Cruise/Scarecrow: The Media Destiny


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This fantasia-oriented modernism media-culture vignette was inspired by the democracy-adrenaline films K-PAX and The Sandlot.

Signing off,


Cruise was Hollywood's most prolific celebrity, but he had no idea that he had a secret 'twin-brother' from a parallel dimension known as the Twilight Dimension. Cruise's brother was named Scarecrow, and he wanted to complement Cruise's work with culturally-rich films such as Born on the 4th of July and Minority Report with more eco-conscious films with titles such as The River Redemption and Black Eco-Terrorism. Cruise and Scarecrow were basically humanity's best 'defense' against the hysterical excesses of modernism gluttony (i.e., Wall Street), since they generally made people more optimistic about the vices of capitalism/consumerism with pro-democracy stances.

Scarecrow visited Cruise in a dream and explained to him that America required more vigilance regarding the impact of industrialization and the ethical consequences of untempered consumerism (e.g., Burger King, Enron). When Cruise woke from his dream, he began watching time-travel sci-films such as Back to the Future and The Time Machine to better appreciate humanity's imagination regarding the 'orientation' of human sanity as it pertained to the evaluation of fate (or destiny). Cruise decided he'd make a film someday about the complexities of narcotics-traffic in the modern age.

Cruise wanted to give an interview on Larry King Live about the problems that would arise in human psychology if consumerism was considered too convenient and there lacked a vigilance toward economics-based governance (e.g., European Union). During the interview, King stunned Cruise with the odd question, "Do you sometimes wish you had a 'twin-brother' who complemented your 'culture-cinema' work in Hollywood/America?" Cruise wondered if King had a dream about Scarecrow just like he did and replied, "We all need a 'Big Brother,' which is ironic, no?" King concluded that consumerism and media were indeed creating a morality-vigilance requirement and commented on the value of parental-controls on modern cable-TV boxes.

Scarecrow decided to send a pirate Internet-signal from the Twilight Dimension regarding the sale of Poland Spring bottled purified water in a nation (USA) which was obligated to be pensive/meditative about industrialization-related eco-paranoia. Scarecrow blogged that selling bottled-water was certainly a modernism 'sign' that unchecked consumerism would create visceral 'schizophrenic gaps' in nationalism-behaviors (e.g., Occupy Wall Street). Cruise read Scarecrow's pirate Internet blog and was certain that he was his twin-brother from another 'dimension.' Cruise started contemplating keeping a private journal in which he'd write about the metaphysical impact of 'capitalism angst,' but he never forgot the strange luxury-insanity message of Scarecrow and how America needed a 'Freudian hero.'



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