Cruz RNC Speech

Manafort set Cruz up. I love it. Everyone knew Cruz wasn't going to endorse Trump. But Cruz being the egomaniac that he is still took the opportunity to come to the convention and speak.

Man oh man he got played. The reaction of the pro Trump crowd was priceless. This was the icing on the cake for destroying the never Trumpers. This was beyond just marginalizing them.

KABOOM! I'm listening to the Red Eye guys and they think Team Trump pulled a perfect 10 on this. They couldn't lose. If just by a long shot Cruz did endorse Trump hey then we have some semblance of party unity.

If Cruz stayed true to Cruz and didn't endorse Trump he comes off like the biggest loser on the planet and lo and behold the party unites behind Trump.

Freaking awesomely played.
a man lacking in integrity, character and any qualification whatsoever to be President.


You mean this idiot? Our current POS POTUS!!

This fool sucked your dumb ass in....
Manafort set Cruz up. I love it. Everyone knew Cruz wasn't going to endorse Trump. But Cruz being the egomaniac that he is still took the opportunity to come to the convention and speak.

Man oh man he got played. The reaction of the pro Trump crowd was priceless. This was the icing on the cake for destroying the never Trumpers. This was beyond just marginalizing them.

KABOOM! I'm listening to the Red Eye guys and they think Team Trump pulled a perfect 10 on this. They couldn't lose. If just by a long shot Cruz did endorse Trump hey then we have some semblance of party unity.

If Cruz stayed true to Cruz and didn't endorse Trump he comes off like the biggest loser on the planet and lo and behold the party unites behind Trump.

Freaking awesomely played.
The funny part here is that a Trump supporter called someone else an egomaniac unironically.
Cruz is catching hell right now, but he's not as dumb as it seems. There are only three possible outcomes for his actions tonight.

With the possible exception of the thoroughly brainwashed, the only result of Lyin' Ted's speech is that everyone outside of Texas who considered him, will never consider him again in the future and are thankful that nutcase is not the Republican nominee.
At cruz

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bye bye white christian party , no way you can win
I can't stand Frump and I seriously doubt he's going to win but it would be great to have him win if only to watch your head explode. :lmao:
Hitlery's only chance is in the illegal and the dead and buried coming out of the graves to vote for her.
You over estimate your fellow voting citizens........ :eusa_whistle:
When my Democrat Union grandparents voted they would joke with the rest of the family about showing their union ID cards at the voting station, then being escorted to the 'twofer' machines. I thought that they were only joking until my granddad told me it was the only way to counterbalance the advantages that rich Republicans had with buying advertising.

Guess everyone has to have a cause celeb......... :eusa_whistle:
Cruz's speech was fine. You can't expect him to endorse trump after what trump said about his father and wife.

Trump crossed the line with a few candidates that quite frankly he should have speaking. Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee are the leaders of the freedom and constitutional movement of the GOP. It's a shame trump didn't have one of them as his running mate. But it's hard to get one of them when you conduct yourself the way trump did....
Cruz's speech was fine. You can't expect him to endorse trump after what trump said about his father and wife.

Trump crossed the line with a few candidates that quite frankly he should have speaking. Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee are the leaders of the freedom and constitutional movement of the GOP. It's a shame trump didn't have one of them as his running mate. But it's hard to get one of them when you conduct yourself the way trump did....
Trump-bots don't care about how Trump treated anyone, they expect everyone to just forget it and endorse him, and if they don't, well, they are terrible and should end their careers by default.
I half expected him to say that he was going to re-launch his campaign and just campaign in Texas to deprive Drumpf of the 38 EVs. Drumpf lost Texas by 500,000 votes if memory serves and, while Texas is ground zero for voters who can't tell chicken salad from chicken shit, they may not be sophisticated enough to know that Cruz is just trying to thwart Drumpf.... and award him the State anyway.
Cruz's speech was fine. You can't expect him to endorse trump after what trump said about his father and wife.

Trump crossed the line with a few candidates that quite frankly he should have speaking. Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee are the leaders of the freedom and constitutional movement of the GOP. It's a shame trump didn't have one of them as his running mate. But it's hard to get one of them when you conduct yourself the way trump did....
I expect him to shut the fuck up and get in the fucking trench....we americans have work to do,,,,,
How the did this politics thread end up here in current events, and have the title changed from Cruz asshole?

Cruzbots suck......
Man oh man he got played. The reaction of the pro Trump crowd was priceless. This was the icing on the cake for destroying the never Trumpers. This was beyond just marginalizing them.

