Cruz 'absolutely' backs ending birthright citizenship


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Cruz 'absolutely' backs ending birthright citizenship
Lol. I can understand why Trump is proposing to end birthright citizenship. But Ted Cruz is a son of immigrant parents and it's not quite clear if he was born in Canada or Mexico or whatever. I can't get it why he always runs after Donald Trump like a lapdog. Doesn't he have his own agenda? Maybe he believes that Trump will make him the vice president? Cruz is just a joke.
Cruz 'absolutely' backs ending birthright citizenship
Lol. I can understand why Trump is proposing to end birthright citizenship. But Ted Cruz is a son of immigrant parents and it's not quite clear if he was born in Canada or Mexico or whatever. I can't get it why he always runs after Donald Trump like a lapdog. Doesn't he have his own agenda? Maybe he believes that Trump will make him the vice president? Cruz is just a joke.

Senator Cruz's mother is an American citizen. He was born in Canada.

Cruz as far as I know has always held this opinion that birthright citizenship should end. Not a lapdog.

And considering you didn't even have a clue about his parents, nor his birthplace, who's the joke here?
Rafael Cruz is an illegal Cuban invader, raised to hate America by his communist father who was part of Fidel Castro's inner circle.

Don't even joke like that... Another Obama... That's not even funny.
Cruz 'absolutely' backs ending birthright citizenship
Lol. I can understand why Trump is proposing to end birthright citizenship. But Ted Cruz is a son of immigrant parents and it's not quite clear if he was born in Canada or Mexico or whatever. I can't get it why he always runs after Donald Trump like a lapdog. Doesn't he have his own agenda? Maybe he believes that Trump will make him the vice president? Cruz is just a joke.

Senator Cruz's mother is an American citizen. He was born in Canada.

Cruz as far as I know has always held this opinion that birthright citizenship should end. Not a lapdog.

And considering you didn't even have a clue about his parents, nor his birthplace, who's the joke here?

How do we know she was an American citizen? Was she born here?

Oh wait, that no longer counts. So as soon as you prove she was naturalized as an would be nice if you get back to us as soon as possible.
good. so does MILLIONS of the citizens in this country. It's been perverted to begin with. And your elected Reps. who took an oath TO follow our LAWS and our Constitution of our country has DONE nothing about it for YEARS and years
birthright citizenship is a leftist fabrication
There should be a test to become a citizen. If you're born here you have 8 years to pass it.

if you want anchor babies to have citizenship pass a law doing so

because they are not covered by the 14th amendment
There should be an obstacle course. Only those with the quickest times get to be citizens.

agreed have your folks come here legally
good. so does MILLIONS of the citizens in this country. It's been perverted to begin with. And your elected Reps. who took an oath TO follow our LAWS and our Constitution of our country has DONE nothing about it for YEARS and years
Ah finally a sensible voice in the thread.
good. so does MILLIONS of the citizens in this country. It's been perverted to begin with. And your elected Reps. who took an oath TO follow our LAWS and our Constitution of our country has DONE nothing about it for YEARS and years

The way things are being run at the moment, if Prince William and Kate were to come over for a tour of the Colonies, and Kate had a child while here, the child would be eligible to take the throne of England, or the presidency of the United States.

King by heritage, President by birthright.

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