CRT Indoctrination at Schools Continues via “Teach Truth” National Effort

Okay, if you need to believe that.

Just ignore the melting glaciers, shinking ice caps, rising sea levels, dying coral reefs, etc.

Just keep telling yourself that it's all an evil scheme to... um... make you do something.

Then why is the only solution socialism and reducing the standard of living for everyone except the ruling elite?
A civilized society isn't fucking with you. If you can't live in a civilized society, that's kind of your problem.

Saying 12 year olds can take puberty blockers because they think they are the opposite sex isn't the markings of a civilized society. It's Rome on its way down.
A civilized society isn't fucking with you. If you can't live in a civilized society, that's kind of your problem.m
A "civilized society" is codeword for enslaved and subgugated people.

Society is nothing more than a truce.

Humans learned thousands of years ago that they had a better chance of survival if they cooperate rather than fight with each other.

Society is, "I will not try to kill you and you will not try to kill me, and we will compete with each other for resources in a non-violent way, as long as we both follow certain rules."

That's it.

You and your ilk take advantage of that truce to steal for yourselves via government gun. It is you who is violating the rules of peaceful co-existence.

it is time to call an end to the truce.
Uh, there is no leftist or rightist version of the truth, Karen558.

Gay people exist. That's a truth.
America has a shameful history of racism that continues to this day. That's a truth.
The Zionist Entity oppresses the Palestinian people. That's a truth.
Evolution is a thing that happened. That's a truth.
Climate Change is real. That's a truth.

The problem with the right wing is that their solutions are based on their "alternate facts".

That they exist doesn't mean they are the default condition. Default for humans is heterosexuality.

Using that to beat up on people today who had nothing to do with it isn't the way to fix things, its vengeance. Current policies about it are nothing more than graft makers for certain minority elites and an indulgence for guilty white progressives.

The Arabs fought, they lost. They could have had a partition in 1948 and they fucked up. Too bad, so Sad.

It is a thing, and if someone wants to believe in creation, or intelligent design, so fucking what? Your side thinks tucking your wang and berries between your legs makes a man a woman.

Climates change. The issue is even if we are doing something, the proposed solutions from Watermelons is just an excuse to implement socialism and make people's lives miserable while the elites continue to private jet their way to conferences showing how much they care.
It also shows that winning the midterms won’t be enough. The leftists are determined to violate legislation that forbids the indoctrination. It must be fought at the local level - particularly at School Boards.

As far as Garland, he’s another one for the new Congress to investigate, as he went after parents objecting to the indoctrination as “domestic terrorists.” This is the America we now live in, where decent people who disagree with liberalism are demonized.

There's going to be a war. These dumb leftard asswipes won't back down. They're going to have to be forced.

Way to go, fool Democrats. You serve evil masters, and I'll betcha ten bucks you don't even know who they are.

But we can all see WHAT they are.

I'll just repeat for the record, any teacher I catch pushing that shit is out of a job. Union or not, they're gone. I'll expose them in such a way that it'll be impossible not to fire them.

You don't 'teach" propaganda to children. You don't do that.

These libtard idiots are incredibly disrespectful of children.

Children are not playthings you can manipulate to get your political jollies.

And propaganda is not education, it's LIES. They shouldn't be spending public money on lies.
The effort to brainwash our children is going full throttle as groups such as BLM join forces with teachers‘ unions to “empower” leftist teachers to push forward on sexualizing 5-year-olds, CRT indoctrination, anti-Israel hatred (along with hatred toward Jews who support it), the evils of America, and so forth.

I have seen references to the “Teach Truth” agenda (which is the leftist version of “the truth”) at School Board meetings, far-left churches (yes, they exist), and more. This is often couched as fighting back against the imaginary “MAGA extremists” that Biden et al have created to demonize those who disagree with the leftist agenda.

The following is one such group, in partnership with all sorts of leftist organizations and black organizations, as the Left moves forward to sexualize our children and teach them that whites are racist oppressors.

This stuff always reminds of religious cults where they "teach you the truth". It also reminds of of the Russian government who teaches their truths to their citizens and to their media. I always cringe when someone claims they want to "teach you the truth".
There's going to be a war. These dumb leftard asswipes won't back down. They're going to have to be forced.

Way to go, fool Democrats. You serve evil masters, and I'll betcha ten bucks you don't even know who they are.

But we can all see WHAT they are.

I'll just repeat for the record, any teacher I catch pushing that shit is out of a job. Union or not, they're gone. I'll expose them in such a way that it'll be impossible not to fire them.

You don't 'teach" propaganda to children. You don't do that.

