Cruz RNC Speech

True, but astonishly MUCH less of a sack of shit than the guy you whiney little Trump bitches support.

Obviously, you're not the sharpest tool in the shed. In a previous thread you were in I mentioned I'm a big Rand Paul fan. Trump was not my first choice. But I got over it and moved on. Maybe next election will be Rand's year, but as of now I will vote Trump over Hitlery every time, and 'Lyin Ted can go fuck himself

Cruz and his supporters will tell you that he couldn't endorse Trump, even though he at one time vowed to support the eventual nominee, because he is a man of principle. And I would say that Hitler was a man of principles too, but i didn't much care for his character, nor do I care for Lying Ted's character. He is a whinney little Canadian-Cuban bitch who can't believe he got his ass kicked by a big orange clown.
Every time I see you, I remember the chewing gum story and how pissed off ChrisL was about it. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

That's funny, she sure got her tail in a knot over that, didn't she? I wonder if it was her husband, and now she knows she has kissed a man who chewed my piss gum.
I love the way this line from Ted Cruz is being totally distorted by the fanatical Trumpbots.

So apparently, we're NOT supposed to vote our conscience... we're supposed to just march in lockstep like a bunch of sheep behind Donald Trump, no matter what?

Yeah... whatever your conscience might be telling you... IGNORE that! Vote for Trump!

It's about being practical Boss. If you are right leaning then you vote for Trump. If your holier-than-thou principles don't allow that then you have more principles than brains, and you will help usher in the pant suit bull dyke into the presidency, but your precious principles will be intact. Good for you.
The only bigger asshole is Trump. Possibly the biggest asshole in the country - a man lacking in integrity, character and any qualification whatsoever to be President. And you whiney little Trump bitches fell for one of the great con men of our time.
The only con man has been the Kenyan Village Idiot, and he's been banging our asses for seven years. Trump is MOTHER TERESA compared to that Nazi sack of shit.
what a fucktard GOP'er....
Did you really think he would endorse Trump?
So if a man insulted your wife, branded you a liar, and used a dirty underhanded tactic like implicating your father in a murder conspiracy on the day of an election... you would do your duty and glorify him in front of a crowd?

Actually I would think Cruz's lawyerly instincts would kick in. He signed a contract saying he would support the nominee. Now I'm starting to wonder why I was EVER thinking about him as a Supreme Court nominee.
Why take Trumps offer to speak? Why not just stay home and watch it on TV?

Selfish, arrogant, and stupid!

  • Cruz gets booed after he declines to endorse Trump
    Politico ^ | July 20, 2016 | Nolan D. McCaskill
    The Texas senator not only failed to endorse Trump at any point during his 23-minute remarks, he also encouraged Republicans to “vote their conscience...” When it became clear that Cruz was not was not offering a direct endorsement, the crowd broke out in boos that continued for the balance of Cruz's remarks, shouting "We want Trump" as Cruz wrapped his speech. And that wasn't the only interruption. Toward the end of Cruz's remarks, Trump himself made a previously unannounced entrance into the arena, prompting cheers and pulling the attention away from the main stage. Republicans were livid with Cruz for...
Ted Cruz just fucked away his political career.

I really hate to say this because last summer I really thought Cruz was on his way to a great political career. He ran a damned good campaign, and then he harpooned that campaign toward the end by attacking the clear front runner.

I gotta say that getting BOOED at your FIRST major speech at a party convention is NOT a good way to boost a political career in public office. He could have been Trump's running mate, which would have been a guaranteed pipeline to the presidency in eight years. Now he'll be lucky to hang on to his Senate seat.
what a fucktard GOP'er....
Did you really think he would endorse Trump?
So if a man insulted your wife, branded you a liar, and used a dirty underhanded tactic like implicating your father in a murder conspiracy on the day of an election... you would do your duty and glorify him in front of a crowd?

Actually I would think Cruz's lawyerly instincts would kick in. He signed a contract saying he would support the nominee. Now I'm starting to wonder why I was EVER thinking about him as a Supreme Court nominee.
what a fucktard GOP'er....
Did you really think he would endorse Trump?
So if a man insulted your wife, branded you a liar, and used a dirty underhanded tactic like implicating your father in a murder conspiracy on the day of an election... you would do your duty and glorify him in front of a crowd?

