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Crushing Liberal Policies


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
H. L. Mencken once called politics “the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

Yup.....that's Liberalism.

Nothing could be more emblematic of the above than the design of Liberal welfare policy in our nation?

No, not to help the poor....it doesn't.

a. The percentage of those in 'poverty' is roughly the same today, trillions of dollars later, as when the 'War on Poverty' was instituted......a half century later.
b. If they try....Liberal creation has seen to it that as income of the poor rises, the loss of their welfare benefits is the same as a huge tax on their earnings.
c. Logic dictates that there must be some ulterior purpose to the program.
d. Oh....and analysis of the welfare reform under Clinton shows that conservative policy changes actually produces better results.....hmmmmm....

1. ".... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather that it creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance.

2. .... there have been numerous policy changes advocated by conservatives and libertarians ...that help to give more independence to the less fortunate. But ... the Left still operates on the premise that its approach to poverty is more morally sound.

3. The most radical solution to poverty advocated by those on the Right is the elimination of government welfare programs. ... this idea is met with violent opposition from those who fear that people will starve on the streets ....these objectors ignore the obvious fact that there was life before the welfare state.

However, the facts...support the conservative case that people don't have to be forced to be charitable.

a. ...there has always been a consensus in America that there is a duty to take care of the poor.... Unlike today, it was assumed that some people, given the choice to work or not, would choose sloth. This brought the necessity of distinguishing between those who were voluntarily poor and those who were merely affected by circumstance, so that attention could be focused on the temporarily downtrodden.

4... there were numerous charitable organizations ... the largest of which was the mutual aid society... primarily for lower- and middle-class workers, and provided benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, and retirement pensions. ....with particularly high participation rates among African-Americans and immigrants. Mutual aid societies were what Tocqueville had in mind when he praised the American reliance upon associations. Such organizations were a unique feature of democracy, and of people who took it upon themselves to attempt to alleviate the suffering of their neighbors rather than leaving that messy job to the state or to the wealthy.

a. The average life insurance policy of the largest aid societies in 1919 was $1,100, equivalent to the annual salary of the average American worker.
The Masons, for one, established their own old age homes for the elderly, spending an average of $1,800 per resident in 1914.
Aid societies were the largest suppliers of health insurance before the Great Depression, typically offering benefits ranging from $7 to $10 a week in case of illness. Unlike modern HMOs, there was a strong incentive not to cheat the system since false claims were easily recognized....

5. Church-based charity in America has always operated on the premise that the poor need spiritual guidance as much as material comfort, and attempted to provide both.

a. .... the federal job-training programs which have replaced these organizations have been, if anything, counterproductive. A six-year study by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1993 showed that young black males enrolled in federal job training actually had 10.7% lower earnings after the program than a control group that did not participate in job training."
The Yale Free Press

Over and over, Liberal policies have been shown to be detrimental to society, yet remain in perpetuity.

Because the Left is in control of all levels of government and much of our society. They also control the media, education, Hollywood, and much more including the implementation of failed economic policies of Keynesian, income redistribution, and centralized planning. As such, the polices of the Left, which have been proven to be complete failures, continue unabated.
yeah, like destroying institutions that make us a first world country....nws, cdc, nasa, fda, nsf, ssi, epa...You people need to throw away the adam smith as it was proven to be bull shit and move into the 21st century...Be damn lucky that we don't live without clean air standards and first world institutions.

Or you can always go live in a cave!
The left already has control of corporate America. Now the only thing that stands in their way are small business owners and a few rich folk who may oppose the status quo.

The problem is, however, most rich folk are flaming liberals. Just look at the rich states. They are all blue.

It is important to understand that progressives are the plantation owners. If you are not one of them, they will make you a slave on their plantation.
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yeah, like destroying institutions that make us a first world country....nws, cdc, nasa, fda, nsf, ssi, epa...You people need to throw away the adam smith as it was proven to be bull shit and move into the 21st century...Be damn lucky that we don't live without clean air standards and first world institutions.

Or you can always go live in a cave!

My favorite alliteration!


Why "moron"?

Because.....as is true every time you attempt to post.....it has nothing to do with the OP to which you were ostensibly replying.

My analysis:
With apologies to Brendan Behan, watching Matthew the Moron attempt to reply to a post is like watching a Eunuch in a Harem.
He wants to, but just can’t.
The left already has control of corporate America. Now the only thing that stands in their way are small business owners and a few rich folk who may oppose the status quo.

The problem is, however, most rich folk are flaming liberals. Just look at the rich states. They are all blue.

