Cruz professor: According to Cruz's "originalist" view of the Constitution - he's not "natural born"


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Thomas Lee, a professor of constitutional law and international law at Fordham Law School, writes in the Los Angeles Times that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) would not be not be considered a “natural born citizen” under an originalist view of the Constitution.

From the LA Times:

Under either a textualist or a “living Constitution” theory, Cruz is a “natural born Citizen,” eligible to be president; under an originalist view, however, he isn’t. It’s the conservative theory that would exclude the conservative Cruz from presidential eligibility.

To an originalist, a “natural born Citizen” is a person who is a citizen of the United States under “natural” principles of law in 1788. Two such principles were then in play in the U.S. Jus soli — the law of soil — was the principle that a child was subject or citizen of the sovereign who ruled the land or seas on which the child was born. Jus soli was viewed as a part of the common law of England, which was adopted by the American states. Jus sanguinis — the law of blood — held that a child’s citizenship flowed from the parents’ allegiance, regardless of place of birth. This principle was prevalent in continental Europe, and in England it was the basis for an exception to jus soli for children born there to foreign ambassadors.

The principle of jus sanguinis in 1788 applied to patrilineal descent only: A person born in a foreign country was viewed as a “natural born Citizen” of his or her father’s country. However odious it seems today, a child born of a woman whose citizenship was different from her husband’s — much rarer then than today — could not be a “natural born Citizen” of the mother’s country. That idea wasn’t even considered until 1844 in Victorian England.

The upshot is that to an originalist, someone like Cruz — born in a foreign country (and therefore not a natural born citizen of the United States by jus soli) and to a Cuban citizen father (and therefore not a natural born citizen of the United States by jus sanguinis ) — is not eligible to be president.

Read the rest of the article here.

Therefore, Cruz speaks with forked tongue. As much as I can't stand Trump - maybe he has a point.
Harvard law professor: Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president is ‘murky and unsettled’

The legal and constitutional issues around qualification for the presidency on grounds of US citizenship are “murky and unsettled”, according to the scholar cited by Donald Trump in his recent attacks on Ted Cruz .

Trump has sought to cast doubt on whether the senator, who was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father, is a “natural-born US citizen”. In doing so he has referred to the work and words of Laurence Tribe , perhaps the most respected liberal law professor in the country.

Tribe taught both Cruz and Barack Obama at Harvard Law School. He also advised Al Gore in the 2000 Florida recount and has advised Obama’s campaign organisation.

“Despite Sen[ator] Cruz’s repeated statements that the legal/constitutional issues around whether he’s a natural-born citizen are clear and settled,” he told the Guardian by email, “the truth is that they’re murky and unsettled.”

Tribe has said previously that the question of Cruz’s eligibility is “unsettled”. On Sunday, Trump cited that position in an interview with NBC’s Meet the Press, in which he described Tribe “as a constitutional expert, one of the true experts”.

More: Harvard law professor: Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president is ‘murky and unsettled’

Doesn't sound good for Cruz.
Just when I thought nothing about these Clown Car wankers could surprise me, Cruz said he didn't know he had Canadian citizenship.

Very funny to see Drumpf stoking the burfur fire and will probably get better as the year goes on.

Just when I thought nothing about these Clown Car wankers could surprise me, Cruz said he didn't know he had Canadian citizenship.

Very funny to see Drumpf stoking the burfur fire and will probably get better as the year goes on.

Why do you lie? It isnt as if your lie cannot be discovered. ANd when it is you lose any credibility you might have had with posters who havent been here more than 10 minutes. Anyone else knows you are a liar, a fake,
Harvard law professor: Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president is ‘murky and unsettled’

The legal and constitutional issues around qualification for the presidency on grounds of US citizenship are “murky and unsettled”, according to the scholar cited by Donald Trump in his recent attacks on Ted Cruz .

Trump has sought to cast doubt on whether the senator, who was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father, is a “natural-born US citizen”. In doing so he has referred to the work and words of Laurence Tribe , perhaps the most respected liberal law professor in the country.

Tribe taught both Cruz and Barack Obama at Harvard Law School. He also advised Al Gore in the 2000 Florida recount and has advised Obama’s campaign organisation.

“Despite Sen[ator] Cruz’s repeated statements that the legal/constitutional issues around whether he’s a natural-born citizen are clear and settled,” he told the Guardian by email, “the truth is that they’re murky and unsettled.”

Tribe has said previously that the question of Cruz’s eligibility is “unsettled”. On Sunday, Trump cited that position in an interview with NBC’s Meet the Press, in which he described Tribe “as a constitutional expert, one of the true experts”.

More: Harvard law professor: Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president is ‘murky and unsettled’

Doesn't sound good for Cruz.
Give it a fucking rest, Chief. I think 10 threads a week on Cruz' eligibility is plenty.
Doesn't matter what an "originialist" would say. Cruz is eligible. End of story.
Cruz's numbers must have jumped, Lakooka has switched from attacking Trump to attacking Cruz

Its Drumpf who is attacking Cruz with their burfur crap.

Trump says he is helping Cruz by bringing the issue out now instead of later when it would be more harmful. Makes sense. Let's get this crap out of the way now so that we can focus on the real issues during the general election if Cruz is the nominee.
It's a good thing that we have this discussion regarding the Constitutional requirements of the job of president of the United States. The question is where were the Constitutionalists when Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama was running for president? Couldn't the left find a single Constitutional scholar to determine why Barry Sotoro might have claimed to be a legal alien in order to get a break in college tuition costs? Wasn't there a single Constitutional scholar who demanded to see the real birth certificate allegedly locked in a vault in Hawaii rather than the copy that Barry submitted which couldn't even get you a drivers license in most states not to mention the most important job in the freaking world?
Doesn't matter what an "originialist" would say. Cruz is eligible. End of story.

Really? Are you a Harvard law professor? According to one of Cruz's old law professors - Cruz is not eligible to be president according to even Cruz's own "originalist" interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.
Why do you lie?
Cruz formally renounced his Canadian citizenship in May of 2014 and a spokesperson for Cruz said at the time, "to our knowledge, he never had Canadian citizenship."

Sen. Ted Cruz on Tuesday said that he initially didn't know he was Canadian citizen because he didn't think it was important to consult an immigration lawyer to find out.


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