CRT Indoctrination at Schools Continues via “Teach Truth” National Effort

A Godless piece of shit such as you has no standing to tell me what is or is not “unChristian”.

And of course, not being nearly man enough to do a real job like mine, you somehow think that the fact that I hold a real job, and wake up at a time that fits my work schedule, gives you cause to look down on me.

Dude, you are up at 3:33 in the morning your time obsessing about me.

Frankly, you are probably the most hateful, unChristian person I ever met. Jesus was about forgiveness, not judging lest you be judged, taking care of the poor, etc. Kind of the opposite of what you do. You just want to fuck over the poor for being poor and murder people who don't follow your beliefs. Frankly, your a little too Old Testament...

The fact is you aren't working. You are getting on the internet obsessing about a complete stranger in Chicago who upset you by saying stuff about your religion you didn't like.

Now, I get into a LOT of religious arguments with Christians... Some of them I kind of respect because they CAN defend their theology... such as Meriweather who is a strong Catholic apologist.

But you are the worst of the "UnChristian Right", hating on people who have less than you do or don't follow your sexual practices.
Dude, you are up at 3:33 in the morning your time obsessing about me.

Frankly, you are probably the most hateful, unChristian person I ever met. Jesus was about forgiveness, not judging lest you be judged, taking care of the poor, etc. Kind of the opposite of what you do. You just want to fuck over the poor for being poor and murder people who don't follow your beliefs. Frankly, your a little too Old Testament...

The fact is you aren't working. You are getting on the internet obsessing about a complete stranger in Chicago who upset you by saying stuff about your religion you didn't like.

Now, I get into a LOT of religious arguments with Christians... Some of them I kind of respect because they CAN defend their theology... such as Meriweather who is a strong Catholic apologist.

But you are the worst of the "UnChristian Right", hating on people who have less than you do or don't follow your sexual practices.

Once again, a Godless piece of shit such as yourself has no standing to speak of what is or is not “unChristian”. Your deep hatred, evil, and hubris does not make you a better person than I am; and gives you no rational cause to look down on me.

And your narcissism does not constitute “obsession” on my part just because I happen to be posting on the same forum, in the same discussions, as you.
Once again, a Godless piece of shit such as yourself has no standing to speak of what is or is not “unChristian”. Your deep hatred, evil, and hubris does not make you a better person than I am; and gives you no rational cause to look down on me.

And your narcissism does not constitute “obsession” on my part just because I happen to be posting on the same forum, in the same discussions, as you.

No, you just get up at 3 AM to rant about me... that's totally normal.

Frankly, I have a whole bunch of reasons to look down upon you... that you belong to a deranged cult, that you are a racist, and a hypocrite and a bunch of other stuff.
Once again, a Godless piece of shit such as yourself has no standing to speak of what is or is not “unChristian”. Your deep hatred, evil, and hubris does not make you a better person than I am; and gives you no rational cause to look down on me.

And your narcissism does not constitute “obsession” on my part just because I happen to be posting on the same forum, in the same discussions, as you.
The irony of the whole thing is that that poster goes around accusing other people of being racist while he spews the most hateful venom toward religious people. You should hear what what he says about Jews.

And I find this hypocrisy the most annoying trait among leftists.
The irony of the whole thing is that that poster goes around accusing other people of being racist while he spews the most hateful venom toward religious people. You should hear what what he says about Jews.

And I find this hypocrisy the most annoying trait among leftists.

religion isn't a race.
Religion is a choice.

I was brought up Catholic. At an early age, I realized Catholicism is kind of stupid. So I made the decision that despite 20 years of Catholic brainwashing, I wasn't going to be a Catholic anymore.

If you choose to believe stupid things, and take evil actions based on those beliefs, you should be criticized for them.
The irony of the whole thing is that that poster goes around accusing other people of being racist while he spews the most hateful venom toward religious people. You should hear what what he says about Jews.

And I find this hypocrisy the most annoying trait among leftists.

Yes, I've seen it. It turns out that it is literally descended from Nazi stock (as has comes up in some other recent thread), and has not fallen far from the poisonous tree that spawned it. It hurls absurd false accusations at others, while at the same time, often in the same breath, demonstrating itself to have the faults of which it falsely accuses others.
If you choose to believe stupid things, and take evil actions based on those beliefs, you should be criticized for them.

Somehow, you seem to think that does not apply to yourself.

You believe things that are far more evil and stupid than the very most extravagant distortions that you keep making of what you think others believe.
Yes, I've seen it. It turns out that it is literally descended from Nazi stock (as has comes up in some other recent thread), and has not fallen far from the poisonous tree that spawned it. It hurls absurd false accusations at others, while at the same time, often in the same breath, demonstrating itself to have the faults of which it falsely accuses others.
My dad fought the Nazis.
And with Trump, Republicans have become the Nazis.

