Cruz RNC Speech

I agree with you that it is Trump's job to unify the party. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

You shouldn't expect many of Trump's supporters to understand this. They hate the Republican establishment more than they want to win the general election.

However, what Cruz did was dumb. It was petty. It hurt the party and himself.

If he wasn't going to endorse Trump, he shouldn't have spoken.

That's funny because what you have is the Reince Preibus convention and Trump has now appointed numerous Bob Dole advisers to his campaign team. You have Paul Ryan falling all over Trump, McConnell up there at the podium speaking to the convention... doesn't look like an anti-establishment show to me at all. Looks like Trump is all over the establishment and they're all over him, and the person they equally despise is Ted Cruz... the anti-establishment CONSERVATIVE.

What Cruz did was show 100% class... He endorsed the party principles, the party platform and the party itself. He was never under any obligation or expectation to endorse Trump. Frankly, had he come out there and slobbered all over Trump with some glowing endorsement... what do you think people would have said about THAT? Do you not think many would have accused him of being absolute sell out and fraud? Oh... now that he lost he's trying to suck up to Trump! You see, Cruz couldn't win here... there is no scenario in which Cruz could've won.
Cruz is an idiot, as are the Cruzbots....

You see, the hierarchy is like this:

Trump owns the GOP'ers...

The GOP'ers own Cruz.....
I agree with you that it is Trump's job to unify the party. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

You shouldn't expect many of Trump's supporters to understand this. They hate the Republican establishment more than they want to win the general election.

However, what Cruz did was dumb. It was petty. It hurt the party and himself.

If he wasn't going to endorse Trump, he shouldn't have spoken.

That's funny because what you have is the Reince Preibus convention and Trump has now appointed numerous Bob Dole advisers to his campaign team. You have Paul Ryan falling all over Trump, McConnell up there at the podium speaking to the convention... doesn't look like an anti-establishment show to me at all. Looks like Trump is all over the establishment and they're all over him, and the person they equally despise is Ted Cruz... the anti-establishment CONSERVATIVE.

What Cruz did was show 100% class... He endorsed the party principles, the party platform and the party itself. He was never under any obligation or expectation to endorse Trump. Frankly, had he come out there and slobbered all over Trump with some glowing endorsement... what do you think people would have said about THAT? Do you not think many would have accused him of being absolute sell out and fraud? Oh... now that he lost he's trying to suck up to Trump! You see, Cruz couldn't win here... there is no scenario in which Cruz could've won.

Sure he could win. Not right now, but in 4 years. See post #174.
I agree with you that it is Trump's job to unify the party. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

You shouldn't expect many of Trump's supporters to understand this. They hate the Republican establishment more than they want to win the general election.

However, what Cruz did was dumb. It was petty. It hurt the party and himself.

If he wasn't going to endorse Trump, he shouldn't have spoken.

That's funny because what you have is the Reince Preibus convention and Trump has now appointed numerous Bob Dole advisers to his campaign team. You have Paul Ryan falling all over Trump, McConnell up there at the podium speaking to the convention... doesn't look like an anti-establishment show to me at all. Looks like Trump is all over the establishment and they're all over him, and the person they equally despise is Ted Cruz... the anti-establishment CONSERVATIVE.

What Cruz did was show 100% class... He endorsed the party principles, the party platform and the party itself. He was never under any obligation or expectation to endorse Trump. Frankly, had he come out there and slobbered all over Trump with some glowing endorsement... what do you think people would have said about THAT? Do you not think many would have accused him of being absolute sell out and fraud? Oh... now that he lost he's trying to suck up to Trump! You see, Cruz couldn't win here... there is no scenario in which Cruz could've won.

Sure he could win. Not right now, but in 4 years. See post #174.
Democrats will support him again....:lol:
The monotone drone of you GOP'er cruzbots is disturbing......

What's disturbing is you thinking it's beneficial to bash and trash Cruz supporters. Hey... if we represented some 2-3% like the Johnson supporters, maybe I could see it? Maybe that's a winning strategy? But I don't think you grasp how many people out there voted for Ted Cruz and they are not going to vote for Trump unless this tone changes dramatically. It may already be too late... I know that it is for some... you've already turned a bunch of them off and they'd rather see you burn in hell before they'd vote for your guy now.

I'm here trying as hard as I can to get through to you hard heads and make you understand the seriousness of this situation before you fucking throw this slam-dunk election away. But none of you want to listen, you just keep right on acting like we're in the primaries and you must defeat me and Cruz! Attack, attack, attack... that's all I am seeing. Like a bunch of rabid poodles!
The monotone drone of you GOP'er cruzbots is disturbing......

What's disturbing is you thinking it's beneficial to bash and trash Cruz supporters. Hey... if we represented some 2-3% like the Johnson supporters, maybe I could see it? Maybe that's a winning strategy? But I don't think you grasp how many people out there voted for Ted Cruz and they are not going to vote for Trump unless this tone changes dramatically. It may already be too late... I know that it is for some... you've already turned a bunch of them off and they'd rather see you burn in hell before they'd vote for your guy now.

I'm here trying as hard as I can to get through to you hard heads and make you understand the seriousness of this situation before you fucking throw this slam-dunk election away. But none of you want to listen, you just keep right on acting like we're in the primaries and you must defeat me and Cruz! Attack, attack, attack... that's all I am seeing. Like a bunch of rabid poodles!
It's a binary process at this point...

Let's cut the shit....are YOU voting Trump?
Cruz is an idiot, as are the Cruzbots....

You see, the hierarchy is like this:

Trump owns the GOP'ers...

The GOP'ers own Cruz.....