These libtard idiots are incredibly disrespectful of children.

Children are not playthings you can manipulate to get your political jollies.

And propaganda is not education, it's LIES. They shouldn't be spending public money on lies.
High school graduates won’t be able to write a grammatically correct sentence, will not know when the Revolutionary War was fought or the year of our independence, will be incapable of figuring out the change owed back from their $20 bill, will not be able to the name the capital of their own state (we had to memorize all 50 when I was a kid), and will be clueless about the three co-equal branches of government, but they WILL know that whites are bad, blacks are victims, there are 57 pronouns, Israel is the worst country in the world, and that people who disagree with any of that are threats to democracy and must be silenced.
This stuff always reminds of religious cults where they "teach you the truth". It also reminds of of the Russian government who teaches their truths to their citizens and to their media. I always cringe when someone claims they want to "teach you the truth".
Yes, the word “truth” reeks of propaganda. In one article I read, they said the “teach truth” effort was to correct the lies told by the MAGA extremists.

Schools have become indoctrination camps.
Uh, there is no leftist or rightist version of the truth, Karen558.

Gay people exist. That's a truth.
America has a shameful history of racism that continues to this day. That's a truth.
The Zionist Entity oppresses the Palestinian people. That's a truth.
Evolution is a thing that happened. That's a truth.
Climate Change is real. That's a truth.

The problem with the right wing is that their solutions are based on their "alternate facts".
You realize you are talking to a poster who rants about there being black people in ads on TV and promotional posters at malls, billboards, etc.
Slavery has been taught for generations. CRT is all about demonizing the white race and making blacks all out to be innocent, helpless victims. We don’t need our kids learning lies like that.
Its about a lot more than slavery. Americas record since slavery has been less than stellar and needs explaining to youngsters.

Why do a disproportionate % of blacks live in poverty ? Because whitey put them there.
Angry Marty Strikes again...

Then why is the only solution socialism and reducing the standard of living for everyone except the ruling elite?

Except we can make changes without changing standards of living... but never mind. I'm all for the elites flying coach, thanks. But the reality is we are going to have to make society-wide, global changes to reduce CO2.

Saying 12 year olds can take puberty blockers because they think they are the opposite sex isn't the markings of a civilized society. It's Rome on its way down.

That they exist doesn't mean they are the default condition. Default for humans is heterosexuality.

Default condition is probably bisexuality... We can see that in the prisons, where deprived of the opposite sex, people turn gay. Gender roles are largely societal. Sexuality is complicated.

Using that to beat up on people today who had nothing to do with it isn't the way to fix things, its vengeance. Current policies about it are nothing more than graft makers for certain minority elites and an indulgence for guilty white progressives.

Oh, get real. Even with Affirmative Action, if you are white, you are still privileged as all get out. Talking about our past is about your feelings, not history.

The Arabs fought, they lost. They could have had a partition in 1948 and they fucked up. Too bad, so Sad.
So when they inevitably drive the Jews into the sea, I'm sure you have no problem with that, right?
It is a thing, and if someone wants to believe in creation, or intelligent design, so fucking what? Your side thinks tucking your wang and berries between your legs makes a man a woman.

Two different things. The fact is, we are falling behind in science because all these morons in the Bible Belt don't understand evolution is a thing.

Climates change. The issue is even if we are doing something, the proposed solutions from Watermelons is just an excuse to implement socialism and make people's lives miserable while the elites continue to private jet their way to conferences showing how much they care.

Wow... you have some serious class envy.

I'm all for imposing changes on everyone. Whining about "Socialism" is just silly.
There's going to be a war. These dumb leftard asswipes won't back down. They're going to have to be forced.

Way to go, fool Democrats. You serve evil masters, and I'll betcha ten bucks you don't even know who they are.

But we can all see WHAT they are.

I'll just repeat for the record, any teacher I catch pushing that shit is out of a job. Union or not, they're gone. I'll expose them in such a way that it'll be impossible not to fire them.

You don't 'teach" propaganda to children. You don't do that.

These libtard idiots are incredibly disrespectful of children.

Children are not playthings you can manipulate to get your political jollies.

And propaganda is not education, it's LIES. They shouldn't be spending public money on lies.
Oooooo! More thuggish threats from the MAGAt-Right. :heehee:
Uh, there is no leftist or rightist version of the truth, Karen558.

Gay people exist. That's a truth.
America has a shameful history of racism that continues to this day. That's a truth.
The Zionist Entity oppresses the Palestinian people. That's a truth.
Evolution is a thing that happened. That's a truth.
Climate Change is real. That's a truth.