It is important to understand that progressives are the plantation owners. If you are not one of them, they will make you a slave on their plantation.

so very true. the rich are liberals becuae it benefits them. it creates a hungry workforce by keeping them down. people are dying for jobs. that makes for a very accepting worker. now with obamacare even the burden of insurance is off their backs. Where are most corporate headquarters, blue states. libs claim corporations are getting tax breaks. who gives them these tax breaks? blue states. Where do most of the rich live? blue states?
Because the Left is in control of all levels of government and much of our society. They also control the media, education, Hollywood, and much more including the implementation of failed economic policies of Keynesian, income redistribution, and centralized planning. As such, the polices of the Left, which have been proven to be complete failures, continue unabated.

The 'left' doesn't control the media.

The media IS the 'left'

The media IS the dimocrap party.

The media IS liberalism

Without the media cheer leading and lying for the 'left' at every turn, the scum in the dimocrap party couldn't win an election for dog catcher.

Side note.

This shit of referring to dimocrap scum as 'the left' is just all wrong.

It's part of the scum trying to control thought by controlling speech. Speech IS THOUGHT.

Before dimocrap scum came along and corrupted our language (along with everything else they touch) 'left' meant less strict, fewer rules, lax enforcement and mostly, less authoritarian.

In fact, to this day there are still a few honest dimocrap scum who will admit that the farthest left you can go is -- Libertarian. And Libertarians will vote Republican LONG before they'll vote for Totalitarian scum like dimocraps

Take a look at history...... Stalin a 'leftist'? I hardly think so. He was one of the most authoritarian asswipe, murdering, genocidal maniacs to ever live. Same with the socialist, Hitler. And Mao. And Kim Jong Un (Who just murdered one of his buddies with a Flame Thrower)

If you look at all the people that our resident dimocrap scum hold in the highest regard....

If you look at their 'Che' T-Shirts and their almost messianic worship of all things 'socialist'. THEY are the exact opposite of what they want us to call them.

They are THE most far 'right' scumbags to have ever lived.

Republicans? Conservatives? We want government OUT of our lives.

So now, who is 'left' and who is 'right'?

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

Because the Left is in control of all levels of government and much of our society. They also control the media, education, Hollywood, and much more including the implementation of failed economic policies of Keynesian, income redistribution, and centralized planning. As such, the polices of the Left, which have been proven to be complete failures, continue unabated.

"....the polices of the Left, which have been proven to be complete failures,...."

Outstandingly unsuccessful......yet Liberal folks love 'em!!

6. "[Many still have] faith in the federal government's ability to make productive citizens out of welfare recipients despite the evidence of its failure to do so. Nearly every U.S. president since Kennedy has expressed agreement with the idea behind Kennedy's words that welfare should be a 'hand up, not a hand out,' whose rolls eventually decrease as welfare recipients are brought into the working class.

Yet when President Clinton signed legislation intended to do just that, there were cries of horror from all over the Left. This is because of a large and dangerous change in the way our society views welfare that happened in the 1960s under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, who changed government aid from a temporary necessity to an entitlement.

a. ... after the Great Society reforms, welfare recipients were subjected to government control of their savings habits, intrusion into their family planning (marriage was strongly discouraged), and embarrassing questions about their personal lives.

.... liberals often object to private charities on the grounds that they are invasive, conveniently forgetting the hoops current welfare recipients must jump through to receive Uncle Sam's money."
The Yale Free Press

And they just love the 'Food-Stamp President' who has made certain that even more are on the government dole.
H. L. Mencken once called politics “the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

Yup.....that's Liberalism.

Nothing could be more emblematic of the above than the design of Liberal welfare policy in our nation?

No, not to help the poor....it doesn't.

a. The percentage of those in 'poverty' is roughly the same today, trillions of dollars later, as when the 'War on Poverty' was instituted......a half century later.
b. If they try....Liberal creation has seen to it that as income of the poor rises, the loss of their welfare benefits is the same as a huge tax on their earnings.
c. Logic dictates that there must be some ulterior purpose to the program.
d. Oh....and analysis of the welfare reform under Clinton shows that conservative policy changes actually produces better results.....hmmmmm....

1. ".... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather that it creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance.

2. .... there have been numerous policy changes advocated by conservatives and libertarians ...that help to give more independence to the less fortunate. But ... the Left still operates on the premise that its approach to poverty is more morally sound.

3. The most radical solution to poverty advocated by those on the Right is the elimination of government welfare programs. ... this idea is met with violent opposition from those who fear that people will starve on the streets ....these objectors ignore the obvious fact that there was life before the welfare state.

