CRT Indoctrination at Schools Continues via “Teach Truth” National Effort

I just fisked your ass, whine some more.
Huh? Never mind... I don't think I want to know what your fantasies are.

No, we can't. Right now an EV is worse than an ICE vehicle. Renewables aren't reliable enough for grid power. I have to drag re-usable bags when i want to shop instead of just shopping. My showerhead sucks, and the new gas cans don't work. every one of these is a bullshit inconvenience.

Wow, talk about your white people, first world problems. Oh, you have to use a renewable bag? Your showerhead sucks? I'm assuming these are NYC problems.

I am at the low part of the pity totem pole, white, hetero cis male. All because SJW's think they can get power by being called victims. And quislings like you go along with it.

"When you are accustomed to privilege, equality can seem like Oppression" - Author unknown.

The Jews aren't going anywhere, Despite your Hitlerian hate of them.
Actually, the Zionist Entity is unsustainable. Jews are not reproducing as fast as Arabs, and realize that living in Europe is safer and less expensive.

Yes, because not being able to say what a woman is reeks of "science" from your side.

Or we don't get upset about it like you do. Do you check the junk of everyone you meet? I don't.

And you suck the dick of your supposed betters as long as you die less miserable than the people you hate. Now go bitch about Mormons, you sad old fuck.

Naw, I just make fun of them...
But the reality is, if we don't fix things, future generations are going to suffer... because our generation was selfish.
Huh? Never mind... I don't think I want to know what your fantasies are.

Wow, talk about your white people, first world problems. Oh, you have to use a renewable bag? Your showerhead sucks? I'm assuming these are NYC problems.

"When you are accustomed to privilege, equality can seem like Oppression" - Author unknown.

Actually, the Zionist Entity is unsustainable. Jews are not reproducing as fast as Arabs, and realize that living in Europe is safer and less expensive.

Or we don't get upset about it like you do. Do you check the junk of everyone you meet? I don't.

Naw, I just make fun of them...
But the reality is, if we don't fix things, future generations are going to suffer... because our generation was selfish.

Just more and more little bites at making our lives harder when you know the ruling types won't have to deal with it. That isn't class envy, that's "assholes telling me shit to do when they have no intention of doing it themselves" refusal to be a sucker.

The only people being oppressed these days are non SJW people, that isn't justice, it's revenge.

Good old Arab terrorist propaganda. It's amazing how much you hate religion but suck Muslim dick.

Nice attempt to try to distance yourself from your side's idiocy, failing as it is.

The green way of fixing things is to break things and hope it all works out.
Just more and more little bites at making our lives harder when you know the ruling types won't have to deal with it. That isn't class envy, that's "assholes telling me shit to do when they have no intention of doing it themselves" refusal to be a sucker.

Boy, I'd hate to be in a burning building with you... you'd refuse to do anything if the better off aren't doing it, too.

Good old Arab terrorist propaganda. It's amazing how much you hate religion but suck Muslim dick.

Because our problem with the Middle East isn't about religion, it's about imperialism. I'm old enough to remember when most of the Middle East was ruled by secular dictators and Monarchs, and the Zionist machine had us convinced they were all "Commies". (Although the copious amounts of Soviet weapons didn't help).

If we had taken the trillions of dollars we've spent on wars and aid to the Zionists and spent it on energy independence, we'd be in a much better place.

The only people being oppressed these days are non SJW people, that isn't justice, it's revenge.

Right... poor Marty is being oppressed because he has slightly less white privilege.

The green way of fixing things is to break things and hope it all works out.

Quite the contrary, we have the technology to fix things, we just refuse to employ it because too many people are making money on the status quo.
Boy, I'd hate to be in a burning building with you... you'd refuse to do anything if the better off aren't doing it, too.

Because our problem with the Middle East isn't about religion, it's about imperialism. I'm old enough to remember when most of the Middle East was ruled by secular dictators and Monarchs, and the Zionist machine had us convinced they were all "Commies". (Although the copious amounts of Soviet weapons didn't help).

If we had taken the trillions of dollars we've spent on wars and aid to the Zionists and spent it on energy independence, we'd be in a much better place.

Right... poor Marty is being oppressed because he has slightly less white privilege.

Quite the contrary, we have the technology to fix things, we just refuse to employ it because too many people are making money on the status quo.

A burning building is an actual emergency, not a made up one.

The problem is the arabs lost and jew haters like you haven't been the same ever since.

Same tired racial tropes from the same tired racial hack.

Again, ICE vehicles are superior to EV's, and will be until you can charge an EV as fast as filling a gas tank.
A burning building is an actual emergency, not a made up one.

