Cruz Is The Conservative Favorite....But Is He Eligible?

It looks like Ted Cruz is the current undisputed favorite of Conservatives (much like I pointed out as him being the new face of the GOP).

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination |

Heck, even people like Tinydancer calls most of the other GOP'ers "RINOS".

So now that Ted Cruz is the top dog on the pile that begs the question, "Is he eligible"?

I have seen just about EVERY Neo-Con on this board question Obama's eligibility for the Presidency (and that was after he showed his birth certificate). And if you were one of them please explain how Obama isn't but Ted Cruz is?

My stance has been the same since day one. Obama is a US Citizen naturally because his mother was a US Citizen when he was born. Thus my position is the same for Cruz.

The only argument I have with Obama and his birth certificate is his refusal to simply proved a REAL one. He stokes the kooks and the believers by providing fakes every time he is asked.

He provided a REAL one. It's the kooks and birthers that insisted it was faked.
Yes, but the Hawaiian governor is the one who fessed up, they can't find the "real" birth certificate. And he was a Kenyan until the week after he put his bid in for the presidency of the 57 states.

That must be a real burr in the butt, eh, DaGoose?

Obama has never provided a long-form hospital generated BC! Perhaps he doesn't have one, especially if he was born in Kenya. That would make him technically ineligible for POTUS due to his mother not meeting the US residency requirement that was in force at that time. To say since Cruz is eligible so is Obama is a lie and downright silly!
Of course BHO is a Kenyan Marxist Socialist Communist Islamist from Pasadena.
He was born outside of the US, one parent was Cuban, and his parents didn't come to America till Cruz was four.

How in the world can he be considered natural born American? He is not eligible.

Unlike Obama Ted Cruz was REALLY foreign born but I have yet to see the Teapublicans say anything about it. But you can bet his primary opponents will make an issue of it.

This should be good to watch....:popcorn:

This is going to be a difficult argument to make here.

How many liberals made the argument that it didn't matter if Obama was born in Kenya, he was still eligible.

It's that birther argument that makes this possible.

Without that, I agree, it would be a dead issue.

So, if Cruz is elected, he can thank the Birthers. :lol:
It's pretty strange when a US senator decides to take a stand on an issue that we have to question his motivation. Cruz can't be president so the logical assumption is ....gasp....he is doing it because he think's it is right. The last time a democrat senator came close to taking a stand on an issue the party kicked Joe Lieberman out for being too moderate.
It's pretty strange when a US senator decides to take a stand on an issue that we have to question his motivation. Cruz can't be president so the logical assumption is ....gasp....he is doing it because he think's it is right. The last time a democrat senator came close to taking a stand on an issue the party kicked Joe Lieberman out for being too moderate.

No, Leiberman got kicked out because he forgot he was the Senator from CT and thought he was the senator from Israel.
He was a U.S. Citizen the moment he was born.

End of Conversation.

And so was Obama, but that didn't stop you jokers from doing the birther conspiracy thing for something like four years.

Now I think there are LOTS of good reasons to vote against Ted Cruz, but where he was born isn't one of them.

Whether he is/was a natural born citizen is a ramification for qualification; not a matter of 'reasons' to vote or not vote for someone. Way to confuse the issue as usual, Joe.
Obama has never provided a long-form hospital generated BC! Perhaps he doesn't have one, especially if he was born in Kenya. That would make him technically ineligible for POTUS due to his mother not meeting the US residency requirement that was in force at that time. To say since Cruz is eligible so is Obama is a lie and downright silly!

You represent conservatives well.
He was a U.S. Citizen the moment he was born.

End of Conversation.

And so was Obama, but that didn't stop you jokers from doing the birther conspiracy thing for something like four years.

Now I think there are LOTS of good reasons to vote against Ted Cruz, but where he was born isn't one of them.

Be careful of who are you accusing of doing what, jackass.
It's pretty strange when a US senator decides to take a stand on an issue that we have to question his motivation. Cruz can't be president so the logical assumption is ....gasp....he is doing it because he think's it is right. The last time a democrat senator came close to taking a stand on an issue the party kicked Joe Lieberman out for being too moderate.

No, Leiberman got kicked out because he forgot he was the Senator from CT and thought he was the senator from Israel.

You really do have a short memory, don't you?

Lieberman Loses Battle Over War By John Whitesides, Connecticut (Reuters) - Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman lost a Democratic Party showdown to a relative unknown on Tuesday, a casualty of voter anger over ...

Joe Lieberman loses election over support of Iraq war | Mail Online

Joe Lieberman loses election over support of Iraq war. Last updated at 18:54 09 August 2006 - Lieberman concedes; Lamont wins primary - politics ... Sen. Joe Lieberman fell to anti-war challenger Ned Lamont in Connecticut’s Democratic primary Tuesday, a race seen as a harbinger of sentiment over a ...

Pro-war Lieberman loses Senate primary | World news | … › News › World newsPro-war Lieberman loses Senate primary. Share; ... he lost to a relatively untested politician whose campaign grew from nowhere earlier this year on the back of ...

Lieberman Loses Connecticut Senate Primary : NPR
Aug 09, 2006 · Sen. Joe Lieberman, crippled by his support for the Iraq war, loses the Democratic nomination for a fourth term to political newcomer Ned Lamont, who ...
Senator Joe Lieberman, Pro-War Democrat, Loses Primary Race … Joe Lieberman, Pro-War Democrat, Loses Primary Race in Connecticut to Anti-War Candidate At 8:52 p.m. on Tuesday night, the report came in that Senator ...
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He was a U.S. Citizen the moment he was born.