However, the facts...support the conservative case that people don't have to be forced to be charitable.

a. ...there has always been a consensus in America that there is a duty to take care of the poor.... Unlike today, it was assumed that some people, given the choice to work or not, would choose sloth. This brought the necessity of distinguishing between those who were voluntarily poor and those who were merely affected by circumstance, so that attention could be focused on the temporarily downtrodden.

4... there were numerous charitable organizations ... the largest of which was the mutual aid society... primarily for lower- and middle-class workers, and provided benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, and retirement pensions. ....with particularly high participation rates among African-Americans and immigrants. Mutual aid societies were what Tocqueville had in mind when he praised the American reliance upon associations. Such organizations were a unique feature of democracy, and of people who took it upon themselves to attempt to alleviate the suffering of their neighbors rather than leaving that messy job to the state or to the wealthy.

a. The average life insurance policy of the largest aid societies in 1919 was $1,100, equivalent to the annual salary of the average American worker.
The Masons, for one, established their own old age homes for the elderly, spending an average of $1,800 per resident in 1914.
Aid societies were the largest suppliers of health insurance before the Great Depression, typically offering benefits ranging from $7 to $10 a week in case of illness. Unlike modern HMOs, there was a strong incentive not to cheat the system since false claims were easily recognized....

5. Church-based charity in America has always operated on the premise that the poor need spiritual guidance as much as material comfort, and attempted to provide both.

a. .... the federal job-training programs which have replaced these organizations have been, if anything, counterproductive. A six-year study by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1993 showed that young black males enrolled in federal job training actually had 10.7% lower earnings after the program than a control group that did not participate in job training."
The Yale Free Press

Over and over, Liberal policies have been shown to be detrimental to society, yet remain in perpetuity.


You're claiming that the welfare state doesn't help the poor, but you once also insisted, quite angrily as I recall,

that you did not support getting rid of Medicaid. Medicaid is of course a major component of the welfare state.

Why would you insist one day that it doesn't help the poor, but the another day claim you want to keep it in place?

Shouldn't you make up your mind?
H. L. Mencken once called politics “the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

Yup.....that's Liberalism.

Nothing could be more emblematic of the above than the design of Liberal welfare policy in our nation?

No, not to help the poor....it doesn't.

a. The percentage of those in 'poverty' is roughly the same today, trillions of dollars later, as when the 'War on Poverty' was instituted......a half century later.
b. If they try....Liberal creation has seen to it that as income of the poor rises, the loss of their welfare benefits is the same as a huge tax on their earnings.
c. Logic dictates that there must be some ulterior purpose to the program.
d. Oh....and analysis of the welfare reform under Clinton shows that conservative policy changes actually produces better results.....hmmmmm....

1. ".... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather that it creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance.

2. .... there have been numerous policy changes advocated by conservatives and libertarians ...that help to give more independence to the less fortunate. But ... the Left still operates on the premise that its approach to poverty is more morally sound.

3. The most radical solution to poverty advocated by those on the Right is the elimination of government welfare programs. ... this idea is met with violent opposition from those who fear that people will starve on the streets ....these objectors ignore the obvious fact that there was life before the welfare state.

However, the facts...support the conservative case that people don't have to be forced to be charitable.

a. ...there has always been a consensus in America that there is a duty to take care of the poor.... Unlike today, it was assumed that some people, given the choice to work or not, would choose sloth. This brought the necessity of distinguishing between those who were voluntarily poor and those who were merely affected by circumstance, so that attention could be focused on the temporarily downtrodden.

4... there were numerous charitable organizations ... the largest of which was the mutual aid society... primarily for lower- and middle-class workers, and provided benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, and retirement pensions. ....with particularly high participation rates among African-Americans and immigrants. Mutual aid societies were what Tocqueville had in mind when he praised the American reliance upon associations. Such organizations were a unique feature of democracy, and of people who took it upon themselves to attempt to alleviate the suffering of their neighbors rather than leaving that messy job to the state or to the wealthy.

a. The average life insurance policy of the largest aid societies in 1919 was $1,100, equivalent to the annual salary of the average American worker.
The Masons, for one, established their own old age homes for the elderly, spending an average of $1,800 per resident in 1914.
Aid societies were the largest suppliers of health insurance before the Great Depression, typically offering benefits ranging from $7 to $10 a week in case of illness. Unlike modern HMOs, there was a strong incentive not to cheat the system since false claims were easily recognized....

