CRT opposition based on political expediency not actual factual history

My point stands this country has had a bi-partisan consensus on civil rights for blacks to the point of both parties supporting discrimination in FAVOR Of blacks since the mid 60s.
Again...take your racist bullshit to another thread.

This one is about your CRT fantasy

And oh by the my mind racism is about as anti-American as you can get. I'm talking about YOU
Again...take your racist bullshit to another thread.

This one is about your CRT fantasy

And oh by the my mind racism is about as anti-American as you can get. I'm talking about YOU

Discussing the bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks and A.A., is not racism or anti-Americanism on my part.

Especially as I personally do NOT support the racist discrimination.

You do though.

Also, you are an asshole.
Discussing the bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks and A.A., is not racism or anti-Americanism on my part.

Especially as I personally do NOT support the racist discrimination.

You do though.

Also, you are an asshole.
Wrong thread dickhead.
Wrong thread dickhead.

No, it's not.

This country has for generations, been busting it's ass, with strong majority support, to HELP blacks at great sacrifice by whites.

The bullshit that the left teaches, that we are a wacist, or even w.s. society is outright lies. Anti-American, anti-white and racist lies.

Do you believe in the conspiracy theory The Southern Strategy?
No, it's not.

This country has for generations, been busting it's ass, with strong majority support, to HELP blacks at great sacrifice by whites.

The bullshit that the left teaches, that we are a wacist, or even w.s. society is outright lies. Anti-American, anti-white and racist lies.

Do you believe in the conspiracy theory The Southern Strategy?
Still the wrong thread dickhead.

You embarrassed yourself on the thread topic so all you have s this racist bullshit. Tell your story walking
Still the wrong thread dickhead.

You embarrassed yourself on the thread topic so all you have s this racist bullshit. Tell your story walking

Pointing out the ACTUAL history of this country, the massive majority support for civil rights, as opposed to the bullshit narrative of the left, that this country is wacist,

is not "wacist".

You are the dickhead, trying to divide people by race.

Also, you are an asshole.
Pointing out the ACTUAL history of this country, the massive majority support for civil rights, as opposed to the bullshit narrative of the left, that this country is wacist,

is not "wacist".

You are the dickhead, trying to divide people by race.

Also, you are an asshole.
Still the wrong thread racist dickhead
Still the wrong thread racist dickhead

Celebrating our national unity on racial equality and helping blacks is wacist?

That seems like bullshit.

I support racial equality. I don't support the anti-white discrimination, but I do recognize that it has had popular support for a long time now.

That is the reality of our history. Not the CRT shit that you lefties push.

Hey, do you believe that America is a w.s. society?
I want to discuss an issue that came up in a different thread. I think it is worth a thread of its own.

On the current events board, there is a thread about a book in which it is claimed that trump praised Hitler as having done good things.

I was a bit shocked to read many board members agreeing with this and it got me thinking about the teaching,or proposed teaching, of CRT in American schools.

I have no wish to go into the boring detail of CRT but my understanding is that it is a revisionist view of American history that shows a darker view of America than most people grew up with.

It has caused a great deal of upset amongst people who are actually quite happy with their history just the way it is. But that is a political stance and not one that takes account of actual history. And that seems to be the same attitude that I see when it comes to judging Hitler.

It means that CRT will not be judged through any historical or academic perspective. It will be judged purely on its perceived political stance and its possible impact on the youngsters who are taught it.

There is a fear that kids will grow to hate their country and for that reason the truth must be suppressed. But this is covered up in ignorant bluster because to admit that would be admitting that the US should come clean on its history.

Surely honesty is the best policy ? There isnt a country on earth that has not got some episodes that they would rather not discuss. I know all about that. People who can find the good in Hitler should not dictate the education of the kids.

Teachers' union president says CRT is NOT being taught in schools
You have to define CRT in order to discuss it, or else there will be no fruitful conversation about it, if that’s actually your intent. And no, it’s not just a dark revisionist history. Critical theory was literally designed to be in opposition to what it calls traditional theory, or what is commonly known as science and reason. That’s it’s literal intent. In CT youre supposed to look for any disparities among demographics. Then the conclusion you are to draw is that those disparities are there by design because those in power are *insert* inherently (misogynist, racist, homophobic, etc), and their sole motivation is acquiring more power. Things like “traditional theory” are only the tools of the powerful, to retain and acquire more power.