End of Conversation.

And so was Obama, but that didn't stop you jokers from doing the birther conspiracy thing for something like four years.

Now I think there are LOTS of good reasons to vote against Ted Cruz, but where he was born isn't one of them.

Whether he is/was a natural born citizen is a ramification for qualification; not a matter of 'reasons' to vote or not vote for someone. Way to confuse the issue as usual, Joe.

There's no issue to confuse here. Cruz and Obama's mothers were both American citizens, and their children had citizenship extended to them by default.
It's pretty strange when a US senator decides to take a stand on an issue that we have to question his motivation. Cruz can't be president so the logical assumption is ....gasp....he is doing it because he think's it is right. The last time a democrat senator came close to taking a stand on an issue the party kicked Joe Lieberman out for being too moderate.

No, Leiberman got kicked out because he forgot he was the Senator from CT and thought he was the senator from Israel.

You really do have a short memory, don't you?

Um. No. Not really.

to recap. Leiberman was one of the guys who thought taking out Saddam was a nifty idea.

When it was discovered that most of the reasons for doing so were wrong (he didn't have WMDs. He didn't have Ties to Al Qaeda. Democracy didn't spread through the Middle East when he was gone, and no one greeted us with flowers.) most of his party turned against the war and were a bit miffed they were LIED to.

Except for Joe LIeberman, who was still out there Shilling for Israel and FUCK what his voters thought about it.

Now, yeah, he won re-election because he cheated and Republicans took a dive. So we had to listen to his santimonious bullshit for six more years before he took a hike.
And so was Obama, but that didn't stop you jokers from doing the birther conspiracy thing for something like four years.

Now I think there are LOTS of good reasons to vote against Ted Cruz, but where he was born isn't one of them.

Whether he is/was a natural born citizen is a ramification for qualification; not a matter of 'reasons' to vote or not vote for someone. Way to confuse the issue as usual, Joe.

There's no issue to confuse here. Cruz and Obama's mothers were both American citizens, and their children had citizenship extended to them by default.

That's not what you were arguing jackass. I'm uninterested in your circular logic song and dance.
It looks like Ted Cruz is the current undisputed favorite of Conservatives (much like I pointed out as him being the new face of the GOP).

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination |

Heck, even people like Tinydancer calls most of the other GOP'ers "RINOS".

So now that Ted Cruz is the top dog on the pile that begs the question, "Is he eligible"?

I have seen just about EVERY Neo-Con on this board question Obama's eligibility for the Presidency (and that was after he showed his birth certificate). And if you were one of them please explain how Obama isn't but Ted Cruz is?

I think it's a good idea to seek out the best talent regardless of birthplace. I also think that about every 50-75 years, we should perfect the Constitution to fit the times. There is no way to know for certain but I would imagine that many of the founding fathers would be shocked to see that we're still living by rules written prior to the invention of the zipper, electricity, or probably peanut butter.

Anyway; the funny thing is that the Neo-Cons here who insist the founders were the wisest people ever in crafting the 2nd amendment are willing to set aside their wisdom for Ted Cruz of all people.

I still say let him run of course but it's just another example of GOP situational ethics.
It looks like Ted Cruz is the current undisputed favorite of Conservatives (much like I pointed out as him being the new face of the GOP).

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination |

Heck, even people like Tinydancer calls most of the other GOP'ers "RINOS".

So now that Ted Cruz is the top dog on the pile that begs the question, "Is he eligible"?

I have seen just about EVERY Neo-Con on this board question Obama's eligibility for the Presidency (and that was after he showed his birth certificate). And if you were one of them please explain how Obama isn't but Ted Cruz is?

I think it's a good idea to seek out the best talent regardless of birthplace. I also think that about every 50-75 years, we should perfect the Constitution to fit the times. There is no way to know for certain but I would imagine that many of the founding fathers would be shocked to see that we're still living by rules written prior to the invention of the zipper, electricity, or probably peanut butter.

Anyway; the funny thing is that the Neo-Cons here who insist the founders were the wisest people ever in crafting the 2nd amendment are willing to set aside their wisdom for Ted Cruz of all people.

I still say let him run of course but it's just another example of GOP situational ethics.

1. The Constitution was created so that it could be changed. The process is clear. Changes are meant to be difficult to protect us against the cunning of men. You don't have to wait 50-75 years. It can be done at any time.
2. You can disregard birth place all you want; and in fact we know you do. But, the natural born citizen requirement is in place for our protection.
3. In deed, some founding fathers were skeptical about how long the Constitution would last. But, others were forthright about their belief that they had created a masterpiece. And there was a virtual consensus that it would last and work for a responsible citizenry. So, your categorization that they'd be stunned lacks historical insight.
4. Your diminishing of the founding fathers based upon the fact that they came before peanut butter and the zipper is outright stupid. Do you diminish Abraham Lincoln because he came before television and automobiles or FDR because he came before the internet and Monster drinks? They were much wiser and honorable than any leadership we currently have. They understood tyranny and fought for freedom. They knew understood and applied virtues like humility and fairness.
5. I haven't researched Cruz's situation. But, if he was born a citizen and he has retained his citizenship then I don't have a problem with his eligibility for the presidency. Do you? Are you "birther?" LMAO.

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