CRT Indoctrination at Schools Continues via “Teach Truth” National Effort

You can keep doing that, but at the end of the day, you are going to lose... Your homophobia is as much on the wrong side of history as your racism.

Holy shit, it's like you people never learn.

Um, yes, people threatening school boards with violence ARE domestic terrorists.
Fuck you with that "homophobia" bullshit. Fags can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't pertain to children and their education, and most homosexuals are onboard with how everybody else feels about that.

Naw, that shit is beyond the pale. Don't be talking sexuality to pre-pubescent children. :nono:

You're gonna get your ass lit up on that one.
Fuck you with that "homophobia" bullshit. Fags can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't pertain to children and their education, and most homosexuals are onboard with how everybody else feels about that.

Naw, that shit is beyond the pale. Don't be talking sexuality to pre-pubescent children. :nono:

You're gonna get your ass lit up on that one.

You guys keep going with the homophobia, and you'll get charged with hate crimes...
Then gay sex will be all you'll get in prison.
You guys keep going with the homophobia, and you'll get charged with hate crimes...
Then gay sex will be all you'll get in prison.
You keep pushing that bullshit and you'll find yourself with criminal charges. The kind to where you don't wanna say what you're in for when you're in prison, because everyone will beat you half to death for it if they find out. And they will find out.
You keep pushing that bullshit and you'll find yourself with criminal charges. The kind to where you don't wanna say what you're in for when you're in prison, because everyone will beat you half to death if they find out. And they will find out.

Sorry, Bud, teaching kids not to be bigots isn't a crime.
And no one is going to "make" anyone gay. You either are or you are not.
Sorry, Bud, teaching kids not to be bigots isn't a crime.
And no one is going to "make" anyone gay. You either are or you are not.
Jesus would hang a millstone around your neck and throw you overboard in deep water; And he said so.

6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! 8

Source: Matthew 18 KJV - At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who"

G'luck with that! You are the man from whom the offense cometh.

You can talk that "bigot" bullshit all you want like the pussy SJW that you are, but neither blacks nor homosexuals, or the people you meet in prison are going to back you sexualizing children, you total piece of shit.
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We could have had the technology 40 years ago...

The people who profit off the current technology are the ones keeping it off the market.

This is one of the cases of WHY you need a government mandate on some things. The market won't do it on it's own.

Keep that tinfoil on your head, dupe.
The effort to brainwash our children is going full throttle as groups such as BLM join forces with teachers‘ unions to “empower” leftist teachers to push forward on sexualizing 5-year-olds, CRT indoctrination, anti-Israel hatred (along with hatred toward Jews who support it), the evils of America, and so forth.

I have seen references to the “Teach Truth” agenda (which is the leftist version of “the truth”) at School Board meetings, far-left churches (yes, they exist), and more. This is often couched as fighting back against the imaginary “MAGA extremists” that Biden et al have created to demonize those who disagree with the leftist agenda.

The following is one such group, in partnership with all sorts of leftist organizations and black organizations, as the Left moves forward to sexualize our children and teach them that whites are racist oppressors.

Critical Race Theory as lied about by the right is nothing more than fearmongering and demagoguery by dishonest conservatives; it’s yet another example of white grievance politics and racist replacement dogma.
They're our kids and parents are the boss. We pay for everything. Now shut the fuck up and teach what you're supposed to.

Yes but it's important to know how that works.

Parents elect a school board.

The school board approves a curriculum.

The curriculum is then delivered to children.

No teacher with 30, 150, or 500 students can be a direct, personal tutor to 500, 150 or even 30 families, giving them a personalized curriculum that aligns with their morals and political viewpoints. We are almost there. If you demand that, it's called homeschooling. I'm being serious.
Jesus would hang a millstone around your neck and throw you overboard in deep water; And he said so.

Jesus would stone you to death for working on Sunday... Let's get fucking real, none of you Bible Thumpers would actually want to live under bible law.

You can talk that "bigot" bullshit all you want like the pussy SJW that you are, but neither blacks nor homosexuals, or the people you meet in prison are going to back you sexualizing children, you total piece of shit.