KABOOM! I'm listening to the Red Eye guys and they think Team Trump pulled a perfect 10 on this. They couldn't lose. If just by a long shot Cruz did endorse Trump hey then we have some semblance of party unity.

If Cruz stayed true to Cruz and didn't endorse Trump he comes off like the biggest loser on the planet and lo and behold the party unites behind Trump.

Sorry.... it is NOT Ted Cruz's job to unify the GOP. That is 100% the job of the nominee. It's not up to Ted Cruz to defeat Hillary Clinton. That's 100% the responsibility of Donald Trump as the GOP nominee. It's not the obligation of Cruz voters to now fold in with Trump because he won the primary. It's 100% Trump's job to win them over, and by extension, it's his supporters' job as well. Frankly, Trump should be trying to win over Rand Paul voters, John Kasich voters, Marco Rubio voters, Scott Walker voters... but especially Cruz voters who make up a good portion of the Republicans who didn't support Trump in the primaries.

At this point, the last thing you need to be doing is bashing, trashing and smearing Ted Cruz. It's just mind-numbingly stupid. There isn't any rational purpose to be served by it. If ANYONE can explain it to me, please do! I would LOVE to know what exactly you all hope to accomplish with this?
Man oh man he got played. The reaction of the pro Trump crowd was priceless. This was the icing on the cake for destroying the never Trumpers. This was beyond just marginalizing them.

KABOOM! I'm listening to the Red Eye guys and they think Team Trump pulled a perfect 10 on this. They couldn't lose. If just by a long shot Cruz did endorse Trump hey then we have some semblance of party unity.

If Cruz stayed true to Cruz and didn't endorse Trump he comes off like the biggest loser on the planet and lo and behold the party unites behind Trump.

Sorry.... it is NOT Ted Cruz's job to unify the GOP. That is 100% the job of the nominee. It's not up to Ted Cruz to defeat Hillary Clinton. That's 100% the responsibility of Donald Trump as the GOP nominee. It's not the obligation of Cruz voters to now fold in with Trump because he won the primary. It's 100% Trump's job to win them over, and by extension, it's his supporters' job as well. Frankly, Trump should be trying to win over Rand Paul voters, John Kasich voters, Marco Rubio voters, Scott Walker voters... but especially Cruz voters who make up a good portion of the Republicans who didn't support Trump in the primaries.

At this point, the last thing you need to be doing is bashing, trashing and smearing Ted Cruz. It's just mind-numbingly stupid. There isn't any rational purpose to be served by it. If ANYONE can explain it to me, please do! I would LOVE to know what exactly you all hope to accomplish with this?
Possibly 4 SCOTUS spots....

Hint: Cruz ain't no Reagan.....
Man oh man he got played. The reaction of the pro Trump crowd was priceless. This was the icing on the cake for destroying the never Trumpers. This was beyond just marginalizing them.

KABOOM! I'm listening to the Red Eye guys and they think Team Trump pulled a perfect 10 on this. They couldn't lose. If just by a long shot Cruz did endorse Trump hey then we have some semblance of party unity.

If Cruz stayed true to Cruz and didn't endorse Trump he comes off like the biggest loser on the planet and lo and behold the party unites behind Trump.

Sorry.... it is NOT Ted Cruz's job to unify the GOP. That is 100% the job of the nominee. It's not up to Ted Cruz to defeat Hillary Clinton. That's 100% the responsibility of Donald Trump as the GOP nominee. It's not the obligation of Cruz voters to now fold in with Trump because he won the primary. It's 100% Trump's job to win them over, and by extension, it's his supporters' job as well. Frankly, Trump should be trying to win over Rand Paul voters, John Kasich voters, Marco Rubio voters, Scott Walker voters... but especially Cruz voters who make up a good portion of the Republicans who didn't support Trump in the primaries.

At this point, the last thing you need to be doing is bashing, trashing and smearing Ted Cruz. It's just mind-numbingly stupid. There isn't any rational purpose to be served by it. If ANYONE can explain it to me, please do! I would LOVE to know what exactly you all hope to accomplish with this?

I agree with you that it is Trump's job to unify the party. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

You shouldn't expect many of Trump's supporters to understand this. They hate the Republican establishment more than they want to win the general election.

However, what Cruz did was dumb. It was petty. It hurt the party and himself.

