CRT Indoctrination at Schools Continues via “Teach Truth” National Effort

So you park your car at a recharging station and it's ready to go the next day.

Just not seeing a problem here.

No recharging station at my apartment, and no practical way to install one for my use.

The places that I build may eventually have charging stations, but by the time any such place has working chargers, I will have moved on to another project.

Anyway, why should I even think of considering a car that takes several hours to charge to be a suitable substitute for a real car, that can be fully refueled in just a few minutes? That's just stupid. Not even a normal level of stupid, but an extreme, Incel Joe level of stupid.

Even if it did cost a lot less to charge an electric car than to refuel a real car, there is simply no realistic scenario in which the cost savings would come anywhere close to making up for the value of the time that it would force me to waste.
For many people, including me, time is a much, much, much bigger issue than cost. With potentially as much as four hours or more per day of commute time, on top of an eight-hour shift (actually eight and a half with a half-hour in the middle for lunch) how am I supposed to fit in time to spend several more hours waiting for my car to charge on the way home? A real car can be fully refueled in just a few minutes.
Try that but make it a 12 hour shift. Internal combustion will do nicely.
No recharging station at my apartment, and no practical way to install one for my use.

The places that I build may eventually have charging stations, but by the time any such place has working chargers, I will have moved on to another project.

I am assuming you have to park your car somewhere, you simply set up charging stations there.

Anyway, why should I even think of considering a car that takes several hours to charge to be a suitable substitute for a real car, that can be fully refueled in just a few minutes? That's just stupid. Not even a normal level of stupid, but an extreme level of stupid.

No, an extreme level of stupid is rendering the planet uninhabitable because you don't want to be mildly inconvenienced.

The difference between religion and science. Science is still a thing even if you don't believe in it.

Even if it did cost a lot less to charge an electric car than to refuel a real car, there is simply no realistic scenario in which the cost savings would come anywhere close to making up for the value of the time that it would force me to waste.

You plug it in, you go do other stuff.

Here's the thing, Mormon Bob... the Big Three are getting out of the ICE business whether you want them to or not. So are the Germans and Japanese.
No recharging station at my apartment, and no practical way to install one for my use.
The places that I build may eventually have charging stations, but by the time any such place has working chargers, I will have moved on to another project.
I am assuming you have to park your car somewhere, you simply set up charging stations there.

It is kind of nice, at the end of a very long day working and commuting, to be able to park my car within walking distance of my home.

And at the start of the next day, to be able to find my car within walking range of my home.

How are you imagining that I am supposed to get between my home and where I park my car, if you think I should have to park it somewhere where there is a public charging station?

And similarly, how am I supposed to get between my car and my construction site at the other end of the trip?

No, an extreme level of stupid is rendering the planet uninhabitable because you don't want to be mildly inconvenienced.

Good thing that nobody is doing that.

The difference between religion and science. Science is still a thing even if you don't believe in it.

Says a mentally fucked-up retard that believes that a man can be a woman, or vice versa.

You have no credibility whatsoever in trying to lay any claim to “science”.

Even if it did cost a lot less to charge an electric car than to refuel a real car, there is simply no realistic scenario in which the cost savings would come anywhere close to making up for the value of the time that it would force me to waste.
You plug it in, you go do other stuff.


The only realistic opportunity for me to charge a car would be on the way home from work.

You want me, after a long day of work, to spend several hours “doing other stuff” while my car charges, instead of being able to refuel a real car and be on my way home?

Fuck that. And fuck you for thinking that I should even entertain the thought.

I guess it is no surprise, as you are not a creature that would have any clue what it is like to work a real job.
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It is kind of nice, at the end of a very long day working and commuting, to be able to park my car within walking distance of my home.

And at the start of the next day, to be able to find my car within walking range of my home.

How are you imagining that I am supposed to get between my home and where I park my car, if you think I should have to park it somewhere where there is a public charging station?

And similarly, how am I supposed to get between my car and my construction site at the other end of the trip?

You can set up charging stations in the parking area. As I recall from your whining about wanting to murder the poor schlub who stole your tool box, you said that you keep your truck in an indoor garage. No problem at all retrofitting those with chargers.

Good thing that nobody is doing that.

The science says different.