5. Church-based charity in America has always operated on the premise that the poor need spiritual guidance as much as material comfort, and attempted to provide both.

a. .... the federal job-training programs which have replaced these organizations have been, if anything, counterproductive. A six-year study by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1993 showed that young black males enrolled in federal job training actually had 10.7% lower earnings after the program than a control group that did not participate in job training."
The Yale Free Press

Over and over, Liberal policies have been shown to be detrimental to society, yet remain in perpetuity.


You're claiming that the welfare state doesn't help the poor, but you once also insisted, quite angrily as I recall,

that you did not support getting rid of Medicaid. Medicaid is of course a major component of the welfare state.

Why would you insist one day that it doesn't help the poor, but the another day claim you want to keep it in place?

Shouldn't you make up your mind?

Stop tap-dancing.

The OP is very clear......except to an idiot.

Raise your paw.
Because the Left is in control of all levels of government and much of our society. They also control the media, education, Hollywood, and much more including the implementation of failed economic policies of Keynesian, income redistribution, and centralized planning. As such, the polices of the Left, which have been proven to be complete failures, continue unabated.

The 'left' doesn't control the media.

The media IS the 'left'

The media IS the dimocrap party.

The media IS liberalism

Without the media cheer leading and lying for the 'left' at every turn, the scum in the dimocrap party couldn't win an election for dog catcher.

Side note.

This shit of referring to dimocrap scum as 'the left' is just all wrong.

It's part of the scum trying to control thought by controlling speech. Speech IS THOUGHT.

Before dimocrap scum came along and corrupted our language (along with everything else they touch) 'left' meant less strict, fewer rules, lax enforcement and mostly, less authoritarian.

In fact, to this day there are still a few honest dimocrap scum who will admit that the farthest left you can go is -- Libertarian. And Libertarians will vote Republican LONG before they'll vote for Totalitarian scum like dimocraps

Take a look at history...... Stalin a 'leftist'? I hardly think so. He was one of the most authoritarian asswipe, murdering, genocidal maniacs to ever live. Same with the socialist, Hitler. And Mao. And Kim Jong Un (Who just murdered one of his buddies with a Flame Thrower)

If you look at all the people that our resident dimocrap scum hold in the highest regard....

If you look at their 'Che' T-Shirts and their almost messianic worship of all things 'socialist'. THEY are the exact opposite of what they want us to call them.

They are THE most far 'right' scumbags to have ever lived.

Republicans? Conservatives? We want government OUT of our lives.

So now, who is 'left' and who is 'right'?

dimocraps lie. dimocraps are the scum of the earth.


rightwingnuts are so funny....
H. L. Mencken once called politics “the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

Yup.....that's Liberalism.

Nothing could be more emblematic of the above than the design of Liberal welfare policy in our nation?

No, not to help the poor....it doesn't.

a. The percentage of those in 'poverty' is roughly the same today, trillions of dollars later, as when the 'War on Poverty' was instituted......a half century later.
b. If they try....Liberal creation has seen to it that as income of the poor rises, the loss of their welfare benefits is the same as a huge tax on their earnings.
c. Logic dictates that there must be some ulterior purpose to the program.
d. Oh....and analysis of the welfare reform under Clinton shows that conservative policy changes actually produces better results.....hmmmmm....

1. ".... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather that it creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance.

2. .... there have been numerous policy changes advocated by conservatives and libertarians ...that help to give more independence to the less fortunate. But ... the Left still operates on the premise that its approach to poverty is more morally sound.

3. The most radical solution to poverty advocated by those on the Right is the elimination of government welfare programs. ... this idea is met with violent opposition from those who fear that people will starve on the streets ....these objectors ignore the obvious fact that there was life before the welfare state.

However, the facts...support the conservative case that people don't have to be forced to be charitable.

a. ...there has always been a consensus in America that there is a duty to take care of the poor.... Unlike today, it was assumed that some people, given the choice to work or not, would choose sloth. This brought the necessity of distinguishing between those who were voluntarily poor and those who were merely affected by circumstance, so that attention could be focused on the temporarily downtrodden.

4... there were numerous charitable organizations ... the largest of which was the mutual aid society... primarily for lower- and middle-class workers, and provided benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, and retirement pensions. ....with particularly high participation rates among African-Americans and immigrants. Mutual aid societies were what Tocqueville had in mind when he praised the American reliance upon associations. Such organizations were a unique feature of democracy, and of people who took it upon themselves to attempt to alleviate the suffering of their neighbors rather than leaving that messy job to the state or to the wealthy.

a. The average life insurance policy of the largest aid societies in 1919 was $1,100, equivalent to the annual salary of the average American worker.
The Masons, for one, established their own old age homes for the elderly, spending an average of $1,800 per resident in 1914.
Aid societies were the largest suppliers of health insurance before the Great Depression, typically offering benefits ranging from $7 to $10 a week in case of illness. Unlike modern HMOs, there was a strong incentive not to cheat the system since false claims were easily recognized....

