cruz will replace medical care with pray....go for it gop....


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
Earlier in the month, Cruz told religious fanatics at CPAC that the only reason any American suffers from health issues is because they are not faithful Christian fanatics. Cruz said, “There would be less cancer, less disease, and aids and diabetes in this country if people would simply pray. God blesses the righteous with good health and curses the immoral with sickness.” It is unlikely that Cruz depends on prayer for his medical care because taxpayers provide it for him, and since he is inherently immoral, his god is certainly not blessing him with good health; especially mental health. However, Cruz is not the only religious Republican who invoked the almighty to oppose healthcare for millions of Americans.

Ryan told the state legislators to “hold firm” in wiping out access to healthcare and promised that Republicans would come up with their own “Obamacare alternative” real soon. Ryan said that when Republicans got around to it, the mystery bill would revive pre-ACA limited coverage insurance plans in states that did not want to set up their own exchanges. Ryan continued that “If people blink and if people say I’m just going to sign up for a state-based exchange and put my constituents in Obamacare, then this opportunity will slip through your fingers.” Republicans will never allow an opportunity to prevent Americans from having medical coverage slip through their fingers and Ryan was emphatic that, “Oh God NO” do not help your constituents have access to medical care.

GOP Sociopaths Not God Don t Want Americans To Have Medical Care

now i want all you cruz supporters to call and cancel all your insurances...cause you are just gonna pray and god will protect you....o please tell me that you are willing to put your money where your mouth is and cancel your insurance...cause cruz knows all you sick people are just immoral and need to pray and convert or die!

and you wonder why the democrats will win 2016?
The only thing wrong with Medical Care in the US are the Insurance Scams that go along with it, driving up costs. That includes ObamaCare.

Example: I received a bill from the University of Maryland for Cancer treatment that amounted to over 20k. One problem: I've never even BEEN to the place!

I had an appointment there back in December that I cancelled immediately but that didn't stop them from billing me anyway. See, I was already in their system, they knew my condition and got the gravy train going before anything was ever done. And you KNOW I wasn't the only patient that has been billed like that.

That's just how massive insurance schemes are run.
Earlier in the month, Cruz told religious fanatics at CPAC that the only reason any American suffers from health issues is because they are not faithful Christian fanatics. Cruz said, “There would be less cancer, less disease, and aids and diabetes in this country if people would simply pray. God blesses the righteous with good health and curses the immoral with sickness.” It is unlikely that Cruz depends on prayer for his medical care because taxpayers provide it for him, and since he is inherently immoral, his god is certainly not blessing him with good health; especially mental health. However, Cruz is not the only religious Republican who invoked the almighty to oppose healthcare for millions of Americans.

Ryan told the state legislators to “hold firm” in wiping out access to healthcare and promised that Republicans would come up with their own “Obamacare alternative” real soon. Ryan said that when Republicans got around to it, the mystery bill would revive pre-ACA limited coverage insurance plans in states that did not want to set up their own exchanges. Ryan continued that “If people blink and if people say I’m just going to sign up for a state-based exchange and put my constituents in Obamacare, then this opportunity will slip through your fingers.” Republicans will never allow an opportunity to prevent Americans from having medical coverage slip through their fingers and Ryan was emphatic that, “Oh God NO” do not help your constituents have access to medical care.

GOP Sociopaths Not God Don t Want Americans To Have Medical Care

now i want all you cruz supporters to call and cancel all your insurances...cause you are just gonna pray and god will protect you....o please tell me that you are willing to put your money where your mouth is and cancel your insurance...cause cruz knows all you sick people are just immoral and need to pray and convert or die!

and you wonder why the democrats will win 2016?

Him and his bible thumping ilk belong in mental institutions
Bones, which part of this statement means Ted Cruz doesn't want you to have HealthCare?

There would be less cancer, less disease, and aids and diabetes in this country if people would simply pray. God blesses the righteous with good health and curses the immoral with sickness.”
Bones, which part of this statement means Ted Cruz doesn't want you to have HealthCare?

There would be less cancer, less disease, and aids and diabetes in this country if people would simply pray. God blesses the righteous with good health and curses the immoral with sickness.”
God told me to tell you guys to shut up and take care of each other like he said...
Earlier in the month, Cruz told religious fanatics at CPAC that the only reason any American suffers from health issues is because they are not faithful Christian fanatics. Cruz said, “There would be less cancer, less disease, and aids and diabetes in this country if people would simply pray. God blesses the righteous with good health and curses the immoral with sickness.” It is unlikely that Cruz depends on prayer for his medical care because taxpayers provide it for him, and since he is inherently immoral, his god is certainly not blessing him with good health; especially mental health. However, Cruz is not the only religious Republican who invoked the almighty to oppose healthcare for millions of Americans.

Ryan told the state legislators to “hold firm” in wiping out access to healthcare and promised that Republicans would come up with their own “Obamacare alternative” real soon. Ryan said that when Republicans got around to it, the mystery bill would revive pre-ACA limited coverage insurance plans in states that did not want to set up their own exchanges. Ryan continued that “If people blink and if people say I’m just going to sign up for a state-based exchange and put my constituents in Obamacare, then this opportunity will slip through your fingers.” Republicans will never allow an opportunity to prevent Americans from having medical coverage slip through their fingers and Ryan was emphatic that, “Oh God NO” do not help your constituents have access to medical care.

GOP Sociopaths Not God Don t Want Americans To Have Medical Care

now i want all you cruz supporters to call and cancel all your insurances...cause you are just gonna pray and god will protect you....o please tell me that you are willing to put your money where your mouth is and cancel your insurance...cause cruz knows all you sick people are just immoral and need to pray and convert or die!

and you wonder why the democrats will win 2016?

Him and his bible thumping ilk belong in mental institutions

There would also be less cancer, disease and diabetes in the country if people ate less shit and stopped smoking.

I'll take that over prayer.
There would also be less cancer, disease and diabetes in the country if people ate less shit and stopped smoking.

I'll take that over prayer.
It would be even better if corporations led the whey.....with the crap they produce...
There would also be less cancer, disease and diabetes in the country if people ate less shit and stopped smoking.

I'll take that over prayer.
It would be even better if corporations led the whey.....with the crap they produce...

Yeah, you know, I have to agree with that. And I'm a big supporter of capitalism.

Freewill is nice, and all that, but when incredibly wealthy organizations are spending, literally, billions of dollars a year to appeal to your most base evolutionary instincts of survival, they do bare some responsibility.

Go into a Denny's or an IHOP or a TGI Friday's, and you will see these big wonderful pictures of meals on the menu that are designed as stimuli to trigger a deep-seated response mechanism within your brain so you will buy things that are ultimately bad for you in the long run.

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