CRT Indoctrination at Schools Continues via “Teach Truth” National Effort

Don't forget mormons, and the religious, and gun owners, and anyone who isn't an SJW idiot like he is.
Leftists are the most bigoted, intolerant people you’d never want to meet. As long as I don’t refute anything they say, when they are spewing their nonsense and hatred, I’m OK….but if I even attempt to question any aspect of their beliefs, the anger erupts immediately.
Just ignore the melting glaciers,

shinking ice caps,

dying coral reefs,
It’s one of the biggest reasons that Republicans will sweep in a few weeks. Moms don’t like the idea that their 6-year-olds are being taught about oral sex and taken to freak drag shows as part of their 1st grade education.

Actually, the only reason Republicans are going to do well is because of Gerrymandering, and because the out of power party always does well in midterms.

But you guys will go full religious crazy and scare the crap out of everyone else... just like you did in 1996 and 2012.

That Joe Antisemite is the biggest hypocrite on the Board. He rails against whites for being bigoted against blacks, and then spews venom about Jews.

Race isn't a choice.
Religion is.
If you think your imaginary friend in the sky entitles you to act like an asshole, then I am going to mock you for it.
I'm against changing our way of life because of AGW hysteria. Climatologists are the diet coke of actual science, model jockeys, nothing more.

So you don't have a solid answer, then. Let's doom future generations because, hey, I don't want to be mildly bothered.


Hearing about it is one thing, I learned about it in the 80's and 90's, It's when you say the people now are still to blame for it and it's the fault of the people now that the issue pops up.

Except no one is saying that. What is being said - justifiably - is that white people today have benefited from it and need to fix the inequities. But again..


I live in an apartment and don't own a garage, where do I plug in? Talk about being an elitist fuck. I guess only people who own houses will own cars in the future you stuck up gas bag.

We could set up parking areas to recharge, with a code to activate the charger with your account. Easy-peasy. But of course.

Leftists are the most bigoted, intolerant people you’d never want to meet. As long as I don’t refute anything they say, when they are spewing their nonsense and hatred, I’m OK….but if I even attempt to question any aspect of their beliefs, the anger erupts immediately.

Uh, most of my responses to you are either reasoned counter-arguments or overt mockery when you say something REALLY stupid like, "There are too many pictures of black people at the mall."

Now, I fully admit I have a bias against religion in general. Not just Jews and Mormons. You should see me go on a tear about Catholicism, even though I was brought up Catholic and most of my relatives are still practicing Catholics.

Religion is just empowering the least worthy of us.. .not based on their intellect but on their ability to play on your fears.
Uh, most of my responses to you are either reasoned counter-arguments or overt mockery when you say something REALLY stupid like, "There are too many pictures of black people at the mall."

Now, I fully admit I have a bias against religion in general. Not just Jews and Mormons. You should see me go on a tear about Catholicism, even though I was brought up Catholic and most of my relatives are still practicing Catholics.

Religion is just empowering the least worthy of us.. .not based on their intellect but on their ability to play on your fears.
Don’t twist my words. I pointed out that when blacks made up 14% of the population, racism against whites is apparent when 20 out of 20 posters are of the 14% minority, and none of the majority “bad” white people. Advertising and modeling agencies are being racist against whites, bigtime, as the wokesters pandering to this one slim minority.

Second, we get that you are an anti-religion leftist, who hates people who disagree with you. That is well-known about leftists.

And if you think religion is only about Gd, that just speaks to your ignorance. I grew up in a fairly observant Jewish family - kosher kitchen, full observance of holidays, tons of books on Jewish culture and tradition and values - and Gd was rarely mentioned. As a Catholic School boy (and those are the worst antisemites, in my experience) that’s something you wouldn’t understand.

P.S. When I was about 12, a Catholic School teen came into my house uninvited when I was home alone on Friday evening, blew out the Shabbat candles as I stood there helplessly, and said “that’s what I think about your fuckin’ religion.” Sounds like you might have been that boy.
Actually, the only reason Republicans are going to do well is because of Gerrymandering, and because the out of power party always does well in midterms.

But you guys will go full religious crazy and scare the crap out of everyone else... just like you did in 1996 and 2012.

Race isn't a choice.
Religion is.
If you think your imaginary friend in the sky entitles you to act like an asshole, then I am going to mock you for it.
As a Prog. You won. But as a Prog you will destroy yourselves and everyone else. Parts of the world are not in agreement with you, and some can defend themselves.
...I smoke two joint when Goat Curry trolls, and then I smoke two more...
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I actually got you to troll yourself which is rather brilliant on my part if I do say so myself. 😄 I maneuvered you to a place where your options are to sing this ridiculous song for 3 more days to "prove" to me you love your white culture more than you love mine or you don't and my culture wins. 😁 You do as you want Booty, either way it's a good time for me.
I actually got you to troll yourself which is rather brilliant on my part if I do say so myself. 😄 I maneuvered you to a place where your options are to sing this ridiculous song for 3 more days to "prove" to me you love your white culture more than you love mine or you don't and my culture wins. 😁 You do as you want Booty, either way it's a good time for me.
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racism that continues to this day.
What the fuck makes you think racism will ever vanish from humanity? Do you have plans for getting rid of "greed" too? How about "anger"? Hell, if we get rid of anger, then we pretty much remove all the bad shit in the word, so why arent dems working on ending anger? After anger, maybe you can protest "falling down". It sucks when you skin your knee, so why arent dems working on this wide spread issue? :cuckoo:
What the fuck makes you think racism will ever vanish from humanity? Do you have plans for getting rid of "greed" too? How about "anger"? Hell, if we get rid of anger, then we pretty much remove all the bad shit in the word, so why arent dems working on ending anger?

There’s nothing more we can do. We got rid of all the racist laws generations ago, and it’s up to blacks to move forward. The majority have.

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