CRT.....Putting A Star Of David Badge On White Males Just Like Nazi Germany

African Americans still suffer very many disadvantages.
Yet most of them have improved their lot and are continuing to do so. Why do we never hear about them? Why is it that all blacks are identified with those who are descended from parents and grandparents who made the choice to live on a government dole for generations? The same group that perpetually votes for a party that ensures their continued slavery by allowing a teachers union to retain teachers who are unable to teach? IMO, THAT is the greatest wrong that is suffered by black Americans and it isn't Republicans that are inflicting it on them.
Moon, and you think Blacks haven't done the same chit? Boy have you been brainwashed and don't know history.
Relative Ethics And you still don't understand a basic---that this isn't whites faults but blacks who chose to commit crimes and live off welfare and drugs instead of working themselves and families up. Which btw, would take a culture that puts their children before themselves-------the failure here is not other races but of blacks themselves.
White males have held this nation together by enslavement and genocide I am sure God is so proud...
Which God ?
Always an excuse. Women held power back then. In other ways. And they got their way in the end. The world is rough. You see anywhere it is reality a near breakdown of civility.

The worst form of sex-based discrimination in Patriarchal World was the Draft. In Modern World there is a lot of discrimination against men, but even under Patriarchy there was severe discrimination against men.
IF we were to re-instate the Draft now, both men and women should be subject to it.
Relative Ethics And you still don't understand a basic---that this isn't whites faults but blacks who chose to commit crimes and live off welfare and drugs

No Race is inferior.

Hurt People of all races hurt people.
Hurt People of all races hurt others.
Hurt People of all races hurt themselves.

White East Europeans also committed enormous amount of crime during the great economic crisis of 1990s.
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There are and have been great African American scientists, artists, politicians, entrepreneurs.

There are many white people lost to drugs and alcohol.

More African Americans suffer due to discrimination. But all people who suffer are more likely to become drug addicts.
This guy is a little too well-spoken. .....
I don't think he's black.....cmon man !

don't you wanna teach them history derp derp derp !
They keep forgetting we've seen some teachers lesson plans
The most racist POTUS in history said this was the transformation of America he wanted to see, proving what every Cracker in the South used to say would happen when you put Blacks in a position of power.

If you have a Facebook can access this video:

This is the really sad thing about Barack Obama. He could have ended systemic racism in America forever.....but instead he led the way for systemic racism against anyone who doesn't go along with Democrats. Particularly white males who believe in the constitution and what it stands for.
Why white males? Because they are what has held this country together for over 200yrs. Sure....there have been others that helped.....but white males are the easiest target. Next will come white women or anyone who takes sides with conservatives as well as average Americans who grew up loving the country they were born in.

Critical Race Theory is no different than what Nazi Germany did to their people. They went after Jews so they could have something to hate.....and that targeted group kept the rest of from doing anything to stop what Hitler was doing to the rest of the country. Jews were just made an example. An example that if you even attempt to buck the system....the same thing could happen to you.
That's really what this is all about. White Males are the target for now. What's next? Well....whoever gets in their way afterwards.

What a load of crap! How have you suffered or been oppressed?
What a load of crap! How have you suffered or been oppressed?
The truth must really hurt.
I've been pointing out for over a decade that the Obamas are stone-cold racists.....and they continue to prove it.
He attended a racist church for 20 years that preached anti-white Black Liberation Theology. His support of CRT, Critical Race just more of the same. His declared disdain for whites in his books. His hatred for white Christians. All proof that he and Michelle are racist to the core.

November 23, 2009

Obama the Racist?​

By Kevin Jackson

The question was recently posed to me, "Do you think Obama is a racist?" I answered, "Obama is the best kind of racist to whites, but the worst kind of racist to blacks." My questioner was perplexed.

I began by explaining that Obama's racism against whites is upfront, in-your-face racism, which he discussed in his book Dreams from My Father:
I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.
I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.
Obama learned this racist ideology during his formative years from his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a self-admitted communist and sexual deviant, and most certainly a racist -- the kind that blacks say cannot exist.
As Robin of Berkeley suggested in an article in American Thinker, "Davis blamed racism and capitalism for all of the problems in society and instructed young Barry, 'Don't fully trust white people,' and ‘Black people have a reason to hate.'"
In Obama's defense, his book was written prior to his emergence onto the scene in 2004. Perhaps he had formulated new ideas on whites, and had stopped "nursing that pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against [my] mother's race"? Or not.