5. Church-based charity in America has always operated on the premise that the poor need spiritual guidance as much as material comfort, and attempted to provide both.

a. .... the federal job-training programs which have replaced these organizations have been, if anything, counterproductive. A six-year study by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1993 showed that young black males enrolled in federal job training actually had 10.7% lower earnings after the program than a control group that did not participate in job training."
The Yale Free Press

Over and over, Liberal policies have been shown to be detrimental to society, yet remain in perpetuity.


You don't suggest anything that would help anyone in any way. You come across as a very mean person. Why not just say "Are there no work houses? Are there no prisons?"

It's not about crushing liberal policies for you. It's about literally crushing people who need help. I thought with the whole anti science thing, you were just stupid, but now I see it's deeper. You're heartless. Some would call it evil.
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H. L. Mencken once called politics “the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

Yup.....that's Liberalism.

Nothing could be more emblematic of the above than the design of Liberal welfare policy in our nation?

No, not to help the poor....it doesn't.

a. The percentage of those in 'poverty' is roughly the same today, trillions of dollars later, as when the 'War on Poverty' was instituted......a half century later.
b. If they try....Liberal creation has seen to it that as income of the poor rises, the loss of their welfare benefits is the same as a huge tax on their earnings.
c. Logic dictates that there must be some ulterior purpose to the program.
d. Oh....and analysis of the welfare reform under Clinton shows that conservative policy changes actually produces better results.....hmmmmm....

1. ".... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather that it creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance.

2. .... there have been numerous policy changes advocated by conservatives and libertarians ...that help to give more independence to the less fortunate. But ... the Left still operates on the premise that its approach to poverty is more morally sound.

3. The most radical solution to poverty advocated by those on the Right is the elimination of government welfare programs. ... this idea is met with violent opposition from those who fear that people will starve on the streets ....these objectors ignore the obvious fact that there was life before the welfare state.

However, the facts...support the conservative case that people don't have to be forced to be charitable.

a. ...there has always been a consensus in America that there is a duty to take care of the poor.... Unlike today, it was assumed that some people, given the choice to work or not, would choose sloth. This brought the necessity of distinguishing between those who were voluntarily poor and those who were merely affected by circumstance, so that attention could be focused on the temporarily downtrodden.

4... there were numerous charitable organizations ... the largest of which was the mutual aid society... primarily for lower- and middle-class workers, and provided benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, and retirement pensions. ....with particularly high participation rates among African-Americans and immigrants. Mutual aid societies were what Tocqueville had in mind when he praised the American reliance upon associations. Such organizations were a unique feature of democracy, and of people who took it upon themselves to attempt to alleviate the suffering of their neighbors rather than leaving that messy job to the state or to the wealthy.

a. The average life insurance policy of the largest aid societies in 1919 was $1,100, equivalent to the annual salary of the average American worker.
The Masons, for one, established their own old age homes for the elderly, spending an average of $1,800 per resident in 1914.
Aid societies were the largest suppliers of health insurance before the Great Depression, typically offering benefits ranging from $7 to $10 a week in case of illness. Unlike modern HMOs, there was a strong incentive not to cheat the system since false claims were easily recognized....

5. Church-based charity in America has always operated on the premise that the poor need spiritual guidance as much as material comfort, and attempted to provide both.

a. .... the federal job-training programs which have replaced these organizations have been, if anything, counterproductive. A six-year study by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1993 showed that young black males enrolled in federal job training actually had 10.7% lower earnings after the program than a control group that did not participate in job training."
The Yale Free Press

Over and over, Liberal policies have been shown to be detrimental to society, yet remain in perpetuity.


Maybe because if they were dismantled all the people who make their living administering and distributing the welfare would be in need of welfare themselves.
H. L. Mencken once called politics “the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

Yup.....that's Liberalism.

Nothing could be more emblematic of the above than the design of Liberal welfare policy in our nation?

No, not to help the poor....it doesn't.

a. The percentage of those in 'poverty' is roughly the same today, trillions of dollars later, as when the 'War on Poverty' was instituted......a half century later.
b. If they try....Liberal creation has seen to it that as income of the poor rises, the loss of their welfare benefits is the same as a huge tax on their earnings.
c. Logic dictates that there must be some ulterior purpose to the program.
d. Oh....and analysis of the welfare reform under Clinton shows that conservative policy changes actually produces better results.....hmmmmm....

