CRT Indoctrination at Schools Continues via “Teach Truth” National Effort

Don’t twist my words. I pointed out that when blacks made up 14% of the population, racism against whites is apparent when 20 out of 20 posters are of the 14% minority, and none of the majority “bad” white people. Advertising and modeling agencies are being racist against whites, bigtime, as the wokesters pandering to this one slim minority.

First, I find it hard to believe that "every" poster was a black person. I rarely go to malls anymore (I do most of my shopping online) but last time I did, the models were a pretty good mix of races.

Second, we get that you are an anti-religion leftist, who hates people who disagree with you. That is well-known about leftists.

Naw, life is too short to hate people. But pointing out your stupidity is always fun.

Here's my big problem with the religious nutters of the right.

The ONLY real conflict in America should be between the investor class (The top 5% of the population) and the working class (The rest of us who go to jobs every day, do our best, and hope the investors don't screw us to make more money.)

The way that the investor class gets stupid people in the working class to vote against their own economic interests is by playing on your sexual, racial and religious fears. To be honest, every setback I've had in my life has usually been inflicted by a fellow white person. Sure, I lost out on an opportunity once because of Affirmative Action, but that was a decision made by a manager who was white.

Now, how does that factor into religion? It's that you religious people want to inflict your stupidity on the rest of us. Don't like abortion? Don't have one? Don't like gay sex, then don't engage in it. The problem with you religious nutters is that you want to impose your preferences on the rest of us.

And if you think religion is only about Gd, that just speaks to your ignorance. I grew up in a fairly observant Jewish family - kosher kitchen, full observance of holidays, tons of books on Jewish culture and tradition and values - and Gd was rarely mentioned. As a Catholic School boy (and those are the worst antisemites, in my experience) that’s something you wouldn’t understand.

Actually, the Catholics had just as many stupid rules...

My question is, why do religions need rules? Is God really that needy? Or is he just a construct made up by people who need power? Is there still someone in hell doing eternity for eating a beef jerky during Lent?

The thing is, I moved beyond religious teachings. Archeologists have proven the Hebrews never resided in Egypt. The whole of the Judeo-Christian Religion is based on lies. (Although that should have been clear with the story about the floating Zoo and the talking snakes.)

P.S. When I was about 12, a Catholic School teen came into my house uninvited when I was home alone on Friday evening, blew out the Shabbat candles as I stood there helplessly, and said “that’s what I think about your fuckin’ religion.” Sounds like you might have been that boy.

I didn't meet any Jews until I got to college. And frankly, most Jewish people I've known are pretty good folks.. Some not very religious.

So how did this boy get into your house? Never mind, I don't want to know.

Oh, noes, he blew out some candles!!!! Big fucking deal.
What the fuck makes you think racism will ever vanish from humanity? Do you have plans for getting rid of "greed" too? How about "anger"? Hell, if we get rid of anger, then we pretty much remove all the bad shit in the word, so why arent dems working on ending anger? After anger, maybe you can protest "falling down". It sucks when you skin your knee, so why arent dems working on this wide spread issue?

Wow, wanting to make the world a better place, what a crazy idea!!!

It seems that you are angry that you can't be racist in the open anymore without having a discussion with HR.
Slavery has been taught for generations. CRT is all about demonizing the white race and making blacks all out to be innocent, helpless victims. We don’t need our kids learning lies like that.


Its purpose is to cast aspersions on our Constitution and the people who wrote it.
CRT can teach children how evil Caucasians have been to ethnicity X.

But as long as ethnicity X continues to include such a high percentage of violent individuals, the CRT propaganda will simply go in one ear and out the other.
The effort to brainwash our children is going full throttle as groups such as BLM join forces with teachers‘ unions to “empower” leftist teachers to push forward on sexualizing 5-year-olds, CRT indoctrination, anti-Israel hatred (along with hatred toward Jews who support it), the evils of America, and so forth.

I have seen references to the “Teach Truth” agenda (which is the leftist version of “the truth”) at School Board meetings, far-left churches (yes, they exist), and more. This is often couched as fighting back against the imaginary “MAGA extremists” that Biden et al have created to demonize those who disagree with the leftist agenda.

The following is one such group, in partnership with all sorts of leftist organizations and black organizations, as the Left moves forward to sexualize our children and teach them that whites are racist oppressors.

Anytime you want to talk about the real crisis in our schools--you or any of my fellow conservatives here--let me know.