If he wasn't going to endorse Trump, he shouldn't have spoken.
Cruz is catching hell right now, but he's not as dumb as it seems. There are only three possible outcomes for his actions tonight.

With the possible exception of the thoroughly brainwashed, the only result of Lyin' Ted's speech is that everyone outside of Texas who considered him, will never consider him again in the future and are thankful that nutcase is not the Republican nominee.

You could be right, but what I don't understand is what reason trump might have had to concoct such a Rube Goldburg plan. Cruz was no danger to Trump in any way. Did Trump do all that just because of a silly grudge? That's not a very adult thing to do, and certainly not the behavior required of the most powerful man in the free world.
Cruz's speech was fine. You can't expect him to endorse trump after what trump said about his father and wife.

Trump crossed the line with a few candidates that quite frankly he should have speaking. Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee are the leaders of the freedom and constitutional movement of the GOP. It's a shame trump didn't have one of them as his running mate. But it's hard to get one of them when you conduct yourself the way trump did....

Absolutely correct! And what is this shit about Cruz needing to endorse Trump at the convention? Ronald Reagan never endorsed Gerald Ford in 1976. He was quite bitter at Ford for a fairly nasty primary campaign. He didn't endure the kind of nastiness Cruz did... he didn't have his wife and father attacked or repeatedly called a liar. But like Cruz, he gave a keynote address at the convention and endorsed the party and platform.

Honestly, given Trump's nasty campaign against Cruz, he should be thrilled with the speech Cruz gave at the convention. Trump's supporters should be thrilled Cruz backed Trump's platform.... but as we see, they're not... they are right back in primary campaign mode, bashing and trashing Cruz!
Cruz is catching hell right now, but he's not as dumb as it seems. There are only three possible outcomes for his actions tonight.

With the possible exception of the thoroughly brainwashed, the only result of Lyin' Ted's speech is that everyone outside of Texas who considered him, will never consider him again in the future and are thankful that nutcase is not the Republican nominee.

You could be right, but what I don't understand is what reason trump might have had to concoct such a Rube Goldburg plan. Cruz was no danger to Trump in any way. Did Trump do all that just because of a silly grudge? That's not a very adult thing to do, and certainly not the behavior required of the most powerful man in the free world.
Trump knows what he needs to do....he's working his plan, destroying the GOP'ers where he finds them.....
Cruz's speech was fine. You can't expect him to endorse trump after what trump said about his father and wife.

Trump crossed the line with a few candidates that quite frankly he should have speaking. Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee are the leaders of the freedom and constitutional movement of the GOP. It's a shame trump didn't have one of them as his running mate. But it's hard to get one of them when you conduct yourself the way trump did....

Absolutely correct! And what is this shit about Cruz needing to endorse Trump at the convention? Ronald Reagan never endorsed Gerald Ford in 1976. He was quite bitter at Ford for a fairly nasty primary campaign. He didn't endure the kind of nastiness Cruz did... he didn't have his wife and father attacked or repeatedly called a liar. But like Cruz, he gave a keynote address at the convention and endorsed the party and platform.

Honestly, given Trump's nasty campaign against Cruz, he should be thrilled with the speech Cruz gave at the convention. Trump's supporters should be thrilled Cruz backed Trump's platform.... but as we see, they're not... they are right back in primary campaign mode, bashing and trashing Cruz!
The monotone drone of you GOP'er cruzbots is disturbing......
I agree with you that it is Trump's job to unify the party. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

You shouldn't expect many of Trump's supporters to understand this. They hate the Republican establishment more than they want to win the general election.

However, what Cruz did was dumb. It was petty. It hurt the party and himself.

If he wasn't going to endorse Trump, he shouldn't have spoken.

That's funny because what you have is the Reince Preibus convention and Trump has now appointed numerous Bob Dole advisers to his campaign team. You have Paul Ryan falling all over Trump, McConnell up there at the podium speaking to the convention... doesn't look like an anti-establishment show to me at all. Looks like Trump is all over the establishment and they're all over him, and the person they equally despise is Ted Cruz... the anti-establishment CONSERVATIVE.

What Cruz did was show 100% class... He endorsed the party principles, the party platform and the party itself. He was never under any obligation or expectation to endorse Trump. Frankly, had he come out there and slobbered all over Trump with some glowing endorsement... what do you think people would have said about THAT? Do you not think many would have accused him of being absolute sell out and fraud? Oh... now that he lost he's trying to suck up to Trump! You see, Cruz couldn't win here... there is no scenario in which Cruz could've won.

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