1. ".... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather that it creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance.

2. .... there have been numerous policy changes advocated by conservatives and libertarians ...that help to give more independence to the less fortunate. But ... the Left still operates on the premise that its approach to poverty is more morally sound.

3. The most radical solution to poverty advocated by those on the Right is the elimination of government welfare programs. ... this idea is met with violent opposition from those who fear that people will starve on the streets ....these objectors ignore the obvious fact that there was life before the welfare state.

However, the facts...support the conservative case that people don't have to be forced to be charitable.

a. ...there has always been a consensus in America that there is a duty to take care of the poor.... Unlike today, it was assumed that some people, given the choice to work or not, would choose sloth. This brought the necessity of distinguishing between those who were voluntarily poor and those who were merely affected by circumstance, so that attention could be focused on the temporarily downtrodden.

4... there were numerous charitable organizations ... the largest of which was the mutual aid society... primarily for lower- and middle-class workers, and provided benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, and retirement pensions. ....with particularly high participation rates among African-Americans and immigrants. Mutual aid societies were what Tocqueville had in mind when he praised the American reliance upon associations. Such organizations were a unique feature of democracy, and of people who took it upon themselves to attempt to alleviate the suffering of their neighbors rather than leaving that messy job to the state or to the wealthy.

a. The average life insurance policy of the largest aid societies in 1919 was $1,100, equivalent to the annual salary of the average American worker.
The Masons, for one, established their own old age homes for the elderly, spending an average of $1,800 per resident in 1914.
Aid societies were the largest suppliers of health insurance before the Great Depression, typically offering benefits ranging from $7 to $10 a week in case of illness. Unlike modern HMOs, there was a strong incentive not to cheat the system since false claims were easily recognized....

5. Church-based charity in America has always operated on the premise that the poor need spiritual guidance as much as material comfort, and attempted to provide both.

a. .... the federal job-training programs which have replaced these organizations have been, if anything, counterproductive. A six-year study by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1993 showed that young black males enrolled in federal job training actually had 10.7% lower earnings after the program than a control group that did not participate in job training."
The Yale Free Press

Over and over, Liberal policies have been shown to be detrimental to society, yet remain in perpetuity.


You don't suggest anything that would help anyone in any way. You come across as a very mean person. Why not just say "Are there no work houses? Are there no prisons?"

It's not about crushing liberal policies for you. It's about literally crushing people who need help. I thought with the whole anti science thing, you were just stupid, but now I see it's deeper. You're heartless. Some would call it evil.

1. "You don't suggest anything that would help anyone in any way."
Not true, deanie.
Private charity is the correct response.

State charity does what it was intended to do: make folks into drones who vote as they are directed to do.

2. "You come across as a very mean person."
False as well.

It is the default attempt by Liberals when they come upon facts and folks too correct for them to disagree with.

3. "Why not just say "Are there no work houses? Are there no prisons?"
By now you know, in truth, that I am neither shy about my views, or less than articulate when expressing same.

Had I meant what you said, I would have said it.

Real charity is allowing folks to grow spiritually as well as materially.

Your sort of charity accomplishes what Mark Twain suggested:
'If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.'

State charity makes folks resentful, makes them hate the giver and hate themselves. I see a lot of that in you.

4. "It's not about crushing liberal policies for you."
Yeah....it is.

I only speak the truth....I have a proprietary pride in veracity.

5. Now, if you have any desire to be truthful,....let's see you fiind anything in the OP that is not correct.

Double-dog dare ya.'
1. ".... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather that it creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance.

I have never heard this fact summarized so well. Kudoes. The quote seems to be from Shamed (pronounced "Shah-med") Dogan.

The Great American Experiment was based on the idea that ordinary people, despite their faults and weaknesses, would govern their own country better on average than a king, Politburo, or other dictators. Their self-interest and (on average) respect for each other's rights would cause them to make more right decisions than any dictator. And so it has turned out, despite all the mistakes along the way.

But the Welfare State trains people that government is the provider of their prosperity, not themselves. And that influencing government (or stealing from it) is the best way to get what you need.

People convinced of that idea, are not fit for democratic self-governance.

Or as another scholar once put it, "A democracy ... can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury." - de Tocqueville, or Tytler

People convinced that theft and government transfer of wealth, is a viable means of survival, are indeed unfit to govern themselves or anyone else.
H. L. Mencken once called politics “the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

Yup.....that's Liberalism.

Nothing could be more emblematic of the above than the design of Liberal welfare policy in our nation?