The most racist POTUS in history said this was the transformation of America he wanted to see, proving what every Cracker in the South used to say would happen when you put Blacks in a position of power.

If you have a Facebook can access this video:

This is the really sad thing about Barack Obama. He could have ended systemic racism in America forever.....but instead he led the way for systemic racism against anyone who doesn't go along with Democrats. Particularly white males who believe in the constitution and what it stands for.
Why white males? Because they are what has held this country together for over 200yrs. Sure....there have been others that helped.....but white males are the easiest target. Next will come white women or anyone who takes sides with conservatives as well as average Americans who grew up loving the country they were born in.

Critical Race Theory is no different than what Nazi Germany did to their people. They went after Jews so they could have something to hate.....and that targeted group kept the rest of from doing anything to stop what Hitler was doing to the rest of the country. Jews were just made an example. An example that if you even attempt to buck the system....the same thing could happen to you.
That's really what this is all about. White Males are the target for now. What's next? Well....whoever gets in their way afterwards.


What a hot potato!

Yes, I think it is fair to say that people in South were terrified after the Civil War that they would be governed by people of the ethnicity under discussion.

So they created segregation, which was upheld by the Supreme Court.

This is 2021.

That certain ethnicity is now exercising power that they were previously denied.

Some Americans think that it's great.

Others are less than thrilled.
Chattel slavery did end before the 1900's in the US but that did not stop economic enslavement.. But none, the less, the history of the US is one where whites have manipulated the system to keep people out, if not by slavery then by anti-citizen acts against Asians...There are many aspects to a certain group of people who control power and people's lives. What is bothering you is the minorities are catching up and will overtake the white master of the US and it bothers you to the point you feel the victim like the victims of a "REAL" event of genocide in the past.....There is a time when the children will pay for the sins of their father...Ain't being a human great!?
The US has a "white master"? :cuckoo:
White males have held this nation together by enslavement and genocide I am sure God is so proud...
You dumb fuck there is no slavery or genocide in this Country.

Once again you prove just how mentally ill you Leftist are.

What a hot potato!

Yes, I think it is fair to say that people in South were terrified after the Civil War that they would be governed by people of the ethnicity under discussion.

So they created segregation, which was upheld by the Supreme Court.

This is 2021.

That certain ethnicity is now exercising power that they were previously denied.

Some Americans think that it's great.

Others are less than thrilled.
Unfortunately they're proving that George Wallace, although a racist, was right all along.
Blacks are showing us everything Southern Democrats claimed they would be like if they ever got a chance to turn the tables on whites.
Communist Blacks and non-political Blacks are selling this country out....even in the Olympics.
Same goes for some homosexuals.
They're showing us why Rome fell.
People who hate their own country and have low moral character should never represent their country or be put in charge of anything in this country....because they're prone to make some very bad decisions.
Unfortunately they're proving that George Wallace, although a racist, was right all along.
Blacks are showing us everything Southern Democrats claimed they would be like if they ever got a chance to turn the tables on whites.
Communist Blacks and non-political Blacks are selling this country out....even in the Olympics.
Same goes for some homosexuals.
They're showing us why Rome fell.
People who hate their own country and have low moral character should never represent their country or be put in charge of anything in this country....because they're prone to make some very bad decisions.

Interesting opinions.

I cannot say whether I agree or not.

But I can say that we should refrain from criticizing the people in the South for their fears.
No Race is inferior.

Hurt People of all races hurt people.
Hurt People of all races hurt others.
Hurt People of all races hurt themselves.

White East Europeans also committed enormous amount of crime during the great economic crisis of 1990s.

I constantly hear liberals or blacks claim that blacks cannot be racist.

If true that would make them morally superior, to other races, which would then be inferior.

Indeed, I would be surprised if such a claim was NOT included in CRT.
I constantly hear liberals or blacks claim that blacks cannot be racist.

If true that would make them morally superior, to other races, which would then be inferior.

Indeed, I would be surprised if such a claim was NOT included in CRT.
Claiming that blacks cannot be racist is just an excuse for blacks to act racist without suffering the same repercussions as whites do when they are racist.
The left likes this setup because it helps cause division.....which is what they live for.

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