This is the 1619 project. America was founded by racist, for racist, it’s laws are solely for racist retention of power, and if you’re white, you are inherently racist.
You have to define CRT in order to discuss it, or else there will be no fruitful conversation about it, if that’s actually your intent. And no, it’s not just a dark revisionist history. Critical theory was literally designed to be in opposition to what it calls traditional theory, or what is commonly known as science and reason. That’s it’s literal intent. In CT youre supposed to look for any disparities among demographics. Then the conclusion you are to draw is that those disparities are there by design because those in power are *insert* inherently (misogynist, racist, homophobic, etc), and their sole motivation is acquiring more power. Things like “traditional theory” are only the tools of the powerful, to retain and acquire more power.

This is the 1619 project. America was founded by racist, for racist, it’s laws are solely for racist retention of power, and if you’re white, you are inherently racist.
And that is NOT being taught in public schools.
You have to define CRT in order to discuss it, or else there will be no fruitful conversation about it, if that’s actually your intent. And no, it’s not just a dark revisionist history. Critical theory was literally designed to be in opposition to what it calls traditional theory, or what is commonly known as science and reason. That’s it’s literal intent. In CT youre supposed to look for any disparities among demographics. Then the conclusion you are to draw is that those disparities are there by design because those in power are *insert* inherently (misogynist, racist, homophobic, etc), and their sole motivation is acquiring more power. Things like “traditional theory” are only the tools of the powerful, to retain and acquire more power.

This is the 1619 project. America was founded by racist, for racist, it’s laws are solely for racist retention of power, and if you’re white, you are inherently racist.
Name one school where that is being taught ?

Critical race theory is not a synonym for culturally relevant teaching, which emerged in the 1990s. This teaching approach seeks to affirm students’ ethnic and racial backgrounds and is intellectually rigorous. But it’s related in that one of its aims is to help students identify and critique the causes of social inequality in their own lives.

Many educators support, to one degree or another, culturally relevant teaching and other strategies to make schools feel safe and supportive for Black students and other underserved populations. (Students of color make up the majority of school-aged children.) But they don’t necessarily identify these activities as CRT-related.

As one teacher-educator put it: “The way we usually see any of this in a classroom is: ‘Have I thought about how my Black kids feel? And made a space for them, so that they can be successful?’ That is the level I think it stays at, for most teachers.” Like others interviewed for this explainer, the teacher-educator did not want to be named out of fear of online harassment.

How can any non racist have a problem with that?
I agree with you. But that's not happening and no one is saying they do
what's not happening? tell the indian family, Sal, Sam and their father, of the car dealership in kenosha it isn't happening. See the fact you made that comment makes you insincere in any discussion in here. bug off loser.
You have to define CRT in order to discuss it, ...
Bullshit. Lib trolls want to derail the conversation into retarded games of semantics, to avoid addressing how evil they are on the issues.

IE, crt, which is nothing but teaching pure anti-white and anti-american bullshit to children too young to know it is bullshit.

Critical race theory is not a synonym for culturally relevant teaching, which emerged in the 1990s. This teaching approach seeks to affirm students’ ethnic and racial backgrounds and is intellectually rigorous. But it’s related in that one of its aims is to help students identify and critique the causes of social inequality in their own lives.

Many educators support, to one degree or another, culturally relevant teaching and other strategies to make schools feel safe and supportive for Black students and other underserved populations. (Students of color make up the majority of school-aged children.) But they don’t necessarily identify these activities as CRT-related.

As one teacher-educator put it: “The way we usually see any of this in a classroom is: ‘Have I thought about how my Black kids feel? And made a space for them, so that they can be successful?’ That is the level I think it stays at, for most teachers.” Like others interviewed for this explainer, the teacher-educator did not want to be named out of fear of online harassment.

How can any non racist have a problem with that?

Because the teacher should be there for ALL the kids and giving the white kids just as much attention as the black kids,

AND, as your link says, that is NOT what CRT is.

CRT is much worse than that. as you well know.

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