Morality to Brain wash the kids should have NEVER BEEN THERE TO BEGIN WITH. Nor the Teachers changing the meaning of the Constitution in History Classes.

Your side uses RACISM as a political prop and it causes violence EVERY ELECTION. Stop Brain Washing the kids. Virginia shifted 12 points over this. Because they say the BS being taught and allowed there.

It isn’t increasing so much as moving from the Mexico side to the American side of the Border. Remain in Mexico policy led to a huge increase of trafficking, kidnapping, rape and murder in what is largely a lawless part of Mexico. The only difference is no one cared then.
Baloney. Your side wants OPEN BORDERS PERIOD. You encourage this BS. You Ignore the laws after Swearing an Oath to uphold the law. You use excuses to Justify your Right to IGNORE LAW. You play word games with the Loop Holes created by design. In the 80s you sounded like us today..........Politicians saying they would BUILD A FENCE.....only to gain power because the politicians are lying sacks.

Your side created this mess. Your side created the environment that causes them to send kids by themselves to use the loop holes. And then you BLAME EVERYONE ELSE.

You wouldn't want me as President. I'd Honor the oath be damned the 9th and end the nonsense of Fake Ids and SSNs in a network since Reagan signed it in 1985.
I think CRT is partly at least hyper inflated by the right as their latest bogeyman replacing Antifa but liking sharing the spot under the bed with the regenerated red scare IMO.

I think there is a lot of different issues playing out here that are ignored. For example asking why the Congressional Black Caucus doesn’t anything about it….well why doesn’t the Egypt caucus…why doesn’t the Freedom caucus….well maybe because they aren’t the slavery caucus, they represent issues of Black Americans and each caucus specific. By the way if you want a chuckle there are some bizarre caucuse: List of caucuses in the United States Congress - Ballotpedia

Would everyone agree that these *might* be the REAL issues? From various sides?

How to teach issues of race, racism, gender, equality and inclusion in our schools? Or whether to teach them at all?

We are given examples of extremes…is that representative of all school systems? Are some doing it well and if so, how? Any actual data?

Is book banning an acceptable solution?

Teaching racial unity or racial division…there are racial tensions and there some racial inequities perpetrated by systems rather than racist individuals (and by the way I agree we shouldn’t be labeling people “racist” simply for disagreeing when are not espousing actual racist ideas. There has be open discussion with fear of being accused of something you aren’t ( that applies to being labeled commie too).

Systems that perpetuate unequal or racist outcomes DO exist, but if I understand what CRT is SUPPOSED to be, it isn’t individuals who are racist now or whites, it is the result of systems put in place under racist laws of the era that even now the laws are gone still continue. One example would be the criminal justice system. Another, the real estate system.

For example (this simplifying something I listened to on the radio)…real estate.

Claim: when blacks move into a neighborhood housing values go down.

By far the largest proportion of home owners, per capita are white. Housing values are based on where they live. Where they move, values go up, when they leave values down.

Historically black families were prevented from living in many areas, particularly white dominated areas through a system of real and hidden laws. Further limiting home buying for black people is the ability to get loans compared to white people with similar economic ability which further limits where they might. I think that is how a system can be racist without any person being racist and if anything, understanding it would make someone feel less guilty because it is nothing they did and maybe they can do something to try and fix it. But I’m not this sort of stuff is taught in K12…

If you want preach or teach racial unity then all forms of racial division should be countered like the misuse of crime statistics.
NOT AT ALL. You are teaching your twisted beliefs to kids from Parents who didn't ever give you permission. STOP YOUR DANG BRAIN WASHING.
Reading, writing, Math, Science, Computers, History.......NOT REVISED HISTORY should be taught in school to prepare them for the Work Force. It is NOT YOUR BUSINESS to teach others THEORY of the RELIGION OF THE LEFT.

That is for the parents to teach. Your Morality to Brain wash the kids should have NEVER BEEN THERE TO BEGIN WITH. Nor the Teachers changing the meaning of the Constitution in History Classes.

Your side uses RACISM as a political prop and it causes violence EVERY ELECTION. Stop Brain Washing the kids. Virginia shifted 12 points over this. Because they say the BS being taught and allowed there.

Yes -- this is a religion for these people and a very fundamentalist one at that.