Actually I would think Cruz's lawyerly instincts would kick in. He signed a contract saying he would support the nominee. Now I'm starting to wonder why I was EVER thinking about him as a Supreme Court nominee.
You are quite mild today, what's going on? Did you run out of booze? Maybe they caught you drinking on the job... this is your job, no?
Did you really think he would endorse Trump?
So if a man insulted your wife, branded you a liar, and used a dirty underhanded tactic like implicating your father in a murder conspiracy on the day of an election... you would do your duty and glorify him in front of a crowd?

Actually I would think Cruz's lawyerly instincts would kick in. He signed a contract saying he would support the nominee. Now I'm starting to wonder why I was EVER thinking about him as a Supreme Court nominee.
You are quite mild today, what's going on? Did you run out of booze? Maybe they caught you drinking on the job... this is your job, no?
Shut up s0n

I will when I vote HIllary clinton-- I'll be voting against you anti-government crazy bastards.
Are you fucking nuts? Did you pay attention to anything what's going on? They want to pass an infrastructure overhaul the first 90 days, the want to ensure higher quality education for ALL Americans, they want to reintroduce space exploration. Pull your head out of your ass and try to listen for once.

Then he can help you with yours. Find out who Julia is and you will understand why they want to indoctrinate her from K thru college. There is no quality in education anymore. They are teaching them socialism and anti-American everything else.
There is no free college. They plan on taxing us to death so they can screw our kids up forever.
True, but astonishly MUCH less of a sack of shit than the guy you whiney little Trump bitches support.

Obviously, you're not the sharpest tool in the shed. In a previous thread you were in I mentioned I'm a big Rand Paul fan. Trump was not my first choice. But I got over it and moved on. Maybe next election will be Rand's year, but as of now I will vote Trump over Hitlery every time, and 'Lyin Ted can go fuck himself

Cruz and his supporters will tell you that he couldn't endorse Trump, even though he at one time vowed to support the eventual nominee, because he is a man of principle. And I would say that Hitler was a man of principles too, but i didn't much care for his character, nor do I care for Lying Ted's character. He is a whinney little Canadian-Cuban bitch who can't believe he got his ass kicked by a big orange clown.
Every time I see you, I remember the chewing gum story and how pissed off ChrisL was about it. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Shut up. I only said he was disgusting and that it was an overreaction because someone takes your gum! That's disgusting! What kind of person does that?
Cruz is catching hell right now, but he's not as dumb as it seems. There are only three possible outcomes for his actions tonight.

1. Trump loses this election.
Cruz can come back in four years and say " See, I told you so, you should have supported me", and a lot of people will agree.

2. Trump wins this election, but his presidency is a constant stream of screw ups.
The outcome for Cruz is exactly the same as #1.

3. Trump wins and his presidency turns out to run smoothly, with no problems, and mostly good outcome.
The odds of that happening are extremely slim to none. Trump doesn't even understand how Washington works, and Congress will be fighting him every step of the way.
At cruz


View attachment 82355

bye bye white christian party , no way you can win
I can't stand Frump and I seriously doubt he's going to win but it would be great to have him win if only to watch your head explode. :lmao:
Hitlery's only chance is in the illegal and the dead and buried coming out of the graves to vote for her.
You over estimate your fellow voting citizens........ :eusa_whistle:
Well it is pretty obvious the saudi and bank ass kissing Texans did get get to Cruz.
They did? I wouldn't know.
At cruz

View attachment 82355

bye bye white christian party , no way you can win
I can't stand Frump and I seriously doubt he's going to win but it would be great to have him win if only to watch your head explode. :lmao:
Hitlery's only chance is in the illegal and the dead and buried coming out of the graves to vote for her.
You over estimate your fellow voting citizens........ :eusa_whistle:
When my Democrat Union grandparents voted they would joke with the rest of the family about showing their union ID cards at the voting station, then being escorted to the 'twofer' machines. I thought that they were only joking until my granddad told me it was the only way to counterbalance the advantages that rich Republicans had with buying advertising.

The only bigger asshole is Trump. Possibly the biggest asshole in the country - a man lacking in inherit you, character and any qualification whatsoever to be President. And you whiney little Trump bitches fell for one of the great con men of our time.
No....even hitlery isn't a bigger asshole than Cruz.....
For the record, Cruz hasn't broken laws and allowed the murder of people. I think I'm starting to hate Trump-Bots half as much as Hillary-Bots, and that's a lot. You guys are just as whiny and childish as he is.
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