Says a mentally fucked-up retard that believes that a man can be a woman, or vice versa.

You have no credibility whatsoever in trying to lay any claim to “science”.

Guy, your obsession with Gender Dysphoria would be funny if it weren't sad. People with degrees in psychology have determined that, yes, it is possible to be a different sex than the one assigned at birth. They've done the studies.


The only realistic opportunity for me to charge a car would be on the way home from work.

You want me, after a long day of work, to spend several hours “doing other stuff” while my car charges, instead of being able to refuel a real car and be on my way home?

Fuck that. And fuck you for thinking that I should even entertain the thought.

I guess it is no surprise, as you are not a creature that would have any clue what it is like to work a real job.

Or we can have designated charging station on every block, and you'd only have to walk a block.

the fact that you would put your creature comforts above the safety of future generations says a lot about you.
Uh, there is no leftist or rightist version of the truth, Karen558.

Gay people exist. That's a truth.
America has a shameful history of racism that continues to this day. That's a truth.
The Zionist Entity oppresses the Palestinian people. That's a truth.
Evolution is a thing that happened. That's a truth.
Climate Change is real. That's a truth.

The problem with the right wing is that their solutions are based on their "alternate facts".
They're our kids and parents are the boss. We pay for everything. Now shut the fuck up and teach what you're supposed to.
Marxist Fascism is the forcing people to believe the white supremacist version of America.
They're our kids and parents are the boss. We pay for everything. Now shut the fuck up and teach what you're supposed to.

They are doing that. They are teaching history.

Marxist Fascism is the forcing people to believe the white supremacist version of America.

Being fair and balanced, if your kids know who Harriet Tubman is, but don't know who Andrew Jackson is, then your history teacher didn't do her job.
They are doing that. They are teaching history.

Being fair and balanced, if your kids know who Harriet Tubman is, but don't know who Andrew Jackson is, then your history teacher didn't do her job.
CRT is not history. Teaching kids that Whites are oppressing people of color is race hustling.
For many people, including me, time is a much, much, much bigger issue than cost. With potentially as much as four hours or more per day of commute time, on top of an eight-hour shift (actually eight and a half with a half-hour in the middle for lunch) how am I supposed to fit in time to spend several more hours waiting for my car to charge on the way home? A real car can be fully refueled in just a few minutes.

they of course will say "mass transit", without caring if your commute is compatible with the "hub and spoke" approach of most transit systems.

Again, my 6-7 mile drive to work in NYC is 30 minutes. Mass transit would be bus, train, train, bus. and take almost two hours.

That being said when I commute to my main office in Manhattan I take bus, train, and it takes about an hour. driving might be slightly quicker, but finding parking isn't worth it.

Plus I can have a few drinks after work and not worry about my car.
CRT is not history. Teaching kids that Whites are oppressing people of color is race hustling.

Uh, were you asleep the day they taught about slavery and Jim Crow?

they of course will say "mass transit", without caring if your commute is compatible with the "hub and spoke" approach of most transit systems.

Again, my 6-7 mile drive to work in NYC is 30 minutes. Mass transit would be bus, train, train, bus. and take almost two hours.

EV's are part of the answer. Mass transit is part of the answer. Car Pooling is part of the answer. Driving a fuel efficient car is part of the answer. Making telecommuting the norm is part of the answer.

But it's okay, because Marty doesn't want to save the planet if it means he's even mildly troubled.
Uh, were you asleep the day they taught about slavery and Jim Crow?

EV's are part of the answer. Mass transit is part of the answer. Car Pooling is part of the answer. Driving a fuel efficient car is part of the answer. Making telecommuting the norm is part of the answer.

But it's okay, because Marty doesn't want to save the planet if it means he's even mildly troubled.

The thing is technology isn't keeping up with the promises being made.

"Save the planet". That's a term for teenagers with delusions of grandeur.

Of course since Joeblow is old and facing mortality, I guess he is looking for any excuse to ignore the cold pull of oblivion.
Uh, were you asleep the day they taught about slavery and Jim Crow?

EV's are part of the answer. Mass transit is part of the answer. Car Pooling is part of the answer. Driving a fuel efficient car is part of the answer. Making telecommuting the norm is part of the answer.