At it's heart, it is an attempt to divorce black behavior from the consequences of their behavior and shift responsibility for the consequences to society -- specifically white society -- as a whole. Like a fundamentalist religion, It is accepted unquestioningly, spread by zealots, allows for no examination, is riddled with logical inconsistencies and explains the world in fixed and finite ways.

It is easy to understand why some blacks accept it. It explains away their failure. When they show contempt for education, malign the successful among them as Uncle Toms, and do not take advantage of all the privilege afforded them because of their skin, they would rather blame that evil whitey than admit that it's their own fucking fault. American society is absolutely replete with black success stories, up to and including the Presidency, but instead of seeing this as an example that there ISN'T this imaginary systematic racism preventing success, they just double down on their dogma.

Why whites adhere to the religion is more complex. Most do so because they are failures in life, too. Many are living on the fringes of society, and are bitter and resentful because it. They offer nothing of value to society and suffer from low self esteem because of it. Even those who appear reasonably successful in life feel a great void in their life and so turn to what acts like a drug for the ego -- virtue signaling.

Virtue signalers are our modern day Pharisees. They stand on the street corner proclaiming their woke holiness for all to hear and that makes them feel good about themselves. This is all reinforced by their fellow Pharisees who reward them with affirmation and this all acts as endorphins to them as it tells them they really AREN'T as worthless as they feel -- they are champions of all things virtuous, instead!

You see, it doesn't matter that what their religion champions is utterly worthless crap that damages society and actually acts to retard the progress of the very people they are championing. All that matters is that they feel good for doing so It is little more than a conditioned response. They say the right thing, they are rewarded. They diverge from their religious flock in any way and they are punished.
Reading, writing, Math, Science, Computers, History.......NOT REVISED HISTORY should be taught in school to prepare them for the Work Force. It is NOT YOUR BUSINESS to teach others THEORY of the RELIGION OF THE LEFT.

That is for the parents to teach. Your Morality to Brain wash the kids should have NEVER BEEN THERE TO BEGIN WITH. Nor the Teachers changing the meaning of the Constitution in History Classes.

Your side uses RACISM as a political prop and it causes violence EVERY ELECTION. Stop Brain Washing the kids. Virginia shifted 12 points over this. Because they say the BS being taught and allowed there.

So your argument is you to teach your version revised history where slaves were happy ”immigrant workers” and racism doesn’t exist and what we did to native Americans never happened.
Baloney. Your side wants OPEN BORDERS PERIOD. You encourage this BS. You Ignore the laws after Swearing an Oath to uphold the law. You use excuses to Justify your Right to IGNORE LAW. You play word games with the Loop Holes created by design. In the 80s you sounded like us today..........Politicians saying they would BUILD A FENCE.....only to gain power because the politicians are lying sacks.

Your side created this mess. Your side created the environment that causes them to send kids by themselves to use the loop holes. And then you BLAME EVERYONE ELSE.

You wouldn't want me as President. I'd Honor the oath be damned the 9th and end the nonsense of Fake Ids and SSNs in a network since Reagan signed it in 1985.
You do not know what my side wants. You don’t have a clue because you are so busy emoting your own brand of hate you can’t hear people talking. You pretend human rights abuses don’t exist until you can use them to political advantage. I’m not for open borders, but it sure seems like you support human rights abuses. You are totally clueless when it comes to what is driving people to come…you are so busy with your side this and your side that you can’t see the forest for the trees. They will keep on coming because what is pushing them out is more is worse than the dangers of the journey.
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You do not know what my side wants. You don’t have a clue because you are so busy emoting your own brand of hate you can’t hear people talking.
I have seen what your side wants for a long time now. I'm against you and what your side wants.

Stop brain washing kids. Perfect example is Berkley. Home for the Criminally insane left.

That clear enough for you.
At what point are we going to destroy the corrupted public school union? We have many years and decades of experience with the failure of the public schools in many areas. CRT is another excuse for those failures. We turned students into individuals and adults instead of treating them as children and teenagers. Facing the facts and removing the 10% or so that are pure troublemakers to get the rest educated is a hard pill to swallow. Massive resources are spent on this. And it affects another percentage of students to be below what they can be. But his upsets the apple cart of extreme feminism that has put massive amounts of women into the workforce reducing interactions with their children. It has increased single parenting which can happen normally with bad relationships into another massive statistics.
That is on the parents.
Reading, writing, Math, Science, Computers, History.......NOT REVISED HISTORY should be taught in school to prepare them for the Work Force. It is NOT YOUR BUSINESS to teach others THEORY of the RELIGION OF THE LEFT.