The problem with the right wing is that their solutions are based on their "alternate facts".
Social justice exists at the level it does because there are powerful elites who want global control. It is not for empathy or sympathy. They have used it like a maestro conducting an orchestra. It is an inconvenient truth. When totally empowered the population will not be sustainable.
CRT should be taught in schools. Why are right wingers so keen to cover up bad behaviour ?
Because the people pushing that shit give less than a single rat fuck about exposing bad behavior. Rather, the goal is to indoctrinate children to accept Marxism. (See Frankfurt School - Critical Theory).

Now, fuck off. Your own country is becoming a commie shit hole before your very eyes. You should worry about that and not us.
Angry Marty Strikes again...

Except we can make changes without changing standards of living... but never mind. I'm all for the elites flying coach, thanks. But the reality is we are going to have to make society-wide, global changes to reduce CO2.

Default condition is probably bisexuality... We can see that in the prisons, where deprived of the opposite sex, people turn gay. Gender roles are largely societal. Sexuality is complicated.

Oh, get real. Even with Affirmative Action, if you are white, you are still privileged as all get out. Talking about our past is about your feelings, not history.

So when they inevitably drive the Jews into the sea, I'm sure you have no problem with that, right?

Two different things. The fact is, we are falling behind in science because all these morons in the Bible Belt don't understand evolution is a thing.

Wow... you have some serious class envy.

I'm all for imposing changes on everyone. Whining about "Socialism" is just silly.

I just fisked your ass, whine some more.

No, we can't. Right now an EV is worse than an ICE vehicle. Renewables aren't reliable enough for grid power. I have to drag re-usable bags when i want to shop instead of just shopping. My showerhead sucks, and the new gas cans don't work. every one of these is a bullshit inconvenience.

I am at the low part of the pity totem pole, white, hetero cis male. All because SJW's think they can get power by being called victims. And quislings like you go along with it.

The Jews aren't going anywhere, Despite your Hitlerian hate of them.

Yes, because not being able to say what a woman is reeks of "science" from your side.

And you suck the dick of your supposed betters as long as you die less miserable than the people you hate. Now go bitch about Mormons, you sad old fuck.
You realize you are talking to a poster who rants about there being black people in ads on TV and promotional posters at malls, billboards, etc.

Sadly, yes. I think we should all mail her pictures of black people and she'll freak out.

Slavery has been taught for generations. CRT is all about demonizing the white race and making blacks all out to be innocent, helpless victims. We don’t need our kids learning lies like that.

Really? Because, frankly, I don't think we teach about it enough.

I recently watched a very interesting video about Debt Peonage. It was implemented after the Civil War, and here's how it worked.

Arrest a black person for a petty offense, such as vagrancy or walking along the railroad tracks.
Charge them a fine and for the cost of their incarceration
Then sell their debt to someone who needed cheap labor.
Continue to increase their debt by back-charging them for food and shelter.

This went on from after the Civil War, all the way up until 1942, when Federal Action banned it, not because people suddenly realized it was wrong, but because the government realized that we really couldn't condemn what the Axis was doing while we were doing that shit.

Now, I never heard about this - at least not in detail - in my high School (A fairly elite Catholic school that produced no less than four mayors for Chicago). I also never heard about this in College, even though I received a degree in History. (True, my focus was mostly on European History, but still.)

From slavery to the Prison-Industrial Complex, we keep finding new ways to screw over people of color.
Sadly, yes. I think we should all mail her pictures of black people and she'll freak out.

Really? Because, frankly, I don't think we teach about it enough.

I recently watched a very interesting video about Debt Peonage. It was implemented after the Civil War, and here's how it worked.

Arrest a black person for a petty offense, such as vagrancy or walking along the railroad tracks.
Charge them a fine and for the cost of their incarceration
Then sell their debt to someone who needed cheap labor.
Continue to increase their debt by back-charging them for food and shelter.

This went on from after the Civil War, all the way up until 1942, when Federal Action banned it, not because people suddenly realized it was wrong, but because the government realized that we really couldn't condemn what the Axis was doing while we were doing that shit.

Now, I never heard about this - at least not in detail - in my high School (A fairly elite Catholic school that produced no less than four mayors for Chicago). I also never heard about this in College, even though I received a degree in History. (True, my focus was mostly on European History, but still.)

From slavery to the Prison-Industrial Complex, we keep finding new ways to screw over people of color.
And how many know what the U.S. did (actually didn't do) about Jews being persecuted and then killed by the NAZIs in the 1930s-40s? And how so many Americans didn't want ANY immigration from the refugees....

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