Nobody is "sexualizing" children. Children are going to learn more about sex from TV and the internet then they are ever going to learn at school.

I always wondered how you conservatives just block your minds out about your childhood.

Heck, I remember when I was a Catholic kid in a Catholic neighborhood, we all had our little stash of skin mags. Now you can just go to the internet for that.
Critical Race Theory as lied about by the right is nothing more than fearmongering and demagoguery by dishonest conservatives; it’s yet another example of white grievance politics and racist replacement dogma.
CRT is teaching white children that whites are inherently racist and evil, and black children that blacks are victims. No self-respextomg parent, both black and white, wants their children being fed such damaging and false propaganda.
CRT is teaching white children that whites are inherently racist and evil, and black children that blacks are victims. No self-respextomg parent, both black and white, wants their children being fed such damaging and false propaganda.
This exact same comment has been posted hundreds of times now. Kinda feels like the subject has been exhausted.
Yes but it's important to know how that works.

Parents elect a school board.

The school board approves a curriculum.

The curriculum is then delivered to children.

No teacher with 30, 150, or 500 students can be a direct, personal tutor to 500, 150 or even 30 families, giving them a personalized curriculum that aligns with their morals and political viewpoints. We are almost there. If you demand that, it's called homeschooling. I'm being serious.
I wish it was as simple as your portrayal. Are you really unaware of the sick crap that is being pushed? You're either uninformed or lying.
I wish it was as simple as your portrayal. Are you really unaware of the sick crap that is being pushed? You're either uninformed or lying.

Two of your statements are wholly unrelated:

"I wish it was as simple as your portrayal" (It is. That's how parental representation works in schools. You can contact teachers, schools and admin, but they are not beholden to cater to your every demand. They can't.)


"Are you unaware of the sick crap that is being pushed?"

Which has no effect on how parental representation works, but says a lot about how propaganda and political pressure works. Basically, I'M MAD, so you have to do something.

Sorry. No.
CRT is teaching white children that whites are inherently racist and evil, and black children that blacks are victims. No self-respextomg parent, both black and white, wants their children being fed such damaging and false propaganda.

CRT is not being taught in elementary or high school. It's a college level academic discipline.

The problem is you guys want kids taught a lily-white, sanitized Disney version of history, instead of the icky parts about slavery and genocide.
CRT is not being taught in elementary or high school. It's a college level academic discipline.

The problem is you guys want kids taught a lily-white, sanitized Disney version of history, instead of the icky parts about slavery and genocide.
That's a lie.
Two of your statements are wholly unrelated:

"I wish it was as simple as your portrayal" (It is. That's how parental representation works in schools. You can contact teachers, schools and admin, but they are not beholden to cater to your every demand. They can't.)


"Are you unaware of the sick crap that is being pushed?"

Which has no effect on how parental representation works, but says a lot about how propaganda and political pressure works. Basically, I'M MAD, so you have to do something.

Sorry. No.
Whose children are they? The parents or the State?
I have seen references to the “Teach Truth” agenda (which is the leftist version of “the truth”) at School Board meetings, far-left churches (yes, they exist), and more.
Oh, far left churches exist alright. I'm starting to wonder whether any non far-left churches exist.

I grew up Baptist, but during the Army, I abandoned that faith. I still always respected it, because it stuck to its beliefs and didn't measure them against the world. I respected the Catholic faith for the same reason. I tended to lump all other religions into two groups - "Baptist-lite," i.e. Methodist, and "Catholic-lite," such as Episcopal. The only exceptions were Morman, Jehovah's Witness, and other religions that are still knocking on doors. I admire that, even if I don't buy the religion.

But, it seems that the Baptists have weakened their stance on the Bible as the word of God. Some of them have swung left as their Pastors have become community organizers for the Democratic Party.

I watched the Warnock/Walker debate and when Warnock was advocating no limits on abortion up to the moment of delivery, I was thinking, 'this guy is a Baptist preacher? Like B-a-p-t-i-s-t?' I wasn't mishearing.

Maybe its the destiny of any large organization, no matter how well meaning, to devolve into bureaucracy that only respects other bureaucracy.

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