No, not to help the poor....it doesn't.

a. The percentage of those in 'poverty' is roughly the same today, trillions of dollars later, as when the 'War on Poverty' was instituted......a half century later.
b. If they try....Liberal creation has seen to it that as income of the poor rises, the loss of their welfare benefits is the same as a huge tax on their earnings.
c. Logic dictates that there must be some ulterior purpose to the program.
d. Oh....and analysis of the welfare reform under Clinton shows that conservative policy changes actually produces better results.....hmmmmm....

1. ".... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather that it creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance.

2. .... there have been numerous policy changes advocated by conservatives and libertarians ...that help to give more independence to the less fortunate. But ... the Left still operates on the premise that its approach to poverty is more morally sound.

3. The most radical solution to poverty advocated by those on the Right is the elimination of government welfare programs. ... this idea is met with violent opposition from those who fear that people will starve on the streets ....these objectors ignore the obvious fact that there was life before the welfare state.

However, the facts...support the conservative case that people don't have to be forced to be charitable.

a. ...there has always been a consensus in America that there is a duty to take care of the poor.... Unlike today, it was assumed that some people, given the choice to work or not, would choose sloth. This brought the necessity of distinguishing between those who were voluntarily poor and those who were merely affected by circumstance, so that attention could be focused on the temporarily downtrodden.

4... there were numerous charitable organizations ... the largest of which was the mutual aid society... primarily for lower- and middle-class workers, and provided benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, and retirement pensions. ....with particularly high participation rates among African-Americans and immigrants. Mutual aid societies were what Tocqueville had in mind when he praised the American reliance upon associations. Such organizations were a unique feature of democracy, and of people who took it upon themselves to attempt to alleviate the suffering of their neighbors rather than leaving that messy job to the state or to the wealthy.

a. The average life insurance policy of the largest aid societies in 1919 was $1,100, equivalent to the annual salary of the average American worker.
The Masons, for one, established their own old age homes for the elderly, spending an average of $1,800 per resident in 1914.
Aid societies were the largest suppliers of health insurance before the Great Depression, typically offering benefits ranging from $7 to $10 a week in case of illness. Unlike modern HMOs, there was a strong incentive not to cheat the system since false claims were easily recognized....

5. Church-based charity in America has always operated on the premise that the poor need spiritual guidance as much as material comfort, and attempted to provide both.

a. .... the federal job-training programs which have replaced these organizations have been, if anything, counterproductive. A six-year study by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1993 showed that young black males enrolled in federal job training actually had 10.7% lower earnings after the program than a control group that did not participate in job training."
The Yale Free Press

Over and over, Liberal policies have been shown to be detrimental to society, yet remain in perpetuity.


If it weren't or Liberal policy's your family wouldn't have been allow to come into America
H. L. Mencken once called politics “the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

Yup.....that's Liberalism.

Nothing could be more emblematic of the above than the design of Liberal welfare policy in our nation?

No, not to help the poor....it doesn't.

a. The percentage of those in 'poverty' is roughly the same today, trillions of dollars later, as when the 'War on Poverty' was instituted......a half century later.
b. If they try....Liberal creation has seen to it that as income of the poor rises, the loss of their welfare benefits is the same as a huge tax on their earnings.
c. Logic dictates that there must be some ulterior purpose to the program.
d. Oh....and analysis of the welfare reform under Clinton shows that conservative policy changes actually produces better results.....hmmmmm....

1. ".... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather that it creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance.

2. .... there have been numerous policy changes advocated by conservatives and libertarians ...that help to give more independence to the less fortunate. But ... the Left still operates on the premise that its approach to poverty is more morally sound.

3. The most radical solution to poverty advocated by those on the Right is the elimination of government welfare programs. ... this idea is met with violent opposition from those who fear that people will starve on the streets ....these objectors ignore the obvious fact that there was life before the welfare state.

However, the facts...support the conservative case that people don't have to be forced to be charitable.

a. ...there has always been a consensus in America that there is a duty to take care of the poor.... Unlike today, it was assumed that some people, given the choice to work or not, would choose sloth. This brought the necessity of distinguishing between those who were voluntarily poor and those who were merely affected by circumstance, so that attention could be focused on the temporarily downtrodden.