If this reflects the attitude of Trump's supporters, I predict a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton.
I agree with you that it is Trump's job to unify the party. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

You shouldn't expect many of Trump's supporters to understand this. They hate the Republican establishment more than they want to win the general election.

However, what Cruz did was dumb. It was petty. It hurt the party and himself.

If he wasn't going to endorse Trump, he shouldn't have spoken.

That's funny because what you have is the Reince Preibus convention and Trump has now appointed numerous Bob Dole advisers to his campaign team. You have Paul Ryan falling all over Trump, McConnell up there at the podium speaking to the convention... doesn't look like an anti-establishment show to me at all. Looks like Trump is all over the establishment and they're all over him, and the person they equally despise is Ted Cruz... the anti-establishment CONSERVATIVE.

What Cruz did was show 100% class... He endorsed the party principles, the party platform and the party itself. He was never under any obligation or expectation to endorse Trump. Frankly, had he come out there and slobbered all over Trump with some glowing endorsement... what do you think people would have said about THAT? Do you not think many would have accused him of being absolute sell out and fraud? Oh... now that he lost he's trying to suck up to Trump! You see, Cruz couldn't win here... there is no scenario in which Cruz could've won.

Sure he could win. Not right now, but in 4 years. See post #174.
Democrats will support him again....:lol:

I'm not sure Democrats support him now or in the future. He's too much of a right wing religious nut.
And there you fucking have GOP'ers are the problem......and we WILL fix you....

Yes... after you finish blowing Mitch McConnell and Reince Preibus and get their jizz out of your mouths... you follow Bob Dole's campaign team to victory in the NEW GOP! :rofl:
I agree with you that it is Trump's job to unify the party. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

You shouldn't expect many of Trump's supporters to understand this. They hate the Republican establishment more than they want to win the general election.

However, what Cruz did was dumb. It was petty. It hurt the party and himself.

If he wasn't going to endorse Trump, he shouldn't have spoken.

That's funny because what you have is the Reince Preibus convention and Trump has now appointed numerous Bob Dole advisers to his campaign team. You have Paul Ryan falling all over Trump, McConnell up there at the podium speaking to the convention... doesn't look like an anti-establishment show to me at all. Looks like Trump is all over the establishment and they're all over him, and the person they equally despise is Ted Cruz... the anti-establishment CONSERVATIVE.

What Cruz did was show 100% class... He endorsed the party principles, the party platform and the party itself. He was never under any obligation or expectation to endorse Trump. Frankly, had he come out there and slobbered all over Trump with some glowing endorsement... what do you think people would have said about THAT? Do you not think many would have accused him of being absolute sell out and fraud? Oh... now that he lost he's trying to suck up to Trump! You see, Cruz couldn't win here... there is no scenario in which Cruz could've won.

Sure he could win. Not right now, but in 4 years. See post #174.
Democrats will support him again....:lol:

I'm not sure Democrats support him now or in the future. He's too much of a right wing religious nut.

Sorry, I thought you understood what was going on....
And there you fucking have GOP'ers are the problem......and we WILL fix you....

Yes... after you finish blowing Mitch McConnell and Reince Preibus and get their jizz out of your mouths... you follow Bob Dole's campaign team to victory in the NEW GOP! :rofl:
It's,great to see those fuckers on their knees, alongside you and your Cruz....:lol:
Cruz will suck who the GOP'ers tell him to suck......

If he does, it will be the first time.

Meanwhile, Trump seems willing to suck them ALL, the Bernie voters, his buddy Chucky Schumer, Bob Dole advisers, Goldmann-Sachs people, liberals... anyone but Conservatives... ooops oh wait, he selected Pence! AND he let that Despicable Lyin' Ted speak at his convention... He'll suck a little conservative cock too... he's not too proud!
Cruz will suck who the GOP'ers tell him to suck......

If he does, it will be the first time.

Meanwhile, Trump seems willing to suck them ALL, the Bernie voters, his buddy Chucky Schumer, Bob Dole advisers, Goldmann-Sachs people, liberals... anyone but Conservatives... ooops oh wait, he selected Pence! AND he let that Despicable Lyin' Ted speak at his convention... He'll suck a little conservative cock too... he's not too proud!
Look boss, we are over here putting tea into the can stay over there with the GOP and watch, just stay the fuck out of our way.....
Look boss, we are over here putting tea into the can stay over there with the GOP and watch, just stay the fuck out of our way.....
No you're not... your boy Trump has been fawning all over Paul Ryan, Reince Preibus, Mitch McConnell and all the rest of the Establishment elite in DC.... all week long. He worked his supporters into a frenzy and they voted to keep the rules of the convention and future conventions the same as the ones put in place by Mitt Romney which blocks out grass roots campaigns and allows the RNC to completely control the conventions.

And no... sorry... not staying out of your way or anyone's way. I am going to continue to stand firmly for my conservative principles and if you don't like it, you can go take a flying leap.
Look boss, we are over here putting tea into the can stay over there with the GOP and watch, just stay the fuck out of our way.....
No you're not... your boy Trump has been fawning all over Paul Ryan, Reince Preibus, Mitch McConnell and all the rest of the Establishment elite in DC.... all week long. He worked his supporters into a frenzy and they voted to keep the rules of the convention and future conventions the same as the ones put in place by Mitt Romney which blocks out grass roots campaigns and allows the RNC to completely control the conventions.

And no... sorry... not staying out of your way or anyone's way. I am going to continue to stand firmly for my conservative principles and if you don't like it, you can go take a flying leap.
No, make no mistake about it, I hate you establishment tools....

You a conservative, that's a fucking joke.....

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