Cruel June for Obama, Dems — and could get worse


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Cruel June for Obama, Dems — and could get worse

The Associated Press
Published: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at 10:18 p.m.

President Barack Obama and Democrats awoke Wednesday to the cruel reality of June, the political blows from the bitter loss in Wisconsin's gubernatorial recall election and the abysmal jobs numbers could multiply before the month is out.​

WASHINGTON — Just one week old, June already is proving a cruel month for President Barack Obama and the Democrats — and it could get a lot worse.

The political blows from Tuesday's bitter loss in Wisconsin's gubernatorial recall and from last week's abysmal unemployment numbers, bad as they were, could multiply before the month is out.

The Supreme Court will pass judgment shortly on the president's signature legislative achievement — the 2010 law overhauling the nation's health care system — and also will decide on his administration's challenge to Arizona's tough immigration law. If Chief Justice John Roberts and the court strike down all or part of the health care law, it could demoralize Democrats who invested more than a year — and quite a few political careers — to secure the bill's passage.

And in Arizona, aside from the big immigration case, the Democrats are fighting to hold onto the House seat of Gabrielle Giffords, who resigned in January to focus on recovering from her gunshot wound. In next Tuesday's special election, former Giffords aide Ron Barber is locked in a close race with Republican Jesse Kelly, who lost to her in 2010 by just 4,156 votes.

Cruel June for Obama, Dems — and could get worse |
Cruel June for Obama, Dems — and could get worse

The Associated Press
Published: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at 10:18 p.m.

President Barack Obama and Democrats awoke Wednesday to the cruel reality of June, the political blows from the bitter loss in Wisconsin's gubernatorial recall election and the abysmal jobs numbers could multiply before the month is out.​

WASHINGTON — Just one week old, June already is proving a cruel month for President Barack Obama and the Democrats — and it could get a lot worse.

The political blows from Tuesday's bitter loss in Wisconsin's gubernatorial recall and from last week's abysmal unemployment numbers, bad as they were, could multiply before the month is out.

The Supreme Court will pass judgment shortly on the president's signature legislative achievement — the 2010 law overhauling the nation's health care system — and also will decide on his administration's challenge to Arizona's tough immigration law. If Chief Justice John Roberts and the court strike down all or part of the health care law, it could demoralize Democrats who invested more than a year — and quite a few political careers — to secure the bill's passage.

And in Arizona, aside from the big immigration case, the Democrats are fighting to hold onto the House seat of Gabrielle Giffords, who resigned in January to focus on recovering from her gunshot wound. In next Tuesday's special election, former Giffords aide Ron Barber is locked in a close race with Republican Jesse Kelly, who lost to her in 2010 by just 4,156 votes.

Cruel June for Obama, Dems — and could get worse |

----------It seems like the entire Democratic/Liberal cabal is breaking up in front of our eyes. On top of these set-backs Eric Holder was in front of a Darrel Issa's Committee for the fourth time to find out why the Justice Dept. has not responded to the Supeona's they were issued concerning "Fast and Furious".

Sen.'s John McCain and Diane Feinstein are questioning the leaks of sensitive secret information about certain covert actions in order to promote Obama's reelection bid, and might ask for a special prosecuter to look into the situation.

Bill Clinton has said that Mitt Romney's service at Bain Capital was sterling and that the Bush tax cuts should be extended for at least another year. Even though he has walked it back a little today, Clinton's words carry alot of weight especially to those Dems who have not completely been taken in by the Obama propagandists.
Forget the Dems, The real cruelty is that the rest of us had to endure this joke of a Presidency for four LONG unproductive years.

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