Cruise/Ajay: Science Uniforms!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a TrumpUSA vignette about the social attitudes towards socialization in the age of globalization as it relates to differing perspectives on school uniform policies in a democratic nation (in a capitalist world!).


Tom Cruise had become America's most popular movie-star. Ajay Satan was arguably one of America's most idealistic Internet-bloggers. Cruise and Ajay were talking about school uniform policies in America as a reflection of modern age intrigue surrounding pluralism politics, education management with respect to immigration, industrialization couture, and democratic approaches to pedestrian propaganda. Cruise was interested in how school uniforms could be referenced in discussions about deviance and social control (since such issues were of central importance to some of his peers at his Church of Scientology), while Ajay was interested in how school uniforms could be referenced in discussions about multiculturalism and socialization.

Cruise and Ajay were both talking about similar issues but never met. This was the great tragedy. There was ample motivation in modern society to streamline media with society and make dialogue between pedestrians and academics such as Ajay and celebrities and idols such as Cruise much easier! However, Cruise and Ajay always *just* missed each other, passing each other by on the wings of similar airplanes on very different flight-paths. Cruise went on to make movies about socialization and futuristic Utopian thinking, while Ajay went on to blog on the Internet about the power of magazines in making commerce more spiritually inspiring. Yet, shockingly enough, they never met. One journalist and follower of Ajay's blogs remarked, "It's almost as if metaphysical civilization 'twins,' both talking about socialization and trends, never met because of a sheer Dickensian lack of serendipity!"

That journalist was Richard Woolworth, and he wanted to talk about commerce and couture in modern society. President Trump came across Woolworth's searing sociological piece in National Geographic and invited him to the White House to talk about Cruise and Ajay. Trump was exceedingly impressed with how much Woolworth knew about the social impact of the work of Cruise and Ajay, and Richard explained to the American President, "It's ironic that you found me so easily and we ended up conversing in a land friendly to navigation and networking even though Cruise and Ajay will most likely never meet!" Trump said in his future State of the Union address, "The focus on school uniform policies in our modern America reflects a new age imagination regarding the socialization complications that come with high-commerce culture and streamlined colloquialisms." President Trump was assassinated the next month by a socialist fanatic who claimed, "Trump is claiming pedestrian yearnings as the domain of capitalism in our Starbucks Universe!"





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