Somehow, you seem to think that does not apply to yourself.

You believe things that are far more evil and stupid than the very most extravagant distortions that you keep making of what you think others believe.

Not really. The problem is, you think that people who don't share your messed up racist, homophobic and misogynistic beliefs are evil....

No, that's just your narcissism; that's just you thinking that you are far more significant than you ever have or ever will be.
Then prove it by putting me on Ignore
Yes, I've seen it. It turns out that it is literally descended from Nazi stock (as has comes up in some other recent thread), and has not fallen far from the poisonous tree that spawned it. It hurls absurd false accusations at others, while at the same time, often in the same breath, demonstrating itself to have the faults of which it falsely accuses others.
Typical far-leftist. We have a Farrakhan-praising, Jew-blaming*, Democrat in the ballot for DC mayor. If a white Republican said what that idiot said about the Jews, he would have had to resign from the DC Council. But because the antisemite is black, and a Democrat, all was quickly forgiven, and now he’s in the ballot for mayor.

*He blamed “the greedy Jews” for a big snowstorm we had, saying we made it snow so we could make money with the snow plow companies we own. (As if Jews own snow plow companies.) He had gotten that from a Farrakhan rally he had attended the week prior, when Farrakhan said the Jews control the weather.)
Or there has been real science done where there is a real problem.

Shit, it was in the 70's the last couple of days here in Chicago. Record Temperatures for this time of year. But you guys keep pretending we don't have a problem.
We had record breaking temperatures. Broke records by one degree or two set back in 1910. That means they had climate change in 1910?
My dad fought the Nazis.
And with Trump, Republicans have become the Nazis.

Not really. The problem is, you think that people who don't share your messed up racist, homophobic and misogynistic beliefs are evil....

Then prove it by putting me on Ignore
We aren't Nazis. You freaks are the ones supporting murdering babies and cutting off the breasts of little girls and the penis of little boys.
We had record breaking temperatures. Broke records by one degree or two set back in 1910. That means they had climate change in 1910?

One or two record records broken is an anomaly.

When you are breaking high temperatures nearly every day, then that's something that should concern you.

We aren't Nazis. You freaks are the ones supporting murdering babies and cutting off the breasts of little girls and the penis of little boys.

Fetuses aren't babies... and we have a million transgender people with only 11,000 getting surgery every year.

So why are you Trumpsters Nazis... Let's work that checklist, shall we?

A narcissistic leader with a cult of personality. Check.
Use of violence against political enemies. Check
Demonization of Ethnic Minorities. Check.
Disregard for democratic institutions. Check.
Concentration Camps. Check.
One or two record records broken is an anomaly.

When you are breaking high temperatures nearly every day, then that's something that should concern you.

Fetuses aren't babies... and we have a million transgender people with only 11,000 getting surgery every year.

So why are you Trumpsters Nazis... Let's work that checklist, shall we?

A narcissistic leader with a cult of personality. Check.
Use of violence against political enemies. Check
Demonization of Ethnic Minorities. Check.
Disregard for democratic institutions. Check.
Concentration Camps. Check.
So where are records being broken every day?
One or two record records broken is an anomaly.

When you are breaking high temperatures nearly every day, then that's something that should concern you.

Fetuses aren't babies... and we have a million transgender people with only 11,000 getting surgery every year.

So why are you Trumpsters Nazis... Let's work that checklist, shall we?

A narcissistic leader with a cult of personality. Check.
Use of violence against political enemies. Check
Demonization of Ethnic Minorities. Check.
Disregard for democratic institutions. Check.
Concentration Camps. Check.
What we have is a culture of mental illness gone to seed.
One or two record records broken is an anomaly.

When you are breaking high temperatures nearly every day, then that's something that should concern you.

Fetuses aren't babies... and we have a million transgender people with only 11,000 getting surgery every year.

So why are you Trumpsters Nazis... Let's work that checklist, shall we?

A narcissistic leader with a cult of personality. Check.
Use of violence against political enemies. Check
Demonization of Ethnic Minorities. Check.
Disregard for democratic institutions. Check.
Concentration Camps. Check.

Or there has been real science done where there is a real problem.

Shit, it was in the 70's the last couple of days here in Chicago. Record Temperatures for this time of year. But you guys keep pretending we don't have a problem.

And your side keeps thinking making laws forcing the acceptance on non matured technology will magically result in that technology actually maturing.

It's called being a fucking idiot.
And your side keeps thinking making laws forcing the acceptance on non matured technology will magically result in that technology actually maturing.

It's called being a fucking idiot.

We could have had the technology 40 years ago...

The people who profit off the current technology are the ones keeping it off the market.

This is one of the cases of WHY you need a government mandate on some things. The market won't do it on it's own.

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