This ain't it. Trust me.
It’s one of the biggest reasons that Republicans will sweep in a few weeks. Moms don’t like the idea that their 6-year-olds are being taught about oral sex and taken to freak drag shows as part of their 1st grade education.

Okay I will be more specific.

I guarantee you this happens, but in a tiny fraction of 1st grade classrooms. It doesn't even happen in classrooms of older children that often.

Leftists HAVE pretty much destroyed public schools, but again, it's not CRT. It's not even sex education. They have destroyed it with the idea that there are "no bad kids"**, and even WORSE, "all behavior is communication". They have destroyed it by thinking that all children--no matter how severe or violent their disability--have the right to learn in the same classrooms as every other child. If it puts children at risk of being harmed or not learning, oh well.

This is pervasive. It is not just in blue enclaves. It is everywhere. It is why teachers are REALLY quitting. It is why kids are REALLY falling behind.

**I could even meet Leftists on the "no bad kids" thing, since children are learning and should be given a LOT of grace. But when you combine "no bad kids" with "all behavior is communication", you get "no behavior is really 'bad'"...and all the ramifications of that.
The effort to brainwash our children is going full throttle as groups such as BLM join forces with teachers‘ unions to “empower” leftist teachers to push forward on sexualizing 5-year-olds, CRT indoctrination, anti-Israel hatred (along with hatred toward Jews who support it), the evils of America, and so forth.

I have seen references to the “Teach Truth” agenda (which is the leftist version of “the truth”) at School Board meetings, far-left churches (yes, they exist), and more. This is often couched as fighting back against the imaginary “MAGA extremists” that Biden et al have created to demonize those who disagree with the leftist agenda.

The following is one such group, in partnership with all sorts of leftist organizations and black organizations, as the Left moves forward to sexualize our children and teach them that whites are racist oppressors.

If teachers never taught the truth why would they start now?
Wow, wanting to make the world a better place, what a crazy idea!!!

It seems that you are angry that you can't be racist in the open anymore without having a discussion with HR.
No, you pretend to be fighting against something that we all know cant be stopped. All youre doing is dividing people. You arent helping anyone.
Uh, there is no leftist or rightist version of the truth, Karen558.

Gay people exist. That's a truth.
No one ever denied it, moron.
America has a shameful history of racism that continues to this day. That's a truth.
Lie. It does not continue to this day.

The Zionist Entity oppresses the Palestinian people. That's a truth.
Evolution is a thing that happened. That's a truth.
only a miniscule percentage of people deny that.

Climate Change is real. That's a truth.

The problem with the right wing is that their solutions are based on their "alternate facts".
You just posted the alternative facts.
Anytime you want to talk about the real crisis in our schools--you or any of my fellow conservatives here--let me know.

This ain't it. Trust me.
If you are going to say that the real crisis is that teachers are underpaid, we’ve had that discussion. Their pay is in line with many college-educated professionals - especially when you amortize it over 10 months.

The real crisis is that the profession is laden with progressives.
If teachers never taught the truth why would they start now?
Teachers always taught the truth. Teaching kindergartners about transgenders and elementary school children about oral sex is no “truth” they need to hear about it.
Its about a lot more than slavery. America's record since slavery has been less than stellar and needs explaining to youngsters.
Integration Leads to Disintegration

What ought to be explained to youngsters is that slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow laws were punishment and crime prevention. A race that acts like wild animals needs to be tamed.

No Conservative influencer dares to state this self-evident truth. The Red States don't need to be led by the yellow.
Leftists are the most bigoted, intolerant people you’d never want to meet. As long as I don’t refute anything they say, when they are spewing their nonsense and hatred, I’m OK….but if I even attempt to question any aspect of their beliefs, the anger erupts immediately.
Sick Sadistic Statists

Which over-defensiveness means they don't really believe in what they preach. These bitter and vindictive rejects push all that only because it empowers them to boss normal people around. They also get a feeling of power when abruptly and arbitrarily closing off debate by claiming that their fairy-tale absurdities are undeniable truths.
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Integration Leads to Disintegration

What ought to be explained to youngsters is that slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow laws were punishment and crime prevention. A race that acts like wild animals needs to be tamed.

No Conservative influencer dares to state this self-evident truth. The Red States don't need to be led by the yellow.
Good lord. You are crazy. Did you work for hitler at some point ?

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