4... there were numerous charitable organizations ... the largest of which was the mutual aid society... primarily for lower- and middle-class workers, and provided benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, and retirement pensions. ....with particularly high participation rates among African-Americans and immigrants. Mutual aid societies were what Tocqueville had in mind when he praised the American reliance upon associations. Such organizations were a unique feature of democracy, and of people who took it upon themselves to attempt to alleviate the suffering of their neighbors rather than leaving that messy job to the state or to the wealthy.

a. The average life insurance policy of the largest aid societies in 1919 was $1,100, equivalent to the annual salary of the average American worker.
The Masons, for one, established their own old age homes for the elderly, spending an average of $1,800 per resident in 1914.
Aid societies were the largest suppliers of health insurance before the Great Depression, typically offering benefits ranging from $7 to $10 a week in case of illness. Unlike modern HMOs, there was a strong incentive not to cheat the system since false claims were easily recognized....

5. Church-based charity in America has always operated on the premise that the poor need spiritual guidance as much as material comfort, and attempted to provide both.

a. .... the federal job-training programs which have replaced these organizations have been, if anything, counterproductive. A six-year study by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1993 showed that young black males enrolled in federal job training actually had 10.7% lower earnings after the program than a control group that did not participate in job training."
The Yale Free Press

Over and over, Liberal policies have been shown to be detrimental to society, yet remain in perpetuity.


If it weren't or Liberal policy's your family wouldn't have been allow to come into America

What have we here?

Another Liberal moron (is that redundant?) who'll say anything to avoid responding to the very OP that he copied and linked to.

Did you leave the stove on? Cause you just got burned.

But....if you'd rather be confined to writing about lil' ol' me......who am I to stop you.

H. L. Mencken once called politics “the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

Yup.....that's Liberalism.

Nothing could be more emblematic of the above than the design of Liberal welfare policy in our nation?

No, not to help the poor....it doesn't.

a. The percentage of those in 'poverty' is roughly the same today, trillions of dollars later, as when the 'War on Poverty' was instituted......a half century later.
b. If they try....Liberal creation has seen to it that as income of the poor rises, the loss of their welfare benefits is the same as a huge tax on their earnings.
c. Logic dictates that there must be some ulterior purpose to the program.
d. Oh....and analysis of the welfare reform under Clinton shows that conservative policy changes actually produces better results.....hmmmmm....

1. ".... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather that it creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance.

2. .... there have been numerous policy changes advocated by conservatives and libertarians ...that help to give more independence to the less fortunate. But ... the Left still operates on the premise that its approach to poverty is more morally sound.

3. The most radical solution to poverty advocated by those on the Right is the elimination of government welfare programs. ... this idea is met with violent opposition from those who fear that people will starve on the streets ....these objectors ignore the obvious fact that there was life before the welfare state.

However, the facts...support the conservative case that people don't have to be forced to be charitable.

a. ...there has always been a consensus in America that there is a duty to take care of the poor.... Unlike today, it was assumed that some people, given the choice to work or not, would choose sloth. This brought the necessity of distinguishing between those who were voluntarily poor and those who were merely affected by circumstance, so that attention could be focused on the temporarily downtrodden.

4... there were numerous charitable organizations ... the largest of which was the mutual aid society... primarily for lower- and middle-class workers, and provided benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, and retirement pensions. ....with particularly high participation rates among African-Americans and immigrants. Mutual aid societies were what Tocqueville had in mind when he praised the American reliance upon associations. Such organizations were a unique feature of democracy, and of people who took it upon themselves to attempt to alleviate the suffering of their neighbors rather than leaving that messy job to the state or to the wealthy.

a. The average life insurance policy of the largest aid societies in 1919 was $1,100, equivalent to the annual salary of the average American worker.
The Masons, for one, established their own old age homes for the elderly, spending an average of $1,800 per resident in 1914.
Aid societies were the largest suppliers of health insurance before the Great Depression, typically offering benefits ranging from $7 to $10 a week in case of illness. Unlike modern HMOs, there was a strong incentive not to cheat the system since false claims were easily recognized....

5. Church-based charity in America has always operated on the premise that the poor need spiritual guidance as much as material comfort, and attempted to provide both.

a. .... the federal job-training programs which have replaced these organizations have been, if anything, counterproductive. A six-year study by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1993 showed that young black males enrolled in federal job training actually had 10.7% lower earnings after the program than a control group that did not participate in job training."
The Yale Free Press

Over and over, Liberal policies have been shown to be detrimental to society, yet remain in perpetuity.


You're claiming that the welfare state doesn't help the poor, but you once also insisted, quite angrily as I recall,

that you did not support getting rid of Medicaid. Medicaid is of course a major component of the welfare state.

Why would you insist one day that it doesn't help the poor, but the another day claim you want to keep it in place?

Shouldn't you make up your mind?

Stop tap-dancing.

The OP is very clear......except to an idiot.

Raise your paw.

I'm trying to understand why someone like you supports a program you condemn as being harmful to the poor. That's irrational.

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