That is for the parents to teach. Your Morality to Brain wash the kids should have NEVER BEEN THERE TO BEGIN WITH. Nor the Teachers changing the meaning of the Constitution in History Classes.

Your side uses RACISM as a political prop and it causes violence EVERY ELECTION. Stop Brain Washing the kids. Virginia shifted 12 points over this. Because they say the BS being taught and allowed there.

The current teaching of history is revised.
I have seen what your side wants for a long time now. I'm against you and what your side wants.

Stop brain washing kids. Perfect example is Berkley. Home for the Criminally insane left.

That clear enough for you.
You are an example of a person brainwashed by the American miseducation system based on CWST.
You are an example of a person brainwashed by the American miseducation system based on CWST.
Yawn.................To hell with Critical Race Theory.....................You want to teach that to your kids..........I DON'T CARE.

Want to preach your insanity to everyone's kids...........You can go take a long walk off a short bridge.
The current teaching of history is revised.
Revised to your LUNACY. They don't even want to teach the constitution anymore..........because leftist like to take a dump on it. They love burning the Flag........and they are the America Sucks party.
I think CRT is partly at least hyper inflated by the right as their latest bogeyman replacing Antifa but liking sharing the spot under the bed with the regenerated red scare IMO.

I think there is a lot of different issues playing out here that are ignored. For example asking why the Congressional Black Caucus doesn’t anything about it….well why doesn’t the Egypt caucus…why doesn’t the Freedom caucus….well maybe because they aren’t the slavery caucus, they represent issues of Black Americans and each caucus specific. By the way if you want a chuckle there are some bizarre caucuse: List of caucuses in the United States Congress - Ballotpedia

Would everyone agree that these *might* be the REAL issues? From various sides?

How to teach issues of race, racism, gender, equality and inclusion in our schools? Or whether to teach them at all?

We are given examples of extremes…is that representative of all school systems? Are some doing it well and if so, how? Any actual data?

Is book banning an acceptable solution?

Teaching racial unity or racial division…there are racial tensions and there some racial inequities perpetrated by systems rather than racist individuals (and by the way I agree we shouldn’t be labeling people “racist” simply for disagreeing when are not espousing actual racist ideas. There has be open discussion with fear of being accused of something you aren’t ( that applies to being labeled commie too).

Systems that perpetuate unequal or racist outcomes DO exist, but if I understand what CRT is SUPPOSED to be, it isn’t individuals who are racist now or whites, it is the result of systems put in place under racist laws of the era that even now the laws are gone still continue. One example would be the criminal justice system. Another, the real estate system.

For example (this simplifying something I listened to on the radio)…real estate.

Claim: when blacks move into a neighborhood housing values go down.

By far the largest proportion of home owners, per capita are white. Housing values are based on where they live. Where they move, values go up, when they leave values down.

Historically black families were prevented from living in many areas, particularly white dominated areas through a system of real and hidden laws. Further limiting home buying for black people is the ability to get loans compared to white people with similar economic ability which further limits where they might. I think that is how a system can be racist without any person being racist and if anything, understanding it would make someone feel less guilty because it is nothing they did and maybe they can do something to try and fix it. But I’m not this sort of stuff is taught in K12…

If you want preach or teach racial unity then all forms of racial division should be countered like the misuse of crime statistics.
There are racists here and in other forums who whine about being called racists because they disagree with somebody. That is not the case. A disagreement comes with a solid reason or solution basd onfact. Not personal attacks, stereotyped bs or lies.
So…how should history be taught, what should be coveted and how?
There are racists here and in other forums who whine about being called racists because they disagree with somebody. That is not the case. A disagreement comes with a solid reason or solution basd onfact. Not personal attacks, stereotyped bs or lies.
Some are racists, I agree (and it gets obvious) but some are also peop,e who disagree with an idea or concept.
Yawn.................To hell with Critical Race Theory.....................You want to teach that to your kids..........I DON'T CARE.

Want to preach your insanity to everyone's kids...........You can go take a long walk off a short bridge.
You don't know what CRT is. We teach black kids that they will face racism and how to deal with it. You live ina protected world of whiteness where you live practicing racism to such an extent that you think it's the norm.

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