CRT opposition based on political expediency not actual factual history

So Tommy wants us to feel sorry for black people. And he wants our kids to be taught to feel sorry for black people.
Name one school where that is being taught ?
Now that we have disposed of this not even remotely convincing and easily debunked outright lie....What’s the argument here? I thought CRT wasn’t bad. What I laid out is 100% CRT. Why would it be bad that it’s taught in schools if it’s just “revisionist history that teaches a darker side of America”? It’s either that and perfectly fine to teach in schools, or it’s not being taught in schools because whoopsie, when people actually find out what this dogshit philosophy is, they want it no where near their children, so the progressives have to retreat and pretend like they weren’t actively shoving it down our kids throats behind the backs of parents.
Bullshit. Lib trolls want to derail the conversation into retarded games of semantics, to avoid addressing how evil they are on the issues.

IE, crt, which is nothing but teaching pure anti-white and anti-american bullshit to children too young to know it is bullshit.
Ummm, what I laid out wasn’t evil enough for you?
Well the 1619 project isnt mandated in these schools. For the life of me I cant see why it would not be .
It’s being taught. That was YOUR question. That’s the point. No one gives a shit about whether it’s mandated or not. Which it is mandated, the clip with Rick Scott. It’s on the fucking Virginia dept of educations website.

The whole reason this issue blew up is because kids learned from home, and for the first time in a long time parents actually got to hear what their kids were being taught in schools. And they hated it so much, it turned a state that was 10 PTs a year ago Biden into GOP.
Because teaching anti-white racism is not a good idea.
Pointing out bad things that white people did is not racism. It is just stating facts. The fact that you dont like it doesnt make it "racism" either.
If you want to whitewash history you do a dis-service to our kids and build a culture based on lies.
It’s being taught. That was YOUR question. That’s the point. No one gives a shit about whether it’s mandated or not. Which it is mandated, the clip with Rick Scott. It’s on the fucking Virginia dept of educations website.

The whole reason this issue blew up is because kids learned from home, and for the first time in a long time parents actually got to hear what their kids were being taught in schools. And they hated it so much, it turned a state that was 10 PTs a year ago Biden into GOP.
Which parts of the curriculum are inaccurate ?
Name me a Presidential candidate from either major party, from any election since 1965, that did not support civil rights for blacks including some form of discrimination in their favor.

OR admit that you cannot, and that my point is correct.
More blacks are killed in the streets today than at any time, ever.

Which parts of the curriculum are inaccurate ?
First acknowledge that the whole “it’s not being taught in schools” is an outright lie. Then I will be happy too. I’m done letting y’all slide with these lies. How many more do you need to gobble up before you realize you’re in a cult?
Pointing out bad things that white people did is not racism. It is just stating facts. The fact that you dont like it doesnt make it "racism" either.
If you want to whitewash history you do a dis-service to our kids and build a culture based on lies.
Then we need even more objectivity... evidently you aren't aware of this fact:
Free blacks owned slaves in Boston by 1724 and in Connecticut by 1783; by 1790, 48 black people in Maryland owned 143 slaves. One particularly notorious black Maryland farmer named Nat Butler "regularly purchased and sold Negroes for the Southern trade," Halliburton wrote.
The most solid data we found was published in an article in the Rootby Henry Louis Gates Jr., a Harvard University historian. Gates cited research by Carter G. Woodson, an African-American historian who died in 1950.
He found that in 1830, a total of "3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves.

Does the CRT teach that in fairness?
First acknowledge that the whole “it’s not being taught in schools” is an outright lie. Then I will be happy too. I’m done letting y’all slide with these lies. How many more do you need to gobble up before you realize you’re in a cult?
Critical Race Theory is a bit too advanced for schoolchildren. Its just a right wing agenda to pretend that it is happening. That way you can dismiss anything you dont like as CRT.
When I ask why it is so bad I just get waffle like your response.
Please point out the lies that are supposedly being taught to the kids.

Critical race theory is not a synonym for culturally relevant teaching, which emerged in the 1990s. This teaching approach seeks to affirm students’ ethnic and racial backgrounds and is intellectually rigorous. But it’s related in that one of its aims is to help students identify and critique the causes of social inequality in their own lives.

Many educators support, to one degree or another, culturally relevant teaching and other strategies to make schools feel safe and supportive for Black students and other underserved populations. (Students of color make up the majority of school-aged children.) But they don’t necessarily identify these activities as CRT-related.

As one teacher-educator put it: “The way we usually see any of this in a classroom is: ‘Have I thought about how my Black kids feel? And made a space for them, so that they can be successful?’ That is the level I think it stays at, for most teachers.” Like others interviewed for this explainer, the teacher-educator did not want to be named out of fear of online harassment.

How can any non racist have a problem with that?
really, black kids of today know what blacks in the 1800's experienced? you really think that?
Critical Race Theory is a bit too advanced for schoolchildren. Its just a right wing agenda to pretend that it is happening. That way you can dismiss anything you dont like as CRT.
When I ask why it is so bad I just get waffle like your response.
Please point out the lies that are supposedly being taught to the kids.
and yet you can't define it?

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