But it's okay, because Marty doesn't want to save the planet if it means he's even mildly troubled.
What does slavery and Jim Crow laws have to do with CRT teaching in public schools today that White people are oppressors of people of color?
Uh, were you asleep the day they taught about slavery and Jim Crow?

Nobody is now alive who had any part in legal slavery in this nation; either as a slave, as slave owner/trader, or in any other way.

Very few are still alive who had any part in Jim Crow, and soon enough, there will be none.

It is funny how, in trying to accuse others of racism, you can never do so without showing yourself, yet again, to be a far worse racist than your most extravagant attempts try to paint anyone else as being.

EV's are part of the answer. Mass transit is part of the answer. Car Pooling is part of the answer. Driving a fuel efficient car is part of the answer. Making telecommuting the norm is part of the answer.

None of which are feasible for someone who has a real job, like mine.

But it's okay, because Marty doesn't want to save the planet if it means he's even mildly troubled.

Now that shows a truly Incel Joe level of retardation, to suppose that Mankind has the power to destroy or to save the Earth.

The following is a chapter from Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park just one bit of brilliance out of many that were stripped from the story to make a relatively lukewarm movie out of it that managed to completely miss every important point of the novel…

They moved Malcolm to another room in the lodge, to a clean bed. Hammond seemed to revive, and began bustling around, straightening up, "Well," he said, "at least disaster is averted."

"What disaster is that?" Malcolm said, sighing.

"Well," Hammond said, "they didn't get free and overrun the world."

Malcolm sat up on one elbow. "You were worried about that?"

"Surely that's what was at stake," Hammond said. "These animals, lacking predators, might get out and destroy the planet."

"You egomaniacal idiot" Malcolm said, in fury. "Do you have any idea what you are talking about? You think you can destroy the planet? My, what intoxicating power you must have." Malcolm sank back on the bed. "You can't destroy this planet. You can't even come close."

"Most people believe," Hammond said stiffly, "that the planet is in jeopardy."

"Well, it's not," Malcolm said.

"All the experts agree that our planet is in trouble."

Malcolm sighed. "Let me tell you about our planet," he said. "Our planet is four and a half billion years old. There has been life on this planet for nearly that long. Three point eight billion years. The first bacteria. And, later, the first multicellular animals, then the first complex creatures, in the sea, on the land. Then the great sweeping ages of animals-the amphibians, the dinosaurs, the mammals, each lasting millions upon millions of years. Great dynasties of creatures arising, flourishing, dying away, All this happening against a background of continuous and violent upheaval, mountain ranges thrust up and eroded away, cometary impacts, volcanic eruptions, oceans rising and falling, whole continents moving . . . Endless constant and violent change . . . Even today, the greatest geographical feature on the planet comes from two great continents colliding, buckling to make the Himalayan mountain range over millions of years. The planet has survived everything, in its time. It will certainly survive us."

Hammond frowned. "Just because it lasted a long time," he said, "doesn't mean it is permanent. If there was a radiation accident . . ."

"Suppose there was," Malcolm said. "Let's say we had a bad one, and all the plants and animals died, and the earth was clicking hot for a hundred thousand years. Life would survive somewhere-under the soil, or perhaps frozen in Arctic ice. And after all those years, when the planet was no longer inhospitable, life would again spread over the planet. The evolutionary process would begin again. It might take a few billion years for life to regain its present variety. And of course it would be very different from what it is now. But the earth would survive our folly. Life would survive our folly. Only we," Malcolm said, "think it wouldn't."

Hammond said, "Well, if the ozone layer gets thinner-"

"There will be more ultraviolet radiation reaching the surface. So what?"

"Well. It'll cause skin cancer."

Malcolm shook his head. "Ultraviolet radiation is good for life. It's powerful energy. It promotes mutation, change. Many forms of life will thrive with more UV radiation."

"And many others will die out," Hammond said.

Malcolm sighed. "You think this is the first time such a thing has happened? Don't you know about oxygen?"

"I know it's necessary for life."