Okay, you gotta make up your mind here... Are you against Global Warming because you think you are smarter than 95% of Climatologists, or are you against making changes because the rich are still going to have nicer things than you have.

Let me know when you have a solid answer so I know what I have to mock.

The problem is the arabs lost and jew haters like you haven't been the same ever since.

No, the problem is that the Zionist Entity is an apartheid state that really doesn't have a way forward, and is becoming a pariah in the rest of the world, just like South Africa.

Same tired racial tropes from the same tired racial hack.

I'm still waiting to hear how it oppresses you that kids are hearing about slavery and Jim Crow. We'll wait.

Again, ICE vehicles are superior to EV's, and will be until you can charge an EV as fast as filling a gas tank.

Or you can plug in the car when you aren't using it... kind of like people do with their phones now.
EXACTLY. It's Marxist indoctrination designed to make children more likely to be commie shits.

If 3 billion people need to die to stop that shit, SO BE IT!!!!

There there Booty. I know math is hard for you but if 3 Billion need to die to stop that shit, and only you need to die to stop your shit what's the likelihood of you completing your goal before the police complete theirs? You can use Cosplay math if it makes you feel better. 😁
There there Booty. I know math is hard for you but if 3 Billion need to die to stop that shit, and only you need to die to stop your shit what's the likelihood of you completing your goal before the police complete theirs? You can use Cosplay math if it makes you feel better. 😁
Valhalla, I am coming

...smoke two joints...
A "civilized society" is codeword for enslaved and subgugated people.

Society is nothing more than a truce.

Humans learned thousands of years ago that they had a better chance of survival if they cooperate rather than fight with each other.

Society is, "I will not try to kill you and you will not try to kill me, and we will compete with each other for resources in a non-violent way, as long as we both follow certain rules."

That's it.

You and your ilk take advantage of that truce to steal for yourselves via government gun. It is you who is violating the rules of peaceful co-existence.

it is time to call an end to the truce.
Bitter Loser Misfits

By empowering uncivilized minorities, Liberals proved that they don't fit in a civilized society and are trying to wreck what rejected their childish, gutless, and confused ilk.
Parents are onto CRT, drag queen queers, pushing Lgbtq, grooming, etc etc.
It’s one of the biggest reasons that Republicans will sweep in a few weeks. Moms don’t like the idea that their 6-year-olds are being taught about oral sex and taken to freak drag shows as part of their 1st grade education.
Its about a lot more than slavery. Americas record since slavery has been less than stellar and needs explaining to youngsters.

Why do a disproportionate % of blacks live in poverty ? Because whitey put them there.
Whitey didn’t put them there. They have a shamefully high out of wedlock rate which has all sorts of consequences - poor education, poverty, high crime.

Blacks aren‘t helpless babies where white “put them” somewhere. They make their own decisions and are responsible for themselves.
I just fisked your ass, whine some more.

No, we can't. Right now an EV is worse than an ICE vehicle. Renewables aren't reliable enough for grid power. I have to drag re-usable bags when i want to shop instead of just shopping. My showerhead sucks, and the new gas cans don't work. every one of these is a bullshit inconvenience.

I am at the low part of the pity totem pole, white, hetero cis male. All because SJW's think they can get power by being called victims. And quislings like you go along with it.

The Jews aren't going anywhere, Despite your Hitlerian hate of them.

Yes, because not being able to say what a woman is reeks of "science" from your side.

And you suck the dick of your supposed betters as long as you die less miserable than the people you hate. Now go bitch about Mormons, you sad old fuck.
That Joe Antisemite is the biggest hypocrite on the Board. He rails against whites for being bigoted against blacks, and then spews venom about Jews.
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Okay, you gotta make up your mind here... Are you against Global Warming because you think you are smarter than 95% of Climatologists, or are you against making changes because the rich are still going to have nicer things than you have.

Let me know when you have a solid answer so I know what I have to mock.

No, the problem is that the Zionist Entity is an apartheid state that really doesn't have a way forward, and is becoming a pariah in the rest of the world, just like South Africa.

I'm still waiting to hear how it oppresses you that kids are hearing about slavery and Jim Crow. We'll wait.

Or you can plug in the car when you aren't using it... kind of like people do with their phones now.

I'm against changing our way of life because of AGW hysteria. Climatologists are the diet coke of actual science, model jockeys, nothing more.

No, it isn't. God you are a buzzword twat.

Hearing about it is one thing, I learned about it in the 80's and 90's, It's when you say the people now are still to blame for it and it's the fault of the people now that the issue pops up.

I live in an apartment and don't own a garage, where do I plug in? Talk about being an elitist fuck. I guess only people who own houses will own cars in the future you stuck up gas bag.

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