"It is now, " Malcolm said. "But oxygen is actually a metabolic poison. It's a corrosive gas, like fluorine, which is used to etch glass. And when oxygen was first produced as a waste product by certain plant cells-say, around three billion years ago-it created a crisis for all other life on our planet. Those plant cells were polluting the environment with a deadly poison. They were exhaling a lethal gas, and building up its concentration. A planet like Venus has less than one percent oxygen. On earth, the concentration of oxygen was going up rapidly-five, ten, eventually twenty-one percent! Earth had an atmosphere of pure poison! Incompatible with life! "

Hammond looked irritated. "So what is your point? That modern pollutants will be incorporated, too?"

"No," Malcolm said. "My point is that life on earth can take care of itself. In the thinking of a human being, a hundred years is a long time. A hundred years ago, we didn't have cars and airplanes and computers and vaccines. . . . It was a whole different world. But to the earth, a hundred years is nothing. A million years is nothing. This planet lives and breathes on a much vaster scale. We can't imagine its slow and powerful rhythms, and we haven't got the humility to try. We have been residents here for the blink of an eye. If we are gone tomorrow, the earth will not miss us."

And we very well might be gone," Hammond said, huffing.

"Yes," Malcolm said. "We might."

"So what are you saying? We shouldn't care about the environment?"

"No, of course not."

"Then what?"

Malcolm coughed, and stared into the distance. "Let's be clear. The planet is not in jeopardy. We are in jeopardy. We haven't got the power to destroy the planet-or to save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves."
The thing is technology isn't keeping up with the promises being made.
"Save the planet". That's a term for teenagers with delusions of grandeur.
Of course since Joeblow is old and facing mortality, I guess he is looking for any excuse to ignore the cold pull of oblivion.

I'm about the same age that Incel Joe claim to be. I'll be sixty in less than a month, now. And two years after that, I will have a birthday that will only last a minute; it will be my sixty-second birthday.

I have no plans to leave this world any time soon. I'll surely still be here after Incel Joe has left, and I will get to enjoy what a better place the world will be after it leaves.
The thing is technology isn't keeping up with the promises being made.

"Save the planet". That's a term for teenagers with delusions of grandeur.

Of course since Joeblow is old and facing mortality, I guess he is looking for any excuse to ignore the cold pull of oblivion.

Or there has been real science done where there is a real problem.

Shit, it was in the 70's the last couple of days here in Chicago. Record Temperatures for this time of year. But you guys keep pretending we don't have a problem.
Nobody is now alive who had any part in legal slavery in this nation; either as a slave, as slave owner/trader, or in any other way.

Very few are still alive who had any part in Jim Crow, and soon enough, there will be none.

It is funny how, in trying to accuse others of racism, you can never do so without showing yourself, yet again, to be a far worse racist than your most extravagant attempts try to paint anyone else as being.

None of which are feasible for someone who has a real job, like mine.

Gee, I get paid close to six figures between my day job, my side business and revenue from my rental property.

The following is a chapter from Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park just one bit of brilliance out of many that were stripped from the story to make a relatively lukewarm movie out of it that managed to completely miss every important point of the novel…

Actually, it was kind of a boring book. Sure, there will still be a third planet in the Sol system after we managed to thoroughly fuck it up...

But humans won't be able to live on it. And, yes, you and I probably won't live to see that day, and neither of us has kids... but I have nieces and nephews and my girlfriend has a daughter, and I'd like to see there still be a planet around for them to live on. We don't have a Planet B to move to.

In fact, if you read and comprehended the whole passage, the Malcolm character pretty much admits as much.

I'm about the same age that Joe claim to be. I'll be sixty in less than a month, now. And two years after that, I will have a birthday that will only last a minute; it will be my sixty-second birthday.

I have no plans to leave this world any time soon. I'll surely still be here after Joe has left, and I will get to enjoy what a better place the world will be after it leaves.

Actually, it seems like your obsession with me personally would probably leave a hole in your life. Your need to irrationally hate and obsess where you get up at three am in the morning to call me names and say really awful "unChristian" stuff seems to mean too much to your failed and useless life.
Your need to irrationally hate and obsess where you get up at three am in the morning to call me names and say really awful "unChristian" stuff seems to mean too much to your failed and useless life.

A Godless piece of shit such as you has no standing to tell me what is or is not “unChristian”.

And of course, not being nearly man enough to do a real job like mine, you somehow think that the fact that I hold a real job, and wake up at a time that fits my work schedule, gives you cause to look down on me.

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